A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects
Mary Wollstonecraft
Copyright © Jonathan Bennett 2017. All rights reserved
enclose editorial explanations. Small
enclose material that has been added, but can be read as
though it were part of the original text. Occasional
bullets, and also indenting of passages that are not quotations,
are meant as aids to grasping the structure of a sentence or a thought. Every four-point ellipsis . . . . indicates the
omission of a brief passage that seems to present more difficulty than it is worth. Longer omissions are reported
between brackets in normal-sized type.—If this work gets you interested in its author, read Claire Tomalin’s fine
The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft (1974).
First launched: April 2010
Dedicatory Letter 1
Introduction 4
Chapter 1: Human rights and the duties they involve 7
Chapter 2: The prevailing opinion about sexual differences 12
Chapter 3: The same subject continued 26
Chapter 4: The state of degradation to which woman is reduced by various causes 36
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft
Chapter 5: Writers who have rendered women objects of pity, bordering on contempt 53
Section 1: Rousseau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Section 2: Fordyce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Section 3: Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Section 4: Some women . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Section 5: Chesterfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Chapter 6: The effect that an early association of ideas has on the character 71
Chapter 7: Modesty comprehensively considered and not as a sexual virtue 75
Chapter 8: Morality undermined by sexual notions of the importance of a good reputation 80
Chapter 9: The pernicious effects of the unnatural distinctions established in society 85
Chapter 10: Parental Affection 89
Chapter 11: Duty to Parents 91
Chapter 12: National education 93
Chapter 13: Examples of the harm done by women’s ignorance 99
Section 1: Charlatans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Section 2: Novel-reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Section 3: Dressing up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Section 4: Sensibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Section 5: Ignorance about child-care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Section 6: Concluding thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft
That is a kind of sneer-word when MW
uses it writing about the ‘accomplishments’ that women
are trained to have. To ‘accomplish’ something can be to
complete or finish it; a few decades ago some young women
were sent to a ‘finishing school’ before being launched into
skill, elegance, dexterity; usually thought of (by
MW at least) as something learned, practised, contrived—not
natural. See page 58.
In MW’s time ‘amuse’ had a central meaning which
it now has only at the margins: to ‘amuse oneself by. . . was
to pass the time by. . . . A child who is ‘amusing herself’ by
dressing her doll (page 29) needn’t be taking much pleasure
in this.
animal spirits:
These figured in a theory, popularised
by Descartes: they were supposed to be an extremely
fine-divided liquid or gas—much less lumpy than water or
air—that could move with great speed and get in anywhere;
among their roles was to transmit causal influences from the
sense-organs to the brain, almost instantaneously.
brute, brutal:
A brute is a lower or non-human animal. A
brutal or brutish way of behaving is one that falls below
a minimum standard for being human—e.g. the ‘brutal’
behaviour of a mother
[on page 89]
who indulges her child
without thinking about the effects of her conduct on the
child’s later development or on
other people.
: Strictly and originally this meant ‘able to learn’
and/or ‘willing to learn’. In MW’s usage, as in ours today,
a ‘docile’ person is one who is easy to manage, persuade,
manipulate, etc. One who is biddable.
In MW’s time this word had a wider meaning
than it tends to have today. It wouldn’t be far wrong to
replace most occurrences of it by ‘upbringing’. See MW’s
discussion of ‘education’ starting on page 14.
In the present work this means something like
‘extremely high-level intellect’; similar to the word’s present
meaning, but not as strong.
he or she:
MW never uses ‘he or she’, ‘his or hers’ or the like.
These occur in the present version to avoid the discomfort
we feel in her use of ‘it’, as when she says ‘every being’ can
become virtuous by the exercise of ‘its own reason’.
MW ties
being immortal to
having reason and
being anwerable to God.
In this work, a ‘mistress of’ a family is in charge
of a family; and a ‘mistress of’ a man is a sexual partner of a
man. The word is not used here except in those two kinds of
When MW refers to a woman’s ‘person’ she is
always referring to the woman herself considered as sexually
attractive. A man’s interest in a woman’s ‘person’ is his
sexual interest in her body, though clothing and jewellery
may also come into it.
In several important places MW uses ‘prescrip-
tion’ in its sense as a legal term, now obsolete, referring to
something’s being accepted or unchallenged etc.
because it
has been in place for so long.
An ornamental rod held in the hand of a monarch
as a symbol of royal authority. MW uses the word several
times, always as a metaphor for power or authority: ‘beauty
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft
is woman’s sceptre’ means that beauty is woman’s source of
MW speaks of ‘a man of sense’ she means ‘a fairly
intelligent man’ or, in her terms, ‘a man with a fairly enlarged
Capacity for refined emotion, readiness to feel
compassion for suffering, or the quality of being strongly
affected by emotional influences. MW uses the adjective
‘sensible’—e.g. on page 63—in pretty much our sense of it.
This meant ‘having to do with feelings’; the
implication of shallow and unworthy feelings came after
MW’s time. On page 1 ‘sentimental lust’ presumably means
‘intense hankering for various kinds of feelings’.
For MW ‘sex’ is a classificatory term—e.g. ‘I speak for
my sex’ meaning ‘I speak for all women’. (The use of ‘sex’
as short for ‘copulation’ is of more recent vintage.) See the
striking example on page 36. MW uses phrases about ‘giving
a sex to X’ meaning (page 6) treating X as though it related
to only one of the sexes, or (pages 24, 29 and 41) treating
X as though there were one version of it for females and a
different one for males.
In MW’s usage this means something close to
‘address’ (see above).
vice, vicious:
For an 18th century writer vice is simply
wrong conduct, with no necessary implication of anything
sexual (except perhaps on page 55); and a vicious person is
simply someone who often acts wrongly, with no necessary
implication of anything like savage cruelty.
On a few occasions in this work MW uses ‘virtue’
with some of its older sense of ‘power’. One example is on
page 36. On page 65 MW personifies virtue as feminine.
voluptuous: Having to do with sexual pleasure.
In MW’s day ‘vulgar’ as applied to people meant
‘common, ordinary, not much educated, not very thoughtful’.
More generally, ‘vulgar x’ meant ‘the kind of x that would be
associated with vulgar people’.
This version follows MW exactly in her uses of
‘woman’, ‘women’, ‘lady’, ‘female’ and ‘feminine’, and in her
use of the masculine counterparts of these.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft Dedicatory Letter
Dedicatory Letter
[This work appeared in 1792, when Talleyrand—as he is usually called today—was active in the higher levels of the developing French revolution. A
Constitution establishing France as a constitutional monarchy had been established in 1791. The infamous ‘reign of terror’ was still a year away. Two
years earlier, MW had published a defence of the revolution against Burke, entitled A Vindication of the Rights of Men.]
To M. Talleyrand-Périgord
former Bishop of Autun
Having read with great pleasure a pamphlet on National
Education that you recently published, I dedicate this volume
to you, to induce you to reconsider the subject and maturely
weigh what I shall say about the rights of woman and
national education; and I’m calling with the firm tone of
[‘National education’ is the topic of the penultimate chapter,
starting on page 93.]
In these arguments, sir, I am not trying
to get anything for myself; I plead not for myself but for
my sex.
My own personal wants, anyway, amount to very
. For many years I have regarded
as the
great blessing of life, the basis of every virtue; and even if I
end up living on a barren heath, I will always guarantee my
independence by contracting my wants.
So it is my affection for the whole human race that
makes my pen speed along to support what I believe to
be the cause of virtue, and
leads me to long to see woman’s
place in the world enable her to advance the progress of the
glorious principles that give a substance to morality, rather
than holding them back. My opinion about the rights and
duties of woman seems to flow so naturally from those simple
principles that it seems almost inevitable that some of the
enlarged minds who formed your admirable constitution will
agree with me.
[In this next paragraph, ‘essence’ is used not in the customary philosophi-
cal sense, but in the sense involved in ‘essence of lavender’. A ‘voluptuary’
is someone devoted to the pursuit of luxury and sensual pleasure.]
Knowledge is spread more widely in France than in any
part of Europe; and I attribute this in large measure to
the social intercourse there has long been in France between
the sexes. It is true (I’m going to speak freely) that in France
the very essence of sensuality has been extracted for the
pleasure of the voluptuary, and a kind of sentimental lust
[see Glossary]
has prevailed. This, together with the system of
deceptiveness that the whole spirit of their political and civil
government taught, have given a sinister sort of knowingness
to the French character. . . .and a polish of manners that
injures the substance by driving sincerity out of society. And
modesty—the fairest garb of virtue—has been more grossly
insulted in France than even in England; the
attention to decency that
brutes instinctively observe
is regarded by French women as prudish!
Manners and morals are so closely related that they have
often been confused with one another; but although manners
be only the natural reflection of morals, when various
causes have produced unnatural and corrupt manners that
infect even the young, morality becomes an empty name.
Personal restraint and respect for cleanliness and delicacy
in domestic life are the graceful pillars of modesty, but
French women almost despise them. If the pure flame
of patriotism has reached their hearts, they should work
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft Dedicatory Letter
to improve the morals of their fellow-citizens by teaching
men not only
to respect modesty in women but
to become
modest themselves, as the only way to deserve women’s
Fighting for the rights of women, my main argument is
built on this simple principle:
If woman isn’t fitted by educa-
tion to become man’s companion, she will stop the progress of
, because truth must be common to all; if it isn’t it
won’t be able to influence how people in general behave. And
how can woman be expected to cooperate if she doesn’t know
she ought to be virtuous? if freedom doesn’t strengthen
her reason until she understands her
duty and sees how
it is connected with her real
good? If children are to be
brought up to understand the true principle of patriotism,
their mother must be a patriot; and the love of mankind,
from which an orderly sequence of virtues arises, can be
produced only by attending to the moral and civil interest
of mankind; but the upbringing and situation of woman at
present shuts her out from such investigations.
In this work I have produced many arguments that I
found conclusive, showing that the prevailing notion of ‘the
female character’ is subversive of morality. I have contended
that to make the human body and mind more perfect,
chastity must more universally prevail; and that chastity
will never be respected in the male world until
the person of
a woman
is not virtually idolized while
the woman
has little
virtue or sense. [see Glossary on ‘person’]. . . .
Consider these remarks dispassionately, Sir, for you
seemed to have a glimpse of this truth when you said
that ‘to see one half of the human race excluded by the
other half from all participation of government is a political
phenomenon that can’t possibly be explained according to
abstract principles’. If that is so, what does your constitution
rest on? If the abstract rights of man can stand discussion
and explanation, those of woman—by a parity of reasoning—
won’t shrink from the same test: though a different view
prevails in this country, built on the very arguments that
you use to justify the oppression of woman—prescription
I address you as a legislator: When men fight for their
freedom, fight to be allowed to judge for themselves concern-
ing their own happiness, isn’t it inconsistent and unjust
to hold women down? I know that you firmly believe you
are acting in the manner most likely to promote women’s
happiness; but who made
the exclusive judge
of that
if woman shares with him the gift of reason?
Tyrants of every kind, from the weak king to the weak
father of a family, use this same argument
that ‘It is in
your own best interests’
. They are all eager to crush reason,
but they always say that they usurp reason’s throne only to
be useful. Isn’t that what you are doing when you
women, by denying them civil and political rights, to remain
walled in by their families and groping in the dark? Surely,
sir, you won’t say that a duty can be binding without being
founded on reason! Arguments
for civil and political rights
can be drawn
from reason; and with that splendid support,
the more understanding women acquire the more they will
be attached to their duty,
it. Unless they
understand it—unless their morals are based on the same
immutable principles as those of man—no authority can
make them act virtuously. They may be convenient slaves,
but slavery will have its constant effect, degrading the master
and the abject dependent.
If you are going to exclude women, without consulting
them, from sharing in the natural rights of mankind, then
defend yourself against accusations of injustice and inconsis-
tency by proving that
women don’t have reason
. If you don’t
do that, then this flaw in your
New Constitution
—the first
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft Dedicatory Letter
constitution based on reason—will show for all times that
man must in some way act like a tyrant, and that tyranny,
in whatever part of society it raises its arrogant head, will
always undermine morality.
I have produced what seemed to me to be irrefutable
arguments, drawn from matters of fact, to prove my often-
repeated assertion that women cannot by force be confined
to domestic concerns. However ignorant they are, they
get involved in more weighty affairs, neglecting private duties
only to disturb by cunning tricks the orderly plans of reason
that rise above their comprehension.
Also, while women are only made to acquire personal
[see Glossary]
, men will seek pleasure in
variety, and faithless husbands will make faithless wives.
Indeed, such ignorant beings as wives are in such a system
will be very excusable when, not having been taught to
respect public good or allowed any civil rights, they try to
make things more fair by retaliation.
When the box of mischief has been thus opened in society,
what is to preserve private virtue, the only security of public
freedom and universal happiness?
The answer is
: Let there be no coercion established in
no laws that
people into this or that social
role or situation
. When that is achieved, the common law of
gravity will hold sway and the sexes will fall into their proper
places. With fairer laws forming your citizens, marriage can
become more sacred; your young men can choose wives from
motives of affection, and your maidens can allow love to root
out vanity.
The father of a family won’t weaken his constitution and
debase his sentiments by visiting prostitutes; he won’t in
obeying the call of
appetite forget the purpose for
which it was implanted in him; and the mother won’t neglect
her children to practise the arts of teasing and flirting when
sense and modesty secure her the friendship of her husband.
But until men become attentive to the duty of a father,
you can’t expect women to spend in their nursery the time
that they. . . .choose to spend at their mirror; for this exercise
in cunning is only a natural instinct to enable them to obtain
indirectly a little of the power of which they are unjustly
denied a share. If women aren’t permitted to enjoy legitimate
rights, they will seek illicit privileges in ways that make both
men and themselves vicious [see Glossary].
I wish, sir, to get some investigations of this kind going in
France. If they lead to a confirmation of my principles, then
when your constitution is revised the rights of woman may
respected, if it has been fully proved that reason calls for
respect and loudly demands
for one half of the
human race.
I am, sir,
Yours respectfully,
M. W.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft Introduction
After thinking about the sweep of history and viewing the
present world with anxious care, I find my spirits depressed
by the most melancholy emotions of sorrowful indignation.
I have had to admit, sadly, that either nature has made a
great difference between man and man, or that the world is
not yet anywhere near to being fully civilized. I have looked
into various books on education, and patiently observed the
conduct of parents and the management of schools; but all
this has given me is a deep conviction that
the neglected
education of my fellow creatures is the main source of the
misery I deplore, and that
women in particular are made
weak and wretched by a number of co-operating causes,
originating from one hasty conclusion
[MW’s phrase]
. The
conduct and manners of women, in fact, show clearly that
their minds are not in a healthy state; as with flowers planted
in soil that is too rich, strength and usefulness are sacrificed
to beauty; and the flamboyant leaves, after giving pleasure
to viewers, fade on the stalk, disregarded, long before it was
the time for them to reach maturity. This barren blooming is
caused partly by a false system of education, gathered from
the books on the subject by men. These writers, regarding
females as women rather than as human creatures, have
been more concerned to make them alluring mistresses than
affectionate wives and rational mothers; and this homage
to women’s attractions has distorted their understanding to
such an extent that almost all the civilized women of the
present century are anxious only to inspire
love, when they
ought to have the nobler aim of getting
respect for their
abilities and virtues.
In a book on female rights and manners, therefore, the
works written specifically for their improvement mustn’t be
overlooked; especially when the book says explicitly
women’s minds are weakened by false refinement,
that the
books of instruction written by men of genius
[see Glossary]
have been as likely to do harm as more frivolous produc-
tions; and
that—when improvable
is regarded as
the dignity that raises men above the lower animal and
puts a natural sceptre
[see Glossary]
in a feeble hand—those
‘instructive’ works regard woman (in true Moslem fashion) as
beings of a subordinate kind and not as a part of the human
But don’t think that because I am a woman I mean stir
up violently the debated question about the equality and
inferiority of the
sex; but that topic does lie across
my path, and if I sidle past it I’ll subject my main line of
reasoning to misunderstanding. So I shall pause here in
order to give a brief statement of my opinion about it. In
the government of the physical world—
as distinct from the
governments of the social or political world
—it is observable
that the female is, so far as strength is concerned, inferior to
the male.
This is the law of nature; and it doesn’t seem to be
suspended or repealed in favour of woman. This physical
superiority can’t be denied—and it is a noble privilege! But
men, not content with this natural pre-eminence, try to sink
us lower still, so as to make us merely alluring objects for
a moment; and women, intoxicated by the adoration that
men (under the influence of their senses) pay them, don’t try
to achieve a permanently important place in men’s feelings,
or to become the
of the fellow creatures who find
amusement [see Glossary] in their society.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft Introduction
I am aware of an obvious inference: from every direction
I have heard protests against ‘masculine women’, but where
are they to be found? If men are using this label in criticism
of women’s ardour in hunting, shooting, and gambling, I
shall gladly join in; but if their target is
the imitation of manly virtues, or (more accurately)
the achieving of the talents and virtues that ennoble
the human character and raise females in the scale
of animal being when they are brought under the
comprehensive label ‘mankind’,
all those who view women with a philosophical eye must, I
should think, join me in wanting women to grow more and
more ‘masculine’ every day.
This discussion naturally divides the subject. I shall first
consider women as
human creatures
who, in common with
men, are placed on this earth to develop their abilities; and
then I shall attend to the implications of the more specific
label women.
I want to steer clear of an error that many writers have
fallen into, namely giving
instruction that has been
appropriate for
. . . . I shall address my sex in a firmer
tone, focussing particularly on those in the middle class,
because they appear to be in the most natural state.
for the upper classes
: Perhaps the ‘great’ have
scattered seeds of false refinement, immorality, and vanity!
Weak, artificial beings who have been prematurely and
unaturally raised above the ordinary wants and feelings of
mankind undermine the very foundation of virtue and spread
corruption through the whole mass of society! They have
a stronger claim to pity than any other class of mankind.
The upbringing of the rich tends to make them vain and
helpless, and their unfolding minds are not strengthened by
the practice of the duties that dignify the human character.
They live only to amuse
[see Glossary]
themselves, and—by a
law that also operates in nature—they soon come to have
nothing to offer except barren amusement.
That is enough about that for the present: I plan to take
the different ranks of society separately, and discuss the
moral character of women in each. I have mentioned the
of class-differences
here only because I think that
the essential task of an Introduction is to give a sketchy
account of the contents of the work it introduces.
I hope my own sex will excuse me if I treat them like
rational creatures, instead of flattering their
graces and viewing them as if they were in a state of perpetual
childhood and unable to stand alone. I earnestly wish to
point out what true dignity and human happiness consist in;
I want to persuade women to aim at strength of mind and
body, and to convince them
that the soft phrases
‘susceptibility of heart’
‘delicacy of sentiment’, and
‘refinement of taste’
are almost synonymous with expressions indicating weak-
ness, and
that creatures who are the objects only of pity
and the kind of love that has been called ‘pity’s sister’ will
soon become objects of contempt.
