ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 2
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 1 ABOUT ABC QUALITY .................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 4 ELIGIBILITY TO PARTICIPATE………………………………………………………………….……..6
CHAPTER 6 HISTORY OF COMPLIANCE .........................................................................197
CHAPTER 7 PROVIDER AGREEMENT ............................................................................. 19
CHAPTER 8 ABC QUALITY FRAMEWORK ....................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 9 PROVIDER BUSINESS PROCEDURES ...........................................................225
CHAPTER 10 SC VOUCHER CLIENTS AND SERVICES .........................................................285
CHAPTER 11 AMENDMENT OF PROVIDERS ENROLLMENT .............................................308
CHAPTER 12 RECORDS ................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 13 COMPLAINTS ............................................................................................. 32
CHAPTER 14 VOLUNTARILY WITHDRAWAL FROM ABC QUALITY ..................................... 32
CHAPTER 15 ADVERSE ACTIONS BY ABC QUALITY .......................................................... 32
CHAPTER 16 WAITING PERIOD FOR RE-APPLYING…………………..……………………………….….…35
CHAPTER 17 ENROLLMENT/RE-ENROLLMENT EXCEPTIONS ...........................................386
CHAPTER 18 APPEALS ...................................................................................................397
CHAPTER 19 FRAUD ....................................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER 20 GRANTS ..................................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER 21 GLOSSARY…………………………………………………….……………………………………………40
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 3
Chapter 1 About ABC Quality
South Carolina is committed to an early care and education system that focuses on building high quality,
comprehensive programs that provide integrated services. This commitment reflects a vision that every child
in South Carolina will have equal opportunity for success in school, based on equitable access to a high quality
early care and education system.
ABC Quality, South Carolina’s statewide Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS), has been in existence
since 1992. It provides the foundation for an early care and education system through a framework to assess,
improve, promote, and communicate the quality of early learning and development.
1.1 ABC Quality
Connects families to quality early care and education programs with the support of an easy-to-
understand rating system.
Offers coaching, professional development, and resources to early care and education
providers to improve the early education environment and teaching practices and to support
each child’s learning and development.
Enables early childhood programs to participate in SC Voucher, a CCDF program that pays child
care providers so they can care for children whose families qualify for an income-based
1.2 The ABC Quality Rating and Improvement System
Provides early childhood programs with the criteria, tools, and resources they need to improve
the quality of their programs.
Serves as criteria used to determine a program’s ABC Quality Level the quality rating that is
indicated on the website and determines a program’s level of SC Voucher
Represents standardized criteria for program observation, documentation, curriculum
planning, and continuous quality improvement.
1.3 ABC Quality Contact information:
There are two offices of ABC Quality geographically. Each office is responsible for programs in designated
counties. Locate the county your program is in using the charts below. Once you have located the county, you
will see the address and phone number for the ABC Quality Office that you may call if you have questions. By
using the map located here, you can also see who the assigned ABC Quality Assessor is for your county.
SC Department of Social Services
3150 Harden Street Extension
Columbia, SC 29203
Program Manager:
Cathy A. Kovacs
Counties Served:
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 4
Greenville Technical College
P. O. Box 5616, Station B MS 6001
Greenville, SC 29606-1947
Program Manager:
Beverly B. Hunter
Counties Served:
Chapter 2 Definition of Family and Group Child Care Homes and Benefits of Participating
in ABC Quality
2.1 Definition of a Family Child Care Home
A facility within a residence occupied by the operator that cares for no more than 6 children. The
number includes those living in the residence and children who are related to the operator. Family
Child Care Homes must be registered but may choose to be licensed.
2.2 Definition of a Group Child Care Home
A facility within a residence occupied by the operator that cares for 7 to 12 children. The number
includes those living in the residence and children who are related to the operated. Must be licensed.
2.3 Benefits for Programs
ABC Quality is a tool parents use to identify high quality child care programs. The benefits for child care
programs include:
Customized support and assistance to improve quality
Grants, awards, and other financial supports
Free professional development and scholarships to conferences.
Outreach and marketing to families
A roadmap for strengthening the quality of care and an opportunity for elevating the child care
profession and child care system
Increased voucher payments based on quality level
As providers join and earn higher ratings, the program will systemically improve the quality of
the state’s early education system
2.3 Benefits for Families
ABC Quality is a tool to support families as they make important educational and care choices for their
children. The benefits for families include:
Supportive and developmentally appropriate environments for children that support their
overall growth and development
Clear letter ratings to help families find quality child care for their children
Reliable quality child care that allows parents to work, have fewer absences, and be more
Inclusion of families in discussions about their children’s development and ways to support
healthy development
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 5
Assistance for families in advocating for their children, increasing the likelihood of families to
stay involved during the primary grades
A quality education that supports children in their first five years of life for school achievement
and high school graduation
2.4 Benefits for the Community
ABC Quality can demonstrate to policymakers that a quality early care and education system can
increase children’s readiness for success in kindergarten and school. This will build support at
both the policy and appropriations levels
Chapter 3 Overview of the ABC Quality Enrollment Process and How to Apply for
ABC Quality
3.1 Overview of Enrollment Process
a. Learn about ABC Quality
Visit our website at
Click on “Program”. Then click on “ABC Quality Rating & Improvement System”
Under “Related Documents & Links,” are many documents and resources (including
this manual) to help in your journey
Take the “ABC Quality April 2018 Webinar” (under General Documents) to get an
overview of the review process implemented in 2018
Take the FREE online orientation, Understanding The Basics of ABC Quality” and
receive training credit from SC Endeavors
b. Apply to Participate
Contact the ABC Quality Office that serves the county your program is located. You will be
connected with the ABC Quality Assessor for your county. You will be emailed the application
along with other documents needed to apply:
Submit your application
c. Meet Eligibility
Submit your eligibility documents to the Quality Assessor
d. Receive your Quality Level
Receive the Process Quality Review (On-site observations). NOTE: This is only for Group
Child Care Homes and Family Child Care Homes pursuing a Level B. Family child Care
Homes pursuing a Level C do not receive an on-site observation
Receive Quality Performance Report and Quality Level
Market your program
3.2 How to Apply for ABC Quality
ABC Quality is a voluntary program. The following outlines the process of what must be done to
submit an application for enrollment.
Special Note: Please review Chapters 4 and 5 before submitting an application to ensure you are
able/willing to meet the eligibility criteria.
a. Contact the ABC Quality Office that handles the county your program is located [See 1.3].
b. You will be connected to the ABC Quality Assessor assigned to your county. The Quality
Assessor will email the enrollment documents (below) to you with instructions to complete and
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 6
return to them. They will also request you to submit certain financial documents in order to set
up an account in SC Voucher, so payments can be made to you.
Enrollment Form
Provider Agreement
W-9 Tax Form
ABC Quality Staff List
c. When you submit your application, you will return the following:
The above documents (#b) sent to you by the Quality Assessor
Eligibility documentation (Program and Staff)
Any financial documentation requested by the Assessor. e.g. copy of IRS Letter verifying
your Tax ID number, or a copy of your Driver’s License, and Social Security Card, if you
do not have a Tax ID
A copy of your published rates that you charge for child care
d. Create A Professional Profile: The owner/operator must create/register an individual
Professional Profile account in SC Endeavors. SC Endeavors ( is the
professional work force registry for South Carolina’s early childhood workforce. SC Endeavors
maintains Learning Records of all training hours taken by staff in child care programs.
e. Create An Organization Profile: The owner/operator must also create/register an Organization
Profile account in SC Endeavors for their program.
f. Staff Create Their Professional Profile: Any person employed by the Owner/Operator to care
for the children such as a second caregiver or an emergency person must also create/register
an individual Professional Profile account.
g. Invite Staff To Join The Organization Profile: Once all staff have created their accounts, the
owner/operator will invite employees to join the Organization Profile.
h. Upon successful completion of all of the above, the Quality Assessor will contact you to
schedule a date to conduct the on-site observation assessment.
Important Note: New programs who have not completed the above within three months of submitting
the application will have their application cancelled. The program must wait three months to reapply.
Chapter 4 Eligibility Criteria to Participate
Eligibility criteria for participation in ABC Quality includes meeting all program and staff eligibility criteria.
4.1 Program Operations:
4.1.1 Has been in operation for at least six months at the time application is made for enrollment.
Exception: Family, Friend & Neighbor (FFN) providers who become registered or licensed.
4.1.2 Operates during the school year or year-round. Summer-only programs are not eligible to
enroll, as they would not be able meet all eligibility criteria and be assigned a Quality Level
before the program ended.
4.1.3 Offers regular consistent hours that meets the need of working parents. Drop-in, weekend
only care, and only opening 1 3 days per week do not meet that criteria.
4.1.4 The Operator/Owner must be employed in the facility during the hours of operation.
4.1.5 Must have at least one unrelated fee-paying child enrolled. (cannot be the owner’s own child).
See also, “Enrollment/Re-enrollment Exceptions Chapter 17
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 7
4.2 Program Eligibility Criteria:
4.2.1 Enrollment in SC Endeavors
SC Endeavors ( is the professional work force registry for South Carolina’s
early childhood workforce. SC Endeavors maintains Learning Records of all training hours
taken by staff in child care programs.
a. The person responsible for the program (e.g., the Owner/Operator) must:
1) Create/register an Organization Profile account in SC Endeavors for the program.
This is done within the Owner/Operator’s Professional Profile (See 4.3.2). Click
here to see the How-to-Guide. If the program has not previously created an
Organization Profile account, then they may search for their program name by
using the Registration/License # given to the program from Child Care Licensing.
Since the account has already been created, (pulled from the Child Care
Licensing system) the program would then select the account and “register” it.
Contact SC Endeavors at 864-250-8581 for assistance.
2) The Organization Profile account must be fully completed with all ages of
children served.
3) The Owner/Director of the program’s Organization Profile account must “invite”
any employed staff to join the Organization Profile. This is done once the staff
have created/registered their Professional Profile account. The link to the How-
to-Guide in # 1 also explains how to do this.
4.2.2 Additional Program Eligibility Requirements:
ABC Quality will verify the following:
a. The program has a current, regular Registration or License. Exception: Family, Friend &
Neighbor (FFN) providers who become registered or licensed.
b. The program has a clear history of compliance with child care licensing regulations for
the six months prior to the application for enrollment. Note: If a violation occurs during
the application/enrollment process or during the on-site assessment review, then the
provider must wait an additional six months and re-apply.
c. The program/owner is not currently on a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) with Child Care
d. The program has no history of having operated illegally pursuant to SC Child Care
Licensing Laws.
e. The program does not have an active Out of Home Abuse and Neglect (OHAN)
f. The program has an outside play area (on-site) that is protected from traffic and other
hazards. Existing programs who utilize on-site play areas, and who do not have barriers
or other methods to protect children from traffic or hazards must provide those items to
ensure the safety of children.
