Lubin School of Business
Department of Accounting
Frequently Asked Questions -
Pace University’s Accounting Programs New ACCA Accreditation
For more information, or if you have any questions not covered in the following FAQ, please contact
Dr. Charles Tang, Chair, Department of Accounting, Lubin School of Business (ytang@pace.edu)
What does ACCA accreditation mean to Pace and its students?
Pace University’s Lubin School of Business accounting programs received accreditation from
the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in Spring 2015. This international
accreditation extends the reputation of Pace’s accounting programs, increases its international profile,
and adds significant value to Pace students in the global marketplace. Before this accreditation,
Lubin had already been nationally recognized for its success in developing leaders in the accounting
profession. The 2015 Public Accounting Report ranks Pace’s undergraduate and graduate accounting
programs in the top 50 in the nation. Lubin, dually accredited in business and accounting by AACSB
International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the premier accrediting
organization for business schools in the world, is among 2% of business schools in the world who
share this elite distinction.
Starting in Fall 2015, graduate and undergraduate students in Pace’s accounting programs
will be able to complete coursework that will qualify them for specific exemptions from ACCA’s 14
exams; the exemptions will initially include four of the exams for graduate courses and five for
undergraduate courses, and can expand to more exemptions as the two parties continue their
discussion and reach new agreements in the next couple of semesters. A student who successfully
graduates from Pace’s rigorous program will automatically receive exemptions for those specific
exams and be able to use them towards the completion of the ACCA qualification. Students will still
be required to take and earn passing grades on ACCA exams that are not exempted.
What is ACCA?
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global professional
accounting body offering the ACCA Qualification. The organization is one of six professional
accounting organizations in the United Kingdom that enjoys the Royal Charters, and one of five that
acts as a statutory regulator for the accounting and auditing sector. ACCA now has more than
170,000 members and 436,000 students in 180 countries supported by a network of 91 offices. An
ACCA membership is evidence of proficiency in knowledge and skills in the field of accounting.
What does an ACCA membership entail internationally?
In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Cyprus and Zimbabwe, an ACCA membership enables an
individual to carry out public accounting practices, including expressing an audit opinion on financial
statements of corporations, if the ACCA member holds a practicing certificate issued by ACCA
which permits him or her to do so. Holders of ACCA practicing certificates must comply with
additional regulations such as carrying liability insurance. To qualify for an ACCA practicing
certificate, the ACCA member must complete a three-year practical training, two of which must be
gained after being admitted to membership.
The ACCA Qualification, which is benchmarked as being equivalent to a UK Master’s
degree, is recognized in a large number of countries. Although one must usually become a member of
the national accountancy body to practice, the membership is often granted to ACCA members on
production of evidence that they are ACCA members (e.g., Barbados and Jamaica). Some countries
also require the ACCA member to demonstrate competence in national law and tax (e.g., Zambia),
while other countries do not.
The legal framework in most other countries requires anyone who wishes to practice or sign
audit reports on financial statements of corporations to be members of the national accountancy body
or obtain a license from the governmental regulator. In the United States, for example, an individual
must pass the CPA examination and obtain a CPA license from the state government in order to
practice public accounting service in a particular state.
How to become an ACCA member?
To become a formal ACCA member, a candidate needs to pass 14 sections of examinations,
complete an education module in professional ethics and obtain practical experience in accounting
under supervision. The 14 ACCA exams are divided into Fundamentals and Professional levels and
are listed in detail below:
Fundamentals (9 exams)
Professional (5 exams)
F1 Accounting in Business
Essentials (3 exams)
F2 Management Accounting
P1 Professional Accountant
F3 Financial Accounting
P2 Corporate Reporting
F4 Corporate and Business Law
P3 Business Analysis
F5 Performance Management
Options (Any two)
F6 Taxation
P4 Advanced Financial Management
F7 Financial Reporting
P5 Advanced Performance Management
F8 Audit and Assurance
P6 Advanced Taxation
F9 Financial Management
P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance
Which ACCA exams are exempt for Pace students?
Students in Pace’s BBA Public Accounting and BBA Accounting programs, as well as
students in the BBA / MBA Accounting, BBA Accounting / MS Taxation and BBA Accounting / MS
Finance combined programs are exempt from five ACCA examinations (F1 F5). Students in MBA
Accounting and MS Accounting programs are exempt from four ACCA examinations (F1 F4).
Pace’s Accounting Department is working with ACCA to obtain exemptions for ACCA F7 and F8
exams. This process will probably take two to three semesters. Students can claim exemption as
soon as they successfully complete the qualified coursework, as indicated in the following table:
ACCA Exam Exemption
Pace Qualified Courses Required to Obtain Exemption
Undergraduate Course
Graduate Courses
F1 Accounting in Business
ACC 203 Financial Accounting
ACC 204 Managerial Accounting
MBA 640 Accounting for Decision Making
F2 Management Accounting
ACC 204 Managerial Accounting
ACC 319 Cost Accounting
MBA 640 Accounting for Decision Making
ACC 613 Accounting for Planning & Control
F3 Financial Accounting
ACC 203 Financial Accounting
ACC 301 Intermediate Accounting I
MBA 640 Accounting for Decision Making
ACC 615 Financial Reporting I
F4 Corporate and Business Law
LAW 101 Business Law I
LAW 360 Advanced Business Law
LAW 610 Business Law for CPA Majors
F5 Performance Management
ACC 204 Managerial Accounting
ACC 319 Cost Accounting
How and when can Pace students claim exemptions for ACCA exams?
Students should register with ACCA and obtain ACCA student status before they complete
their degree program at Pace. They can claim exam exemptions as soon as they complete the
qualified courses listed previously.
To register and apply for exemptions, students can submit application forms online at the
ACCA website (http://www.accaglobal.com/us/en/qualifications/apply-now.html) and submit official
transcripts, which show appropriate coursework and grades.
How do ACCA exemptions apply to transfer students?
Students can claim exemptions as long as they take qualified courses at Pace, even if they
transfer to other programs at Pace, or to other academic institutions. However, students who transfer
to Pace from programs or institutions not accredited by ACCA may not automatically receive
exemptions if they did not take Pace’s ACCA approved courses due to transfer credits. In such cases,
students may file an application with ACCA for an individual evaluation.
Will passing ACCA examinations qualify students for course waivers at Pace?
Admission applications from those who have registered with ACCA as students and/or have
passed some sections of the ACCA exams will be subject to the same transcript evaluations as other
students. Course waivers are granted based on courses taken at their prior academic institutions.
ACCA student membership, or passing some of ACCA’s exams, will not automatically qualify a
student for any course waiver at Pace.
Pace’s minimum residential credit requirements for undergraduate and graduate degrees
apply to ACCA students as well. An advanced level student who has passed several ACCA exams
would still have to take at least 32 credits at Pace in order to receive an undergraduate degree, or 30
credits for a graduate degree from Pace.
Does Pace offer exam-prep courses for ACCA exams?
At this time, Pace’s Accounting Department does not offer any exam review courses for
ACCA exams. Interested students should contact professional exam prep firms, such as Becker or
Kaplan, for such courses.
What is the format of ACCA Exams?
To learn more about the format of ACCA exams, please visit the ACCA website: