Email Templates and
Best Practices
Resources from Breaking Through the Student
Communications Barrier
Student Success Collaborative
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Change in Open Rate
you missed your
registration deadline!
Concerned about your midterm
Your academic plan
Next steps to get you back on
Let’s chat about Chemistry
You qualify for a new program!
How to improve your GPA
at the Tutoring Center
Schedule some time with
this week
Is there a reason you haven’t
registered yet?
Nine Effective Approaches
Adapted from Advisory Board’s Internal Guidelines
Write for Your Audience
Effective Messages Are Student-Centered and Student-Friendly
Student-Centered Copy
Tone Should Focus on Students and
Their Goals, Not Rules or Policies
Impersonal Copy
“Whitehouse University cares about your
success and offers a number of resources
for students in need of additional support.
Students have found the tutoring center to
be critical in improving their GPA for
admission into certain selective programs.”
Increase in response rate
(Royall recruitment campaign)
“I care about your success and noticed
that your math midterm grade is not up to
standards for the Business School, which
you want to apply for next semester. You
should schedule an appointment with the
tutoring center.”
Tool: “Higher Ed Jargon
Reduction Exercise” on
Ensure readability
The Gunning Fog Index is an online tool
to assess the grade-level of a given text
Language Should Be Clear to
All Students (Including ESL)
Remove passive voice
“If you are contacted
by your advisor”
“If your advisor
contacts you”
Translate jargon
“Does not count
for credit”
Make Your Subject Line Do More Work
A Good First Impression Drives Higher Open Rates
Insights from Out-of-Industry
Mixpanel Analysis of 85,637 Subject Lines
Benchmark open rate
for 1.7 billion emails
Reduce multisyllabic words
“Do not need to”
Student Communications Best Practices
©2017 EAB All Rights Reserved • 34280
For more on effective student communications, view
Supporting Student Conversations with SSC
and Breaking Through the Student
Communications Barrier.
Make Your CTA
Stand Out
Register Now
Offset CTAs with bold,
different colored text,
or buttons
Convey a Sense
of Urgency
Use action verbs that
convey a sense of urgency,
such as “sign up,”
“schedule,” or “pay”
increase in clicks when
the number of CTAs are
reduced from 4 to 1
Include Only One
CTA When Possible
Lead with a CTA
in the Subject Line
Include the CTA in the
subject line so students
immediately know what
they need to do
Out-of-Industry Best Practices
Don’t Ignore Your CTA
The Call to Action Is Critical, but Often the Hardest Part to Get Right
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Gunning-Fog Index Score:
Number of Words
Number of 3+ Syllable Words
2. Copy and paste the message into
the Gunning-Fog Index online tool: Then fill
in the following information.
Recommended score: 10 or lower
Recommended number: <200 words
Recommended number: <20 words
3. Use the rubric below to assess the
effectiveness of the message’s copy.
Worksheet: Student Communications Audit
Purpose of the Tool
This worksheet will help you identify common missteps that prevent students from understanding and acting on
emails from the university. This worksheet is designed as a group or independent activity to ensure
student-friendly communications.
1. Identify the purpose of the message. What is it meant to teach the student or get them to do?
e.g., a course you must complete before X
4. Identify jargon in the message (words of 3 or more syllables that someone outside of higher
education might not know). Translate jargon into plain-speak explanations.
Word Bank: Common
Higher Education Jargon
Based on question
2, is the message
readable for the average student?
Does the message avoid passive voice?
must be completed by students)
the message address the student
as “you” and appeal to their motivation?
Does the message include a
next step or call to action?
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Worksheet: Student Communications Audit
5. Based on the audit you just completed, revise the message by removing passive voice, appealing
to the student’s motivation, and including clear next steps. Remove jargon where possible; if you
must include jargon, ensure there is sufficient context for the student to understand it.
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Email Templates
Subject: You qualify for our new program!
Dear <FirstName>,
Welcome back! We hope that you had an amazing summer and that you all rested up
and ready to start the fall 2014 semester.
As you know, the Nursing program has a competitive admissions process based upon
grades earned. Over that last couple of years, the average cumulative GPA for
students that have been accepted to the Nursing Program has been 3.7 and above.
You are receiving this email because we’ve noticed that your cumulative GPA at UNC is
currently <GPA 3.0 to 3.5> which qualifies you to take advantage of our new program
designed to give pre-nursing students an additional layer of support by meeting with a
specialized advisor.
Use this link to schedule a program appointment or respond to attend one of the office
hours listed below.
Subject: URGENT Chemistry Plans
Hi <FirstName>,
I am writing to follow up about an email I sent a week ago. Most science-related
industries generally look for students with a 2.8 GPA or higher. I noticed that you
currently have a <Cumulative GPA >2.5>. I would like to meet with you in person to
discuss your goals and create action steps together. Please use the link below on or
before Wednesday, October 22 to schedule an appointment during the week
of October 27.
If you have decided to switch majors, please respond to this email and let me know so
that I can work with you to ensure that the department does not put an advising hold
on your account.
Have a great day!
Student Seeking Admission into a Selective Program, in Need of Support
Student Struggling to Meet GPA Requirements for His/her Major
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Subject: Is there a reason you have not yet registered for classes?
Your registration window closes April 1 (tomorrow) at 11:00 am. To have the best
opportunity to get the classes you want, you need to register before the window closes.
If you are not able to complete your scheduling by 11:00 am tomorrow, you will have to wait
until Schedule Clean-Up (April 27May 8) and you are less likely to get the schedule
you want.
If you need assistance, please let me know.
Subject: Excited for your new journey!
Hi FirstName,
I noticed that you successfully changed your major in the system from Mechanical
Engineering to Environmental Studies. Congratulations!
As we discussed, I think this major is a great fit for you based on your interest in alternative
energy and sustainability issues and your strong performance in your science classes
to date.
Are you familiar with the career services office? I would recommend you visit to learn more
about opportunities in the field of sustainability. If you are interested, let me know before
the end of May and I can put you in touch with one of my colleagues who is a career
counselor there.
Student Who Made a Successful Major Change
Student Who Missed His/her Registration Deadline