4.2.3 Written Policies:
The program is required to have the following written policies and procedures. The program
must follow these procedures as written and must communicate/train staff on these policies to
ensure understanding and adherence. It is recommended these be included in employee
orientation. These are based on regulations from the U. S. Department of Health and Human
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 8
Services regarding the health and safety standards established by the CCDBG Act. These will be
checked upon enrollment and at the annual visit:
4.2.3.a Medication Policy
If the program administers medication, the policy must address:
1. The administration of any prescriptions or over the counter medication to
All medicine should be kept in the original container and labeled with the
child’s name
All medication must be locked and kept out of the reach of children
Medication must only be used for the child in which the medicine is labeled
and authorized
Medication should only be given in the dosage specified on the label
Written parental consent on file to administer the medication with the
name of the medication, dosage, and times to be administered
A medication log which shows the child’s name, name of medication,
dosage, date, time, and name of person administering the medication
Medication errors should be recorded, and parent/guardian informed
Procedure for emergency medications for allergic reactions
Return any unused/expired medications to the parent/guardian
Staff must wash hands before giving medication and after applying a
medical ointment or cream in which a break in the skin (e.g. sores, cuts, or
scrapes) may be encountered
2. Note: your policy could be you do not administer medication and/or the parent
would have to come to the program to administer the medication.
3. The program must follow the policy as written.
4.2.3.b Emergency Medical Care Policy
1. The policy must address the following:
Medical conditions under which emergency care and treatment is
warranted due to allergic reactions
Procedure to prevent emergencies due to allergic reactions, e.g., how will
the program collect information of any child’s allergies, and how will this
information be conveyed to staff along with information of what an allergic
reaction might look like
Steps to be followed if child has allergic reaction. Detailed information to
include what medications should be administered per authorization of the
parent, e.g., Epi Pen, Benadryl
Notification to parents who might bring snacks or treats of any particular
foods to be avoided
Steps to be followed in a medical emergency
The hospital or source of health care to be utilized
The method of transportation to be used
An emergency staffing plan
2. The program must follow the policy as written.
4.2.3.c Emergency Preparedness Policy
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 9
1. The policy must address the following:
What steps the program will take in the event the following occurs as a result of
an emergency such as fire, a natural disaster or other threatening situations that
may pose a health or safety hazard:
Temporary closure
Shelter in place
The policy will also address the following:
Communication and reunification of children with families
Continuity of operations
Accommodations of children with disabilities, and children with chronic
medical conditions
The policy must address emergency preparedness training/drills for staff,
volunteers, and children
Types of drills: It must include the types of drills: e.g., fire, tornado,
nuclear, and active shooter
2. Frequency of Drills: It must include frequency of practice drills. For programs that
operate year round, practice drills will be conducted quarterly for each type of
emergency. The program must document the occurrence of each practice drill
to include date, time, type of drill. These must be kept on-site until reviewed.
3. The program will follow the policy as written.
4.2.3.d Child Abuse and Neglect Policy
Child care providers are mandated reporters and have the responsibility to protect
those who cannot protect themselves. As a mandated reporter, caregiving staff are
an important part of the system to protect children.
1. The policy must identify:
The Child Abuse and Neglect Law:
“Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), originally enacted in
1974 (Public Law 93-247) and reauthorized in 2010, is the largest body of
legislation with regard to the fair, ethical, and legal treatment of children
and is intended to keep them free from all forms of abuse including
physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological”
Information on types of abuse or neglect that staff may look for.
Examples include but are not limited to: Child has frequent injuries or
“accidents,” unexplained burns, cuts, bites, fading bruises or other marks
noticeable after an absence from school or the explanation does not
match the injury. Child is always watchful and “on alert,” as if waiting for
something bad to happen. Injuries appear to have a pattern or resemble
an item such as marks from a hand or belt. Child shies away from touch,
flinches at sudden movements, or seems afraid to go home. Child arrives
each day very hungry, unclean (body or clothing) or perhaps is covered in
bug bites, takes food to eat at home, etc. things that would suggest the
child is not receiving proper care at home. The child may also share
information with the staff regarding things that are happening in the
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 10
home which places the child in danger, e.g., parents use illegal drugs or
substances, or someone in the home is abusing them (physically or
Procedures when staff suspect a child may be neglected at home and
when staff see other staff abuse or neglect children in the facility. How
to make a report. The policy will state:
Suspected child abuse or neglect must be reported to:
1) DSS Office of Child Protective and Preventive Services with The
Office of Out of Home Abuse and Neglect (OHAN).
DSS has implemented a centralized phone number for all counties
to report suspected cases, or this may be done online at the
following link. Both can be reported 365 days per year, 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week at 1-888-227-3487 or
2) DSS/ABC Quality at 1-800-876-2223
Mandated Reporter Law Section 63-7-310
Procedure for training staff as mandated reporters
Statement regarding the program’s cooperation in allowing DSS staff to
conduct any on-site investigation and/or obtain necessary
documentation to include any video footage
Release of staff and children’s records as appropriate and upon request
2. The program must follow the policy as written.
4.2.3.e. Swimming Policy (if applicable)
1. The policy must address the following:
a. Ratios to be maintained during swimming activities.
b. Prohibition on the use of hot tubs, spas or saunas.
c. Any on-site water source (if applicable), such as a swimming pool,
stationary wading pool, or other water sources such as ditches, streams,
ponds or lakes, will be made inaccessible to children by a secure fencing
that is at least 4 feet high; exits and entrances shall have self-closing,
positive latching gates with locking devices.
d. Swimming activities must be supervised by a certified Lifeguard. The
program is responsible for verification of certification. (The Lifeguard
cannot be counted in the child: staff ratios unless they are employed by
the program and meet the background checks and
e. eligibility criteria).
f. Swimming pools located at the program or used by the program should
conform to the regulations of DHEC for construction, use, and
2. The program must follow the policy as written.
4.2.3.f Transportation Policy (if applicable)
Note: Personal vehicles are not allowed for transportation as the program must
comply with Jacob’s Law.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 11
1. The policy must address the following:
a. The child: staff ratios to be utilized.
b. Written consent from the parent prior to transportation.
c. Emergency medical information and contacts for each child.
d. The vehicle(s) must have a current vehicle registration and insurance.
e. The driver must have access to a cell phone.
f. A First Aid Kit must be on the vehicle(s) during transport.
g. A plan (if applicable) when children are picked up and dropped off from
home. The plan should include, but is not limited to:
The driver/staff responsible for the child will have access to
parental consent information with contact numbers.
The driver/staff will have access to a cell phone.
A designated place at the home where the parent/adult will meet
staff to pick-up/drop-off child.
The child will not be left at home unless a parent/authorized adult
is there to receive the child.
If the adult at the home is not familiar to the staff, they should
request the adult’s identification and verify it against the
authorized list provided by the parent to receive the child.
Procedure to follow if no one is at the child’s home to receive the
child, or the adult is not authorized.
h. Tracking procedures to ensure that no child is left in the vehicle at the
end of the trip or left unsupervised outside or inside the vehicle during
loading and unloading.
i. Written transportation plans for routine travel must be on file outlining
the route to be followed.
2. The program must follow the policy as written.
4.2.3.g Outdoor Time Policy
Outdoor play is not only an opportunity for learning in a different environment, it also
provides many health benefits. Outdoor play allows for physical activity that supports
maintenance of a healthy weight and better nighttime sleep and brief exposure of the
skin to sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D that growing children require.
1. The program must develop a policy which states:
Children are taken outdoors for play daily, weather permitting. Caution
should be taken in the event of inclement weather. (Please see the
Glossary for definitions of “weather permitting” and “inclement
2. The program must follow the policy as written.
4.2.3.h Child Maltreatment Policy
SC Voucher and ABC Quality serve a very vulnerable population of children. In addition
to corporal punishment, when child maltreatment occurs, it threatens the safety and
security of children, especially those who are already experiencing some type of
trauma in their lives.
The program should have additional behavioral guidance policies for how staff should
deal with disruptive behavior.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 12
Child Maltreatment: Child maltreatment includes all types of abuse and neglect of a
child under the age of 18 by a parent, caregiver, or another person in a custodial role
(e.g., clergy, coach, teacher). There are four common types of abuse. They are: sexual,
physical, emotional and neglect. The following are examples (but not limited to) of
abuse and neglect that may occur in a child care setting: physical harm, withholding
food, water, restroom use, or affection; verbally threatening a child; yelling at a child;
shaming, inappropriate discipline such as washing a child’s mouth out with soap as a
punishment, etc.
1. The program must follow the policy as written.
4.2.3.i Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Policy
Attendance at a child care facility may expose a child to an increased risk of acquiring
infectious diseases. Many types of infectious germs may be contained in human waste
(urine, feces) and bodily fluids (saliva, nasal discharge, tissue and injury discharges,
eye discharges, blood, and vomit).
The program must address how they will help to ensure that infectious diseases are
prevented or minimized while children are in care.
1. The policy must address the following:
a. Health observation of children daily.
b. Separation of children who show symptoms of a communicable disease
or infestation, e.g. pinkeye, lice, mumps, flu, etc. Include where child will
be kept until parents arrive/how ratios met/contact of parents.
c. Exclusion or dismissal of children who are ill, and what types of illnesses
should preclude parents from bringing the child to the program (e.g.,
fever, flu, pinkeye, strep, etc.).
d. Hand washing by children to prevent the spread of germs, e.g., after using
the restroom, before eating meals/snacks, after handling animals, etc.
e. Hand washing by staff: prior to preparing food; after contact with
children while preparing food; after handling bodily fluids or after
changing diapers or assisting a child with toileting; applying
medication/ointments where there is a break in the skin; after handling
animals; after cleaning or handling the garbage.
f. A procedure to notify parents when children have been exposed to an
infectious disease.
g. The program requires copies of immunization records for children who
are homeschooled unless the parent provides a statement of religious
Note: In SC, under the authority of the Department of Health and
Environmental Control (DHEC), school districts are responsible for
ensuring verification of immunization records for children age 5 and up.
h. Cleaning/Disinfecting Schedule of the facility/areas where children are
i. Staff health to include the current health assessment and TB test.
2. The program must follow its written policy.
4.2.3.j Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Hazardous Materials and Biological Contaminants
1. The policy must address the following:
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 13
a Toxic substances must be stored out of the reach of children in a locked
cabinet. Toxic substances or hazardous materials include but are not
limited to: chemicals, cleaning products, disinfectant sprays, insecticides,
gasoline products.
b Toxic substances must not be used while children are present.
c Flammable materials should be stored in a separate building or area away
from high temperatures and ignition sources, inaccessible to children.
d. Toxic substances/hazards must be stored away from food and
e. Poisonous plants must not be allowed in the family/group child care
f. Chemicals used to control odors must not be allowed, e.g., moth balls, air
fresheners, essential oils, toilet/urinal deodorizer blocks.
g. Procedures when staff must come in contact with bodily fluids resulting
from a child injury or illness. Include disposal of material that comes into
contact with bodily fluids.
2. The program must follow its written policy.
4.2.3.k Parental Access Policy
1. The policy must address:
a. Parents have unlimited access to their children during the hours the
program is in operation.
2. The program must follow its written policy.
4.3 Program Staff Eligibility Criteria:
All eligibility requirements must be met at enrollment and continuously maintained for all staff who
are responsible for the care and supervision of children.
Any new staff hired after the program is enrolled in ABC Quality must meet certain eligibility items
before being allowed to work with children. The following table indicates what eligibility criteria must
be met before staff are allowed to work with children and which criteria must be met within 90 days
of hire.
