From Legacy
Systems to Ultimate
Citizen Experiences
Seven Planning, Permitting and
Licensing Must Haves When Replacing
Your Legacy System
It’s been said that it’s
impossible to optimize a
complex system by
optimizing individual parts.
But that’s exactly the challenge many agencies face as
they continuously work to update and improve the dispa-
rate legacy systems that power planning, permitting, and
licensing activities – all while trying to deliver high-quality
citizen services and experiences.
By focusing on legacy system patches and workarounds,
agencies can fall further behind as they struggle to keep
pace with today’s connected customers who expect
user-friendly tools and government services on demand.
City, county, and state
governments around the world
operating on outdated systems
recognize that they can no
longer rely on a mixed bag of
online and on-premises
technologies. Many agencies
are evaluating cloud-based
systems to modernize opera-
tions and better serve current
and future citizen needs.
But while it’s simple to
identify current process issues,
a technology vendor that
is reliable and capable of
supporting the delivery
of services with digital
experiences that customers
will love today and scale with
their growing expectations.
The seven “must haves”
Key considerations when evaluating community development
and regulatory (CDR) solution providers.
01: CDR at the core of the business
02: Expert SaaS implementation
03: Citizen portal access
04: Robust system agility and extensibility
05: Visual and intuitive workow design
06: Mobile solutions for eld staff
07: Predictable and painless upgrades
For example, building inspection
backlogs can quickly become
overwhelming with outdated systems
should be committed to driving out the
traditional permitting solutions. To
determine this focus, some good
question for vendors are:
What percentage of revenues are
coming from CDR applications?
to your CDR initiatives?
Can you provide examples of
government agencies you have helped
transition to a SaaS platform supporting
CDR initiatives?
Do you provide a visual and intuitive
processes involving multiple
departments and process components?
the assignment of user tasks and the
routing and tracking of approvals?
Can you provide examples of
to perform higher-value tasks?
expertise in
and regulatory
An important “must have” for evaluating
vendors is a strong focus on CDR
applications. This focus is key to building
agencies that support and streamline
community growth and development,
rather than holding it back. Streamlined
planning, permitting, licensing, and
forward-thinking governments accelerate
community development.
Accela | From Legacy Systems to Ultimate Citizen Experiences 6
At Accela, CDR is our core
business, not a side hustle
We’re committed to leadership in planning, permitting, licensing and code enforcement systems,
The ability to deliver quick turnarounds for applications, plan reviews and approvals can be a
game-changer for agencies tasked with supporting growing cities.
One CDR success story comes from the
City of Weston, FL. Prior to the pandemic,
to submit applications, make inquiries,
and pay outstanding fees. Since adopting
the Accela platform, Weston has seen an
and adopted the slogan, “We would
rather you be online than in line.
In addition, before Weston implemented
spent on data entry, keying in information
submitted on paper forms. These permit
technicians have since become plans
coordinators, spending more time
working on quality assurance and
focusing on strategic initiatives.
We would
rather you be
online than
in line.
—Ryan Fernandes, Director of Technology ServicesWeston, Florida
Your SaaS partner should provide:
Proven, pre-built functionality and
frameworks and solutions that can
streamline implementation and
control costs
A technology environment that’s
proactively secure and supports end-
to-end encryption and compliance
with rigorous data security standards
Automatic, prescheduled hardware
Capabilities to manage your entire
agency infrastructure, including
and applications
Deep SaaS
Digital transformation in
government is accelerating,
and Accela’s Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS) platform helps
agencies realize the benets
of this rapid modernization
of technology. Many agencies
continue to struggle with the
costs and resources required to
maintain older systems.
Implementation questions for prospective SaaS
partners include:
How many successful cloud implementations has
your organization completed?
What training is available for SaaS solution users to
facilitate adoption and time-to-value?
Does the platform meet data security and
compliance requirements, such as ADA, for your
agency and partners?
agency requirements, or is additional custom
development required?