So I dismiss those pretty feminine phrases that the men
condescendingly use to make our slavish dependence easier
for us, and I despise the weak elegance of mind, exquisite
sensibility, and sweet docility
[see Glossary]
of manners that
are supposed to be the sexual characteristics of the weaker
sex. I want to show that elegance is inferior to virtue, that
the most praiseworthy ambition is to obtain a character as
human being
, whether male or female, and that lesser
ambitions should be tested against that one.
That is a rough sketch of my plan; and
I offer now three
remarks about how I aim to carry it out
I shall refrain
from pruning my phrases and polishing my style, because
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft Introduction
it is important to me to affect the thoughts and actions of
my readers, and I’ll do that better if I sometimes express my
conviction with the energetic emotions that I feel.
I shan’t
waste time elegantly shaping my sentences, or fabricating
the turgid bombast of artificial feelings that come from the
head and therefore never reach the heart; because I want to
persuade by the force of my arguments rather than to dazzle
by the elegance of my language.
I shall try to avoid the
flowery diction that has slid from essays into novels, and
from novels into familiar letters and conversation; because
I’ll be dealing with things, not words! In all this I’ll be anxious
to turn my sex into members of society who are more worthy
of respect..
These pretty nothings (these caricatures of the
of sensibility) drop glibly from the tongue, spoil one’s sense
of taste, and create a kind of sickly delicacy that turns
away from simple unadorned truth.
[She means ‘delicacy’ in the
sense of pickiness, choosiness; readiness to push things to the edge of
one’s plate.]
A deluge of false sentiments and over-stretched
feelings, stifling the natural emotions of the heart, make
the domestic pleasures that ought to sweeten the
exercise of the severe duties that prepare a rational and
[see Glossary]
being for a nobler field of action.
adjective ‘immortal’ suggests that the ‘nobler field of action’ that MW had
in mind is life after death.]
The education
[see Glossary]
of women has been attended to
more in recent years than formerly; but they’re still regarded
as a frivolous sex, and are ridiculed or pitied by writers
who try to improve them by satire or instruction. It is
acknowledged that they spend many of their earliest years
acquiring a smattering of accomplishments
[see Glossary]
but strength of body and mind are sacrificed to libertine
notions of beauty, to the desire to get themselves settled
by marriage—the only way women can rise in the world.
This desire makes mere animals of them, and when they
marry they act as such children can be expected to act: they
dress, they paint, they give nicknames to God’s creatures.
Surely these weak beings are only fit for the seraglio!
[= the
women’s quarters a Turkish palace; she is implying that women are kept
there purely for sexual purposes.]
Can they govern a family with
judgment, or take care of the poor babes whom they bring
into the world?
The present conduct of the
sex, its prevalent
fondness for pleasure in place of ambition and the nobler
passions that open and enlarge the soul, are evidence that
the instruction that women have received, with help
from the constitution of civil society, has only tended
to turn them into insignificant objects of desire, mere
propagators of fools!
If it can be proved that
men, in aiming to bring women to perfection without
cultivating their understandings, take them out of
their sphere of
duties and make them ridiculous
and useless when the brief bloom of beauty is over,
I presume that
men will excuse me for trying to
persuade them
[i.e. women]
to become more masculine and
worthy of respect.
Indeed the word ‘masculine’ is only a pointless scare-
word: there’s little reason to fear that women will acquire too
much courage or fortitude, because their visible inferiority in
bodily strength must make them to some extent dependent
on men in the various relations of life; but why should that
dependence be increased by prejudices that
give a sex to
[see Glossary]
can’t distinguish simple truths from
sensual daydreams?
Women are so much degraded by mistaken notions of
female excellence that this artificial weakness produces in
them a tendency to tyrannize, and gives birth to cunning—
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 1: Human right and duties
the natural opponent of strength—which leads them to ex-
ploit those contemptible infantile airs that undermine esteem
even while they excite desire. Let men become more chaste
and modest, and if women don’t become correspondingly
wiser it will be clear that they have weaker understandings.
I hardly need to explain that I am talking about the
sex in general. Many individual women have more
sense than their male relatives; some women govern their
husbands without degrading themselves, because intellect
will always govern. Where there’s a constant struggle for an
equilibrium, nothing will swing the scales its way unless it
naturally has greater weight.
Chapter 1:
Human rights and the duties they involve
In the present state of society it seems that we have to go
back to first principles in search of the simplest truths, and
to fight against some prevailing prejudice for every inch of
ground. Let me clear my way by asking some plain questions:
the answers to them will probably appear to be as obviously
right as the axioms on which reasoning is based; but when
they are entangled with various motives of action they are
flatly contradicted by men’s words or their conduct.
What does man’s pre-eminence over the lower animals
consist in? The answer is as clear as ‘A half is less than the
whole’; it consists in reason.
What acquirement raises one being above another? We
spontaneously reply: virtue.
For what purpose were we given passions? Experience
whispers the answer:
so that man by struggling with his
passions might achieve a degree of knowledge that the lower
animals can’t have.
So the perfection of our nature and capacity for happiness
must be measured by the degree of reason, virtue, and
knowledge that
distinguish the individual and
direct the
laws that bind society; and it is equally undeniable that,
taking mankind as a whole, knowledge and virtue naturally
flow from the exercise of reason.
With the rights and duties of man thus simplified, it
seems hardly necessary to illustrate truths that seem so
incontrovertible. But such deeply rooted prejudices have
clouded reason, and such spurious qualities have taken the
name of ‘virtues’, that it
necessary to track the course
of reason as it has been tangled in error. . . .so that we can
set the simple axiom alongside the deviations from it that
circumstances bring.
Men generally seem to employ their reason to
prejudices that they have taken in they can’t tell how, rather
than to
root them out. Only a strong mind can resolutely
form its own principles; for a kind of intellectual cowardice
prevails, making many men shrink from the task or do it
only by halves. Yet the imperfect conclusions that are drawn
in this way are often very plausible, because they are built
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 1: Human right and duties
on partial experience, on views that are correct
as far as
they go· but narrow.
Going back to first principles, vice
[see Glossary]
in all
its native ugliness slinks away from close investigation;
but shallow reasoners are always exclaiming that these
from first principles
‘prove too much’, and that
a given course of conduct is ‘expedient’ even if it is rotten at
the core. Thus
expediency is continually contrasted with
simple principles, until truth is lost in a mist of words,
virtue is lost in forms
[= ‘in mechanical rules of conduct’]
, and the
tempting prejudices that claim the title ‘knowledge’ suppress
real knowledge.
The most wisely formed society is the one whose constitu-
tion is based on the nature of man
—that statement, in the
abstract, strikes every thinking being so forcibly that it looks
like presumption to try to prove it; but we
need to prove it,
or reason will never be able to make prescription
[see Glossary]
relax its grip. And yet urging prescription as an argument
to justify depriving men (or women) of their natural rights is
one of the absurd sophisms that daily insult common sense.
The bulk of the people of Europe are only very partially
civilized. Indeed, it’s an open question whether they have
virtues in exchange for the innocence
have lost
, comparable with the misery produced by the vices
that have been plastered over unsightly ignorance, and the
freedom that has been traded away in exchange for glittering
slavery. The desire to dazzle by riches (the surest route
to pre-eminence!), the pleasure of commanding flattering
yes-men, and many other complicated low calculations of
stupid self-love, have all joined forces in overwhelming the
mass of mankind and making ‘liberty’ a convenient label for
mock patriotism.
For while rank and titles are held to be of the utmost
importance, before which genius ‘must hide its diminished
[quoted from Milton’s Paradise Lost]
, it is almost always
disastrous for a nation when an able man without rank
or property pushes himself into the limelight. When such a
scheming obscure adventurer works to get a cardinal’s hat,
longing to be ranked with princes—or above them, by seizing
the triple crown
worn by Popes
—the events involved in this
bring unheard-of misery to thousands of people.
So much wretchedness has flowed from hereditary hon-
ours, riches, and monarchy, that men of lively sensibility
have been reduced almost to blasphemy in their attempts
to justify God’s management of the world. They have
represented man as
independent of his Maker or as
lawless planet darting from its orbit to steal the celestial
fire of reason; and the vengeance of heaven. . . .punished his
boldness by introducing evil into the world.
Impressed by this view of the misery and disorder that
pervaded society, and weary from contending with artificial
fools, Rousseau fell in love with solitude; and in his optimism
he worked with uncommon eloquence to prove that man is
naturally a solitary animal. Misled by his respect for the
goodness of God, who certainly—for what man of sense
and feeling can doubt it?—gave life only in order to
give happiness, he considered evil as. . . .the work of man;
not aware that he was exalting one
attribute at
the expense of another that is equally necessary to divine
[Jean-Jacques Rousseau, mentioned many times in his
work, had died fourteen years before the pressent work appeared.]
Constructed on the basis of a false hypothesis,
Rousseau’s arguments in favour of a state of nature are
plausible; but they are unsound, because the assertion that
a state of nature is preferable to the most perfect civilization
there could be is in effect a charge against supreme wisdom.
The paradoxical exclamation:
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 1: Human right and duties
God has made all things right, and
evil has been introduced by the creature whom God
formed, knowing what he was forming
is as unphilosophical as it is impious.
The wise Being who created us and placed us
here. . . .allowed it to be the case—and thus willed it to be the
case—that our passions should help our reason to develop,
because he could see that present evil would produce future
good. Could the helpless creature whom God created out
of nothing break loose from his providence and boldly learn
know good by practising evil
without his permission? No.
How could
, that energetic advocate for immortal-
ity, argue so inconsistently? If mankind had remained for
ever in the brutal state of nature, which even Rousseau’s
magic pen can’t paint as a state in which a single virtue took
root, it would have been clear. . . .that man was born to run
the circle of life and death, and adorn God’s garden for some
purpose that couldn’t easily be reconciled with his
[= God’s]
But if the whole divine plan was to be crowned by rational
creatures who would be allowed to rise in excellence through
the use of powers given to them for that purpose; if God in
his goodness thought fit to bring into existence a creature
above the brutes,
one who could think and improve himself;
why should that incalculable
gift be openly called a
(A gift? Man was enabled to rise above the state in which
sensations gave him the sort of comfort that lower animals
are capable of; of course it was a gift!)
It might be regarded as a curse if our time in this world
was the whole span of our existence; for why should the
gracious fountain of life give us passions and the power of
reflecting, only to embitter our days and inspire us with
mistaken notions of dignity? Why would God lead us from
love of ourselves to the sublime emotions aroused by the
discovery of his wisdom and goodness, if these feelings
weren’t launched so as to improve our nature (of which they
are a part)
and enable us to enjoy a more godlike portion
of happiness? Firmly convinced that no evil exists in the
world that God didn’t intend to occur, I build my belief on
the perfection of God.
Rousseau strains to prove that all
right originally;
a crowd of authors argues that all
now right; and I claim
that all will be right.
True to his first position which is nearly a state of
nature, Rousseau celebrates barbarism, and in his praise
of Fabricius
[said to be one of the founders of ancient Rome]
forgets that the Romans in conquering the world didn’t
dream of establishing their own liberty on a firm basis,
or of extending the reign of virtue. Eager to support his
system, he condemns as vicious
[see Glossary]
every effort of
Contrary to the opinion of the anatomists, who argue by analogy from the formation of the teeth, stomach, and intestines, Rousseau denies that man
is a carniverous animal. And, carried away from nature by a love of system, he questions whether man is a gregarious animal, though the long and
helpless state of infancy seems to point him out as especially forced to pair, which is the first step towards herding.
Suppose that
you asked a mechanic to make a watch that would point out the hour of the day, and
to show his ingenuity he added wheels and springs to make it a repeater, as a result of which the mechanism malfunctioned, and
you complained, and
he replied in self-defence ‘If you hadn’t touched that spring you wouldn’t have known that I had varied the plan; I would have been amusing
myself by making an experiment without doing you any harm’,
what would you say? Wouldn’t you respond, fairly, ‘If you hadn’t added those needless wheels and springs, the accident couldn’t have happened?
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 1: Human right and duties
genius; and in praising savage virtues to the skies he raises
to demigod status people who were scarcely human—the
brutal Spartans, who in defiance of justice and gratitude
sacrificed in cold blood the slaves who had served them well.
[In 424 BCE the Spartans murdered two thousand helots, i.e. slaves
serving as soldiers in the Spartan army. Thucydides wrote: ‘The helots
were invited to select those of their number who claimed to have most
distinguished themselves against the enemy, so that they could be freed.
The object was to test them, thinking that the first to claim freedom
would be the most apt to rebel. About two thousand were selected and
rejoiced in their new freedom; but the Spartans secretly killed each of
Disgusted with artificial manners and virtues, Rousseau
didn’t sift through the subject but simply threw away the
wheat with the chaff, not pausing to consider whether
the evils that his ardent soul indignantly rejected were
consequences of civilization or
vestiges of barbarism. He
saw vice trampling on virtue, and seeming-goodness taking
the place of the real thing; he saw talents bent by power
to sinister purposes; and he never thought of tracing the
gigantic harm back to
arbitrary power, back to
the heredi-
distinctions that clash with the mental superiority that
raises a man above his fellows. He didn’t see that
it takes only a few generations for royal power to introduce
idiotism into the noble family line, and that it holds out baits
to make thousands idle and vicious. [MW adds harsh words
about the crimes that bring people to royal status, and about
the feeble passiveness of ‘millions of men’ who have let the
royal criminals get away with it. She continues:]
When the chief director of a society is instructed only in
how to invent crimes, or in the stupid routine of childish
ceremonies, how can it
be the case that the society has a
poisonous fog hovering over it?
[MW’s ‘instructed in’ is ambiguous:
she may mean that that’s all he is taught, or that it is all he knows.]. . . .
In circumstances as good as they could possibly be, it
would still be impossible for
man to acquire enough
knowledge and strength of mind to perform the duties of
a king who has been entrusted with uncontrolled power.
Think how knowledge and strength of mind must be violated
the sheer fact that the man does become a king
poses an insuperable bar to his acquiring either wisdom
or virtue, when
all his feelings are stifled by flattery, and
thoughtfulness is shut out by pleasure! Surely it is
madness to make the fate of thousands depend on the whims
of a weak fellow creature whose very position in life puts him
below the poorest of his subjects! But one power
should not be thrown down in order to raise up another. Man
is weak, and all power intoxicates him; and the way power
is misused proves that the more equality there is among
and thus the less power of men over men
—the more
virtue and happiness will reign in society. But this. . . .raises
an outcry: ‘If we don’t have absolute faith in the wisdom of
aniquity, the church is in danger’ or‘. . . the state is in danger’.
Those who are roused by the sight of human calamity to be
so bold as to attack human authority are reviled as despisers
of God and enemies of man. These are bitter libels, yet they
were levelled at one of the best of men (Dr. Price), whose
ashes still preach peace, and whose memory demands a
respectful pause when subjects that lay so near his heart are
[Richard Price, who died a year or so before the present
work was published, had greatly influenced Mary Wollstonecraft. He had
been reviled for his writings on the French Revolution. His Review of the
Principal Questions in Morals is on the website from which the present
text came.]
Now that I have attacked the ‘sacred’ majesty of kings,
you won’t be surprised when I add my firm conviction that
every profession whose power depends on large differences
of rank is highly injurious to morality.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 1: Human right and duties
A standing army, for instance, is incompatible with
freedom because strictness and rank are the very sinews
of military discipline; and despotism is necessary to give
vigour to enterprises that have one person in charge. A spirit
inspired by romantic notions of honour—a kind of morality
based on the fashion of the times—can be felt by only a few
officers, while the main body must be moved by command,
like the waves of the sea; for the strong wind of authority
pushes the crowd of subalterns forward, they scarcely know
or care why, with headlong fury.
[Then as now, ‘subaltern’ mainly
meant ‘junior officer’, so the ‘main body’ presumably refers to the main
body of the officers. The rank and file are not being talked about here.]
And armies are harmful in another way
. Nothing can
damage the morals of the inhabitants of country towns as
much as the occasional residence of a set of idle superficial
young men whose only occupation is gallantry, and whose
polished manners make vice more dangerous by concealing
its ugliness under gay ornamental drapery. An air of
which is really a badge of slavery, showing that the soul
doesn’t have a strong individual character, awes simple
country people into imitating the vices when they can’t catch
the slippery graces of social polish. Every military body is a
chain of despots who obey and give commands without using
their reason, and become dead weights of vice and folly on
the community. A man of rank or fortune whose connections
guarantee that he will rise has nothing to do but to pursue
some extravagant whim; while the needy
who has
to rise ‘by his merit’, as they say, becomes a servile parasite
or a vile pander
[= ‘pimp’, or perhaps merely ‘person whose job it is to
satisfy his superiors’ desires’.]
Sailors, the gentlemen of the navy, can be described in
similar terms, except that their vices
[see Glossary]
are different
and grosser. They are more positively indolent
[= ‘wholly
idle’, ‘idly idle’]
when they aren’t performing the ceremonials
required by their rank, whereas the insignificant fluttering
of soldiers could be called ‘active idleness’. More confined to
the society of men, sailors acquire a fondness for humour
and mischievous tricks; while soldiers, who are often in the
company of well-bred women, are infected with a ‘sensitive’
whiny way of speaking. But whether someone indulges in
the sailor’s
horse-laugh or
the soldier’s
polite simper,
is equally out of the question.
[This next paragraph refers to the Anglican church, of which MW was
a member. A patron was a person, not himself a cleric, who had sole
control over who became the well-paid rector or senior parson of a
parish; and a curate was a junior parson who did most of the parish
work and received a tiny fraction of the rector’s income.]
Let me extend the comparison to a profession where there is
certainly more
to be found—the clergy. They have bet-
ter opportunities for improvement, but
almost equally
cramps their faculties. The blind submission to forms of
belief that is imposed at college serves as a training for
the curate who most obsequiously respects the opinion of
his rector or patron—or he does if he means to rise in his
profession. There can hardly be a more striking contrast
than between
the servile, dependent manner of a poor curate
the top-of-the-world manner of a bishop. And
MW’s next phrase: the respect and contempt
perhaps meaning: the little respect and great contempt
they inspire makes the work they do in their separate func-
tions equally useless.
It is important to understand that every man’s character
is to some extent formed by his profession. A man with
a good mind may reflect his profession only in superficial
ways that wear off as you trace his individuality; while weak,
common men have hardly any character except what belongs
to their profession. . . .
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
As society becomes more enlightened, therfore, it should
be very careful not to establish bodies of men who are bound
to be made foolish or vicious by the very constitution of their
In society’s infancy when men were just emerging out
of barbarism, chiefs and priests must have had unlimited
influence because they tapped into the most powerful springs
of savage conduct—hope and fear.
is of course,
naturally the first form of government. But clashing in-
terests soon get out of balance, there is a confusion of
ambitious struggles, and what emerges is a
hierarchy. . . . This appears to be the origin of monarchical
and priestly power, and the dawn of civilization. But such
combustible materials can’t be held down for long; and
foreign wars and uprisings at home give the
a chance to acquire some power, which obliges their rulers
to gloss over their oppression with a show of right. Thus
as wars, agriculture, commerce, and literature expand the
mind, despots are forced to use
hidden corruption to keep
the power that was initially snatched by open force.
lurking gangrene is spread most quickly by luxury and
superstition, the sure dregs of ambition. The idle puppet of a
court first becomes a luxurious monster or fastidious
pleasure-seeker, and the contagion that his unnatural state
spreads becomes the instrument of tyranny.