Eligibility Requirements for Staff
Complete prior to
working with
Complete within
90 days of hire
Group Operator/Caregiver must be at least 21
years of age and meet the staff qualification
Group Assistant Caregiver must be at least 18
years of age
Family Operator/Caregiver must be at least 21
years of age and meet the staff qualification
Family Assistant caregiver must be at least 18
years of age
Enrollment in SC Endeavors
Apply for Career Ladder Placement
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 14
TB Test
Health Assessment
Pediatric First Aid
Infant/Child CPR
Maltreatment Statement
SC Health & Safety Pre-Service Certificate
ABC Quality Code of Ethics
4.3.1 Staff
All staff who are responsible for the care of children must meet at least the minimum staff
1. Group Child Care Home Staff Qualifications
a. Operator/Caregiver must be at least 21 years of age and meet one of the
Have a Bachelor’s Degree in child development or early childhood
education from an accredited college or institution
Have a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or institution and at
least six months verifiable experience as a caregiver in a
licensed/approved child day care facility
Have an Associate Degree in early childhood education/child
development from an accredited college with one year of verifiable
experience as a caregiver in a licensed/approved child day care facility
Have a diploma in child development/early childhood education from an
accredited college or institution with two years of verifiable experience
as a caregiver in a licensed/approved child day care facility
Have a Child Development Associate Credential (CDA)
Have a high school diploma or General Educational Development
Certificate (GED), or Certificate of Attendance and at least one (1) year
experience in a licensed/approved child day care setting AND have Early
Childhood Development (EDC) 101 from a local technical college
b. Caregivers who work as assistants to the person in charge of a group of children
shall be at least 18 years of age.
2. Family Child Care Home Staff Qualifications
a. Operator/Caregiver must be at least 21 years of age and meet one of the
Have a Bachelor’s Degree in child development or early childhood
education from an accredited college or institution
Have a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or institution and at
least six months verifiable experience as a caregiver in a
licensed/approved child day care facility
Have a high school diploma or General Educational Development
Certificate (GED), or Certificate of Attendance (with accompanying
documentation) and at least one (1) year experience in a
licensed/approved day care setting AND have a signed plan to complete
ECD 101 from a local SC Technical College within one (1) year
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 15
Have at least three (3) years of experience in a registered day care setting
AND have Early Childhood Development (ECD) 101 from a local SC
Technical College
b. Caregivers who work as assistants to the person in charge of a group of children
shall be at least 18 years of age.
4.3.2 Staff Enrollment in SC Endeavors
a. Professional Profile Account: Each staff must create/register an individual Professional
Profile Account in the SC Endeavors Registry ( If a staff member
has already attended training in SC before 2019, they may already have a Professional
Profile Account. They can enter their information and the Registry will search for it and
guide them through the steps to connect with it. If they a new to the field or have never
taken training, they will need to create a new individual Registry account to receive a
Registry ID number. This number is used to link the SC Pre-Service Health & Safety
Certificate and any future trainings received to the staff’s Learning Record in SC
Endeavors so that credit can be received for the training. Click here for a how-to guide
on creating and registering your account. Additionally, completing the Professional
Profile includes adding employment information, which is verified by the program’s
Organization Profile account.
b. Career Ladder Placement: Each staff will apply for a Career Ladder Placement within
the Professional Profile account in SC Endeavors Registry which includes verification of
their education, e.g. high school diploma/GED (See Glossary 21.28) by SC Endeavors
staff. The How to Guide to apply for a Professional Profile and earn Career Ladder
4.3.3 Health Documentation
All staff must have the required health documentation:
a. Clear TB test done once
b. Staff health Assessment (DSS Form 2926) completed, signed and dated by a physician
or health care provider at enrollment and every four years thereafter. Note: If a provider
is applying for enrollment and already has this statement (because maybe they were
enrolled before), it can be accepted as long as it is within four years of the enrollment
4.3.4 Pediatric First Aid
Any person responsible (including emergency persons) for the care and supervision of children
must have and maintain current Pediatric First Aid (in-person and hands-on training by a
nationally recognized training provider).
4.3.5 Infant/Child Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Any person responsible (including emergency persons) for the care or supervision of children
must have and maintain current Infant/Child CPR certification (in-person and hands-on training
by a nationally recognized training provider).
4.3.6 Maltreatment Policy Statement
All staff must sign and date the program’s written Maltreatment Policy statement at enrollment
and annually thereafter prohibiting maltreatment of children. The statement should specify
that if the owner or employee’s child(ren) attends, maltreatment are still prohibited
4.3.7 SC Health and Safety Pre-Service Certificate
All staff responsible for the care or supervision of children must complete the SC Health and
Safety Pre-Service Certificate through Pro Solutions or ECD 101 through a SC Technical College.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 16
The SC Health and Safety Pre-Service Certificate consists of 15 hours of training. The training is
on-line training and there is no cost. (Note: if a staff took the previous 27-hour Health and
Safety Pre-Service Certificate, then it is not necessary to take the 15-Hour Pre-Service
Certificate.) The following topics are covered in the training:
Child Development: Milestones from Birth to Age 12 (1 Hour)
Keeping Children Safe: Building and Classroom Safety (1 Hour)
Essentials of Outdoor Safety in South Carolina (2 Hours)
Emergency Preparedness: Better Safe Than Sorry! (1 Hour)
Responding to Medical Emergencies (1 Hour)
Recognizing and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse in South Carolina (2 Hours)
Transportation Safety Basics in South Carolina (1 Hour)
My Plate: Helping Children Make Healthy Food Choices (1 Hour)
Infectious Disease Control, Immunizations and Bloodborne Pathogens: Kick Those
Germs to the Curb! (1 Hour)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (1 Hour)
Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma (1 Hour)
Administering Medication in Child Care Settings (1 Hour)
Prevention of and Response to Different Types of Allergies (1 Hour)
To access the free training after receiving the Registry ID number from SC Endeavors: Go to the
following website and click on “Featured Products”.
4.3.8 ABC Quality Code of Ethics
All staff must sign the ABC Quality Code of Ethics at enrollment and annually acknowledging
their understanding and adherence to the Code of Ethics.
Chapter 5 Additional Requirements:
5.1 Annual Training Hours
The following training is required annually. Note: For new enrollments, this does not have to be met
but will be checked at each annual visit for the previous calendar year.
Training must be on the staff’s learning record with SC Endeavors to count towards meeting the
annual requirement.
Group Child Care Home
a. Operator must obtain at least twenty (20) clock hours in child development/early childhood
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 17
each calendar year to include 5 clock hours in growth and development. (CPR/First Aid are
b. All staff must obtain at least ten (10) clock hours of training each calendar year in child
development/early childhood. (CPR/First Aid are excluded)
Family Child Care Home
a. Operator and any staff must obtain at least ten (10) clock hours each calendar year in child
development/early childhood. (CPR/First Aid are excluded)
5.2 Meals
All meals and snacks provided by the program must be in compliance with the applicable USDA Food
Program Meal Pattern Guidelines. This applies even if meals are contracted for purchase through a
5.3 Staff Parent Interaction
The program must regularly inform the parents about the facility’s program.
5.4 Daily Information for Infants/Toddlers
For programs serving infants and toddlers, caregivers must share daily information with parents
regarding feeding times, food eaten, bowel movements and sleeping patterns.
5.5 Immunizations
Registered programs must maintain copies of children’s immunization records to include any child who
is homeschooled. The only exceptions are if the parent provides a statement of medical or religious
exemption. See DHEC’s website for further information on exemptions:
5.6 Parental Access
Parents shall have unlimited access to their children and to the providers caring for their children during
the normal hours of operation and whenever children are in the care of the providers.
5.7 Handwashing
a. Staff shall wash hands before preparing or serving food, after assisting with toileting or changing
diapers, after handling bodily fluids, and after applying medication/ointment when there is a
break in the skin.
b. Children shall wash hands before eating and after using the restroom.
c. Liquid soap and disposable paper towels must be provided at each sink.
Chapter 6 History of Compliance:
Maintaining a clear history with regulatory requirements is the beginning foundation of all quality child care
and ensures that children are being cared for in safe environments. This is a major component of participation
in the ABC Quality Rating & Improvement System. According to Caring For Our Children, National Health and
Safety Performance Standards for Early Care and Education Programs, American Academy of Pediatrics, 4
Edition, regulations ensure that children are provided what they need for quality nurturing care. When
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 18
providers continually receive violations for not meeting ratios, supervision, and serious health and safety
regulations, this does not ensure a safe environment, or one that is conducive to learning.
ABC Quality must ensure that children are protected while in care, and one of those ways is for providers to
demonstrate compliance to the regulations.
6.1 Definition:
a. No violations for the six months prior to submitting an application for enrollment.
b. No frequent or multiple deficiencies or a significant event posing substantial threat to the health
or safety of the children that involve supervision, compliance with ratios, or health and safety
Frequent is defined as having 3 or more violations that pose a substantial threat to
children’s health and safety within a six- month period of time
Multiple is defined as having 3 or more different violations that pose a substantial threat
to children’s health and safety within a six- month period of time
Any significant event which poses substantial threat is defined as, but not limited to: any
environment, situation, or occurrence that poses a substantial threat to the health and
safety of children
Substantial threat to the health and safety of children is any action, condition, or event
that results in children being placed in impending danger or harm
c. Conditions that could pose a substantial threat can include, but are not limited to:
Children left alone in the facility
Sewer backed up in facility with children present
No water in the facility exceeding 4 hours with children present with children present
No heat or air conditioning in the facility in extreme weather conditions with children
Fire Alarm disconnected (if applicable)
Lack of supervision resulting in a child leaving the facility unnoticed
Lack of supervision resulting in child left at another location such as restaurant, park,
zoo, etc
Children removed due to abuse or neglect by Licensing, OHAN, or Child Protective
Smoking in the facility by staff
Substantially exceeding the facility capacity
Withholding food from a child(ren)
Maltreatment of a child(ren)
6.2 Group Size
a. Family Child Care Homes may not exceed the number of children on their Registration/License
at any one time.
b. Group Child Care Homes cannot exceed 12 children at any one time.
6.3 Indoor Environment
The program must meet the following requirements related to the indoor environment:
a. Is free of excessive dirt and clutter.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 19
b. Is clean and sanitary.
c. Is free of hazards (no excessive peeling or chipping paint, exposed wires, sharp objects; cleaning
products/medicines properly stored).
d. Has sufficient exits.
e. Has running water, toilet and handwashing facilities.
f. Has smoke detector(s).
g. Has fire extinguisher(s).
h. Has safe vented heating. (Example: If open-flame heater or fire place present, fire/safety
protection is provided, or flame is inaccessible to a child).
i. Has a working telephone.
j. Has a refrigerator or method to keep food adequately to prevent spoilage.
k. Allows smoking only in designated areas not used by the children.
l. Consumption of alcohol or illegal substances is prohibited.
m. Is free of insects, bugs and pests.
n. Liquid soap and disposable paper towels are accessible where children wash their hands.
o. Staff bags and personal belongings are kept out of the reach of children.
p. Hazardous materials and chemicals must be kept locked and out of the reach of children (e.g.,
cleaning supplies, or poisons such as bug spray, or medications).
6.3 Outdoor Environment
The program must meet the requirements related to the outdoor environment:
a. The playground or other areas used by children are free of trash and litter.
b. The building and physical premises are safe for the presence and care of children. This includes
the identification of and prevention of hazards that can cause bodily injury, such as electrical
hazards, vehicular traffic, and bodies of water.
c. Playground areas must be kept safe, e.g., grass kept cut; no fire ants; poisonous plants removed;
no poisons/chemicals (bug spray, insecticides, gasoline, etc.; no standing water; sharp objects
such as nails removed; fence in good repair with no gaps or openings; and no large overhanging
tree limbs that are broken which could fall and cause injury, etc. Playground equipment must
be safe, firmly anchored, meet the US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC).
d. Children shall be restricted from unsafe areas and conditions (such as traffic, parking areas,
ditches, and steep slopes) by a fence or natural barrier that is at least 4 feet in height.
e. The use of hot tubs, spas, and saunas are prohibited.
f. The use of trampolines is prohibited.
g. The use of inflatable houses, or inflatable water slides, etc., are prohibited.
h. Any on-site water source (ponds, swimming pools, streams, etc.) must be made inaccessible to
children by a secure fencing that is at least 4 feet high; exits and entrances shall have self-
closing, positive latching gates with locking devices.