Can our agency take advantage of multi-tenant
setup with single-tenant database isolation to
enable simultaneous scaling and isolation?
Does the vendor’s SaaS platform use a multi-
tier architecture to support future scaling without
Going forward, SaaS hosting and service
delivery saves time, money, and ensures
you are receiving all the benets of
technology advancement without the
expense of maintaining hardware and
software in-house.
Accela | From Legacy Systems to Ultimate Citizen Experiences 10
From the public’s point of
view, accessing government
services should be as
simple as ordering groceries
or a rideshare. People who
have grown accustomed to
Amazon and eBay expect an
engaging and responsive
experience from any device,
at any time – including
government websites.
Citizen portal access and
enhanced user experience
outdated and incomplete information have no place in modern
government agencies. Ask vendors if their portal enables citizens to:
Pay fees, schedule inspections, and conduct other transactions
Submit and track permit applications electronically
Connect via mobile phones, tablets, or PCs
Use self-service features any time of the day or night
Easily operate the portal without training or assistance
View guidelines, policy documents and resources
Meet ADA compliance requirements
Accela | From Legacy Systems to Ultimate Citizen Experiences 11
Citizen portal must haves for agencies include:
A user-friendly interface that enables users to manage and update content
GIS integration that provides intuitive visualizations to access land parcel
permit history, view code and zoning details, and map and route inspections
a portal that matches your agency’s colors and brand image
Low code/no code development environment for ease of implementation
and maintenance
Enabling citizens to engage and complete
their transactions online lets you reduce
costs and human resources, while increasing
customer satisfaction.
System extensibility is the capability to
extend your solutions through integrations
with cloud-based and on-premises
applications that help streamline
operations and deliver citizen services
and resources across a jurisdiction.
your agency’s apps, data, services, and
systems. Cloud platforms also enable the
rapid development of scalable solutions
and integrations with legacy and modern
systems across cloud, on-premises, and
hybrid environments.
agility and
Accela | From Legacy Systems to Ultimate Citizen Experiences 13
Accela’s robust API management system
and pre-built connectors are key to
extensibility for modern government
agencies. By using connectors, you expand
the capabilities for cloud and on-premises
apps to make the most of your data. Our
experience in integrating enterprise
applications with your existing tech stack
can help you make the most of current
and future IT investments.
New types of permitting requirements such as
short-term rentals, cannabis, solar permitting, and
be ready? Perhaps the ultimate test of agility and
pandemic struck and government workplaces
around the world came to a halt.
System extensibility must haves include:
Flexibility to run in government, public,
or private clouds
A broad set of published, high-quality,
actively maintained APIs
Pre-packaged connectors to support
extended functionality
Linking government agencies across
jurisdictions agencies and departments
Connecting government employees and
third-party partners for more responsive
citizen services
System agility must haves include:
Architecture designed to support
unique agency requirements and
Core-functionality reference models to
provide clear starting points for custom
meet evolving licensing and permitting
Accela | From Legacy Systems to Ultimate Citizen Experiences 14
How smart cities stayed
resilient during COVID-19
         
re-evaluate their operations and technology strategies. Agencies strived to safeguard
their own teams while delivering essential government functions to help citizens
Within two weeks, Accela was able to leverage its own cloud infrastructure and
tions to enable state and local governments to accelerate the delivery of safely
distanced services to millions of citizens.
          
Government Partner of the Year and Community Response. Accela-powered agen-
             
employees and set up touchless services for citizens quickly, while agencies running
on outdated systems struggled.
Strategic workow management is
the foundation of process automation.
Flexible and intuitive workows
are a key aspect of ecient process
automation. Your system should
make it simple to design and create
workows that include all tasks
required to implement complete
end-to-end processes.
simplify the creation of tasks and subtasks
manage documents, and track processing
times. Time tracking can help unlock
opportunities for your agency to
For example, a commercial building permit
acceptance, building review, permit issuance,
on the type of status changes. For example,
you can notify both contractors and public
building inspection.