[In this context,
‘luxury’ and its cognates refer to extreme and dissipated pursuit and
enjoyment of sensual pleasures.]
It is the plague-carrying purple
of royalty
that makes the
progress of civilization a curse, and warps the understanding
until men of good sense doubt whether the expansion of
intellect will bring more happiness or more misery. But the
nature of the poison points out the antidote; if Rousseau
had climbed one step higher in his investigation—or if his
eye could have pierced the foggy atmosphere that he was
hardly willing to breathe—his active mind would have darted
forward to contemplate
the perfection of man in the estab-
lishment of true civilization, instead of taking his ferocious
flight back to
the night of sensual ignorance.
Chapter 2:
The prevailing opinion about sexual differences
To explain and excuse the tyranny of man, many ingenious
arguments have been presented to prove that in the acquiring
of virtue the two sexes ought to have very different aims; or,
to put it bluntly, women aren’t thought to have enough
strength of mind to acquire virtue properly so-called. But
it would seem that if they have souls there is only one way
appointed by God to lead
to virtue or to happiness.
Men of abilities scatter seeds that grow and have a great influence on the development of
public opinion; and once
that gets the intellectual upper
hand through the exertion of reason, the overthrow of arbitrary power is not very distant.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
If then women are not a swarm of insignificant ephemera
[insects like mayflies, that live for only one day]
, why should they
be kept in ignorance under the pretty label ‘innocence’?
Men complain, with reason, about the follies and whims of
our sex, except when they sharply satirize our headstrong
passions and groveling vices. I would answer: Behold the
natural effect of ignorance! A mind that has only prejudices
to rest on will always be unstable, and the current will run
with destructive fury when there are no barriers to break
its force. Women are told from their infancy, and taught by
their mothers’ example, that
a little knowledge of human weakness (properly called
softness of temperament,
outward obedience, and
scrupulous attention to a puerile kind of propriety,
will obtain for them the protection of man; and if they are
also beautiful, that’s all they need for at least twenty years.
That is how Milton describes our first frail mother,
though when he tells us that women are formed for softness
and sweet attractive grace I don’t understand him unless
in true Moslem fashion he means to deprive us of souls,
insinuating that all we were designed for was to use sweet
attractive grace and docile blind obedience to gratify the
senses of man when he can no longer soar on the wing of
Those who advise us only to turn ourselves into gentle
domestic animals—how grossly they insult us! For instance,
the ‘winning softness’ that is so warmly and frequently
recommended, that ‘governs by obeying’—what childish ex-
pressions! And a being who will sink to the level of governing
by such underhand methods—what an insignificant being
that must be! Can it be an immortal one? ‘Certainly,’ says
Lord Bacon, ‘man is of kin to the beasts by his body: and
if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and
ignoble creature!’ Men, indeed, seem to me to act in a very
unphilosophical manner when they try to secure the good
conduct of women by keeping them always in a state of
childhood. Rousseau was more consistent when he wanted
to stop the progress of reason in both sexes; for if men eat
of the tree of knowledge, women will come in for a taste,
but the imperfect cultivation that their understandings now
receive will give them only a knowledge of evil.
Children, I agree, should be innocent; but when ‘innocent’
is applied to men or women it is merely a polite word
for ‘weak’. If it is granted that women were destined by
[= ‘God’]
to acquire human virtues, and to use
their understandings to achieve the stability of character
that is the firmest ground to rest our future hopes on, then
they must be permitted to look to the fountain of light (
and not forced to steeer by the twinkling of a mere satellite
). Milton was of a very different opinion. . . ., but it
would be hard to make consistent two passages that I am
now going to contrast. But then great men often led by their
senses into such inconsistencies.
[In these lines Eve is speaking
to Adam.]
To whom thus Eve with perfect beauty adorned:
My author and disposer, what thou bidst
Unargued I obey; so God ordains,
God is thy law, thou mine; to know no more
Is woman’s happiest knowledge and her praise.
These are
the arguments I have used to children!
But then I have added: ‘Your reason is now gaining strength.
Until it arrives at some degree of maturity, you must look up
to me for advice; but when it does arrive there, you ought to
think, and rely only on God.’
Yet, in these next lines, Milton seems to agree with me,
when he makes Adam protest to his Maker like this:
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
Hast thou not made me here thy substitute,
And these inferior far beneath me set?
Among unequals what society
Can sort, what harmony or delight?
Which must be mutual, in proportion due
Given and received; but in disparity
The one intense, the other still remiss
Cannot well suit with either, but soon prove
Tedious alike: of fellowship I speak
Such as I seek, fit to participate
All rational delight. . . .
In discussing the manners of women, therefore, let us set
aside sensual arguments and work out what we should try
to make women in order to co-operate, if the expression isn’t
too bold, with God.
The sense of the word ‘education’ isn’t precisely defined,
so I should explain: by ‘individual education’ I mean
The kind of attention to a child that will slowly
sharpen the senses, form the temperament, regulate
the passions as they begin to bubble up, and set
the understanding to work before the body reaches
maturity; so that the
fully mature
man will only have
continue the important task of learning to think
and reason, rather than .having to
start it.
I don’t believe that a private education can work the wonders
that some optimistic writers have attributed to it.
[This topic
will be extensively discussed in chapter 12.]
Men and women must
be educated to a large extent by the opinions and manners
of the society they live in. In every age there has been a
stream of popular opinion that has carried everything along
with it, giving to that age a family character, so to speak. So
it’s reasonable to conclude that until society is differently
constituted, not much can be expected from education. All
I need for my present purpose, however, is this: Whatever
effect circumstances have on people’s abilities, everyone
become virtuous by the exercise of his or her
[see Glossary]
own reason; for if just one being was
with vicious
inclinations—i.e. was created positively bad—what could
save us from atheism? or if we worshipped a god, wouldn’t
we be worshipping a devil?
So the most perfect education, in my opinion, is the
use of the understanding in the way that is most likely to
strengthen the body and form the heart—i.e. to enable the
individual to attain such habits of virtue as will render him
or her independent. To describe as ‘virtuous’ anyone whose
whose virtues don’t result from the exercise of his or her own
reason is a farce. This was Rousseau’s opinion regarding
men: I extend it to women. . . . Still, the royal homage that
women receive is so intoxicating that, until manners in
general come to be formed on more reasonable principles, it
may be impossible to convince
them that
the illegitimate power that they get by degrading
themselves is a curse, and that
if they want to enjoy the peaceful satisfaction that
unsophisticated affections impart, they must return
to nature and equality.
But for the present age we must wait until kings and nobles,
enlightened by reason and preferring the real dignity of
man to
their present
childish state, throw off their gaudy
hereditary trappings. If that happens and women still don’t
resign the arbitrary power of beauty, they’ll be showing
that they have
mind than man. At the risk of seeming
arrogant, I must declare my firm belief that
Everyone who has have written about female edu-
cation and manners, from Rousseau to Dr Gregory,
has helped to make women
more artificial, weaker
characters than they would otherwise have been; and
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
more useless members of society.
I could have expressed this conviction in a lower key; but
that would have been an insincere whine and not the faith-
ful expression of my feelings—of the clear conclusion that
experience and reflection have led me to draw. When I come
to the right place for that I’ll discuss the passages that I
especially disapprove of in the works of the authors I have
just mentioned
[chapter 5]
; but
is the right place to remark
that I object ·not just to isolated passages but· to the whole
purport of those books, which I think tend to degrade one
half of the human species, and make women pleasing at the
expense of every solid virtue.
Reasoning on Rousseau’s premises, we could say this:
If man did achieve a degree of perfection of mind when
his body arrived at maturity, it might be proper—so
as to make a man and his wife
—that she should
rely entirely on his understanding. Then the graceful
ivy, clasping the
oak that supported
it, would form a whole in which strength and beauty
would be equally conspicuous.
But alas! husbands as well as their wives are often only
overgrown children; indeed, thanks to early debauchery they
are hardly grown men in their outward form. We don’t need
a messenger angel fom heaven to tell us what happens when
the blind lead the blind.
In the present corrupt state of society many causes collab-
orate to enslave women by cramping their understandings
and sharpening their senses. One that silently does more
harm than all the rest, perhaps, is their disregard of order.
Do everything in an orderly manner
is a most important
precept, but women, who in general; receive only a disorderly
kind of education
[see the account of education on page 14]
, seldom
attend to it with as much exactness as men do, because men
are from their infancy are broken into method. This negligent
kind of guesswork prevents women from generalizing matters
of fact
[the meaning of this will become clear in the next paragraph]
, so
what they did yesterday they do again today, merely because
they did it yesterday. Guesswork? Well, isn’t that the right
word for the random exertions of a sort of instinctive common
sense, never brought to the test of reason?
This off-hand neglect of the understanding in early life
has worse consequences than is commonly supposed. The
little knowledge acquired by women with strong minds is,
for various reasons, more random and episodic than the
knowledge of men; it is acquired more by
sheer observations
of real life than from
relating individual observations to the
results of experience generalized by theorizing. . . . What
women learn they learn by snatches; and—because learning
for them is in general only a secondary thing—they don’t
pursue any one branch
of learning
with the persevering
eagerness that is needed to give vigour to the faculties and
clarity to the judgment. In the present state of society, a little
learning is required to support the character of a gentleman;
and boys are obliged to submit to a few years of
discipline. But in the education of women the development
of the understanding is always subordinate to the acquiring
of some physical accomplishment; [and yet, MW continues,
on the physical side women don’t acquire the best kind
of grace and beauty, being barred from it by ‘confinement
and false notions of modesty’. She seems to be thinking
of something like the grace and beauty of an accomplished
female athlete.]. . . . Having no serious scientific study, if
women have natural soundness of judgment it is turned too
soon onto life and manners. They dwell on effects. . . .without
tracing them back to causes; and complicated rules to adjust
behaviour are a weak substitute for simple principles.
As a proof that education gives females this appearance
of weakness, consider the example of military men, who are
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
(as women are) sent into the world before their minds have
been stored with knowledge or strengthened by principles.
The results are similar:
Soldiers acquire a little superficial knowledge,
snatched from the muddy current of conversation;
and by continually mixing with society they gain what
is termed ‘knowledge of the world’.
(This acquaintance with manners and customs has often
been confused with
knowledge of the human heart. But
honourable label can’t be deserved by the crude fruit
of casual observation, never brought to the test of judgment
based on combining experience with theory.) When the edu-
cation has been the same, where is the difference between
the sexes? The only difference I can see comes from the fact
that soldiers are free to see more of life than women are. . . .
Standing armies can never consist of resolute, robust
men; they may be well disciplined machines but they will
seldom contain men moved by strong passions or with very
vigorous faculties. And depth of understanding isn’t found in
an army more often than it is found among women; and the
cause is the same. Furthermore, officers are also particularly
attentive to their persons
[see Glossary]
, and fond of dancing,
crowded rooms, adventures, and mockery. As with the ‘fair’
sex, the business of their lives is
. They were taught
to please, and they only live to please. Yet they. . . .are still
regarded as superior to women, though it is hard to discover
what their superiority consists in other than what I have just
The great misfortune is that they both acquire
morals, and
a knowledge of life before reflection
gives them
an acquaintance with the grand ideal outline of
human nature. It naturally follows that they, satisfied with
common nature, become a prey to prejudices, and blindly
submit to authority, simply believing what they are told. If
they have any sense, it is a kind of instinctive fast uptake
of social situations; but this fails when opinions are to be
analysed or arguments are to be pursued below the surface.
. . . .Riches and hereditary honours have made cyphers of
women. . . .and idleness has produced a mixture of gallantry
and despotism in society, which leads men who are slaves
of their mistresses to tyrannize over their sisters, wives, and
daughters. . . . Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it
and that will bring an end to blind obedience; but because
blind obedience is always sought for by power, tyrants and
sensualists are right to try to keep women in the dark: the
tyrants only want slaves, and the sensualists only want toys.
In fact, sensualists have been the most dangerous tyrants,
and women have been duped by their lovers, as princes are
by their ministers, while dreaming that they reigned over
I am principally thinking of Rousseau,
and specifically of
his work on education entitled
. His character Sophie
in that book
is a captivating one, no doubt, though it strikes
me as grossly unnatural; but what I am planning to attack is
not the superstructure but the foundation of her character,
the principles on which her education was built. Warmly
as I admire the genius
[see Glossary]
of that able writer. . . .,
indignation always takes place of admiration when I read
his voluptuous
[see Glossary]
day-dreams. Is
the man who
in his ardour for virtue wants to banish all the soft arts of
peace and almost carry us back to Spartan discipline? Is
the man who loves to portray the useful struggles of passion,
the triumphs of good dispositions, and the heroic flights that
carry the glowing soul out of itself? How are these mighty
sentiments lowered when he describes the prettyfoot and
enticing airs of his little favourite!
[That sentence is verbatim MW.]
But I’ll set that aside for just now, and. . . .merely remark
that whoever has cast a benevolent eye on society must
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
often have been gratified by the sight of humble mutual love,
not dignified by sentiment or strengthened by a union in
intellectual pursuits. The domestic trifles of the day have
provided material for cheerful conversation, and innocent ca-
resses have softened toils which didn’t require great exercise
of mind or stretch of thought. But hasn’t the sight of this
middling happiness aroused more tenderness than respect?
It is an emotion like what we feel when we see children are
whereas the contemplation of the noble struggles
of suffering merit has created admiration and carried our
thoughts to that world where sensation will give place to
So women are to be considered either as
moral beings
or as
so weak that they must be entirely subjected to the
superior faculties of men.
Let us examine this question. Rousseau declares that
a woman should never for a moment feel herself to be
independent, that she should be
governed by fear to exercise
her ‘natural’ cunning, and
made a coquettish slave in order
to make her a more alluring object of desire, a ‘sweeter’
companion to man whenever he chooses to relax himself. He
carries his arguments (which he claims to infer from the indi-
cations of
) still further, and indicates that truth and
fortitude—the corner-stones of all human virtue—should be
cultivated with certain restrictions, because with respect to
the female character obedience is the great lesson which
ought to be impressed
on the woman
with unrelenting
What nonsense! When will a great man arise with enough
strength of mind to puff away the fumes that pride and
sensuality have thus spread over the subject? If women are
by nature
inferior to
men, their virtues must be
with men’s, meaning that they must be
the same in quality
if not in degree. . . .; so their conduct should be based on
the same principles as men’s conduct, and should have the
same aim.
Connected with man as daughters, wives, and mothers,
the moral character of women may be judged by how they
fulfill those simple duties; but the great
of their exertions
should be to develop their own faculties and acquire the
dignity of conscious virtue. They may try to make their road
pleasant; but they should never forget, as men do, that
doesn’t yield the happiness that can satisfy an immortal
soul. I don’t mean to imply that either sex should be so
lost in abstract reflections or distant views as to forget the
affections and duties that
lie before them and
are indeed
the means appointed to produce the fruit of life; on the
contrary, I warmly recommend them even while I say that
they give most satisfaction when they are considered in their
true subordinate light.
[These ‘affections and duties’ are presumably
ones relating to sexual intercourse, the ‘appointed means’ to continuing
the species.]
The dominant opinion that woman was created for man
may have been inferred from Moses’s poetical story; but
presumably very few who have
about the subject
ever believed that Eve was literally one of Adam’s ribs; so that
inference must be dropped—or be admitted only as proving
from the remotest antiquity man found it convenient to exert
his strength to subjugate his companion, and
his invention
to show that she ought to have her neck bent under the yoke
because she as well as the lower animals was created to do
his pleasure.
Don’t think I that I want to invert the order of things. I
have already conceded that the constitution of men’s bodies
Milton’s pleasing picture of
paradisiacal happiness has always raised similar feelings in me; but instead of envying the lovely pair, I have with
conscious dignity (or satanic pride!) turned to
hell for more sublime things to think about. . . .
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
(I’m speaking collectively of the whole sex) seem to indicate
that God designed them to attain a greater degree of virtue
[see Glossary] ·
than women
. But I don’t see the faintest reason
to conclude that their virtues are different
in kind ·
. How
they be. if virtue has only one eternal
standard? If I am to be consistent in my reasoning, therefore,
I must put as much energy into maintaining
with regard
to male virtue and female virtue
they have the same
simple direction as I put into maintaining that
there is a
It follows from this that I mustn’t set up a contrast
·female· cunning and ·male· wisdom,
little ·female· cares and great ·male· exertions, or
softness (varnished over with the label
‘gentleness’) and the
fortitude that can only be
inspired by grand views.
I shall be told that
if women aimed at the same virtues as
, woman would then lose many of her special graces;
and the line I am taking here might be attacked by quoting
from a well-known poet—Alexander Pope, who has said on
behalf of the whole male sex:
Yet ne’er so sure our passions to create,
As when she touch’d the brink of all we hate.
I’ll leave it to you to decide in what light this joke places men
and women; and in the meanwhile I’ll content myself with
remarking that I can’t discover why females should always be
degraded by being made subservient to love or lust, unless
they are mortal [see Glossary].
Yes, yes—speaking disrespectfully of love is committing
high treason against sentiment and fine feelings! But I want
to speak the simple language of truth, addressing the head
rather than the heart. To try to reason
love out of the
world would be pointless and contrary to common sense;
but it appears less wild to try—
as I shall
—to restrain
this tumultuous passion, and to prove that it shouldn’t
be allowed to dethrone superior powers or grab the sceptre
[see Glossary]
that should always be wielded, coolly, by the
Youth is the season for love in both sexes; but in those
days of thoughtless enjoyment one should prepare for the
more important years of life when reflection takes place of
[MW was 33 years old when this was published.]
Rousseau and most of his male followers have strongly
maintained that the whole tendency of female education
ought to be directed towards one goal—to make women
If you support that opinion, let me reason with you. Do
you imagine that marriage can eradicate the habits of life?
The woman who has only been taught to please will soon find
that her charms are oblique sun-beams, and that they can’t
have much effect on her husband’s heart when he sees them
every day and when the summer
of her physical beauty
past and gone. When that happens, she may
have enough energy to look into herself for comfort,
and cultivate the faculties she has idled;
or she may instead
try to please other men, and try in the emotions raised
by the expectation of new conquests to forget how her
love or pride has been humiliated.
Which do you think is more likely? When the husband
has stopped being a lover—and that time will inevitably
come—her desire to please will weaken, or become a spring
of bitterness; and love, perhaps the least durable of all the
passions, will give place to jealousy or vanity.