Chapter 7 Provider Agreement
7.1 Issuance of Provider Agreement
a. Provider Agreements are signed Agreements between the provider and SCDSS.
b. The Provider Agreement must be signed before the program will be assigned their Quality Level.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 20
c. The Provider Agreement is effective for a period of one year from the date signed by the
d. Provider Agreements are provider/owner-specific and address-specific.
Another provider/owner cannot take over operation of the facility and operate under
the same Agreement
Per the Provider Agreement, providers are authorized only to serve children at the
enrolled and ABC Quality approved site listed on the Provider Agreement. Children are
connected to a specific provider in SC Voucher and they must be served where they are
connected. Serving children at an unapproved location potentially places children in
harm and is grounds for termination
If the provider has two or more locations enrolled, they may not switch or transport
children between locations without notifying SC Voucher for authorization. Children will
appear on the SVL for the location in which they have been connected
7.2 Expiration of the Provider Agreement
The provider’s enrollment in ABC Quality expires on the end date of the Provider Agreement.
7.3 When an Agreement Becomes Null and Avoid
Because Provider Agreements are address-specific, when a provider moves, the Provider Agreement
becomes null and void and ABC Quality has the right to close the provider file (16.2.6).
ABC Quality is under no obligation to allow the provider to enroll at the new location (regardless
of whether they have obtained the appropriate regulatory document/Exemption)
If SC Voucher clients are connected, a two-week notice will be given
This is not appealable.
7.4 Non-Renewal of The Provider Agreement
The following are reasons a Provider Agreement will not be renewed:
The program does not meet History of Compliance at the time of the renewal
The program is on a Corrective Action Plan with Child Care Licensing
The program has an open Out of Home Abuse and Neglect (OHAN) investigation
If the Provider Agreement cannot be renewed, a letter will be sent by certified mail giving a 2
week notice that the agreement will not be renewed and an end date. This will be the last date
the provider may expect to receive payment for any clients served through SC Voucher
Non-Renewal of the Provider Agreement is not appealable
7.5 Criteria for Renewal of Provider Agreement
All programs must:
a. Have a clear History of Compliance to include:
A current regular License or Registration
No open investigation with the Office of Out of Home Abuse and Neglect (OHAN). See
Glossary for definition
Not on a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) with ABC Quality
b. Submit and meet all eligibility criteria (Program and Staff) every year
c. Receive a score of 80 percent or higher if a Level B program
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 21
Chapter 8 ABC Quality Framework
8.1 Annual Review
a. A minimum of one unannounced visit per year will be conducted.
b. During the visit:
Level B Programs: Quality Assessor will complete an on-site observation and evaluation using
the Family/Group Child Care Standards and review eligibility criteria.
Level C Programs: Quality Assessor will complete an on-site evaluation and review eligibility
c. Eligibility criteria will be reviewed for any new staff hired since the last visit and updated for all
other staff.
8.2 Determining the Quality Level
Programs choose whether they want to pursue a Level B or a Level C rating. Currently, there is no
opportunity to become a Level A, but will be in the future. To determine the Level:
Level B+
Programs receive a score of 99% 100% for the on-site observation AND meet all eligibility criteria at
the time of the review.
Level B
1) Programs receive a score of 99% - 100% for the on-site observation, but do not meet all
eligibility criteria at the time of the review. OR
2) Programs receive a score of 80% to 99% for the on-site observation regardless of whether all
eligibility requirements are met.
Level C
To become a Level C, there is no on-site observation; and may or may not meet all the eligibility
criteria at the time of the review.
8.3. Corrective Action Process
Providers must meet all requirements at enrollment. When annual reviews are conducted, and the
provider does not meet all requirements, then ABC Quality will follow it’s corrective action process.
On-site Observation for Level B only:
Annual Review: Provider does not meet the minimum score of 80% during any annual review for a
Level B provider.
Corrective Action Process:
ABC Quality will ensure technical assistance is provided by one of it’s partner agencies.
ABC Quality will conduct a 2
observation within 3 months of the first one after the provider
has received technical assistance.
ABC Quality will conduct a 3
observation within 3 months of the 2
observation if the provider
still does not meet the minimum score upon the 2
observation. However, if the score still
does not meet the minimum, then ABC Quality will staff the program for termination.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 22
Eligibility Criteria:
Annual Review: Programs do not meet all eligibility criteria at the annual review.
Corrective Action Process:
Notice of Corrective Action Needed: The provider will be provided with a Site Report
outlining deficiencies found. The Site Report is signed by the provider; however, refusal to sign
it does not exempt the program from submitting the required documentation to remain
enrolled. The provider is given 15 days from the date of the review to submit any corrective
action before the report is finalized
Notice of Corrective Action Needed: If the provider does not submit any corrective action
from the 1
Notice or the corrective action is not satisfactorily met, the provider will receive
their finalized report and be given another 15 days to submit corrective action
Notice of Corrective Action Needed: If corrective action is still not submitted, a letter is
mailed to the provider giving a final 15 days to submit everything
If corrective action is not received, then the program’s file is sent for staffing for termination or
non-renewal of the Provider Agreement
8.4 Assessor Reliability
ABC Quality is committed to scoring each observed program accurately and reliably. All ABC Quality
Assessors have extensive education, training, and experience with classroom practice, observation, and
assessment. They have been trained to remain objective and unbiased when observing a program.
There are 4 State Anchors reliable to each other who then provide a rigorous orientation process for
the state team of Quality Assessors. Testing for reliability requires a minimum of three assessments
conducted jointly by the Assessor and Anchor. Reliability is measured by reaching consensus on 85%
of the tool’s indicators. Once the Assessor is determined reliable, she/he will conduct observations
independently. Each Assessor and Anchor undergo periodic rechecks to assure objectivity and
reliability in scoring.
8.5 Reclassification
Reclassification is when a provider is moved from one Level to another within the Quality Rating and
Improvement System (QRIS).
If the program moves up a Level (from a Level C to a Level B, etc.) in the QRIS, then a rate change
request for an increase in payment rates will be processed
Currently, at this time, programs are not eligible to voluntarily move down in Levels.
Reclassification is not appealable
8.6 ABC Quality Partner Agencies
SCDSS partners through contracts with the following agencies in an effort to assist and support child
care programs in providing quality child care. You may contact these partners for the services they can
offer, if you feel you need assistance. There is no charge to programs for these services.
SC Child Care Resource & Referral Network
SC Child Care Resource & Referral (SC CCR&R) is a team of dedicated, experienced ECE professionals
(Quality Coach) working to promote high-quality early care and education (ECE) in South Carolina. SCCR
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 23
& R provides free, statewide services to South Carolina’s families, early childhood programs, and
communities in its efforts to connect, support, and engage ECE stakeholders across the state.
SC Program For Infant Toddler Care
The SCPITC promotes a responsive, relationship-based approach to infant/toddler care. The positions
advocated by the South Carolina PITC are based in sound child development and family support
research, theory and practice. The SCPITC is adapted from the Program for Infant/Toddler Care in
California at the WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies which is recognized nationally and
internationally for their effective training strategies emphasizing an approach that encourages self-
reflection and builds on the strengths of individual programs and teachers. SCPITC also offers “Be Well
Care Well”, “SC Beginnings”, and SCIMHA” consultation. [email protected]
SC Child Care Inclusion Collaborative
The South Carolina Child Care Inclusion Collaborative is committed to connecting child care providers,
partners, and families with high quality resources to support the inclusion of children with disabilities
in child care settings. 803-777-8483 [email protected]
8.7 Other Resources
Look in Statewide Child Care Resources on our website ( , for additional
Chapter 9 Provider Business Procedures
9.1 Introduction
We are very excited to have you be a part of ABC Quality!
The ABC Quality Rating & Improvement System (ABC Quality) is a federally funded program administered by
the SC Department of Social Services. We are also a voluntary program.
ABC Quality strives to protect the health and safety of children in child care, help parents make informed
consumer choices and access information to support child development, provide equal access to stable child
care for children eligible for SC Voucher, and enhance the quality of child care and the early childhood
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 24
To join the ABC Quality family, you must sign a Provider Agreement which signifies you agree to comply with
requirements set forth in this Manual. Therefore, it is very important that you read his document in its
entirety. Any questions should be referred to ABC Quality.
9.2 General Information
As a part of ABC Quality, providers understand and agree to the following:
a. Providers are independent business owners. Enrollment is strictly voluntary.
b. Enrollment in ABC Quality is not a guarantee of parents with scholarship vouchers for any
c. Providers should not view participation in ABC Quality as a primary means of support for their
d. Providers agree to meet and maintain the eligibility requirements, additional program
standards above regulatory requirements, and documentation relating to attendance and SC
Voucher Payment. Provider payment rates in SC Voucher are based on the Level of participation
and the provider type. Providers are paid the rate they charge to all others, up to the highest
SC Voucher maximum rate for the level assigned.
e. Providers agree that parents shall have unlimited access to their children and to the providers
caring for their children during the normal hours of program operation and whenever children
are in the care of the provider.
f. Providers who participate in ABC Quality must not charge private paying clients less than what
is being charged for SC Voucher scholarship clients. If the program offers discounted rates or
scholarships to other populations (e.g. employees or low-income parents), the program must
have a clearly documented policy of how this is administered, e.g. number of slots,
qualifications to obtain scholarship/sliding fee (income/family size, is there an application, who
approves applications, where does the funding come from, etc. It must contain as much detail
as possible. The discounts must be administered fairly. This must be made known to ABC
Quality at the time of enrollment or if implemented after enrollment. Without this
documentation, ABC Quality considers this charging private paying clients less than SC Voucher
scholarship clients.
g. ABC Quality does not guarantee providers will receive clients, nor does ABC Quality refer clients
to providers. Clients voluntarily choose the provider that best meets their needs.
h. Our website,, is a resource for providers and is continually updated as new
information becomes available. If you do not already receive our newsletter, please use the
link on this website to enter your email address to be added to the mailing list. As documents
are added or revised, they will be added to “ABC Quality Resources”. The date they were
revised will be reflected in the footer. The provider shall be responsible for compliance to the
amended procedures for the purpose defined.
9.3 Who to Call and When
This is a short guide to help you if any of the following occur, and where to report it. You may call or
submit this in writing via email. Please do not send any information with your SVL.
CONTACT US AT: (see 1.3, ABC Quality Contact Information to see where you need to report this)
Please let us know if any of the following occurs:
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 25
Change in facility address or payment address
Change in phone number
Change in FEIN or Social Security Number
Change in the Director
Closing of facility temporarily or permanently
If provider needs to add or delete an age group
Change in Regulatory Status
Change in Rates
Plans to sell facility/change of ownership or entering management agreement
SC Voucher Phone: (800) 262-4416
ATTN: Provider Team Fax: (800) 310-5417
S. C. Department of Social Services
P. O. Box 100160
Columbia, South Carolina 29202-3160
Please let us know if any of the following occur:
When a child has missed ten consecutive days
Inquiries regarding payment if payment not received after 10-14 working days
from the date of SVL receipt by the SC Voucher
Provider is going to discontinue services to a client
Provider will be temporarily closed for a week or longer
Clients fail to attend the program after authorization is given
Provider has trouble accessing the on-line SVL or needs help with the password
Chapter 10 SC Voucher Scholarship Clients and Services
ABC Quality and SC Voucher are advocates for parental choice and clients are responsible for selecting the
provider of their choice.