Without a robust visual workow builder,
many agencies struggle to stand up new
permitting and licensing services to
support regulation for 5G, cannabis, solar,
and code enforcement. The agency’s slow
response can mean frustrated customers
and lost revenue.
Ask prospective vendors if they provide:
A visual builder and editor that creates process
and relationships between tasks
view process steps and the status of their permit
and license applications
The ability to adjust quickly to new operational
A system that enables you to save a history of
ongoing improvement
workers to stay connected with
robust mobile systems. Your
approach that provides instant
access and connections to work
inspection teams.
Robust mobile support
for eld workers
Accela | From Legacy Systems to Ultimate Citizen Experiences 18
A robust mobile solution:
Supports all aspects of code enforcement
Is built-in rather than bolted on, with tightly
Has pre-built forms and checklists, and
scheduling tools that are customizable to
support codes and comments
Enables your team to attach and mark up
supporting photos or videos and attach them
to checklists to document issues
Includes GIS integration that provides intuitive
location pin drop
Is compatible with Windows, Android and
iOS devices
Supports on-site signatures and the ability
Be aware that nearly all vendors
claim to have tightly integrated mobile
capabilities. Ask prospective vendors
to explain specic features including
prebuilt mobile capabilities for
inspectors, work crews, and
code ocers.
Accela | From Legacy Systems to Ultimate Citizen Experiences 19
Upgrades are even more predictable when custom
development is minimized. Accela solutions leverage
opposed to building core capabilities through
extensive customizations.
Ask your vendor if their upgrade process:
Is backed by a team of experts with deep
government sector experience
Can reduce the IT resources currently required to
support system upgrades
Is priced into the service for predictability for
IT budgeting
Runs on a robust and future-ready cloud
disruptive, risky, and expensive. SaaS upgrades are
and security features are always available – a win for
agency partners and citizen users.
Predictable and painless
platform upgrades
Government agencies around the
world are embracing SaaS models
for various reasons. SaaS
simplies IT management,
reduces costs, and strengthens
enterprise security. For many IT
teams, a key advantage of SaaS
infrastructure is a predictable and
secure upgrade path.
Choose future-ready
civic applications
Citizens can’t see an outdated technology stack that’s patched
together from standalone systems and applications. But
citizens can clearly see when government service delivery
is inconsistent, confusing, or unresponsive.
Agencies around the world are making the switch from
on-premises to SaaS models to better serve today’s citizens and
prepare for the next generation of government services. If you’re
looking to become future-ready, now’s the time to modernize
your infrastructure to optimize operations, empower your team,
and deliver outstanding citizen experiences.
Civic Applications for
today and tomorrow
It’s crucial to ask prospective vendors what specialized applications are available to
power your core services. Are pre-built solutions available to help your agency ramp up
quickly to address growing planning and permitting challenges?
Service Request
Business Licensing
Occupational Licensing
Alcoholic Beverage Control
Short-term Rental
Cannabis Regulation
Fire Prevention
Environmental Health
Accela features a suite of proven Civic Applications that are especially designed to
Replacing legacy systems
with an integrated cloud
solution saves time –
speeding up current
processes anywhere from
30% to 50%, depending
on the agency’s previous
solution – while enabling
you to increase service
offerings and citizen
At Accela, we say it’s critical to seek out vendors who sweat the details, who
can have meaningful conversations around key issues including uptime,
sustainability, and security – and how systems will scale to meet emerging
regulations and customer expectations in the years to come.
Ready to implement remote
government access, empower
cross-agency collaboration, and deliver
the next generation of innovative
government services?
Accela solutions empower your agency to build strong communities, support
growing businesses, and protect citizens.
Learn how you can transform your planning, permitting, inspections and code
enforcement services today.
Call 888.722.2352 or
© 2021 Accela, Inc. All rights reserved.