Now think about women who are restrained by principle
or prejudice.
would shrink from an intrigue
[= ‘an
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
extra-marital affair’]
with real abhorrence,
but play with the
idea because
they want to be convinced by the homage of
gallantry that they are cruelly neglected by their husbands;
or they spend days and weeks dreaming of the happiness
enjoyed by souls in harmony, until their health is under-
mined and their spirits broken by discontent. If that is right,
then how can it have been so necessary for them to study
the great art of pleasing? It is useful only to a mistress; the
chaste wife and serious mother should regard
her power to
please as merely the polish of her virtues, and
the affection
of her husband as merely one of the comforts that make her
task less difficult and her life happier. But whether she is
loved or neglected, her first wish should be to make herself
worthy of respect, and not rely for all her happiness on a
being who is subject to infirmities like her own!
The amiable Dr. Gregory fell into a similar error. I respect
his heart, but entirely disapprove of his celebrated
A Father’s
Legacy to his Daughters.
He advises them to develop a fondness for dress, because
this, he says, is ‘natural’ to them. I can’t understand what
he or Rousseau mean in their frequent uses of the vague
word ‘natural’. If they told us that the soul before birth was
fond of dress and brought this inclination with it into a new
body, I would listen to them with a half smile, as I often do
when I hear someone pontificating about ‘innate elegance’.
But if Gregory meant to say only that using one’s faculties
will give one this fondness
for dress
, I deny it. It is not
natural: it arises, like false ambition in men, from a love of
[MW reports and scornfully rejects Gregory’s recommen-
dation to his daughters that they be careful to hold down
any feeeling that might lead them to be to be too vigorous in
dancing, because that might give men a wrong impression.
She concludes:] I hope that no sensible mother will restrain
the natural frankness of youth by instilling such indecent
cautions. . . .
Women ought to try to purify their hearts; but can they
do so when their undeveloped understandings make them
entirely dependent on their senses for occupation and amuse-
[see Glossary]
, when no noble undertaking raises them
above the day’s little vanities or enables them to curb the
wild emotions that agitate a reed over which every passing
breeze has power?
To gain the affections of a virtuous man, is affectation
[In that sentence ‘affectation’ means ‘pretence about what
one’s actual feelings are’.]
Nature has given woman a weaker
body than man; but to ensure her husband’s affections must
a wife lower herself to pretending to be sickly and delicate, in
order to secure her husband’s affection?
It very often really
pretending, on the part of
a wife who, by the exercise of
her mind and body while she was discharging the duties of a
daughter, wife, and mother, has allowed her constitution to
retain its natural strength and her nerves a healthy tone.
Weakness may excite tenderness, and gratify the arrogant
pride of man; but the lordly caresses of a protector won’t
please a noble mind that is panting for respect and deserves
to have it. Fondness is a poor substitute for friendship!
In a seraglio, I admit, all these arts are necessary [and
she develops this thought through a paragraph that doesn’t
add to the content of the chapter. It repeats that someone
who could settle for such a life cannot be one who ‘has an
immortal soul’.]
Besides, the woman who strengthens her body and exer-
cises her mind will, by managing her family and practising
various virtues, become the friend, and not the humble
dependent, of her husband; and if she deserves his respect
by having such solid qualities, she won’t find that she needs
to conceal her affection or pretend to an unnatural coldness
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
of constitution
[meaning ‘pretend to have little interest in sex’]
excite her husband’s passions. Look at history and you’ll
find that the women who have distinguished themselves
haven’t been the most beautiful or the most gentle of their
Nature—or, to speak more accurately, God—has made all
things right; but man has devised many inventions to spoil
God’s work. I’m referring to the part of Dr. Gregory’s book
where he advises a wife never to let her husband know the
extent of her sensibility or affection. . . . That is as ineffectual
as it is absurd! By its very nature love must be transitory.
Searching for a secret that would make it constant is as
wild as searching for the philosopher’s stone
that can turn
lead into gold
or the grand panacea
[that can cure every disease]
and if the search succeeded
and something was discovered
that would make love constant
, that would be useless, or
, to mankind. The most holy tie of society
is friendship. The shrewd satirist
La Rochefoucauld
right when he said that ‘rare as true love is, true friendship
is still rarer’.
This is an obvious truth, and the reason for it is easy to
find, because it doesn’t lie deep.
Love, the common passion, in which
chance replaces choice, and
sensation replaces reason,
is felt to some degree by everyone. (I am not talking here
about emotions that rise above love, or ones that sink below
it.) This passion, naturally increased by suspense and
difficulties, draws the mind out of its usual state and exalts
the affections; but the fever of love is allowed to subside
by the security of marriage—
its release from the kinds of
suspense and difficulties that occur in a love affair
. The
only people who find a healthy temperature insipid are ones
who don’t have enough intellect to substitute
the calm tenderness of friendship for blind admira-
tion, and
the confidence of respect for the emotions of foolish
This is the course of nature; it
to be; love is inevitably
followed by either friendship or indifference. And this state
of affairs seems to harmonize perfectly with the how things
go generally in the moral world. Passions are spurs to action,
and open the mind; but when the object has been gained
and the satisfied mind relaxes in enjoyment, the passions
sink to the level of mere appetites, a matter of momentary
personal gratification. The man who had some virtue while
he was struggling for a crown often becomes a voluptuous
tyrant when he is wearing it; and when the lover continues
to exist in the husband the result is a foolish old man who
is a prey to childish whims and foolish jealousies, and
neglects the serious duties of life, and by whom
the caresses that should arouse confidence in his
children are lavished on the overgrown child, his wife.
In order to fulfil the duties of life, and to be able to pursue
with vigour the various employments that form the moral
character, a master and mistress of a family ought not to
continue to love each other with passion. I mean that they
ought not to indulge emotions that disturb the order of
society and engross the thoughts that should be otherwise
employed. A mind that has never been absorbed by one
object lacks vigour; a mind that can be thus obsessed for a
long time is ·downright· weak.
. . . .I haven’t the faintest thought of producing a paradox
when I say: An unhappy marriage is often very advantageous
to a family, and a neglected wife is in general the best mother.
This would almost always be the case if the female mind were
more enlarged; ·let me explain why·.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
God’s plans seem to have ruled that, in most cases, what
we gain in present enjoyment is to be deducted from our
experience, which is the
treasure of life; and that
when we are gathering the flowers of the day and revelling
in pleasure, the solid fruit of toil and wisdom is not to be
caught at the same time. The road forks here; we must go
to the right or to the left; and someone who spends his life
bounding from one pleasure to another mustn’t complain
if he acquires neither wisdom nor a character worthy of
* * * * *
[The preparer of this version is defeated by the following paragraph—not
by its individual episodes but by how it meant to hang together. So it is
passed on to you exactly as Mary Wollstonecraft wrote it. Good Luck!]
Supposing, for a moment, that the soul is not immortal,
and that man was only created for the present scene,—I
think we should have reason to complain that love, infantine
fondness, ever grew insipid and palled upon the sense. Let us
eat, drink, and love, for to-morrow we die, would be, in fact,
the language of reason, the morality of life; and who but a fool
would part with a reality for a fleeting shadow? But, if awed
by observing the improvable powers of the mind, we disdain
to confine our wishes or thoughts to such a comparatively
mean field of action, that only appears grand and important,
as it is connected with a boundless prospect and sublime
hopes, what necessity is there for falsehood in conduct, and
why must the sacred majesty of truth be violated to detain
a deceitful good that saps the very foundation of virtue?
Why must the female mind be tainted by coquettish arts to
gratify the sensualist, and prevent love from subsiding into
friendship, or compassionate tenderness, when there are not
qualities on which friendship can be built? Let the honest
heart show itself, and
teach passion to submit to
necessity; or, let the dignified pursuit of virtue and knowledge
raise the mind above those emotions which rather embitter
than sweeten the cup of life, when they are not restrained
within due bounds.
* * * * *
I’m not talking about the romantic passion that is the
concomitant of genius. Who can clip its wings? But that
grand passion is out of proportion to the little enjoyments
of life; what it is true to is only
, what it feeds on is
only itself. The passions that have been celebrated for their
durability have always been unfortunate. They have been
strengthened by absence and by constitutional melancholy.
The imagination has hovered round a dimly seen form of
beauty; familiarity with it might have turned admiration
into disgust—or at least into indifference—and freed the
imagination to start fresh game
[= ‘flush out new foxes or deer or
hares to hunt’]
. According to this view of things, it is perfectly
proper for Rousseau to make the heroine of his novel
love her tutor when life was fading before her; but this is no
proof of the immortality of the passion.
Of the same sort is Gregory’s advice regarding delicacy of
sentiment. He advises a woman not to acquire sentiment if
she intends to marry. This intention is perfectly consistent
with his former advice, but here he calls sentiment ‘indelicate’
and earnestly persuades his daughters to conceal it even if
it governs their conduct—as if it were
to have the
common appetites of human nature!
Noble morality! and consistent with the cautious pru-
dence of a little soul that can’t look further than the present
tiny fraction of
[i.e. the part that concerns life before
death, whose extent is tiny compared with the eternal life that awaits us
after death]
If all the faculties of woman’s mind are to be
cultivated only with respect to her dependence on man; if
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
when she gets a husband she has reached her goal and. . . .is
satisfied with such a trivial crown, let her contentedly grovel
in the dirt, scarcely raised by her employments above the
lower animals. But
if she is struggling for the prize of
her high calling
[presumably meaning God’s giving her the task of
becoming as virtuous as possible]
, let her look beyond the present
scene, let her develop her understanding without stopping to
consider what the husband she is going to marry will be like.
If she resolves to acquire the qualities that ennoble a rational
being, without being too anxious about present happiness, a
rough, inelegant husband may shock her taste but he won’t
destroy her peace of mind. She will model her soul not
make it fit with her companion’s frailties but
to enable it to
put up with them. His character may be a trial, but it won’t
be an impediment to virtue.
If Gregory meant to be talking only about romantic ex-
pectations of constant love and congenial feelings, he should
have remembered that
such expectations exist only when
the imagination is kept alive at the expense of reason, that
advice can never make them go away, but that
can do so.
I admit that many women who have developed in them-
selves a romantic unnatural delicacy of feeling have wasted
their lives in
how happy they would have been
with a husband who could love them with intense and
increasing affection all day every day. But they might as well
lament married as lament single; they wouldn’t be a jot more
unhappy with a bad husband than they are longing for a good
one. I agree that a proper education—or, more accurately, a
well-stocked mind—would enable a woman to live unmarried
with dignity; but what if she avoids cultivating her taste in
case her
if she comes to have one
occasionally shock it? That is quitting a substance for a
shadow! The fact is that I don’t know what use an improved
if it’s not to make the individual more independent
of life’s disasters, and to open up new sources of enjoyment
that depend only on the solitary operations of the mind.
People of taste (whether married or single, it makes no
difference) will always be disgusted by various things that
have no effect on less observant minds; but that fact on its
own mustn’t be allowed to disqualify taste. The question is:
in the whole sum of enjoyment
is taste to be counted as a
blessing? Does taste procure more pain or more pleasure?
The answer will settle whether Gregory’s advice was good,
and will show how absurd and tyrannical it is to lay down
a system of slavery
as he does
, or to try to educate moral
beings by any rules other than those deduced from pure
reason, which apply to the whole species.
Gentleness of manners, forbearance, and long-suffering
are such lovable godlike qualities that high-flying poetry has
attributed them to God; and there may be no representation
of his goodness that fastens on the human affections as
strongly as those that represent him abundant in mercy and
willing to pardon. Looked at this point of view, gentleness
has all the marks of grandeur combined with the winning
graces of kindness towards subordinates; but how different
gentleness looks when it is the submissive manner of a
dependent, the support of weakness that loves because it
needs protection, and is forbearing because it must silently
endure injuries, smiling under the lash at which it doesn’t
dare to snarl! This picture of degradation is the portrait of an
[see Glossary]
woman, according to the received
opinion of female excellence as something different. . . .from
human excellence. Or they (for example Rousseau and
Swedenborg) kindly give Adam back his rib, making one
moral being of a man and woman, and not forgetting to give
her all the ‘submissive charms’ [that is a phrase from Milton].
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
We aren’t told how women are to exist in a state of affairs
where there is no marriage. Moralists have agreed that the
tenor of life seems to prove that
is prepared by various
circumstances for a future state, but they are unanimous in
to provide only for the present. Gentleness,
[see Glossary]
, and spaniel-like affection are consis-
tently recommended as the cardinal virtues of the sex; and
one writer. . . .has declared that it is ‘masculine’ for a woman
to be sad. She was created to be the man’s toy, his rattle,
and it must jingle in his ears whenever he dismisses reason
and chooses to be amused.
It is absolutely correct to recommend gentleness in a
general way. A frail being—
and all humans
should try to be gentle. But when forbearance confuses
right with wrong, it stops being a virtue. It may be found
agreeable in a companion, but that companion will always be
regarded as an inferior, and will inspire only a flat and lifeless
tenderness which easily degenerates into contempt. Still, if
advice really could make gentle a being to whom such a fine
polish isn’t natural, that would move things on a little in the
direction of true morality; but it’s easy to show that what
such advice actually produces is affectation, pretence, which
puts a stumbling block in the way of personal improvement,
so that the
sex gets little benefit from sacrificing
solid virtues to the acquiring of superficial graces, even if for
a few years these graces give the individual a great deal of
As a philosopher, I read with indignation the nice-
sounding descriptions that men use to soften their insults;
and as a moralist, I ask what they mean by such oxymorons
as ‘fair defects’, ‘amiable weaknesses’ and so on.
[In Paradise
Lost Eve is called a ‘fair defect’.]
If there is only one criterion of
morals for men, only one model for them to follow, women
seem to be suspended by destiny. . . .: they don’t have the
unerring instinct of the lower animals, but nor are they
allowed to fix the eye of reason on a perfect model. They
were made to be loved, and must not aim at respect, lest
they should be hunted out of society as ‘masculine’.
Look at this topic now from a different angle. Do passive
idle women make the best wives?
Never mind the after-life
just now
; let us confine our discussion to the present
moment of existence, and ask: How well do such weak crea-
tures perform their part? Do the women who by attaining
a few superficial accomplishments have strengthened the
common prejudice
regarding women
contribute only to the
happiness of
their husbands? Do they display their charms
merely to entertain
them? And do women who were brought
up on notions of passive obedience have enough character to
manage a family or educate children? So far from it that after
surveying the history of woman I can’t help agreeing with the
severest satirist who regards the ·female· sex as the weaker
as well as the more oppressed half of the species. What
does history reveal except marks of inferiority? How many
women have freed themselves from the humiliating yoke of
sovereign man? So few that the exceptions remind me of
the ingenious conjecture that Newton was probably a being
of a superior order, accidentally caged in a human body!
Following that line of thought I have been led to imagine that
the few extraordinary women who have rushed in various
directions out of the orbit prescribed to their sex were
spirits confined by mistake in a female body. But if it isn’t
philosophical to think of sex when the
soul is mentioned,
the inferiority
of women
must depend on the organs, or else
the heavenly fire that makes the clay develop isn’t distributed
in equal portions.
I am continuing to avoid any direct comparison between
the two sexes collectively; I do frankly acknowledge the
inferiority of woman according to the present appearance of
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
things. And I insist that men have increased that inferiority
until women are almost sunk below the standard of rational
creatures. Let their faculties have room to unfold, and their
virtues to gain strength, and
determine where the whole
sex must stand in the intellectual scale. But don’t forget that
for a small number of distinguished women I do not ask for
a place [=? ‘a place on that scale’].
It’s hard for us dim-sighted mortals to say what height
human discoveries and improvements may arrive at when
we are freed from the gloom of despotism that makes us
stumble at every step. But there’s one prediction I am willing
to make without being gifted with a prophetic spirit: it is
that when morality is settled on a more solid basis, woman
will be either man’s friend or his slave. There will be no
question, as there is now, as to whether she is a moral
agent or
the link that unites man with the lower
animals. And if it does then turn out that like the lower
animals women were principally created for the use of man,
he will let them patiently bite the bridle
[= ‘leave them to put up
with their servitude]
and not mock them with empty praise; and
on the other hand
their rationality comes to be proved,
man won’t impede their improvement merely to gratify his
sensual appetites. He won’t use all the graces of rhetoric to
persuade them to submit their understandings uncritically
to the guidance of man. He won’t, when discussing the
education of women, assert that they ought never to have
the free use of reason. . . .
Surely there can be only one rule of right, if morality has
an eternal foundation; and whoever sacrifices virtue—strictly
so-called—to present convenience. . . .lives only for the pass-
ing day and can’t be an accountable
[= ‘morally responsible’]
If that is the category into which women belong
, then the
Matthew Prior
should have dropped his sneer when
he wrote ‘If weak women go astray, / The stars are more in
fault than they.’ Why? Because
if women are like that, then
what he says about them is simply
and not a fit topic
for sneering sarcasm
. If it comes to be proved that women
will never
exercise their own reason,
be independent,
rise above opinion,
feel the dignity of a rational will that
bows only to
God and
often forgets that the universe contains any
being but itself and God
then quite certainly they
bound by the unbreakable
chain of destiny.
[Let it be confessed that the final ‘God’ in the above
indented passage replaces ‘the model of perfection to which its ardent
gaze is turned, to adore attributes that, softened into virtues, may be
imitated in kind, though the degree overwhelms the enraptured mind’.]
I am proceeding by argument. I’m not willing to impress
by rhetoric when reason offers her sober light.
[This is the
first time in this work that MW has treated reason as female. There are
two others, on pages 32 and 65.]
If women are really capable of
acting like rational creatures, let them not be treated like
slaves, or like lower animals who depend on the reason of
man when they associate with him. Instead, develop their
minds, give them the salutary, sublime curb of
, and
let them attain conscious dignity by feeling that they depend
only on God. Teach them in common with man to submit to
necessity, instead of trying to make them more pleasing by
giving a sex [see Glossary] to morals.
And if it turns out that they can’t reach the same degree
of strength of mind, perseverance and fortitude
as men can
let their virtues be the same in
as men’s
they can’t be the same in degree. And man’s superiority
will be equally clear, if not clearer; and truth. . . .would be
common to both. This wouldn’t invert the order of society
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 2: Current views about sexual differences
as it is now. because woman would then have only the rank
that reason assigned to her, and she couldn’t employ her
skills to level the balance, let alone to make it swing the
other way.
These may be called ‘utopian’ dreams,
but I shan’t be
deterred by that. I give
thanks to the Being who impressed
them on my soul, and gave me enough strength of mind
to dare to employ my own reason until—becoming depen-
dent only on him for the support of my virtue—I view with
indignation the mistaken notions that enslave my sex.
I love man as my fellow; but his sceptre doesn’t reign over
me unless I owe homage to the reason of an individual; and
even if I do, what I am submitting to is
reason, not to
In fact, the behaviour of a
accountable being must
be regulated by the operations of his or her own reason—if
that is wrong, what foundation does the throne of God rest
It seems to me that I have to dwell on these obvious truths
because females have been insulted, as it were; stripped of
the virtues that should clothe humanity, they have been
decked out with artificial graces that enable them to be
tyrants for a little time. Because in them love takes the place
every nobler passion, their sole ambition is to be beautiful,
to raise emotion instead of inspiring respect; and this ignoble
desire—like the servility in absolute monarchies—destroys
all strength of character. Liberty is the mother of virtue,
and if women are slaves by their very constitution, and not
allowed to breathe the sharp invigorating air of freedom,
they must always languish like exotics, and be regarded as
beautiful flaws in nature.