10.1 When a client authorized for services through SC Voucher selects your program
A new client or a client already receiving services at another provider may want to select/transfer to
your facility. When a client chooses you to care for their child(ren), you should:
a. Refer to 9.4 Client Transfer, for more detailed information.
b. Request a valid form of identification to verify the identity of the client.
c. Assist the client in completing the client connection form and fax it to SC Voucher at 1 (800)
310-5417 or email it to [email protected]. This will connect the client to your
program and initiate the payment process for that client. Parents are given a connection form
in their approval packet, but if they do not have one, you can request these by contacting SC
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 26
Providers cannot accept/serve a child for a care type [age group, full-time or half-time)]
for which they have not been enrolled. For example, a provider may be enrolled for full-
time care type, but not half-time, etc. If providers are unsure as to the care types for
which they are enrolled, they should refer to their enrollment information provided or
call ABC Quality. Care types may be added at the provider's request and upon approval
by ABC Quality
d. Upon receipt of the connection form, SC Voucher will verify that the client is eligible to receive
services, and that the provider is enrolled to serve the care type requested. SC Voucher will
then authorize the provider to serve the client (if the client has complied with transfer
procedures) and make the necessary “connection” in the system with an established start date.
e. SC Voucher will send the provider an “Authorization/Connection Letter” confirming the
connection. The letter will include information such as the authorization date, provider billing
rate, client fee, care type authorized and number of weeks of care.
f. If a client fails to attend the child care program for ten consecutive days after authorization is
given, you must notify SC Voucher if child does not return to the program in the third week.
g. If the provider’s rates are higher than what SC Voucher will pay for each child, the provider
should notify the client (preferably in writing) prior to the start date that they are required to
pay the difference, in addition to the co-pay, if applicable. This is also noted in the parent’s
handbook given to them by SC Voucher and you should refer them to the handbook.
h. Service Voucher Logs (SVL) are the documents used by SC Voucher for programs to request
payment. Once a client has been connected to the program, the SVL will automatically be
generated and sent to the provider. If an SVL is not received, the provider must contact SC
Voucher. Providers have the option to complete a paper version of the SVL or access the online
SVL payment system. SC Voucher provides support in setting up the on-line SVL.
10.2 Maximum Care Allowed
Clients can receive up to a maximum of 52 weeks of care during any one-year period of eligibility. This
may be full-time care, part-time or a combination of the two. Note: Less than half-time care may be
in conjunction with full or half-time care and may be used alone. It cannot be used to pay the same
child care provider.
10.3 Client Fee
SC Voucher determines if the client has a fee (or co-pay) by evaluating the client’s family size and
income. The provider is responsible for the collection of client fees from the parent in advance of
service delivery. Neither ABC Quality nor SC Voucher assumes any responsibility for collection or
payment of client fees.
Foster parents and clients participating in the SCDSS Family Independence Program are exempt from
paying client fees. However, they are responsible for the difference between the provider’s rate and
the maximum rate paid by SC Voucher, if the provider’s rate exceeds the maximum rate.
a. The client fee should be collected weekly in advance of service delivery. **Providers should
not let clients get behind on their weekly fees. [Refer to the Special Note under 9.4 Client
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 27
b. The provider may discontinue services to the client when client fees are not paid; however, the
provider must seek authorization from SC Voucher before doing so.
c. The amount of the client fee and any second child discount are deducted from the SC Voucher
payment to the provider.
10.4 Client Transfer
Clients may transfer from one provider to another.
a. Clients must notify SC Voucher either by telephone or in writing and receive approval prior to
b. Some providers have established policy requirements regarding client transfers; the client may
be required to adhere to these.
c. The effective date of the transfer will be the 1st Monday following the 7th working day after SC
Voucher receives the phone call or written notice from the client requesting the transfer.
To determine the effective date of transfer:
The date SC Voucher receives the phone call or written notice is considered day one of
the notice. Then begin counting seven working days from that date. In counting the 7
days, do not include state observed Holidays or weekends, as they are not considered
working days. Whatever date the 7
working day falls on the transfer date will be the
next Monday after that
EXCEPTION: If notification is received on a Thursday, then Friday is counted as day one.
If notice is received any other day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday),
that same day is always counted as day one
EXAMPLE: Request is made on Wednesday. Counting seven [7] working days beginning
with Wednesday, the 7th working day would fall on Thursday of the next week. The
transfer date would be the next Monday following this Thursday
d. Notice requirements can be waived under unusual circumstances if sought by the client. SC
Voucher will notify the provider if the request for a waiver is approved.
e. The previous provider will not be paid after the start date is established for the new provider.
f. The previous provider will be notified by telephone of the client’s last authorized day of service.
A “Transfer Letter” will also be sent.
**SPECIAL NOTE: Clients with unpaid fees at the time of the transfer will still be allowed to
transfer. It is the responsibility of the provider to ensure client fees are paid in a timely
10.5 Discontinuing Services to Clients
1. When the Provider Discontinues Services To The Client
Providers have a right to stop serving a client or child if either is disruptive to the program or
does not comply with the provider's established policies.
a. Providers must notify clients and SC Voucher by calling the provider line at [800-262-4416]
before discontinuing services to the client.
b. The reason for discontinuing services must be included, e.g., failure to pay fees, parent
does not pick child up on time, or child displays disruptive behavior, etc.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 28
c. If you serve any children with differing abilities and needs and require assistance to help
you serve the child in your program, you may contact the SC Inclusion Collaborative who
will gladly provide technical assistance at no cost. Their number is 803-777-2861.
d. The ending date will be the last day of the service week (always a Sunday), in which the
provider asked the client to leave.
e. Clients should be notified by the provider [preferably in writing] a minimum of three
working days in advance of the effective date.
f. Clients should be allowed to finish any week in which the provider has billed SC Voucher
for the client. Failure to allow the child to finish out a week may result in an early release,
which would require the provider to forfeit any notice and/or payment for that week.
2. When SC Voucher Terminates Client’s Eligibility
SC Voucher may terminate a client's or child's eligibility:
a. If termination is initiated by SC Voucher, the provider and client will be notified by mail
that the client’s services are being terminated and all payments for services rendered
after the termination date will become the client’s responsibility.
b. The provider will be mailed a Denial/Termination Letter that reflects the effective date
of termination and the reason for the termination. A minimum advance notice of 10
calendar days will be given from the date the determination to end services is made,
unless extenuating circumstances exist, and a waiver is given to the client.
Chapter 11 Amendment of Provider’s Enrollment
A provider's enrollment can be amended at any time after enrollment in ABC Quality. The provider must notify
the assigned ABC Quality Assessor directly if any changes or amendments need to be made to their enrollment
and send any documentation to the Assessor.
ABC Quality.
Amendments may occur for, but are not limited to, the following reasons:
11.1 Provider Rates Changes
Rate changes can be requested by the provider or can be initiated by ABC Quality if the provider moves
up or down in the ABC Quality Rating and Improvement System.
11.1.1 Rate Increases
Providers who increase their child care rates may request a rate increase.
a. The provider may call ABC Quality or SC Voucher to request a Rate Change Form be sent
to them.
b. Effective July 1, 2022, rate changes may only be approved one time per calendar year
from the date of your last rate increase.
c. The rate form is signed and dated by the provider and returned with the required
documentation (#d) to SC Voucher at [email protected].
d. Required documentation: The provider must include a copy of their published/written
child care rates [e.g., written fee policy, parent handbook with rates included] along with
any correspondence given to parents notifying them of the rate increase. The rate
increase will not be processed without this information. Providers who do not currently
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 29
have a written fee policy [outlining what rates they charge] are strongly encouraged to
develop one. IMPORTANT: Providers must not charge private paying clients less than
the amount charged to SC Voucher clients.
e. Providers will receive written confirmation that the rate increase has been approved
and processed; however, at times SC Voucher may contact the provider and give verbal
confirmation first. Providers should contact SC Voucher if they do not receive either
verbal or written correspondence in response to their request. It is the provider’s
responsibility to make sure their rate increase has been received and processed by SC
Voucher. Rate increases will not be applied retroactively.
f. Once approved, the rate increase will not immediately take effect for those clients
currently being served by the provider. The payment rate will remain the same until the
client’s eligibility period is renewed. If the client continues to select the provider, then
the new payment rate will be effective for the client with the date of their new eligibility
EXCEPTION: Foster care children are the only clients immediately connected at the
new rate.
g. Any new clients selecting the provider on or after the date of the rate increase will be
paid at the new rate.
h. If the provider charges more than the maximum allowed by SC Voucher, then only the
maximum will be paid. The provider may require the client to pay any difference
between their rate and the maximum paid by SC Voucher. Note: The Client Handbook
also tells the client they must pay the difference. It is recommended that if you do
charge more that you inform the client of this upon accepting them as to avoid any
11.1.2 Rate Decreases
Providers who decrease their rates must notify SC Voucher and request a Rate Change Form.
a. The same procedures as outlined in Rate Increases will be followed with the exception
that all rate decreases will be effective immediately without regard to the client's
eligibility status.
b. IMPORTANT NOTE: failure to notify SC Voucher of a decrease in rates will result in a
recoupment of funds for the time period the provider continued to receive a higher
payment rate than was charged to private paying clients. Additionally, the program
could be staffed for termination for fraudulently billing SC Voucher.
11.2 Addition or Deletion of Additional Age Group
Providers can request to add another age group(s) not previously enrolled by contacting ABC
Quality. Providers must be currently providing child care services for the age group
Providers can request to add half-time or full-time for an age group already enrolled
Providers should request to delete an age group if they are no longer serving an age group or
do not want to be enrolled for that age group
11.3 Change in Facility's Regulatory Status
Once notified, ABC Quality will send the appropriate paperwork to change the facility’s status
11.4 Change in Name of the Program
ABC Quality will send the appropriate paperwork to be completed and returned in order to
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 30
make the change
Note: For Family and Group programs, the only way a name change would be processed, is if the
provider obtained a Federal ID Tax number indicating the name change.
11.5 Change in Program Location
If the provider moves to another location, the following must occur:
The provider must notify ABC Quality as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days prior to the
The provider must only serve the children at the facility enrolled. When a provider moves, the
Provider Agreement becomes null and void
If the provider needs to temporarily relocate due to unforeseen circumstances (even for one
day), such as the facility floods, renovations, etc., they must notify ABC Quality for approval to
move the children
The provider’s file with the old address will be closed
ABC Quality is under no obligation to enroll the new location
If the provider meets the following, then the enrollment will be processed at the new location:
Must have a License or Registration for the new address
Program demonstrates a history of compliance
Eligibility requirements are met
11.6 Change in Mailing/Payment Address or Phone Numbers
If there is a change in the facility phone number, payment/mailing address, or service address
because of 911:
ABC Quality will send the appropriate paperwork to be completed and returned in order to
process the address change
11.7 Change in Telephone Number
Once notified, ABC Quality will update its records to include SC Voucher
Chapter 12 Records
The following records are required to be kept on-site, as required by federal regulations. If the Director is
going to be away from the location, a designated person in charge must have access to all records. If records
are not on-site during the assessment visit, the assessor will note that the provider does not meet the
requirement. This means that Quality Assessors are not going to travel to another location to review records.
