Salt System Startup Guide
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Power must always be OFF when spa is empty.
Before filling your spa, take a sample of your fill water to your local dealer for testing to
determine if your water contains high levels of metals, phosphates, and/or calcium. If high
levels are detected, your dealer can recommend additional products to help bring your fill
water into balance. Starting with balanced water is key to the success of clean, long-lasting
water with the FreshWater® Salt System.
Metals - Using well water or have high metal content in your water? Iron and manganese
should be below 0.5 ppm and copper should be below 0.2 ppm. If metals are present in the
water, they must be removed before startup of the FreshWater Salt System. It is strongly
recommended to fill your spa using the FreshWater Clean Screen® Pre-Filter.
Phosphates - It is important to test for phosphates in your fill water using the provided
phosphate test kit. Phosphates contribute to algae growth and will reduce the eectiveness
of your salt system. Reference the table in Step 4 for recommended phosphate ranges.
If you have used liquid products to remove metals from your spa water, you must clean your
filters and wait 24 hours after treatment before turning the salt system on or adding any chlorine.
Before adding water, remove plug and insert your salt system cartridge. Using your garden hose, fill your spa through
the filter compartment until the water level reaches one inch (2.5 cm) above the highest jet.
If your fill water contains high levels of metal or calcium, use the FreshWater
Clean Screen
Pre-Filter and/or
On The Go
as required.
Once the spa is filled with water, turn the power on (see spa Owner’s Manual for specific instructions based on the
voltage of your hot tub). Set the temperature to your desired level (at least 95 degrees Fahrenheit) and turn o the
salt system by setting the output level to zero (recommended). Check your jet systems by pushing the jets icon on the
control panel home screen. When you’ve confirmed that the jets are fully operational, adjust your diverter valves to
middle position and leave the jets on for adding salt.
It’s normal for the water care icon on the control panel and diagnostic logo light (if equipped) to flash during this
step if you choose not to turn your salt system o.
To find the correct water capacity of your spa model, check the chart
in your spa Owner’s Manual.
Make sure spa jets are on before adding salt. To avoid over salting
the water, start out by adding half the recommended amount of salt
noted on the chart to the right, using the scoop provided in your kit.
Pour the salt into the filter compartment, one cup at a time, with
the jets running. Allow five minutes for the salt to dissolve.
Use FreshWater Salt Test Strips to verify the salt level is around
1,750 ppm. Continue to add salt, one cup at a time, as needed to
reach the target level. Be careful to not exceed the recommended
target of 1,750 ppm.
Spa Capacity Salt
Gallons Liters Cups
200 760 4 ½ Level 5
250 950 5 ¾ Level 5
300 1,140 7 Level 6
350 1,330 8 Level 6
400 1,520 9 ¼ Level 6
450 1,710 10 ¼ Level 6
500 1,900 11 ½ Level 7
550 2,090 12 ½ Level 7
600 2,280 13 ¾ Level 7
Test your water using a FreshWater® test strip. Using the chart to
the right, review pH and alkalinity levels to determine if your water
is within the salt system’s parameters and adjust as needed. Make
note of the calcium hardness level as this will be addressed in
Step 6. Refer to your spa Owner’s Manual for detailed instructions
on how to bring pH and alkalinity levels into balance. Once the
water has been balanced, retest the water using the appropriate
FreshWater test strip. Repeat the process until the water is balanced.
With all jets on and the diverter valves turned to the middle position, add chlorine to the filter compartment (refer
to the product label for instructions). Run jets for five minutes and measure the chlorine with a new FreshWater 5-Way
Test Strip. Your target chlorine level is 5 ppm. If your level is less than 5 ppm repeat the chlorination process. Wait
five minutes then test again. Repeat until the target level of 5 ppm is reached.
If using liquid chlorine - DO NOT USE splash-free or scented bleach of any kind.
This chlorination step is very important for a successful startup. Skipping this step can prevent the system from
establishing a chlorine residual.