The argument about the subjection in which the sex has
always been held can be turned back on man.
[She means
the argument from ‘prescription’; see Glossary, and see also the end of
this paragraph.]
The many have always been subject to the
few; and monsters who have shown almost no perception
of human excellence, have tyrannized over thousands of
their fellow creatures. Why have men with superior gifts
submitted to such degradation? Doesn’t everyone know
that kings, taken as a whole, have always been inferior in
abilities and virtue to the same number of men taken from
the common mass of mankind? Yet haven’t they been—and
aren’t they still—treated with a degree of reverence that is an
insult to reason? China isn’t the only country where a living
man has been made a God.
have submitted to superior
strength so as to enjoy with impunity the pleasure of the
moment, and
have only done the same. Therefore
until it is proved that the courtier who servilely gives up his
birthright as a man is not a moral agent, it can’t be argued
that woman is essentially inferior to man because she has
always been subjugated. . . .
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
Chapter 3:
The same subject continued
Bodily strength, once the distinction of heroes, has sunk
into such undeserved contempt that men as well as women
seem to think it unnecessary: women because it detracts
from their feminine graces and from that lovely weakness
that is the source of their undue power; and men because it
seems to conflict with the character of a gentleman.
[MW is
probably here using ‘contempt’ in a now obsolete sense, meaning merely
that bodily strength has come to be regarded as negligible.]
It won’t be hard to prove that the two sexes have both
departed from one extreme and run into another; but before I
come to that I should perhaps observe that a certain common
error has come to have some acceptance, and this has given
strength to a false conclusion in which an effect has been
mistaken for a cause.
People of genius have very often impaired their consti-
tutions by study, or by careless inattention to their health,
and. . . .superficial observers have inferred from this that
men of genius have commonly weak—or to use a more
fashionable term,
—constitutions. But the truth
is the opposite of that, I believe. Diligent inquiry has led me
to the conclusion that strength of mind has in most cases
been accompanied by superior strength of body—natural
soundness of constitution, I mean, not the robust tone of
nerves and vigour of muscles that come from bodily labour
when the mind is at work only in directing the hands.
Dr. Priestley has remarked. . . .that the majority of great
men have lived beyond ·the age of· 45. Now, think about
a great scientist who carelessly lavishes his strength
when investigating his favourite science, wasting the
lamp of life, forgetful of the midnight hour;
or think about
a poet lost in dreams that his imagination has peo-
pled, and his soul disturbed—until it shakes his
constitution—by the passions that his meditation has
raised; passions whose purely imaginary objects fade
before his exhausted eye.
They must have had iron constitutions! Shakespeare himself
didn’t grasp the airy dagger with a nerveless hand, and
Milton didn’t tremble when he led Satan far from the confines
of his dreary prison.
[MW is referring here to Macbeth’s having a
vision of a dagger and saying ‘Is this a dagger I see before me? Come, let
me clutch thee!’, and to this passage from Paradise Lost: ‘Satan was now
at hand, and from his seat / The Monster moving onward came as fast, /
With horrid strides, Hell trembled as he strode.’]
These were not the
ravings of imbecility, the sickly effusions of unwell brains;
but the exuberance of an imagination that wasn’t continually
reminded of its material shackles when it was wandering ‘in
a fine frenzy’ [Shakespeare’s phrase].
I am aware that this argument would carry me further
than you may think I want to go; but I follow truth, and still
adhering to my first position I will admit that bodily strength
seems to give man a natural superiority over woman; and
this is the only solid basis on which the superiority of the
sex can be built. But I still insist that not only the
but also the
of the two sexes should be the same
in nature, if not in degree; and that women, considered not
only as moral but as rational creatures, should try to acquire
human virtues (or perfections) by the same means as men,
instead of being educated like a fanciful kind of
one of Rousseau’s wild inventions.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
Researches into abstract and speculative truths, the princi-
ples and axioms of sciences—in short, everything that tends
to generalise our ideas—is not the proper province of women.
Their studies should concern points of practice; it is for
them to apply the principles that men have discovered, and
to make observations that direct men to the establishment
of general principles. All the ideas of women that aren’t
immediately relevant to points of duty should be directed
to the study of men, and to the attainment of the pleasant
accomplishments that have to do with taste. Works of genius
are beyond the capacity of women, who don’t have enough
precision or power of attention to succeed in sciences that
require accuracy; and physical knowledge belongs only to
those who are most active, most inquiring, and understand
the greatest variety of things—in short, it belongs to those
who are best able to make judgments about how sensible
beings relate to the laws of nature. A woman who is naturally
weak and doesn’t carry her ideas very far does know how
to make judgments about (and form proper estimates of)
the movements that she gets started in order to aid her
weakness; these movements are the passions of men. The
mechanism she employs is much more powerful than ours,
for all her levers move the human heart. She must have the
skill to incline us to do everything that she needs or wants
and that her sex won’t enable her to do herself. So she ought
to study the mind of man thoroughly,
not abstractly the mind of man in general, but
the dispositions of the men she is subject
to by the laws of her country or by the force of opinion.
She should learn to discover their real sentiments from their
conversation, actions, looks and gestures. She should also
work out how to communicate—by her own conversation,
actions, looks, and gestures—the sentiments that are agree-
able to those men, without seeming to intend it. Men will
argue more philosophically about the human heart, but
women will read the heart of man better than they do. It
is women’s role to form an experimental morality, so to
speak, and to reduce the study of man to a system. Women
have more wit, men have more genius; women observe, men
reason. The two together give us the clearest light and the
most perfect knowledge that the human mind is capable
of attaining unaided. In one word, from this source we
acquire the most intimate acquaintance with ourselves and
with others that we are capable of; and that is how art
has a constant tendency to perfect the endowments that
nature has bestowed. The world is the book of women. (from
Rousseau’s Émile)
I hope my readers still remember the comparison I made
between women and officers.
But if bodily strength is (with some show of reason)
something men boast of having, why are women so foolish as
to be proud of
weakness, which is
a defect? Rousseau has
provided them with a plausible excuse that could only have
occurred to a man whose imagination had been allowed to
run wild in a search for ways of making impressions of the
senses seem more refined—to give him a pretext for yielding
to a natural appetite without violating a romantic sort of
modesty that gratifies his pride and his libertinism.
Women, deluded by these sentiments, sometimes
of their weakness, cunningly obtaining power by playing on
the weakness of men,. . . .and coming to have, like Turkish
generals, more real power than their masters. But this
involves sacrificing
virtue to
temporary gratifications, and
a life worthy of respect to
the triumph of an
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
[MW begins this next paragraph by saying, rather ob-
scurely, that her objection is not to women’s having this
power over men but to how they obtain it, namely by a
method that is degraded and harmful to society in general.
Then:] So I will venture to assert that until women are
more rationally educated, the progress of human virtue
and improvement in knowledge is bound to meet continual
obstacles. If you accept that woman was not created merely
to gratify the appetite of man, to be the upper servant who
provides his meals and takes care of his linen, then you
ought to grant also that
mothers or fathers who are serious about the educa-
tion of females should have as their first concern: if
not to strengthen the body, at least not to destroy the
girl’s physical
constitution by mistaken notions of
beauty and female excellence; and girls should never
be allowed to absorb the pernicious notion that some
chemical process of reasoning can turn a defect into
an excellence!
On this matter I am happy to find that the author of one
of the most instructive books our country has produced for
children thinks as I do. . . .
A respectable old man gives the following sensible account of
how he went about educating his daughter Selene. ‘I tried to
give to both her mind and her body a degree of vigour that is
seldom found in the female sex. As soon as she was strong
enough to be capable of light work in the garden and around
the farm, I employed her as my constant companion. Selene
soon became dexterous in all these rustic jobs, which gave
me equal amounts of pleasure and admiration. If women
are in general feeble in body and mind, that arises less from
nature than from education. We encourage a bad slackness
and inactivity, which we falsely call “delicacy”; instead of
hardening their minds by the severer principles of reason
and philosophy, we train them in useless arts that lead only
to vanity and sensuality. In most of the countries I had
visited, they are taught nothing of a higher nature than a
few modulations of the voice or useless postures of the body;
their time is taken in idleness or trifles, and trifles become
the only pursuits capable of interesting them. We seem to
forget that our own domestic
comforts and the
of our children must depend on the qualities of the female
sex. And what
comforts or
education can we expect from
a race of beings who are corrupted from their infancy and
know nothing of the duties of life? The only arts cultivated
by women in most of the polished nations I had seen were
touching a musical instrument with useless skill, exhibiting
their natural or artificial graces to the eyes of idle and
debauched young men, and wasting their husbands’ wealth
in riotous and unnecessary expenses. And the consequences
are always just what you would expect to come from such
polluted sources—private misery and public servitude.
‘Selene’s education was regulated by different views, and
conducted on severer principles—if you can call “severe”
something that opens the mind to a sense of moral and
religious duties, and arms it most effectively against the
inevitable evils of life.’
·END OF QUOTATION FROM Sandford and Merton, VOL. 3·
Suppose it were proved that woman is naturally weaker
than man, how does it follow that it is natural for her to
try to become even weaker than nature intended her to be?
Arguments of this sort are an insult to common sense, and
have a whiff of passion about them. I hope that in this
enlightened age the divine right of husbands, like the divine
right of kings, can be challenged without danger
to the
; and although conviction may not silence many
boisterous disputants, still when any prevailing prejudice is
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
attacked the wise will
think about it
and leave thoughtless
and noisy scolding to the narrow-minded.
A mother who wants to give her daughter true dignity of
character must ignore the sneers of ignorance and proceed
on a plan diametrically opposite to the one Rousseau has
recommended with all the deluding charms of eloquence
and philosophical trickery. His eloquence makes absurdities
plausible, and when his dogmatic conclusions are considered
by people who aren’t able to refute them, they produce
puzzlement but no conviction.
Throughout the whole animal kingdom every young crea-
ture requires almost continual exercise, and the infancy of
children should similarly be spent in harmless play that
exercises the feet and hands without requiring very precise
direction from the head or the constant attention of a gov-
erness. In fact, the care necessary for self-preservation is the
first natural exercise of the understanding, as inventive little
pastimes stretch the imagination. But these wise designs of
nature are counteracted by mistaken fondness or blind zeal.
The child is not left for a moment to its own direction, partic-
ularly a girl, and is thus made dependent—and dependence
is called natural.
To preserve personal beauty—woman’s glory!—the girls’
limbs and faculties are cramped with worse-than-Chinese
bands; and the sedentary life they are condemned to live,
while boys play in the open air, weakens their muscles and
slackens their nerves.
[MW is referring to the Chinese practice of
binding girls’ feet very tightly so as to keep them fashionably small, with
the result that the adult woman could only hobble.]
As for Rousseau’s
remarks, since echoed by many writers, that
girls have naturally, i.e. from their birth and indepen-
dent of education, a fondness for dolls, dressing, and
they are too puerile to merit a serious refutation. If a girl
is condemned to sit for hours listening to the idle chat of
weak governesses or to be present at her mother’s toilet, it is
indeed very natural for her to
try to join the conversation,
to imitate her mother or aunts and to amuse herself
[see Glossary]
by adorning her lifeless doll, as they amuse
themselves in dressing her, poor innocent babe! Men of the
greatest abilities have seldom been strong enough to rise
above the surrounding atmosphere; and if the page of genius
[see Glossary]
has always been blurred by the prejudices of the
times, some allowance should be made for
the members of
a sex who—like kings!—always see things through a false
Thus, we can easily explain women’s conspicuous fond-
ness for dress without supposing it to come from a desire to
the members of
the sex on which they are dependent.
In short, the supposition that
a girl is naturally a coquette, and her behaviour
expresses a desire connected with nature’s impulse
to propagate the species, even before an improper
education has, by heating the imagination, created
the desire prematurely
. It’s so unphilosophical that such an intelligent
observer as Rousseau wouldn’t have adopted it if he hadn’t
been accustomed to pushing his desire for uniqueness ahead
of reason, and pushing a favourite paradox ahead of truth.
To give a sex
[see Glossary]
in this way was not
very consistent with the principles of a man who argued
so warmly and so well for the immortality of the soul. But
truth is a weak barrier when it stands in the way of an
hypothesis! Rousseau respected virtue—he almost adored
it—and yet he allowed himself to love with sensual fondness.
His imagination constantly prepared combustible fuel for
his combustible senses; but, in order to reconcile
his other
views with
his respect for self-denial, fortitude and those
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
heroic virtues that a mind like his could not coolly admire,
he tries to invert the law of nature, and launches a doctrine
that is pregnant with harm and derogatory to the character
of God.
His ridiculous stories that aim to show that girls are
attentive to their persons. . . .are beneath contempt.
[She quotes one such story and says that it belongs ‘with
the anecdotes of the learned pig’; this presumably refers to
The Story of the Learned Pig
, an anonymous work that had
appeared not long before, questioning whether Shakespeare
wrote the plays attributed to him. MW continues:]
I have probably had more opportunity to observe girls in
their infancy than J. J. Rousseau has. I can recollect my own
feelings, and I have looked steadily around me
[for a while she
had earned her living as a governess]
; and far from sharing his view
about the first dawn of the female character, I will venture
to say that a girl whose spirits haven’t been damped by
inactivity, and whose innocence hasn’t been tainted by false
shame, will always be a romp
[= ‘a lively playful girl’]
, and the
doll will never interest her unless confinement allows her no
alternative. Girls and boys would play harmlessly together
if the difference between the sexes hadn’t been drilled into
them long before nature makes any difference. Among the
women I have known—this is a matter of plain objective
fact—the ones who have acted like rational creatures, or
shown some vigour of intellect, are ones who
had this kind
of freedom in their youth, or
in the language of some of
the elegant experts on the fair sex, had been ‘allowed to run
The evils that flow from inattention to
during infancy and youth extend further than is supposed;
dependence of body naturally produces dependence of mind,
and how can someone be a good wife or mother if most of
her time is spent guarding against or enduring sickness?
And it can’t be expected that a woman will resolutely try to
strengthen her constitution, abstaining from indulgences
that would harm her health, if her motives of action were at
an early age entangled with artificial notions of beauty and
false descriptions of sensibility. Most men sometimes have
to put up with bodily troubles, and occasionally to go out
into bad weather; but genteel women are, literally speaking,
slaves to their bodies—and they glory in their subjection.
I once knew a weak woman. . . .who was more than com-
monly proud of her delicacy and sensibility. [MW contemp-
tuously gives details; she is clearly remembering a real case;
the details don’t add to the content of the work as a whole.
She follows this with a paragraph saying that although the
Roman emperors were ‘depraved by lawless power’, kings in
Europe have generally been at least somewhat restrained,
and she contrasts this with ‘the destructive blast
[an intensely
hot wind]
that desolates Turkey, and makes the men as well
as the soil unfruitful’.]
Women are in this deplorable state everywhere, because
truth is hidden from them so as to preserve their ‘innocence’
(the polite name for ignorance), and they are made to take on
an artificial character before their faculties have acquired any
strength. Taught from their infancy that beauty is woman’s
[see Glossary]
, the mind shapes itself to the body, and
roaming around in its gilt cage it only seeks to adorn its
prison. Men have various employments and pursuits that
engage their attention, and give a character to the opening
mind; but women, confined to one pursuit and having their
thoughts constantly directed to the most insignificant part of
themselves, seldom extend their view beyond the triumph of
the hour. But if their understanding were emancipated from
the slavery to which the pride and sensuality of man and
their short sighted desire. . . .has subjected them, we would
probably read of their weaknesses with surprise.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
Let me pursue the argument a little further. If there were
an evil being who, in the allegorical language of scripture
[1 Peter 5:8] ‘went about seeking whom he should devour’, he
could not more effectively degrade the human character than
by giving a man absolute power. This argument branches
off in various directions. Birth, riches, and every intrinsic
advantage that
raise a man above
his fellows, without any
mental exertion, really
sink him below
them. In proportion
to his weakness, he is manipulated by designing men, until
the bloated monster loses all traces of humanity. And tribes
of men like flocks of sheep quietly follow such a leader!—that
is a blunder that can only be explained by narrowness of
understanding and a desire for present enjoyment. Educated
in slavish dependence and weakened by luxury and sloth,
where can we find men who will stand up and
assert the
rights of man, or
claim the privilege of moral beings, who
should have only one road to excellence? Slavery to monar-
chs and ministers, whose deadly grasp stops the progress
of the human mind, is not yet abolished and won’t be for a
long time.
[MW now argues that men who contend ‘that woman
ought to be subjected because she has always been so’ are
using the very argument that ‘tyrannical kings and venal
ministers’ use to justify their subjection of everyone else,
men included. Men who go on about the folly of women, she
says, should bear in mind the folly of men.]
It is obviously true that when women obtain power by
unjust means they lose the rank appropriate to their having
reason, and become either abject slaves or capricious tyrants.
In acquiring power they lose all simplicity, all dignity of mind,
and act as we see men act when they have been exalted by
the same wrong means.
It is time to bring about a revolution in female manners, time
to restore their lost dignity to them and to make them, as
a part of the human species, work to reform the world by
reforming themselves. It is time to separate unchangeable
morals from local
manners. If men are demi-gods, then
let us indeed serve them! And if the dignity of the female
soul is as disputable as that of animals, if their
[= women’s]
reason doesn’t give enough light to direct their conduct but
they don’t have unerring instinct either, they are surely the
most miserable of all creatures; bent beneath the iron hand
of destiny, they must submit to being a
beautiful defect
creation. In that case, God has made half of mankind at
once morally accountable
because they have reason
yet not accountable
because they don’t have enough reason
I challenge moral theologians to point out some conclusive
reason for God to behave like that!
The only solid foundation for morality appears to be
the character of the Supreme Being; the harmony of that
character arises from a balance of attributes; and. . . .one
attribute seems to imply the
of another: God must
be just because he is wise, he must be good because he is
omnipotent. To exalt one attribute at the expense of another
equally noble and necessary one bears the stamp of warped
human reason. . . . Man, accustomed to bow down to power
in his savage state, can seldom get rid of this barbarous
this attaching of weight to physical power
when civilization fixes how greatly mental strength is supe-
rior to bodily strength; and his reason is clouded by these
crude opinions, even when he is thinking about God. His
omnipotence is made to swallow up or preside over his other
attributes, and mortals who think
as I do
that his power
must be regulated by his wisdom are accused of
limiting his power.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
There is a kind of ‘humility’ that investigates nature but
stops short of nature’s Author. I disclaim that.
, the
high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, no doubt has
many attributes of which we can form no conception; but
reason tells me that those attributes can’t clash with the
divine attributes that fill me with loving wonder, and I am
compelled to listen to
her voice.