If a program has multiple sites and keep records in a central location, then copies must be kept on-site.
Providers should establish good record keeping methods and maintain all documentation in an orderly fashion.
Records must be kept confidential.
12.1 Attendance
Daily attendance records must be maintained for each child served through SC Voucher. Attendance
must be kept for a minimum of 5 years plus the current year or until the program has been audited.
Attendance may be documented in several different ways which include the following:
Recording days and actual hours of attendance in a roll book or log sheet to include the
USDA Log Sheet
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 31
Using sign-in/sign-out sheets
Using computer logs, etc. IMPORTANT NOTE: If provider uses sign-in/sign-out sheets,
and the parents fail to sign-in or sign-out, the DSS Auditors may recoup funds
Records must be legible and easily readable. If using the computer, please make sure the font
is a size that can be easily read
The child’s name on the attendance must match the name on the SVL. The child’s given name,
not a nickname, should be recorded
Records must match the absences reported on the SVL submitted for the period. Providers
must accurately report all absences on the SVL indicating “0for the hours attended and the
absence reason code or the actual number of hours attended daily (whole numbers only)
A provider may be required to repay funds if the provider cannot provide accurate
documentation that the child attended the program
Daily attendance records may be requested to resolve a discrepancy between two different
providers when a child’s date of attendance is in question
SCDSS Audit staff regularly conduct audit reviews and failure to have this documentation can
result in recoupment of funds if the provider cannot show documentation of attendance.
SCDSS audit staff created a helpful information sheet for providers, Internal Audit
Information and Recommendations.
12.2 Receipts for Grant Purchases
Providers must maintain receipts on-site for items purchased under any grant received for a period of
five years plus the current year for audit purposes. It is suggested that copies of receipts be made as
sometimes original receipts fade over time and cannot be read.
12.3 Service Voucher Log [SVL]
Providers must maintain copies of the SVL on-site for a period of five years plus the current year for
audit purposes.
12.4 Staff Records
An individual file must be kept on-site for each staff employed. Information should include, but not be
limited to, the following:
a. Name and Job Title of Staff (e.g. Director, Lead Teacher, or Assistant Teacher, etc.).
b. Documentation of CPR Certification.
c. Documentation of First Aid Certification.
d. Copy of ABC Quality Code of Ethics signed and dated.
e. Maltreatment Policy statement prohibiting the use maltreatment signed and dated yearly.
12.5 Client Records
An individual file should be kept on-site for each child enrolled through SC Voucher. Information should
include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. A “Child Enrollment Form” which includes the following information: Parent name; child’s
complete name; child’s sex, age and date of Birth; Social Security Number of parent(unless
foster child, then SS# of foster child), address; contact information to include emergency
contact; medical conditions or allergies staff need to be aware of; and the names of any
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 32
individual authorized to pick the child up from the program. It is helpful to cross-reference each
child’s file with other children from the same family, especially when the last names are
different. ABC Authorization/Connection Letter - describes the client’s name and name of the
child, amount of billing, start and stop dates, client fee amount (if applicable), and type of care.
Quality has a sample Child Enrollment Form on our website that you may use. It can be found
under Related Documents & Links on our website.
b. Authorization/Connection Letter - describes the client’s name and name of the child, amount
of billing, start and stop dates, client fee amount (if applicable), and type of care.
c. Any correspondence from SC Voucher related to the client.
12.6 Field Trip Records
ABC Quality allows providers to take children on field trips. Field trips can only occur during programs
regular hours of operation. ABC Quality does not allow programs to take children on overnight trips.
(See Glossary Chapter 21 for definition of Field Trip #21.23). ABC Quality requires the following records
to be present for each field trip. Failure to provide this documentation when requested can result in
ABC Quality considering the event to be serving children at an unauthorized location.
a. A written plan of the field trip to include date, location, purpose, estimated length of field trip,
and ratios that will be maintained.
If the facility regularly takes a specific field trip such as to a movie or skating rink weekly, ABC
Quality will accept a “blanket” statement only if it includes all the dates the activity will occur.
b. Written parental permission for the specific field trip.
c. Tracking sheets for the field trip.
Chapter 13 Complaints
13.1 Complaints
Complaints are a natural part of owning/running a child care facility. ABC Quality takes complaints
seriously. The program and staff must cooperate with any investigation by ABC Quality and OHAN staff
to review documents and view any video footage. Failure to do so could result in termination from
ABC Quality.
If ABC Quality receives a complaint on a program that is regulatory in nature, the complaint will
be forwarded to the appropriate Child Care Licensing Region
Complaints received by ABC Quality that involves an injury to a child will be referred to the Office
of Out of Home Abuse and Neglect (OHAN) (if the complainant hasn’t already reported it)
Complaints received by ABC Quality related to a violation of the policies of ABC Quality or about
payment or fraud, will be investigated within 3 business days following the complaint. A visit may
be conducted or the complaint may be handled by contacting the provider by phone and
obtaining documents
Any findings by ABC Quality will be documented in a letter sent to the program
ABC Quality may make a follow-up visit to verify correction of deficiencies
All complaints received, and subsequent correspondence will be kept on file with ABC Quality and
are public record
Chapter 14 Voluntary Withdrawal from ABC Quality
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 33
ABC Quality is and has always been a voluntary program. Providers can voluntarily withdraw their participation
at any time by the following ways: in writing, via letter or email or by not re-applying for enrollment in ABC
Quality upon expiration of the Quality Level. Providers should notify ABC Quality directly. If SC Voucher clients
are connected, we request at least a two-week notice so clients may find another provider. Providers who
have received a grant must stay in the program for the period required by the grant, or the grant funds will be
Voluntary termination of a provider’s enrollment agreement is not appealable. If the provider requests to
voluntarily end their enrollment agreement, and then later requests to rescind the termination of their
agreement, ABC Quality is under no obligation to do so, particularly if the provider’s file has been closed in SC
Chapter 15 Adverse Actions by ABC Quality
There are times when ABC Quality finds it necessary to initiate termination of a provider’s enrollment. ABC
Quality does not take termination lightly.
15.1 Termination of the Provider’s Enrollment by ABC Quality
ABC Quality will initiate termination of a provider’s enrollment agreement during any enrollment period
if the provider fails to comply with the requirements of ABC Quality to maintain enrollment. Termination
is not immediate, as the provider has the right to appeal the termination.
IMPORTANT: Because ABC Quality is a federally funded program, if the provider’s enrollment is
terminated, it is possible that other federally funded programs in which the provider also participates,
such as the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), may seek disqualification from the program.
Any time termination is initiated, the Director of Early Care and Education reserves the right to remove
all ABC children from the facility during the termination/appeals process.
The following list includes (but not limited to) reasons that ABC Quality will initiate termination of a
provider’s enrollment during the time the Provider Agreement is in effect. These terminations are
appealable. (see Appeals Process Chapter 18).
15.1.1 Failure to Maintain History of Compliance to Regulations: The program is not in compliance
with History of Compliance.
15.1.2 Failure to Meet the Program and Staff Eligibility Criteria: The program is not in compliance
with meeting Program and Staff Eligibility Criteria.
15.1.3 Failure to Maintain Required Program Assessment Scores: The program does not meet the
minimum total score required to maintain enrollment.
15.1.4 Use of Corporal Punishment or Maltreatment of Children:
(1) The use of corporal punishment or maltreatment of a child(ren) by the owner of the
facility or,
(2) The use of corporal punishment or maltreatment of a child(ren) by staff in the facility,
and the owner/operator did not take appropriate action.
(3) If further instances of corporal punishment or maltreatment occur at the facility within
any 12- month period, termination of enrollment will occur.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 34
15.1.5 Staff Name Placed on the Central Registry of Abuse and Neglect: Staff whose name has
been placed on the Central Registry and the owner/operator has not prohibited the staff
from being in the facility.
15.1.6 Failure to Submit Required Corrective Action: The provider does not correct the
deficiencies/violations within the timeframe allowed (including any extension of time
allowed for correction). If the provider submits all corrective action after the termination
letter has been received, ABC Quality is under no obligation to rescind the termination.
15.1.7 Failure to Provide Child Care Services at Enrolled Address and/or providing services at a
location that is not enrolled and the child is not connected to:
The provider is serving children at a location other than the enrolled address.
15.1.8 Failure to Operate during Stated Hours of Operation: There are 3 documented incidents of
non-compliance with the stated hours of operation during any 12-month period.
15.1.9 Misuse of ABC Grant Funds: The provider did not comply with the terms and conditions of
a grant and the provider did not reimburse ABC Quality within the timeframe given for
reimbursement (including any extension of time approved). Funds will be recouped.
15.1.10 Fraud: The provider has committed fraud. Funds may be recouped for the period of time
the provider did not qualify for the funds.
15.1.11 Owner, Director, and/or Operator Guilty of Fraud in A State-Funded or Federally-funded
Program: 1) The owner/operator is found guilty of committing fraud in another state-
funded or federally funded-program., or 2) the director is guilty of committing fraud in
another state-funded or federally-funded program and the director is retained in the
capacity as director of the facility.
15.1.12 Verbal or Physical Abuse by Provider Towards SCDSS Staff: 1) The provider has a second
offense of cursing or yelling at SCDSS staff employed with the Division of Early Care and
Education. The provider was sent a certified letter after the 1
offense describing the
incident and informing the provider that another such incident would result in termination
being initiated or 2) The provider threatened, or physically assaulted staff during the course
of conducting ABC Quality business.
15.1.13 Refusal to Allow SCDSS Representatives Access to the Facility: The provider refused to allow
any representative with SCDSS access to the premises or in the building of an enrolled child
care facility while on official business during operating hours of the facility and the provider
is open for business.
15.1.14 Refusal to Cooperate With Any Investigation by ABC Quality/OHAN: The provider refused
to cooperate with an investigation to include allowing access to video footage or refusal to
allow the interview of employees/parents
15.1.15 Smoking/Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages/ Use of Non-Prescription Narcotic or Illegal
Substances on the Premises (to include in vehicles when children transported): The
program has been cited for the use of the above during the hours the children are present.
15.1.16 Owner is Cited for Operating Illegally at Another Location: The program has been found to
be operating a program at another location that is deemed an illegal operation. This was
found by either Child Care Licensing, DSS staff or staff from a SCDSS partner agency.
15.1.17 Failure to Comply with the Provider Business Procedures: The program has failed to comply
with the requirements of the Provider Business Procedures.
15.2 Exceptions to Termination of a Provider’s Enrollment
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 35
The following terminations are not appealable. The following list includes (but not limited to) reasons
that ABC Quality will close a provider’s file. In the following situations, even though ABC Quality considers
this a closing of the provider’s file, SC Voucher terminates the provider’s enrollment in the SC Voucher
System and sends the provider a termination letter. The following are reasons a provider would be
15.2.1 Provider has closed:
If the provider notifies ABC Quality they are no longer operating, then ABC Quality will close
the provider’s file. If ABC Quality is notified by parents that the program is/has closed, then
ABC Quality will attempt to contact the provider to verify and the file will be closed.
15.2.2 Child Care Licensing has closed the provider’s file:
If Child Care Licensing closes the provider’s file, then ABC Quality will also close the
provider’s file with ABC Quality/SC Voucher.