Include this step if you did not use a calcium remover during the fill process in Step 2.
Hard water can damage your hot tub equipment and may hinder the eectiveness of the salt system, so it’s important
to make sure your water is soft. Your target calcium level is 50 ppm. Use the following guidelines if your calcium
hardness is over 75 ppm:
75-150 ppm - Use the Vanishing Act
pillow provided in your start up kit (refer to Owner’s Manual for instructions)
150-300 ppm - Use the Vanishing Act XL or an On The Go
portable water softener (available at your local dealer)
Over 300 ppm - Use an On The Go portable water softener during fill process
After 24 hours, test spa water with a FreshWater 5-Way Test Strip. If calcium hardness level still reads above 75 ppm,
repeat the process until you get close to 50 ppm. Discard Vanishing Act in your normal trash after recommended
amount of time and before continuing to next step.
Salt System
OK Range
Minimum Maximum
Salt 1,750 ppm 1,500 ppm 2,000 ppm
Hardness 50 ppm 25 ppm 75 ppm
Alkalinity 80 ppm 40 ppm 120 ppm
pH 7.4 7.2 7. 8
Chlorine 4 ppm 3 ppm 5 ppm
Phosphates < 150 ppb 0 ppb 300 ppb
The following steps are typically performed 24 hours after Steps 1-6 have
been addressed.
Access the water care menu on your control panel. Set the salt system output to
the recommended level indicated in the chart to the right.
Using a FreshWater® 5-Way Test Strip, check the water to ensure a residual
chlorine level of at least 3 ppm has been maintained over the past 24 hours.
If the chlorine level has dropped below 3 ppm, repeat the chlorination process
to achieve 5 ppm and press the Boost button. Check the chlorine level again in 24 hours, and continue the chlorination
and Boost process each day until the salt system can independently maintain the target 3 ppm chlorine residual.
Over the next few days, continue to test your water using a FreshWater 5-Way Test Strip and adjust the salt system output
level as needed.
The salt system cleans the water before it produces a chlorine residual that is visible on a test strip. If there is
not a measurable amount of chlorine in the spa water after 24 hours, this is an indication that the salt system is still
cleaning the water. If there are contaminants in the water, or you use the spa often initially, it may take the salt system
a few days to clean the spa water and keep up with your chlorine demand. Use Boost to generate additional chlorine
during this process. This is perfectly normal and does not mean that your Freshwater Salt System is not working.
Salt System Output Level
Level 0 System O
Level 1-4 Vacation/Low Output
Level 5-7 Normal Use (Recommended)
Level 8-9 High Use
Level 10 Maximum Output
Boost Level 10 for 24 Hours
The FreshWater Salt System makes spa ownership simple and easy by reducing the amount of time required to care for your spa
water. It is important to note that maintaining balanced and sanitized spa water is ultimately the responsibility of the spa owner.
Here are some helpful tips:
10-Day checkup: Every 10 days, the water care icon on the
control panel will flash as a reminder to check your spa by
testing and balancing your spa water and confirming your
output level. The 10-day timer will reset any time you
adjust your output level. If you do not perform the 10-day
maintenance routine, the system will default to Low Output
Mode (level 3 after 15 days and level 1 after 20 days).
Test and balance spa water to keep calcium, pH and
alkalinity levels within the recommended ranges.
Test for chlorine regularly and adjust the salt system output
level up or down to maintain 3 to 5 ppm. It is recommended
to adjust the output level or use Boost before supplemental
chlorine is added.
The system is compatible with chlorine, MPS, and silver.
It is NOT compatible with bromine or BaquaSpa®
(biguanide). Never add scented oils to your spa.
© 2021 Watkins Wellness
• 1280 Park Center Drive Vista, CA 92081 • PH: 800.999.4688 • 63572 Rev: A
Please see your FreshWater Salt System Owner’s Manual
for detailed instructions and other best practices.