It seems natural for man to search for excellence, and
either to
find it in the object that he worships or
clothe that object with perfection. But what good effect
can the blindly-clothing type of worship have on the moral
conduct of a rational being? He bends to power; he stands
in wonder before a dark cloud, which may
open a bright
prospect to him, or
burst in angry fury on his doomed head
without his knowing why. And if God does act on the basis of
the vague impulse of an undirected will, what is man to do?
He must either follow his own will, or act according to rules
derived from principles that he rejects as
. This is
a dilemma into which both fanatics and cooler thinkers have
fallen when trying to free men from the wholesome restraints
imposed by a correct conception of God’s character.
It isn’t impious to scan God’s attributes: we
have to
do it
if we are to exercise our faculties. For someone wanting to
acquire either virtue or knowledge, the only
consists in loving God as the fountain of wisdom, goodness,
and power. A blind unsettled affection may, like human
passions, occupy the mind and warm the heart,
but that
has no moral benefit because it can happen
while ‘doing
justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God’
[Micah 6:8]
are forgotten. I shall resume this subject when I
consider religion in a light opposite to that recommended
by Dr. Gregory, who treats it as a matter of sentiment or
taste—·a question of how you feel or what you like·.
Returning now from this apparent detour: It is desirable
that women’s affection for their husbands should be based
on the same principle that
devotion ought to rest
on. Nowhere in the world is there any other firm base. Let
women beware of the misleading light of ‘sentiment’, which
is often used as a softer phrase for
. So it follows,
I think, that from their infancy women should either be
shut up like eastern princes or
educated in a manner that
enables them to think and act for themselves.
Why do men halt between two opinions, and expect
impossibilities? Why do they expect virtue from a slave,
or from a being who has been made weak—or worse—by the
constitution of civil society?
Still, I know that eradicating the firmly rooted prejudices
that sensualists have planted will take a long time; and it
will also take time
to convince women that they are acting contrary to
their real long-term interests when they value weak-
ness or pretend to have it, under the name of ‘delicacy’,
to convince the world that the poisoned source of
female vices
[see Glossary]
and follies. . . .has been the
sensual homage paid to beauty.
I’m talking about beauty of features; for a German writer has
shrewdly observed that a
woman is an object of desire
for men of all descriptions, whereas a
woman, who
inspires more sublime emotions by displaying intellectual
beauty, may have no attraction for men who find their
happiness in the gratification of their appetites.
I can see an obvious retort that may be made, namely:
For as long as man goes on being as imperfect as he
appears to have been so far, he
be pretty much the
slave of his appetites; and it is always the case that the
women who get the most power are those who gratify
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
a predominant appetite; so the sex is degraded by a
physical if not by a moral necessity.
[The last clause is
verbatim MW. It means something like this: ‘The female sex will
be degraded—this isn’t morally right, but it is inevitable.’]
This objection has some force, I admit; but
it is based on
the idea that if we can see that something is inevitable we
shouldn’t waste our energy trying to change it; and that idea
is open to question
. In the light of the sublime precept ‘be
pure as your heavenly father is pure,’ it would seem that
God. . . .hasn’t set any limits to the virtues of man, and that
man may press forward without considering whether he is
stepping out of his sphere
[= ‘getting out of line’]
by harbouring
such a noble ambition
as to be as pure as God is
. . . .
Matter yields to the great governing spirit by following
the causal laws that he has established; but an immortal
soul, not restrained by mechanical laws and struggling
to free itself from matter’s shackles, doesn’t disturb the
order of creation—indeed it contributes to it—when it tries
in co-operation with the Father of spirits to govern itself by
the invariable rule. . . .by which the universe is regulated.
Besides, if women are educated for dependence, i.e. to
act according to the will of another fallible being, and to
submit to power, whether it is right or wrong, where are we
to stop? Are they to be considered as vice-regents—
—allowed to reign over a small domain, and an-
swerable for their conduct to a higher tribunal that is as
liable to error as they are?
It won’t be hard to prove that such deputies will act like
men who are held down by fear, and will make their children
and servants endure their tyrannical oppression. As they
submit without reason, so also
they will govern without
: having no fixed rules against which to judge their
conduct, they will be kind or cruel as the mood takes them;
and it won’t be surprising if sometimes, chafing under their
heavy yoke, they take a mean pleasure in resting it on weaker
Consider this case:
A woman who has been trained up to obedience
marries a sensible man, who directs her judgment
without making her feel the servility of her subjection.
He helps her to act by this reflected light with as much
propriety as can be expected when reason is taken
at second hand, but she can’t ensure the life of her
protector; he dies and leaves her with a large family.
She now has a double duty: to play both the mother’s and
the father’s part in educating her children, forming their
principles and securing their property. But she has never
thought for herself, much less acted for herself. She has only
learned to please men, to depend gracefully on them; but how
with her burden of children is she to obtain another protector,
another husband to supply the place of reason? A rational
man—we aren’t treading on romantic ground!—though he
may think her a pleasing docile creature won’t choose to
marry a
for love when the world contains many
creatures who are prettier than she is. What then is to
become of her? She either
falls an easy prey to some mean
fortune hunter who defrauds her children of their paternal
inheritance and makes her miserable, or
becomes the victim
of discontent and blind indulgence. Unable to educate her
sons or get them to respect her. . . ., she suffers under the
anguish of impotent regret. The serpent’s tooth enters into
her very soul, and the vices of lawless youth bring her with
sorrow—and perhaps also with poverty—to the grave.
[MW is
echoing King Lear’s words ‘How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is / To
have a thankless child.’]. . . .
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
It seems likely that someone who has been taught only
to please must still find her happiness in pleasing; and if
that is true of this woman, what an example of folly—and
even vice—she will be to her innocent daughters! The mother
will be lost in the coquette, and instead of making friends
of her daughters she will view them with suspicion because
they are her rivals, the cruellest rivals because they invite
a comparison and drive her from the throne of beauty—she
who has never thought of a seat on the bench of reason.
It doesn’t require a lively pencil. . . .to sketch the domestic
miseries and petty vices which such a mistress of a family
spreads around her. Yet she is only acting as a woman ought
to act if she has been brought up according to Rousseau’s
system. She can’t be reproached for being ‘masculine’ or
stepping out of her sphere; indeed she may conform to his
rules well enough to be reckoned a good kind of woman. Yet
in what respect can she be termed good? It’s true that she
abstains, without any great struggle, from committing gross
crimes; but how does she fulfil her duties? Duties!—
she has
no time or energy for duties, when
she has enough to think
about in adorning her body and nursing a weak constitution.
With regard to religion, she never presumed to judge for
herself. As a dependent creature should, she conformed
to the ceremonies of the church she was brought up in,
piously believing that wiser heads than her own have settled
that business
[MW’s phrase]
; and her idea of perfection in
religious matters is
not to doubt
. So she makes her little
weekly payment to the church, and thanks her God that she
is not as other women are. These are the blessed effects of a
good education! these are the virtues of man’s helpmate. I
must relieve myself—
give myself a break from my rage and
sadness·—by drawing a different picture.
Now let us imagine a woman with a fairly good understanding
(I don’t want to deal with extremes), whose constitution,
strengthened by
exercise, has allowed her body
to acquire its full vigour; while her mind has gradually
expanded itself to understand the moral duties of life and
what human virtue and dignity consist in. Formed in this
way by the duties she has because of her position in life,
she marries from affection, without losing sight of prudence;
and. . . .she secures her husband’s respect before there’s any
need to exert low tricks to please him and feed a dying flame
of love
. Nature dooms
to expire when the loved one
becomes familiar, when friendship and forbearance take the
place of a more ardent affection. This is the natural death
of love; and
in the marriage I am describing here
peace is not destroyed by struggles to prevent the death
from happening. I am also supposing the husband to be
virtuous. . . .
Fate, however, breaks this tie. She is left a widow, without
enough to live on comfortably, but she is not desolate! The
pang of nature is felt; but after time has softened sorrow
into sad resignation, her heart turns to her children with
redoubled fondness, and in her anxiety to provide for them
her affection presents her maternal duties as sacred and
heroic. She thinks that her virtuous efforts are seen by the
eye of God, from whom all her comfort now must flow and
whose approval is life; and her imagination, a little abstracted
and exalted by grief, lets her hope that. . . .her husband’s eyes
still see how she subdues every wayward passion in order to
fulfil the double duty of being father as well as mother to her
children. Raised to heroism by misfortunes, she represses
the first faint dawning of a natural inclination before it
ripens into love; and in the bloom of life she forgets her sex
[see Glossary]
—forgets the pleasure of an awakening passion
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 3: The same subject continued
which might again have been inspired and returned. . . . Her
children have her love, and her brightest hopes are beyond
the grave, where her imagination often strays.
I think I see her surrounded by her children, reaping the
reward of her care. . . . Health and innocence smile on their
chubby cheeks; and as they grow up, the cares of
are lessened by their grateful attention. She lives to see the
virtues that she tried to tried implant in her children through
principles become fixed in them as
habits, and to see her
children achieve enough strength of character to be able to
endure adversity without forgetting their mother’s example.
The task of life thus fulfilled, she calmly waits for the
sleep of death. When she rises from the grave she can say
‘Behold, you gave me a talent, and here are five talents’.
[This is a variant on a story in Matthew 25; a talent was a coin.]
* * * * *
I want to sum up what I have said in a few words: I here
throw down my gauntlet
[= ‘pose a challenge to anyone who wants to
oppose me’]
and deny that there is any way for a woman to be
virtuous that isn’t also a way for a man to be virtuous—and
is not an exception to that. If I understand the
meaning of the word,
must be the same for man and
for woman; yet the fanciful female character that poets and
novelists draw so prettily demands the sacrifice of truth and
sincerity; and so virtue becomes a relative idea, based on
nothing but utility, and men set themselves up as judges of
utility, shaping it to their own convenience.
Women may have different duties to fulfill, but they are
duties, and I firmly maintain that the principles that
should regulate the performance of them must be the ones
that hold for all human beings.
To become worthy of respect, women must use their
understandings; there is no other basis for independence
of character. I mean explicitly to say that they must only
bow to the authority of reason, instead of being the
slaves of opinion.
In the upper ranks of life we seldom we meet with a man
of superior abilities, or even one whose abilities are about
average! The reason seems to me clear: the state they are
born in was an unnatural one. The human character has
always been formed by the employments the individual or
class pursues; and if the faculties are not sharpened by
necessity, they must remain obtuse
[= ‘blunt’]
. The same line
of thought can fairly be extended to women.
[MW is saying that
women in general tend to be dim in the way that men who have titles or
high rank or great wealth tend to be dim.]
That is because most of
them have no
occupations; they are left to the pursuit
of pleasure, which gives to their character the triviality that
makes the society of the
so insipid. The lack of firm-
ness, produced by a similar cause, forces them both—
men and all women
—to fly from themselves
[MW’s phrase]
noisy pleasures and artificial passions, until vanity takes
place of every social affection, and the characteristics of
humanity almost disappear from sight. The blessings of civil
governments as they are at present organized operate in
such a way that wealth and female softness equally tend
to debase mankind, and are produced by the same cause.
If women are rational creatures they should be urged to
acquire virtues that they can call their own, for how can a
rational being be ennobled by anything that is not obtained
by his or her own efforts?
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
Chapter 4:
The state of degradation to which woman is reduced by various causes
It is clear, I think, that woman is
naturally weak or
degraded by a combination of circumstances. I shall lay
this alongside a conclusion that I have often heard sensible
men assert in favour of an aristocracy, namely:
The mass of mankind are a sort of nothing; if they
if there anything to them
—the obsequious
slaves who patiently allow themselves to be impris-
oned would have a sense of their own worth and would
throw off their chains. Men everywhere submit to
oppression, when they have only to lift up their heads
to throw off the yoke; yet, instead of asserting their
birthright, they quietly lick the dust and say ‘Let us
eat and drink, for to-morrow we die’.
Women, I argue from analogy, are degraded by the same
inclination to enjoy the present moment and eventually to
despise the freedom that they haven’t enough virtue
Glossary] to struggle to get. But I must be more explicit.
As regards people’s ability to manage and develop their
feelings, no-one thinks that males are ahead of females,
or vice versa. But we do have to reckon with the view that
males are ahead of females when it comes to intellectual
The only positive feature that woman is credited
with having
is loveliness; as for rationality, the
fraction of
that’s conceded to her is a tiny one; for when
she has been denied high-level intellect and judgment, what
is there left to count as her intellect?
With respect to the culture of the heart, it is unanimously
allowed that sex is out of the question; but the line of
subordination in the mental powers is never to be passed
over. [footnote] Only ‘absolute in loveliness’
[Milton’s phrase]
the portion of rationality granted to woman is, indeed, very
scanty; for, denying her genius
[see Glossary]
and judgment, it
is scarcely possible to divine what remains to characterize
What immortality is
is the perfectibility of human
reason. If man were created perfect, or if when he reached
maturity a flood of knowledge broke in on him and preserved
him from error, I’m not sure that his existence would con-
tinue after the death of his body. But as things are, every
difficulty in morals that eludes human solution—that baffles
the investigation of profound thinking and the lightning
glance of genius—is part of my case for believing in the
What inconsistencies men fall into when they argue without a compass! Women, weak women, are ·teasingly· compared with angels; yet a superior
order of beings ·such as angels· should be supposed to have more intellect than man—if they don’t, what makes them superior? In a similar spirit,
and not teasingly, women are credited with having more goodness of heart, piety, and benevolence ·than men·. This is meant as a compliment, but I
doubt that it is true, unless ignorance is the mother of invention! I am quite convinced that people’s virtue is nearer than is usually thought to being
(on average) proportional to their knowledge.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
immortality of the soul. Thus, reason is the simple power of
—or, more accurately, of
recognising truth
. . . .
The nature of reason must be the same in everyone, if
reason is an emanation of divinity, the tie that connects the
creature with the Creator; can
a soul be stamped with the
heavenly image if
it isn’t perfected by the exercise of its own
reason? Yet. . . .the soul of woman is not allowed to have this
distinction; with man always placed
her and reason,
she is always represented as only created to see through a fog
and to believe what she is told. But. . . .if woman has reason,
which for a moment I will take for granted, she wasn’t created
merely to be the solace of man, and her sexual character
should not destroy her human character.
Men have probably been led into this error by viewing
[see Glossary]
in a false light, seeing it not as
first step in forming a being who will advance gradually
toward perfection (not strictly the right word, but I can’t
find a better one), but rather as merely
a preparation for
life. That is the basis on which the false system of female
manners been built, robbing the whole sex of its dignity and
classing women with the smiling flowers that only adorn the
land. This has always been the language of men, and even
highly intelligent women adopt the same sentiments for fear
of departing from the character they are supposed to have
just as women. Thus
strictly so-called has
been denied to woman; and
—refined into wit and
cunning for the purposes of life—has been put in its place.
The power of generalizing ideas, of drawing comprehen-
sive conclusions from individual observations, is the only
thing an immortal being can have that really deserves to
be called ‘knowledge’. Merely to observe, without trying to
explain anything, may serve (very incompletely) as everyday
common sense; but where is the store laid up that is to
clothe the soul when it leaves the body?
Women have been said not to have this power, and some
writers have insisted that it is nearly always inconsistent with
their sexual character. Let men prove
and I’ll admit that
woman only exists for man. In fact the power of
ideas to any great extent is not very common among men
or women. But
this activity is the true cultivation of the
understanding; and everything works together to make the
cultivation of the understanding harder in the female than
in the male world.
This remark naturally leads into the main subject of the
present chapter: I shall now try to point out some of the
causes that degrade the
sex and prevent women
from generalizing their observations.
I shan’t go back to ancient times to trace the history of
woman. All I need to say is that she has always been either
a slave or a despot, and that both these roles hold back
the progress of reason. It has always seemed to me that
the great source of female folly and vice is narrowness of
mind; and the very constitution of civil governments has
put almost insuperable obstacles in the way of developing
the female understanding
and thus curing the narrowness
of the female mind
; yet virtue can be built on no other
foundation! The same obstacles are thrown in the way of the
rich, with the same results.
The proverb has it that
necessity is the mother of inven-
; it is also the mother of virtue. Virtue is an acquisition
to which pleasure must be sacrificed; and no-one sacrifices
available pleasure unless his or her mind has been opened
and strengthened by adversity, or the pursuit of knowledge
goaded on by necessity. It is a good thing for people to
have the cares of life to struggle with; for these struggles
prevent them from becoming a prey to enervating vices purely
through idleness! If men and women are born into a tropical
zone, where the mid-day sun of pleasure shines directly
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
down on them, how can they adequately brace their minds
to discharge the duties of life, or even to enjoy the affections
that carry them out of themselves?
Pleasure is the business of a woman’s life, according to
society’s present estimate; and for as long as that continues
to be so, not much can be expected from such weak beings.
Inheriting the sovereignty of beauty in a lineal descent from
, the first ‘fair defect’ in nature, they have maintained
their power by resigning the natural rights that the exercise
of reason might have given them, and chosen to be short-
lived queens rather than labour to have the sober pleasures
that arise from equality. Exalted by their inferiority (this
sounds like a contradiction) they constantly demand homage
as women, though experience should teach them that the
men who pride themselves on the scrupulous exactness
with which they pay this insolent respect to the sex are the
ones who are most inclined to tyrannize over and despise
the very weakness they cherish. They often repeat Hume’s
sentiments, when he alludes to women in the course of
comparing the French and Athenian characters:
But what is more singular in this whimsical nation,
the French
, (I say to the Athenians) is that a frolic
of yours during the Saturnalia when the slaves are
served by their masters is seriously continued by them
through the whole year, and through the whole course
of their lives. . . . Your sport elevates for only a few days
those whom fortune has thrown down, and whom she
might in sport really elevate forever above you. But
the French gravely exalt those whom nature has made
subject to them, and whose inferiority and infirmities
are absolutely incurable. The women, though without
virtue [see Glossary], are their masters and sovereigns.
Ah! why do women (I write with affectionate solicitude)
lower themselves to receive attention and respect from
strangers? I mean: attention and respect that goes beyond
the two-way civility that the dictates of humanity and the
politeness of civilization authorise between man and man. . . .
Confined in cages, like birds, they have nothing to do but to
plume themselves and stalk with mock-majesty from perch
to perch. They are provided with food and clothing and
don’t have to work to get them, but they give up health,
liberty and virtue in exchange. But
actually it isn’t sur-
prising that women do this
. Who among mankind has ever
had enough strength of mind to give up these adventitious
prerogatives, rising with the calm dignity of reason to a
level above that of common opinion, and daring to be proud
of the privileges inherent in man?
[That sentence contrasts
benefits that are
‘adventitious’, i.e. are available because of facts about
one’s circumstances, with benefits that are
‘inherent in man’, and thus
available to every human being in any circumstances.]
And there’s
no point in waiting for this to change—not while hereditary
power chokes the affections and nips reason in the bud.
In this way men’s passions have placed women on
thrones; and until mankind become more reasonable women
will avail themselves of the power
that they get with the
least exertion, and
that is the most indisputable. They will
smile; yes, they will smile even if they are told that
In beauty’s empire is no mean,
And woman either slave or queen,
Is quickly scorn’d when not ador’d’.