15.2.3 Facility/Home is vacant:
The facility where the enrolled program is housed is vacant and no one is there. This can be
verified either by an on-site visit or by another method. The ABC Quality Assessor will
attempt to contact the provider to determine the status of the program. This renders the
Provider Agreement for this location null and void and the file will be closed. If SC Voucher
clients are connected, SC Voucher will contact the parents immediately. If the provider has
moved, ABC Quality is under no obligation to enroll the new location, as moving children is
also a violation of the Provider Agreement.
15.2.4 ABC Quality cannot reach anyone either at the facility (on-site) or by phone during the
normal hours of operation:
ABC Quality will send a letter notifying the provider they must contact ABC Quality within
five working days of receipt of the letter or their file will be closed. If there is no response
by the provider, the file will be closed. If SC Voucher clients are connected, SC Voucher will
contact the parents immediately.
15.2.5 The provider has not responded to attempts to contact them:
If ABC Quality staff attempts to contact the provider via phone messages, emails, or leaving
a “Record of Visit Form” at the facility and the provider does not respond, a letter will be
sent notifying the provider they must contact ABC Quality within five working days of receipt
of the letter or their file will be closed. If there is no response by the provider, the file will
be closed. If SC Voucher clients are connected, SC Voucher will contact the parents
15.2.6 Provider Moves:
When the provider moves to another location, this renders the Provider Agreement null and
void as it is address specific. The provider’s file will be closed. The provider may request to
enroll the new location as long as all eligibility requirements are met; however, ABC Quality
is under no obligation to enroll the provider at the new location.
15.2.7 Provider Has No Children Enrolled (private-pay or SC Voucher):
When providers are open but do not have children enrolled, ABC Quality cannot conduct
observations and therefore the provider is unable to meet the Process Quality Assessment.
Providers who have not had any children (private-pay and SC Voucher) for at least one year
will be closed.
15.2.8 Provider does not offer consistent hours or days of operation:
SC Voucher clients need consistent care in order to participate in work, or school. When
providers offer varying days or hours of operation, such as only drop-in care or weekend
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 36
care, etc., this does not allow clients consistent care. SC Voucher does not pay for drop-in
care or weekend care. The provider’s file will be closed.
Chapter 16 Waiting Period for Re-Applying
ABC Quality reserves the right to deny enrollment or re-enrollment, as this is a voluntary program, and ABC
Quality is responsible for ensuring the best quality and safe environments for South Carolina’s most vulnerable
children. Denial of enrollment is not appealable.
16.1 Waiting Period for Re-Applying
Providers must wait one calendar year from the actual termination or closure date before they can re-
apply to ABC Quality. This applies to the following:
The provider voluntarily terminates the Provider Agreement
ABC Quality initiates the termination of the Provider Agreement
Upon expiration of the Provider Agreement, ABC Quality does not renew the Agreement
If a provider appeals ABC Quality’s decision to terminate the Provider Agreement, the actual
termination date would be the date the appeals process ends (date provider is actually terminated in
SC Voucher) and the one year would be from that date.
16.2 Exemption of Waiting Period
If extenuating circumstances exist, the Director of Early Care and Education may grant an exemption
to the 1 year wait to reapply for enrollment, if recommended by ABC Quality. No exemption will be
granted for providers who are terminated for failure to maintain History of Compliance with regulatory
Chapter 17 Enrollment/Re-Enrollment Exceptions
ABC Quality reserves the right to deny enrollment or re-enrollment, as this is a voluntary program, and ABC
Quality is responsible for ensuring the best quality and safe environments for South Carolina’s most vulnerable
children. Denial of enrollment is not appealable.
17.1 Reasons a provider is ineligible to enroll or re-enroll in ABC Quality
a. Death of a Child: When a negative action by a provider results in the death of a child at a facility.
b. Fraud: Providers found guilty in court of committing or who have committed fraud with ABC
Quality or SC Voucher.
c. Falsified documents: Providers who falsify or misrepresent official or legal documents (e.g.,
birth certificates, degrees, transcripts, etc.), or other ABC program documents (SVL, attendance
records) and submit them to the ABC Quality or who may have submitted them in the past to
Child Care Licensing, if provider was previously regulated.
d. Administrative or Judicial Determination of Abuse and/or Neglect: Facilities with employees
whose name is on the Central Registry of Abuse and Neglect are also ineligible for enrollment
as long as the employee continues to be employed and/or present at the facility.
e. Ineligibility to Participate in Publicly Funded Programs: Any institution or its principals who are
ineligible for any other publicly funded program due to the above criteria are prohibited from
participating in ABC Quality at any level. However, this prohibition does not apply if the
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 37
institution or principal has been fully reinstated in, or determined eligible for, that program,
including the payment of any debts owed.
f. Programs With Two Occurrences of an Adverse Action Taken Against them and/or Have Not
Been Offered Another Agreement by ABC Quality: If there have been at least two instances
whereby the provider was either terminated by ABC Quality and ABC Quality was upheld, or if
ABC Quality could not offer the provider another Provider Agreement, the provider cannot re-
enroll. This can be two instances of the same or a combination.
g. Programs Who Received A Grant and Did Not Comply With The Terms And Conditions Of The
Grant: If the provider did not meet the terms and conditions of the grant, e.g. provider did not
stay enrolled for the stated amount of time, and the funds were not paid back.
h. Providers Who Have Operated Illegally: 1) Providers who have been found to be operating a
program without a permit (illegal operation) by Child Care Licensing or by DSS staff or partner
agencies prior to becoming enrolled with ABC Quality, or 2) if an existing ABC Quality provider
is either found to be operating illegally at the enrolled site, or if the provider is operating
another location that is deemed an illegal operation.
i. Provider who do not have a Designated Safe On-Site Play Area Outside for children: To enroll,
the program must provide a designated safe play area away from vehicular traffic or other
possible hazards. If cars are present, the program must provide secure barriers for protection
against bodily injury.
j. Providers whose name is on the License/Registration and they have an outside job. The name
of the primary operator on the License/Registration must be the one caring for the children.
k. Summer Only Programs: Programs who are only in operation 2-3 months are not able to
complete the Enrollment Process and receive a Level before they close.
l. The owner previously had a licensed center in which the license was revoked or withdrawn:
The owner will not be allowed to enroll.
17.2 Reasons a provider may be ineligible to enroll
These will be staffed on a case-by-case basis and ABC Quality reserves the right to deny enrollment/re-
enrollment. These are not appealable:
a. Programs Whose Primary Business is not Child Care: Providers whose primary business is not
child care (e.g., karate/martial arts, dance studios, gymnastics and tutoring facilities). Existing
programs in ABC Quality can remain enrolled as long as they meet other requirements.
b. Programs with an open OHAN investigation: Any provider that has an open OHAN investigation
cannot enroll until the case has been successfully resolved.
c. Programs Terminated Previously for an offense that could have impacted the health & safety
or well-being of the child(ren): The following are some offenses (but not limited to) for which
a provider may have been terminated: A Significant Event as defined under History of
Compliance, hiding children from DSS employees to avoid being cited for being out of
ratio/over-capacity, or serving children at locations unknown to SCDSS employees.
d. Programs Terminated for the use of Corporal Punishment or Maltreatment of Children:
If ABC Quality allows the provider to re-enroll, the provider will be required to provide
documentation that they have taken at least 3 hours of training specifically related to behavior
and guidance. This can be formal training or training provided by a technical assistance
e. Programs not meeting History of Compliance or found to have a violation during on-site
enrollment visit: If the program is found to not meet History of Compliance they are not eligible
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 38
to enroll. If during the on-site enrollment visit a violation is found (e.g., is out of ratio,
unqualified staff, etc., then the enrollment cannot continue. The program must wait six months
to reapply in both cases and cannot have any more violations.
Chapter 18 Appeals Process
The provider may appeal adverse actions such as termination or de-enrollment of an age group pursuant to
the SCDSS’s regulations [Reg. 126150, et seq.]. The following is not appealable: 1) the natural ending of the
provider enrollment period based on the expiration date, 2) provider closure, 3) failing the assessment scores
during an enrollment visit 4) not being enrolled due to a violation that occurs during the on-site enrollment
visit 5) denial of enrollment/re-enrollment.
A certified letter will be sent to the provider notifying them of any adverse action with the instructions of how
to request an appeal. If the certified letter is returned or is never delivered for whatever reason through no
fault of SCDSS, then another letter will be sent by regular mail. An email may also be sent at the same time.
To appeal the decision, a request must be made in writing within 30 days from receipt of the letter notifying
the provider of the negative action. The request may be made by the provider or a person acting on his/her
behalf, such as a legal representative, relative, or friend. Staff must not impede, limit, or interfere in any way
with the client’s right to request a fair hearing. Once a representative has been appointed by the provider,
then all communications regarding the hearing and appeal are required to be made with that representative.
The request for appeal must be directed to:
Director, Division of Appeals and Hearings
South Carolina Department of Social Services
Post Office Box 1520
Columbia, South Carolina 29202-1520
If the request for appeal is not submitted to SCDSS within the 30-day period, the right to challenge termination
will be lost and the decision will become final. If the provider submits their request for an appeal by regular
mail, it is the provider’s responsibility to ensure that their request for an appeal has been received.
Once the Division of Appeals and Hearings receives a written appeal request from the program, they will notify
the provider in writing of the date and time for the hearing. A decision is not made on the day of the hearing.
The decision is made after reviewing the testimony and evidence. If the decision rendered is not agreeable to
the provider, the provider may appeal further to the Administrative Law Court which is outside of DSS for
judicial review of their case. Any costs associated with this are the responsibility of the provider.
Special Note: During the appeal process, the program is not eligible for the following opportunities: grants,
promotions or recognitions of the program and any special projects offered by SCDSS.
Once a provider has requested an appeal, they enter the “appeals status” and no new connections for SC
Voucher clients will be allowed to be made to the provider. Providers may continue serving current children
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 39
connected through the end of their current eligibility period. If they are renewed for another eligibility period,
this is considered a “new connection” and thus they will not be able to continue to select you, and thus will
have to find another child care placement.
NOTE: In the event ABC Quality terminates a provider’s enrollment during the enrollment period, and the
Office of Appeals upholds the provider, any outstanding corrective action not affected by the appeal must be
submitted before the program is allowed to resume client connections.
Chapter 19 Fraud
ABC Quality takes fraud very seriously. It is our intent through this manual that ABC Quality strives to make
known its expectations of providers for participation in the program, along with subsequent consequences for
ABC Quality maintains a 1-800 number for complaints and this number can be used by the public to reports
complaints and incidents of fraud.
19.1 Definition:
ABC Quality refers to fraud as the following (but not limited to):
a. Intentionally making a false statement;
b. Misrepresentation regarding a material fact;
c. Failure to disclose a material fact/information;
d. Any action that results in obtaining, attempting to obtain, or continuing to receive funds
through SC Voucher, which the provider would not otherwise qualify to receive, or to
circumvent or help others circumvent the requirements of ABC Quality;
e. Billing for services and receiving payment for services or goods that were not obtained in
accordance with requirements of ABC Quality, and the Provider Enrollment Agreement.
Examples of this could include: billing clients for services when payment is being received through SC Voucher
for the service (other than the client co-pay or difference between what SC Voucher pays and the provider
rate), serving SC Voucher clients at an unauthorized location, continuing to bill for clients who have left the
program, allowing another provider or location that is not enrolled to use your Federal ID or Social Security
number to connect children, collecting the payment and distributing it to them, submitting documentation
showing what the program’s weekly child care rate is but then charging private paying clients a lesser amount,
submitting falsified documents such as a high school diploma/degree and CPR/First aid cards, etc.
Any complaint or suspicion of fraud will be investigated by ABC Quality. The investigation will begin no later
than 3 business days from receipt of the complaint. Investigations may or may not include an on-site visit,
particularly if ABC Quality is able to obtain documents/information through other means such as obtaining
written documents (records/receipts/SVLs). ABC Quality may conduct investigations alone or in conjunction
with other Division of Early Care and Education staff. ABC Quality may also refer the provider to the Division
of Internal Audits or Office of Inspector General depending upon the nature of the fraud. As an ABC Quality
provider, you must agree to cooperate with the investigation which may be by allowing an on-site visit(s) or
by providing requested documents.
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 40
If ABC Quality determines there is evidence to support the claim of fraud, or if the provider refuses to
cooperate with the investigation, then ABC Quality will initiate termination and funds could be recouped.
Chapter 20 Grants
As funds permit, ABC Quality may be able to offer Grants to providers. Providers who receive a grant(s) must
stay in the program for the period required in the grant agreement (if applicable) and comply with all terms
and conditions of the grant. If the provider does not comply by staying in the program for the required amount
of time or does not purchase the approved items in the grant, recoupment of grant funds will be initiated for
all or part of the grant as applicable. This will be done, if possible, by withholding the provider’s last payment.
Grant Recoupments are not appealable. Therefore, providers should evaluate their personal situations before
committing to the requirements of the grant.
If a previous recoupment has been initiated against the provider perhaps because of an audit, overpayment,
or if the provider owes money to the Government due to an IRS lien, and funds are being recouped from the
provider through their payments, then the provider will not be eligible for any grants offered at that time due
to the fact that SC Voucher will automatically take the grant money in payment towards the recoupment or
lien. If at the time a grant is offered, and the provider is under a repayment for an IRS Lien, the provider should
not enter into the grant as the IRS will intercept this money for repayment.
Failure to use grants funds properly may result in the initiation of an audit by the ABC Quality or SCDSS
Audit staff and disqualifies the provider from future grant opportunities.
Chapter 21 Glossary
Definitions of key terms are presented to ensure clarity and understanding. These definitions express the
administering agency's intent and meaning for the terms identified.
21.1 ABC Quality Rating & Improvement System (ABC Quality)
A Quality Rating & Improvement System, the South Carolina statewide child care assistance program
along with SC Voucher funded by Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), Social Services Block Grant
(SSBG) and state match. ABC Quality is the first point of contact for providers wishing to participate
and serve children through SC Voucher. There are two offices of ABC Quality geographically.
21.2 Absenteeism
When the child is not present (absent all day) at the provider's facility during the service unit (week)
either due to illness, vacation, court ordered non-custodial visitation, or for other known or unknown
21.3 Activity Fees
Activity fees are considered other fees charged by the provider to parents such as transportation fees,
or special activity fees, etc. These fees are the responsibility of the parent.
21.4 Authorized Service Period
The specific time frame that child care services are authorized for a client and a specific provider.
21.5 Billing Rate
The provider's weekly service rate minus any applicable client fee, and any discount for a second child.
21.6 Care Type
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The age groups (both full-time and half-time) 0-2 years, 3-5 years, 6-12, and 13-18 years in which the
provider has enrolled with ABC Quality. Providers cannot offer services to ABC clients or receive
payment for service in a care type in which they have not been enrolled.
21.7 Child
The recipient of child care services.
21.8 Child Name
The first name of the child.
21.9 Child Number
This is the client's Social Security number plus the two-digit code 01, 02, etc. assigned to the child. It
identifies the child for the purpose of payment and system activities. Providers should never change
the assigned child number.
21.10 Client
An individual who has met the eligibility criteria and is funded for child care.
21.11 Client Fee
That portion of the provider's weekly service rate (cost) which is based on the client’s family size and
income and paid by the client directly to the provider. The fee amount is established by SCDSS on the
basis of family size and gross family income. The client fee portion of the child care cost is paid by the
client directly to the provider.
21.12 Client Number
The client's Social Security number. This number identifies all client activity in the system.
21.13 Client Termination of Eligibility
Action taken when the client is no longer eligible for services. Once notified that the client’s eligibility
is terminated, the provider is not eligible for payment for services.
21.14 Connected
A start and stop date for when a client can receive services (linked to a specific provider) through SC
21.15 Denial
When an applicant is denied child care assistance due to inability to meet eligibility criteria or failure
to comply with application requirements.
21.16 Eligibility Criteria
Criteria all providers must meet in order to enroll and maintain enrollment in ABC Quality. The
eligibility criteria are found in the document “ABC Quality License-Exempt School-Age Manual.
21.17 Eligibility Period
The amount of time authorized for the individual child to receive child care services.
21.18 End Date
The last date of service authorization.
21.19 Facility Cost
The cost a provider charges all parents for a week of child care. Note: Parents are responsible for the
difference between the facility cost and the amount paid by SC Voucher, plus any applicable client fee.
21.20 Family Independence Act of 1995
An Act passed by the South Carolina General Assembly to require the DSS to emphasize employment
and training with only a minor welfare component. The Act specifies action required by DSS to
implement “Welfare Reform”. It also specifies requirements for applicants and recipients in order to
receive financial assistance.
21.21 Family Independence: (FI)
ABC Quality Family and Group Manual (December 2022) 42
Child care assistance provided to current FI stipend clients to encourage participation in approved
employment, education, or training activities. These requirements are met through the Family
Independence Program in South Carolina in an effort to emphasize parental responsibility and self-
21.22 Family Independence Stipend
A monthly payment made to a family who meets the required eligibility standards; previously referred
to as Welfare or AFDC.
21.23 Field Trip
A trip planned by the program to take students to an off-site location to study/experience something
first-hand. The purpose of the trip is recreational or educational and occurs at facilities or institutions
open to the public where a fee may or may not be charged. Field trips should provide students with
different experiences outside their everyday activities. The objective of a field trip is to learn, be
exposed to a different environment, and be able to try new things. Examples of field trips can include,
but are not limited to: Museums, Zoological Parks, Public Parks, Nature Centers, Bowling, Skating,
Movies, Library, Animal Farms, Fire Stations, etc. Other types of field trips can be staffed on a case-by-
case basis.
21.24 Foster Care
Children who are in the custody of DSS and placed out of their home by and/or under the supervision
of DSS.
21.25 Full-Time Care
Thirty or more hours of child care service provided during a one week period of time.
21.26 Funded
Any child for whom dollars have been allocated in their name.
21.27 Half-Time Care
Less than thirty (30) hours, but more than fifteen (15) hours of child care service provided during one
21.28 High School Diploma
A prescribed secondary course of study that:
a. Includes subjects such as: Reading Skills, English, and Mathematics, American and World
History, Biology, Social Science, and Physical Science; career-oriented electives like Auto Repair
Technician, Personal Computer Specialist, etc.; traditional electives like Chemistry, foreign
language, and Music;
b. Has minimum compulsory attendance requirements;
c. Is accepted by institutions of higher education (4-year accredited institutions)
d. May include home school diplomas, as recognized by each individual state;
e. Is recognized by the SC Department of Education or is accredited by one of the six regional
accrediting bodies recognized by the US Department of Education.
21.29 Illegal Operations
Child Care Licensing is the authority for interpreting the Child Care Licensing Laws. Any program that
is not Licensed or Registered by Child Care Licensing which operates more than 4 hours total per day,
operates more than three weeks at a time during the summer, and serves children under the age of
five is considered to be operating illegally.
21.30 Inclement Weather
Inclement weather is defined as a wind chill factor at or below 20 degrees Fahrenheit or at or above a
heat index of 90 degrees Fahrenheit by the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health
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Association, and the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education
21.31 Less than Half-Time Care
Less than fifteen (15) hours of child care service provided during a week. No registration fee is allowed
for this care-type. This care-type applies only to Welfare Reform participants receiving subsidized child
care and must be used in conjunction with full and half-time care.
21.32 Level B
Programs meeting intermediate elements of quality as defined through Standards and Indicators.
21.33 Level C
Programs meeting basic elements of quality as defined through Standards and Indicators.
21.34 Maximum Rate
Maximum weekly rates established by SCDSS on the basis of a market rate survey of urban and rural
counties, type of facility, and care types.
21.35 Payable Adjustment
The process of paying the provider for additional monies due them.
21.36 Provider Identification Number
The Federal Employer Identification Number [FEIN] or Social Security number of the provider. This
number identifies the provider for purposes of payment, tracking and reporting.
21.37 Receivable Adjustment
The process of recouping monies that were paid to the provider that were not due them.
21.38 Registration Fee
A fee charged by a provider to clients participating in a child care program. Registration fees are set
amounts established by the provider to cover costs not included in the weekly rate. Providers may not
charge ABC clients a fee that exceeds the amount charged to private-paying clients in the child care
program. A provider is not eligible for a registration fee for clients receiving less than half-time care.
SC Voucher will pay the registration fee to providers up to an established program maximum. The
provider may require the client to pay the fee if the client has used up their ABC allocation for
registration fees.
21.39 Remittance Advice
A document/information provided to the provider that indicates what the payment given to the
provider is for. For those using the on-line SVL system, it will be provided electronically. There are
three different types:
a. Paid Remittance Advice: indicates what clients and weeks were paid;
b. Rejected Remittance Advice: indicates which clients and weeks were not paid and the reason;
c. Adjusted Remittance Advice: indicates if funds were deducted from the provider’s check, the
amount, and the reason.
21.40 SC Child Care Resource & Referral Network (SC-CCR&RN)
A partner agency with ABC Quality who provides services to child care providers related to technical
assistance for licensing regulations and the requirements of ABC Quality. There is no cost for this
21.41 SC Voucher (Operations Center)
The authorized child care voucher system management center that is available to provide assistance
to clients and providers, and to handle child care applications, funding, and connecting.
Providers call: 1-800-262-4416 for notification requirements and/or questions concerning ABC
Program procedures.
Parents call: 1-800-476-0199 for any questions.
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21.42 Service Codes
Those codes assigned to identify the type of payment being made to the provider (e.g., CS for client
services, GR for grant request, and RF for registration fees).
21.43 Service Cost
The provider rate as reflected in the SC Voucher.
21.44 Service Unit
One week of child care [Monday - Sunday]. A service unit may be for half-time, full-time, or less than
half-time child care.
21.45 Service Voucher Log [SVL]
A pre-printed payment request form used to process payments to providers for eligible clients. Note:
SVL’s can also be electronic and completed on-line.
21.46 South Carolina Department of Social Services [SCDSS]
The administering state agency for ABC Quality and SC Voucher and the agency responsible for
administering the Welfare Reform, Family Independence Program.
21.47 Staffing Provider
An internal process whereby ABC Quality staff, which includes managers and assessors, review the facts
of a provider’s situation and the policies and procedures of ABC Quality before making any decisions
that would bring adverse actions for the provider.
21.48 Start Date
The date services are authorized to begin by DSS/SC Voucher.
21.49 Stop Date
The last date of service authorization.
22.50 Weather Permitting
Weather permitting means no heavy precipitation, thunder, lightning, or weather advisory.
21.51 Week
Monday through Sunday.