But the adoration comes first, and the scorn is not antici-
Louis XIV, in particular, spread artificial manners and
used their glitter to catch the whole nation in his web:
establishing a carefully contrived chain of despotism, he
brought it about that it was the in the interests of each
French person to respect his position and support his power.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
And women, whom he flattered by a childish attention to
the whole sex, obtained during his reign the prince-like
distinction that is so fatal to reason and virtue.
A king is always a king, and a woman always a woman. . . .
His authority and her sex always stand between them and
rational discourse. She
be like this with a lover, I
agree, and in that relationship her sensibility will naturally
lead her to try to arouse emotion to gratify not her vanity
but her heart. I don’t count this as coquetry; it is the
uncalculated impulse of nature; I exclaim against the sexual
desire for conquest only when the heart doesn’t come into it.
This desire isn’t confined to women; ‘I have endeavoured’,
Lord Chesterfield, ‘to gain the hearts of twenty women
whose persons
[see Glossary]
I would not have given a fig for.’
The libertine who in a gust of passion takes advantage of
some woman’s
unsuspecting tenderness is a
compared with
this cold-hearted rascal. . . . Yet only taught
to please, women are always on the watch to please, and
with true heroic ardour they try to gain hearts that they will
give up or kick aside once it is clear that they have won the
Now I must get into the details of the subject.
I lament the fact that women are systematically degraded
by receiving the trivial attentions that
men think it manly
to pay to the
sex, when in fact
they are insultingly
supporting their own superiority. There is nothing graceful
about bowing to an inferior,
which is what a man must
think he is doing when he bows to a woman
. Indeed,
these ceremonies strike me as so ludicrous that I can hardly
control my muscles
[ = ‘can hardly stop myself from laughing’]
I see a man jump up with eager and serious solicitude to
lift a handkerchief or shut a door, when the
could have
done it herself if she moved a pace or two.
A wild wish has just flown from my heart to my head,
and I won’t stifle it although it may arouse a horse laugh
[= ‘may make you roar with laughter’]
. Except in cases where love
animates the behaviour,
I do earnestly wish to see the
distinction of sex confounded in society
that is, I wish
things could be managed in such a way that it was usually
not clear whether a given person was male or female
. For
this sorting into two sexes is, I am firmly persuaded, the
basis for the weakness of character ascribed to woman;
is the cause why
the understanding is neglected while
[see Glossary]
are acquired with care, and
why women prefer the graceful virtues to the heroic ones.
Every human being wishes to be loved and respected
; and the common herd will always take the
shortest road to the fulfillment of their wishes. The respect
paid to wealth and beauty is the surest and least ambiguous
road, and as a matter of course it will always attract the eye
of common minds. For men to rise from
the middle rank of
life into
prominence, they absolutely must have abilities and
virtues; and this explains the well-known fact that the middle
rank contains most virtue and abilities. In one social rank at
least, men have therefore an opportunity to exert themselves
with dignity, and to rise by efforts of kinds that really do
improve a rational creature; but the whole female sex are,
until their character is formed, in the same condition as
the rich: for they are born. . . .with certain sexual privileges,
and while those are freely available to them not many of
them will ever think of works of supererogation as a means
to getting the esteem of a small number of superior people.
[Works of supererogation are acts of benevolence or charity that go above
and beyond the call of duty.]
When do we hear of women who begin in obscurity and
boldly claim respect on account of their great abilities or
daring virtues? Where are they to be found? ‘To be observed,
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
to be attended to, to be taken notice of with sympathy,
satisfaction and approval are all the advantages that they
seek.’ True! my male readers will probably exclaim; but
before they draw any conclusion they should remember that
this was written originally as descriptive not of women but
of the rich! In Adam Smith’s
Theory of Moral Sentiments
have found a general characterisation of
people of rank and
fortune that I think very thoroughly applies to
the female
sex. . . . Let me quote a passage from that book, to add
strength to an argument that I intend to insist on as the
most conclusive argument against a sexual character
against there being any such thing as female nature or male nature, as
distinct from human nature]. ·The argument goes like this·:
Apart from warriors, no great men of any sort have
ever appeared among the nobility. From this fact
we can reasonably infer that their local situation
swallowed up the man, and produced a character
similar to that of women, who are
, so to
speak, by the rank they are placed in as a matter
of courtesy.
[An unstated premise in MW’s argument about
nobles is that pretty often someone gets a noble rank because
of something excellent that he has done. Then the fact that we
don’t find excellence among the nobility is evidence that
excellence was extinguished by
the circumstances of having
that rank—i.e.
the man was swallowed up by
the local situ-
Women, commonly called Ladies, are not to be
contradicted in company, are not allowed to exert any
manual strength. When any virtues are expected from
them they are negative ones—patience, docility, good-
humour, and flexibility—virtues incompatible with any
vigorous exercise of intellect. Besides, by living more
with each other and seldom being absolutely alone,
they are more under the influence of sentiments than
of passions. Solitude and reflection are necessary
to give wishes the force of passions, enabling the
imagination to enlarge the object and make it the
most desirable. The same holds for the rich; they
don’t deal in general ideas, collected by level-headed
thinking or calm investigation—don’t deal with them
to acquire the strength of character on which
great resolves are built.
But now hear what an acute observer,
Adam Smith
, says
about the great.
Do the great seem unaware of how easily they can get
the admiration of the public? or do they seem to think
that, for them as for anyone else, their rank must have
been purchased either by sweat or by blood? If the young
nobleman is instructed in how to support the dignity of
his rank, and to make himself worthy of the superiority
over his fellow-citizens that he has acquired through the
virtue of his ancestors,
accomplishments is he told to
acquire for this purpose? Is he to make himself worthy of
his rank by knowledge, hard work, patience, self-denial, or
any other kind of virtue? Because his least move is
he acquires a habit of care over every detail of ordinary
behaviour, and tries to perform all those small duties with
the most exact propriety. Being conscious of how much he
is observed, and of how much people are disposed to allow
him to have whatever he wants, he acts—even in utterly
ordinary situations—with the freedom and loftiness that
are naturally inspired by the thought of how the populace
view him. Everything about his conduct marks an elegant
and graceful sense of his own superiority—something that
those who are born lower down the social scale can hardly
ever achieve.
are the arts
[here = ‘the devices’ or even
‘the tricks’]
by which he proposes to make mankind more
easily submit to his authority and govern
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
according to
wishes; and in this he usually succeeds. . . .
During most of his reign Louis XIV
of France
was widely
regarded as the most perfect model of a great prince. What
were the talents and virtues by which he acquired this great
reputation? The scrupulous and inflexible rightness—the
danger and difficulty—the tireless energy—of everything he
did? His broad knowledge, his exquisite judgment, his
heroic valour? It was none of these. What he
was the status of the most
prince in Europe, which
gave him the highest rank among kings; and then, says his
historian. . . [and Smith gives a long quotation (MW includes
some of it) about Louis XIV’s grand and imposing personal
manner, his fine voice, his handsomeness, and so on. Then:]
These trivial accomplishments—supported by his rank and
no doubt by some degree of other talents and virtues, though
not an outstanding degree—established this prince in the
esteem of his own age and later generations’ respect for his
memory. Compared with this kingly manner, no other virtue
appeared to have any merit. . . . Knowledge, industry, valour,
and beneficence were abashed, trembling, and lost all dignity
before them.
In the middle rank of life (to continue the comparison)
men in their youth are prepared for professions, and mar-
riage is not considered as the grand feature in their lives;
whereas women have no other scheme to sharpen their
faculties. It is not business, extensive plans, or any of the ex-
cursive flights of ambition that engross their attention. . . . To
rise in the world and be free to run from pleasure to pleasure,
they must marry advantageously, and their time is sacrificed
and their persons
[see Glossary]
often legally prostituted
to this objective. When a man enters a profession, he
has his eye steadily fixed on some future advantage (and the
mind gains great strength by having all its efforts directed
to one point) and. . . .he regards pleasure as mere relaxation;
while women seek pleasure as the main purpose of existence.
In fact, from the education they receive from society, the love
of pleasure may be said to govern them all; but does this
prove that there is a sex
[see Glossary]
in souls? It would be
just as rational to declare that the courtiers in France, where
a destructive system of despotism had formed their character,
were not men because liberty, virtue, and humanity were
sacrificed to pleasure and vanity—fatal passions that always
domineered over the whole race!
The same love of pleasure, encouraged by the over-all
trend of their education, has a trivialising effect on women’s
conduct in most circumstances: for instance, they are
always anxious about secondary things, and on the watch
for adventures instead of being occupied by duties.
[MW develops this thought in a contrast between a man’s
thoughts and a woman’s at the start of a journey: he is
thinking about the journey’s purpose, she is thinking about
clothes, how she will impress people, troubles that may be
met on the road. She continues:] In short, women in general
and the rich of both sexes have acquired all the follies and
vices of civilization, and missed its useful fruit. (Here as
always in my generalisations about women, I mean to be
allowing for a few exceptions.) Their senses are inflamed
and their understandings neglected; so they become the prey
of their senses—delicately called their ‘sensibility’—and are
blown around by every momentary gust of feeling. Thus,
civilised women are so weakened by false refinement that
their moral condition is much lower than it would have been
if they had been left in a state nearer to nature,
i.e. in
a less ‘civilised’ state
. Always restless and anxious, their
over-used ‘sensibility’ makes them not only uncomfortable in
themselves but also troublesome (to put it mildly) to others.
All their thoughts are about things that are likely to arouse
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
emotion; their conduct is unstable because they
they should
; and their opinions are wavering because
of contradictory emotions (quite different from the wavering
produced by deliberation or development in one’s thinking).
By fits and starts they are eager in many pursuits, but this
eagerness is never concentrated into perseverance, and soon
exhausts itself. Sometimes it just wears itself out; sometimes
it meets with some other fleeting passion to which reason has
never given any specific gravity, so that neutrality ensues.
[That is a joke involving physics. When one moving body collides with
another, their post-collision movements depend in part on their specific
gravities; but a trivial passion doesn’t have any specific gravity—reason
hasn’t supplied it with one—so that when two of them collide they both
come to a halt right there.]
Miserable, indeed, must someone
be whose cultivation of mind has tended only to inflame
his or her passions! (Don’t confuse inflaming passions with
strengthening them.) When the passions are pampered in
this way while the judgment is left unformed, what can be
expected to ensue? Undoubtedly, a mixture of madness and
These remarks don’t apply only to the ‘fair’ sex; but at
present I am talking only about them.
Novels, music, poetry and gallantry all tend to make
women the creatures of sensation, and their character is thus
formed during the time they are acquiring accomplishments
[see Glossary]
, the only improvements that their place in society
motivates them to acquire. This overstretched sensibility
naturally relaxes the other powers of the mind, preventing
the intellect from achieving the sovereignty that it needs
to attain to make a rational creature useful to others and
content with his or her own role in life; because as one grows
older the only natural method for calming the passions is
through the exercise of reason. . . .
Will moralists claim that
is the condition in which
half the human race should be encouraged to remain, with
listless inactivity and stupid acquiescence? Kind instructors!
what were we created for? ‘To remain innocent’ they may
say—meaning to remain in a state of childhood. We might as
well never have been born, unless our creation was needed
to be able to acquire the noble privilege of
the power of distinguishing good from evil, while
lie in
the dust from which we were taken, never to rise again.
It would take for ever to trace the variety of meannesses,
cares, and sorrows that women are plunged into by the
prevailing opinion that they were created feel rather than
to reason, and that the only way they can obtain any
power is through their charms and weakness: ‘Fine by
defect, and amiably weak’!
[Pope, Of the Characters of Women]
And having been made by this ‘amiable weakness’ entirely
dependent. . . .on man not only for protection but also for
advice, is it surprising that women,
neglecting the duties that only reason points out
and shrinking from trials that would be likely to
strengthen their minds, exert themselves only to give
their defects a graceful covering that may serve to
heighten their charms in the eye of the voluptuary,
though it sinks them below the scale of moral excel-
in every sense of the word, they’re obliged to look
up to man for every comfort. In the most trivial dangers
they cling to their support with a parasite’s grip, piteously
demanding help; and their
protector extends his arm
or raises his voice to guard the lovely trembler—from what?
Perhaps the frown of an old cow, or the jump of a mouse;
would be a serious danger! In the name of reason
and even of common sense, what can save such beings from
contempt, even if they are soft and fair?
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
When these fears are genuine they may be very pretty,
but they show a degree of imbecility that degrades a rational
creature in a way women are not aware of—for love is a very
different thing from esteem.
I’m sure that we would hear no more of these infantile
airs if girls were allowed to have enough
and weren’t confined in close rooms until their muscles are
relaxed and their powers of digestion destroyed. I would
go further: if fear in girls, instead of being valued and
perhaps created, were treated in the same way as cowardice
in boys, we would quickly see women looking more dignified.
It’s true that they couldn’t then be described as ‘the sweet
flowers that smile in the walk of man’, but they would be
more respect-worthy members of society, performing the
important duties of life by the light of their own reason.
‘Educate women like men,’ says Rousseau, ‘and the more
they resemble our sex the less power will they have over us.’
That is exactly the point I am making; I don’t want women
to have power over men; I want them to have power over
Similarly, I have heard men argue against instructing
the poor. . . . ‘Teach them to read and write,’ they say,
‘and you take them out of the role in life assigned them
by nature.’ An eloquent Frenchman has answered them; I
will borrow from him. They don’t realise that if they make
man a lower animal they can expect to see him at any
moment transformed into a ferocious beast.
[An aristocrat
named Riqueti, who supported the revolution, said in the Constitutional
Assembly: ‘You have loosed the bull—do you expect that he won’t use his
horns?’] Without knowledge there can be no morality!
Ignorance is a frail basis for virtue! Yet woman was
built to be ignorant, according to the writers who have most
energetically argued in favour of the superiority of man. They
mean this to be a superiority in essence,
in kind
, not merely
in degree; though to soften the argument they have tried with
chivalrous generosity to prove that the sexes ought not to be
man was made to reason, woman to feel; and
together—spirit and flesh—they make the most perfect
[see Glossary]
whole, by happily blending reason and
sensibility into one character.
And what is sensibility? ‘Quickness of sensation; quickness
of perception; delicacy.’ That is how Dr. Johnson defines
it; and all I get from the definition is an idea of the most
exquisitely polished instinct. I don’t see a trace of the image
of God in either sensation or matter. Refined seventy times
seven, they are still material; intellect dwells not there. and
fire won’t turn lead into gold!
I come around to my old argument; if woman has an
immortal soul she must have—as the employment of her
life—an understanding to improve. And when. . . .she is in-
cited by present gratification to forget her grand destination,
nature is counteracted or else
woman was born only
to procreate and to rot.
[In that sentence, ‘to rot’ is a vivid way of
saying ‘to be mortal’ (see Glossary).]
Or here is another possibility:
All the lower animals have a soul, though not a rea-
sonable one; and their use of instinct and sensibility
is the step they have to take in this life towards the
attainment of reason in the next.
If that is how thing stand,
and if in this respect woman is
in the same boat as the lower animals
, she and they will
be one step behind man through all eternity; and we can’t
explain why man was enabled to attain reason in his first
mode of existence.
When I discuss the special duties of
women in the way
that I would discuss the special duties of a
citizen or a
father, you’ll see that I don’t mean to imply that women in
general should be taken out of their families. Bacon says:
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
He who has
wife and
children has given hostages
to fortune; for
they are impediments to great enter-
prises, good and bad. Certainly the achievements that
have done the most public good have been the work
of unmarried or childless men.
I say the same of women. But the welfare of society isn’t built
on extraordinary efforts; and if society were more reasonably
organized there would be still less need for great abilities or
heroic virtues. In running a family and educating children
one has a special need for strength both of body and of
mind. . . ., and yet the men who in their writings have worked
hardest to domesticate women have tried. . . .to weaken their
bodies and cramp their minds. But even if these writers
women—by working in an underhand way
on their feelings—to stay at home and fulfil the duties of a
mother and mistress of a family, this would be a bad way of
getting women to do the right thing—bad because it would
be an insult to reason. I appeal to experience to confirm that
if by neglecting the understanding women are actually more
detached from these domestic duties than they could be by
the most serious intellectual pursuit. . . ., I may be allowed to
infer that reason is absolutely necessary to enable a woman
to perform any duty properly, and I’ll say it again: sensibility
is not reason.
The comparison with the rich still occurs to me: when
men neglect the duties of humanity, women will follow their
example; a common stream hurries them both along with
thoughtless speed. Riches and honours prevent a man from
enlarging his understanding, and slacken all his powers
by reversing the order of nature, which has always made
true pleasure the reward of labour. Pleasure—enervating
pleasure— is similarly within woman’s reach without earning
it. But until hereditary possessions are distributed through-
out society, how can we expect men to be proud of virtue?
And until they are, women will govern them by the most
direct means, neglecting their dull domestic duties so as to
catch the pleasure that is on the wing of time. . . .
Another argument that has had a great weight with me,
must, I think, have some force with every considerate benev-
olent heart. Girls who have been thus weakly educated are
often cruelly left by their parents without any provision
means that through a cruelty of fate they become penniless orphans]
and of course are then dependent not only on the reason
but also on the generosity of their brothers. In the best
cases these brothers are good men, and they give as a
favour what children of the same parents had an equal right
to. An easy-going female may fairly comfortably remain for
some time in this ambiguous and humiliating situation; but
when the brother marries, as he probably will, the sister will
move from being considered as the mistress of the family to
being viewed as an intruder, an unnecessary burden on the
benevolence of the master of the house and his new partner.
Who can describe the misery that many unfortunate
beings, whose minds and bodies are equally weak, suffer in
such situations—unable to work and ashamed to beg? The
wife is likely to be a cold-hearted, narrow-minded woman;
for the present style of education doesn’t tend to enlarge the
heart any more than to enlarge the understanding. This wife
will be jealous of the little kindness that her husband shows
to his relations; and because her sensibility doesn’t rise to
the level of humanity, she will be displeased at seeing
children’s property being lavished on a helpless sister.
These are matters of fact that I have seen for myself
again and again. The upshot is obvious: the wife resorts to
cunning to undermine the habitual affection
of her husband
for his sister
, which she is afraid to oppose openly; she uses
tears and caresses relentlessly, until ‘the spy’ is worked
out of her home, and
thrown on the world, unprepared for
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
its difficulties; or—as a great effort of generosity, or from
some regard to propriety—
sent with a small pension and an
uncultivated mind into joyless solitude.
These two women—
the sister and the wife
—may be
much on a par with regard to reason and humanity; and it
may be that if their situations had been switched so would
their behaviour have been. But if they had been differently
educated [see Glossary] the upshot would also have been very
different. The wife wouldn’t have had the sensibility of which
self is the centre, and reason might have taught her not
to expect—and not even to be flattered by—her husband’s
affection if it led him to violate pre-existing duties. She would
want to love him not merely because he loved her but on
account of his virtues; and the sister might have been able
to struggle for herself instead of eating the bitter bread of
I am convinced that the heart, as well as the understand-
ing, is opened by cultivation
[i.e. has its scope widened by being
developed and attended to]
, and also by strengthening the organs,
though that is less obvious. I’m not talking of momentary
flashes of sensibility, but of ·durable· affections. And in the
education of both sexes it may be that the most difficult
task is to adjust the instruction in such a way that
understanding and the affections are in a proper balance.
That involves· not letting the understanding
be narrowed while the heart is warmed by the gener-
ous juices of spring. . . ., or
engage itself in investigations that are remote from
life, thereby drying up the feelings.
When women get a careful education, they come out of it
either as
fine ladies, brimful of sensibility, and teeming with
capricious fancies, or as
mere notable women.
[This uses ‘no-
table’ in a now obsolete sense in which it means ‘capable and industrious
in household management’.]
The latter are often friendly, honest
creatures, and have a shrewd kind of good sense joined with
worldly prudence—a combination that often makes them
more useful members of society than the fine sentimental
lady although they don’t have any greatness of mind or of
taste. The intellectual world is shut against them; take them
out of their family or neighbourhood and they come to a
halt, finding nothing for their minds to do; for they have
never tried to enjoy the fund of amusement that literature
provides; often they have despised it. The sentiments and
taste of more cultivated minds appear ridiculous, even in
those whom chance and family connections have led them to
love; but in mere acquaintance they think it all affectation.
If a man of sense
[see Glossary]
loves a woman like that, it
can only be on account of her sex, and if he respects her it is
because she is a trusty servant. To preserve his own peace
he lets her scold the servants, and go to church in clothes
made of the best materials. A man with only her level of
understanding would probably not suit her so well, because
he might wish to encroach on her territory and manage some
domestic concerns himself. Yet women, whose minds are not
enlarged by cultivation, or in whom the natural selfishness
of sensibility hasn’t been expanded by reflection, are very
unfit to manage a family, because they always stretch their
power and use tyranny to maintain a superiority that rests
on nothing but the arbitrary distinction of fortune. The evil
is sometimes more serious than that, and domestic servants
are deprived of innocent pleasures and made to work beyond
their strength, in order to enable the notable woman to keep
a better table, and outshine her neighbours in finery and
parade. If she attends to her children, it is usually to dress
them expensively—and whether she does this out of vanity
or out of fondness for the children, it is pernicious either
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
Many women of this sort pass their days, or at least their
evenings, discontentedly. Their husbands acknowledge that
they are good managers, and chaste wives; but they leave
home to seek for more agreeable and stimulating society;
and the patient drudge who fulfils her task like a blind horse
in a mill is defrauded of her just reward, for the wages due to
her are the caresses of her husband; and women who have
so few resources in themselves don’t patiently bear being
deprived of a natural right in this way.
A fine lady on the other hand has been taught to look
down with contempt on common vulgar
[see Glossary]
ments of life; though
she is in no position to be so haughty,
the only accomplishments she has been motivated
to acquire are ones with next to no intellectual content; for
even bodily accomplishments can’t be acquired with any
precision unless the understanding has been strengthened
by exercise. Without a foundation of principles, taste is
superficial; and grace must arise from something deeper
than imitation.. . . .
[In case you are interested, the ellipsis at the end of that paragraph
replaces the sentence: ‘The imagination, however, is heated, and the
feelings rendered fastidious, if not sophisticated; or, a counterpoise of
judgment is not acquired, when the heart still remains artless, though it
becomes too tender.’]
These women are often amiable; and their hearts are
more sensitive to general benevolence, more alive to the
feelings that civilize life, than the sturdy family drudge; but
because they are deficient in reflection and self-government,
they only inspire love; and for as long as they have
on their husbands’ affections it is as their mistresses. . . .
These women are the ‘fair defects’ in nature—the women
who seem to be created not to enjoy the fellowship of man,
to save him from sinking to the merely animal level
rubbing off the rough angles of his character; and
give some dignity to the appetite that draws man to them by
playful teasing. Gracious Creator of the whole human race!
have you created such a being as woman—who can trace
your wisdom in your works, and feel that you alone are by
your nature exalted above her—for no better purpose than
this? Can she believe that she was made only to submit to
man, who is her equal—a being sent into the world to acquire
virtue, as she was? Can she consent to be wholly occupied
in pleasing him; merely to adorn the earth when her soul
is capable of rising to you? And can she slackly depend on
man for reason, when she ought to climb the difficult slopes
of knowledge alongside him?. . . .
To fulfil domestic duties one needs a serious kind of
perseverance that requires a firmer support than emotions
can give, however lively and true to nature they are.
is the soul of virtue; to give an example of it a person has
to adopt some austerity of behaviour, and this can hardly
be expected from a being who, from his or her infancy, has
been made the weathercock of his or her own sensations.
Whoever rationally means to be useful must have a plan of
conduct; and in performing the simplest duty we are often
obliged to act
the present impulse of tenderness
or compassion. Severity is often the clearest. . . .proof of
affection; and the lack of this power over the feelings, and
of the dignified affection that makes a person prefer the
future good of the beloved object to a present gratification, is
the reason why so many fond mothers spoil their children.
Which is more damaging—negligence or indulgence? I am
inclined to answer ‘Indulgence’.
Mankind seem to agree that children should be left under
the management of women during their childhood. Judging
by what I have seen, women of sensibility—
i.e. women in
whom feelings are uppermost
—are the least fit for this
task because they are bound to be carried away by their
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
feelings, and spoil a child’s temperament. The management
of the temperament, the first and most important branch
of education, requires the sober steady eye of reason
as to form and stick with
a plan of conduct that is equally
distant from
tyranny and
indulgence. Yet
these are the
extremes that people of sensibility fall into—first on one side,
then on the other, always shooting beyond the mark. These
thoughts and the further development of them that I have
gone through lead me to conclude that a person of genius
[see Glossary]
is the least suitable person to be employed in
education, whether public or private. Minds of this rare
species see things too much in masses, and seldom if ever
have a good temperament. The habitual cheerfulness that
we call ‘good humour’ is perhaps as seldom united with great
mental powers as it is with strong feelings. And people who
admiringly follow the flights of
genius, or with cooler ap-
proval drink in the instruction elaborately prepared for them
a profound thinker, ought not to be upset if they find
the former bad-tempered and
the latter gloomy; because
liveliness of imagination and a tenacious comprehension
of mind are hardly compatible with the smooth politeness
which leads a man at least to
bend to the opinions and
prejudices of others instead of
roughly confronting them.
[MW now switches abruptly from thoughts about highly intelligent
people as teachers to the question of what should be done about them
as pupils.]
When we are thinking about education or man-
ners, minds of a superior class can be left to take care of
themselves. It is the middlingly able multitude who need
instruction and
are at risk because they
catch the colour
of the atmosphere they breathe
[those eight words are MW’s]
This body of men and women should be respected, and
should not have their sensations heightened in the hot-bed
of luxurious idleness at the expense of their understanding;
for unless there’s a ballast of understanding they will never
become virtuous or free.
Why won’t they be free? Because
an aristocracy based on property or on solid talents will
always overwhelm the alternately timid and ferocious slaves
of feeling.
I now switch to look at our topic from a different angle.
Men have used countless arguments in support of morally
and physically degrading the
sex. The arguments
are brought forward with a show of reason, because they are
supposed to be derived from
. I must discuss a few of
The female understanding has often been spoken of with
contempt, as reaching maturity sooner than the male. I
shan’t answer this argument by mentioning the early proofs
of reason—and indeed genius—in Cowley, Milton, Pope and
many others. I merely appeal to experience to decide whether
young men who are early introduced into company. . . .don’t
acquire the same precocity. . . .
Some natural scientists have said that men don’t attain
their full growth and strength until thirty, whereas women
reach maturity by twenty. I think they are reasoning on false
premises, having been led astray by the male prejudice that
regards beauty as the perfection of woman, taking ‘beauty’
in the everyday sense in which it refers only to features
and complexion, while male beauty is regarded as having
some connection with the mind. Strength of body, and the
facial character that shows maturity and moral strength,
is something that women don’t acquire before thirty, any
more than men do. The artless little tricks of children are
indeed particularly pleasing and attractive; but when the
pretty freshness of youth has worn off, these ‘artless’ graces
become careful poses, and they disgust every person of taste.
In the faces of girls we look only for vivacity and bashful
modesty; but when the springtide of life is over we look for
a more sober sense in the face, and for traces of passion,
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
instead of the dimples of animal spirits, expecting to see
individuality of character, which is the only thing that can
fasten the affections.
We then want to converse, not to
fondle; to give scope to our imaginations as well as to the
sensations of our hearts.
. . . .The French, who admit more
into their notions
of beauty, give the preference to women of thirty. This means
that they allow women to be in their most perfect state when
vivacity gives way to reason and to the majestic seriousness
of character which signifies maturity. . . . Between twenty
and thirty the solid parts of the body become denser and the
flexible muscles grow more rigid, giving character to the face;
i.e. they trace the operations of the mind with the iron pen
of fate, and tell us not only what powers the person has but
how they have been employed.
Animals who arrive slowly at maturity are the longest
lived, and of the noblest species. But men can’t claim any
natural superiority from the grandeur of longevity, for in this
respect nature has not distinguished the male.
Polygamy is another physical degradation, a custom that
blasts every domestic virtue; and a plausible argument for
it is drawn from the well-attested fact that in the countries
where polygamy is established more females are born than
[This was widely believed at MW’s time; it isn’t true.]
seems to be telling us something here, and apparently
reasonable theories must yield capitulate to nature. And
a further conclusion obviously presents itself: if polygamy
is necessary, woman must be inferior to man, and made for
We know very little about the formation of the foetus in the
womb, but it seems to me probable that an accidental physi-
cal cause may explain this phenomenon
of the unbalanced
birth ratio
, proving it not to be a law of nature. [She quotes
a writer who says that the birth ratio results from polygamy,
not vice versa: it comes from the fact that in the countries
in question ‘the men are enervated by the use of so many
women’, and the women have a ‘hotter’ constitution partly
because they are aggrieved at not having their husbands to
themselves. ‘So the necessity of polygamy does not appear’,
MW writes, and then in mid-sentence she launches on a new
aspect of the degradation of women, namely seduction.]
When a man seduces a woman, I think this should be
called ‘a left-handed marriage’, and the man should be
obliged to support the woman and her children unless
adultery—a natural divorce—cancels the obligation. And this
law should remain in force for as long as women’s weakness
causes the word ‘seduction’ to be used as an excuse for
their frailty and lack of principle—indeed, for as long as
they depend on man for subsistence, instead of earning it
by the use of their own hands or heads. But these women
shouldn’t be called ‘wives’ in the full sense of that word;
otherwise the very purpose of marriage will be subverted,
and all those endearing charities that flow from
would melt into selfishness.
[MW builds into that sentence
that the ‘endearing charities’ in question ‘give the marriage tie a sanctity
even where there is neither love nor friendship between the parties’.]
woman who is faithful to the father of her children demands
respect, and shouldn’t be treated like a prostitute; though
I readily grant that if it is necessary for a man and woman
to live together in order to bring up their offspring, nature
never intended any man to have more than one wife.
Still, highly as I respect marriage as the foundation of
almost every social virtue, I can’t help feeling the most lively
compassion for the unfortunate females who are broken off
The strength of an affection is generally proportional to the extent to which, in the beloved object, the character of the
species is lost in the character
of the
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
from society, and by one error torn from all those affections
and relationships that improve the heart and mind. In
many cases it doesn’t even deserve to be called an ‘error’;
because many innocent girls become the dupes of a sin-
cere affectionate heart, and even more girls are—to put it
vigorously—ruined before they know the difference between
virtue and vice. Their education has prepared them to
become infamous, and that is exactly what they do. Refuges
and shelters are not the proper remedies for these abuses.
what the world is short of is not charity but justice!
A woman who has lost her honour imagines that she can’t
fall any lower, and as for recovering her former status—that
is impossible; no exertion can wash away this stain. Losing
thus every motivation, and having no other means of support,
prostitution becomes her only refuge, and her character
is quickly depraved by circumstances over which the poor
wretch has little power unless she is uncommonly intelligent
and high-spirited. Necessity never makes prostitution the
business of men’s lives, but countless women are rendered
systematically vicious in this way. But this arises largely
from the state of idleness in which women are educated—
always taught to look up to man for maintenance, and to
consider their persons
[see Glossary]
as the proper payment
for his exertions to support them. . . . It is usually thought
that when chastity is lost everything worthy of respect in a
woman is lost. Her character depends on one virtue, but the
only passion fostered in her heart is love.
Indeed, a woman’s honour is not even made to depend
on her will. When
in his novel
Richardson makes
Clarissa tell Lovelace that
by raping her
he has robbed her
of her honour, he must have strange notions of honour and
virtue. The condition of someone who could be degraded
without his or her
[see Glossary]
own consent is miserable
beyond all names of misery!. . . .
Most of life’s evils arise from a desire for present enjoy-
ment that gallops out of control. The obedience required of
women in the marriage state comes under this description.
[That is verbatim MW: she presumably means that a wife’s obedience
consists in reining in her desires for present enjoyment.]
A mind that
is naturally weakened by depending on authority never exerts
its own powers, so that the obedient wife is turned into a
weak, idle mother. And even if this doesn’t happen,
is a different kind of moral degradation inherent in this
. When only negative virtues are cultivated, almost
no thought is given to a future state of existence,
i.e. to
life after death
. Writers on morals, especially when writing
about women, have too often considered virtue in a very
limited way, basing it solely on what will produce benefits in
life; indeed, the stupendous structure that is
been given an even more fragile base, in that the wayward
fluctuating feelings of men have been made the standard of
virtue.. . . .
[MW writes now about the ‘vain absurdities of men
who degrade the sex that they claim is the source of their
chief pleasure. She targets men who—turning away from
prostitutes either because they
prudently want to avoid
diseases or because they
are worn out from all their uses of
prostitutes—get married in order to have ‘a safe companion’,
viewing their wives (MW implies) as merely safer and more
convenient prostitutes.]
Love considered as an animal appetite can’t feed on itself
for long without dying. This
extinction in its own flame
be called the violent death of love. But a wife who has been
made licentious in this way will probably try to fill the void
left by the loss of her husband’s attentions; because after
being treated like a goddess she won’t settle for becoming
merely an upper servant. She is still handsome, and instead
of transferring her fondness to her children she only dreams
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
of enjoying the sunshine of life. Besides, many husbands
are so lacking in sense and parental affection that during
the first effervescence of voluptuous fondness they refuse to
let their wives breast-feed their children. . . .
Personal attachment is a fine basis for friendship; but
when two young people marry—even virtuous ones—it might
also be fine if some circumstance checked their passion;
if the memory of some prior attachment or disappointed
affection made it, on one side at least, a match based on
esteem rather than love. That would have them looking
beyond the present moment, trying to make the whole of life
worthwhile by making plans to regulate a friendship which
ought to last until death.
Friendship is a serious affection; the most sublime of all
affections, because it is based on principle and cemented
by time. The very reverse may be said of love. In a great
degree, love and friendship can’t exist together in the same
heart: even when it’s love for one person and friendship for
someone else, they weaken or destroy each other; and for
just one person you can’t have love and friendship at the
same time—they have to take turns. The vain
fears and
jealousies—when managed with wisdom or cunning
they are the winds that fan the flame of love—are
incompatible with the tender confidence and sincere respect
of friendship.
Love of the kind that the glowing pen of genius has de-
scribed doesn’t exist anywhere on earth except perhaps in
the exalted, feverish imaginations that have sketched such
dangerous pictures. Dangerous? Yes, because they not only
provide a plausible excuse for the voluptuary who disguises
sheer sensuality under a sentimental
[see Glossary]
veil, but
spread insincerity and detract from the dignity of virtue.
Virtue should have an appearance of seriousness, if not
austerity; and to try to doll
her up in the garb of pleasure
because ‘virtue’ has been used as another name for pleasure,
is to raise
her up on a foundation of quicksand; a most
underhand attempt to hasten her fall by apparent respect.
Virtue and pleasure are not in fact as closely related in this
life as some eloquent writers have tried to prove. Pleasure
prepares the fading wreath, and mixes the intoxicating cup;
but the fruit that virtue gives is the reward for hard work; and
when it is seen as it gradually ripens, all it provides is calm
satisfaction—indeed, appearing to be the result of the natural
tendency of things, it is hardly noticed.
, the common
food of life and seldom thought of as a blessing, supports
the constitution and preserves health; but
delight the
heart of man although disease and even death lurk in the cup
that elevates the spirits or the morsel that tickles the palate.
The lively heated imagination likewise. . . .draws the picture
of love, as every other picture, with the glowing colours stolen
from the rainbow by a daring hand that is directed by a mind
condemned, in a world like this, to prove its noble origin
by panting after unattainable perfection; always pursuing
what it admits to be a fleeting dream. An imagination of
this vigorous cast can give existence to unsubstantial forms,
and stability to the shadowy day-dreams which the mind
naturally falls into when it is bored by reality. It can then
depict love with heavenly charms, and dote on the grand
ideal object; it can imagine
a degree of mutual affection that will refine the
soul. . . .and make it absorb every less noble affection
and desire. In each other’s arms, as though in a
temple with its summit lost in the clouds, the world
is to be shut out and along with it every thought
and wish that doesn’t nurture pure affection and
permanent virtue.
Permanent virtue! alas! Rousseau, good visionary! your
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
paradise would soon be violated by the entrance of some
unexpected guest. Like Milton’s, it would contain only
angels and men sunk below the dignity of rational creatures.
Happiness is not material, it cannot be seen or felt! Yet the
eager pursuit of the good that everyone imagines for himself
proclaims man to be the lord of this lower world, and to be a
thinking creature whose role is not to
be given happiness
but to
acquire it. So those who complain of the delusions
of passion forget that they are exclaiming against a strong
proof of the immortality of the soul.
I shall leave superior minds to correct themselves, and
pay dearly for their experience! What I want to guard
the female heart against by
getting women to
the understanding is not
strong, persevering passions but
romantic, wavering feelings—daydreams that result from
idleness more often than from a lively imagination.
[MW blames women’s education for their tendency to be
‘romantic and inconstant’, because it takes them away from
‘nature and reason’. But, she continues:] their reason will
never be strong enough to be able to regulate their conduct
while the first wish of the majority of mankind is
to make
an appearance in the world
[Note: the majority of mankind.]
natural affections and the most useful virtues are sacrificed
to this weak wish. Girls marry merely to ‘better themselves’
(to borrow a significant common phrase), and they have
such perfect power over their hearts that they don’t allow
themselves to ‘fall in love’ until a wealthy man shows up. I’ll
say more about this in a later chapter; at present I need only
to drop a hint. . . .
From the same source comes the opinion that young
girls ought to spend much of their time on needle-work,
though this contracts their faculties more than any other
that could have been chosen for them, by confining their
thoughts to their bodies. Men order their clothes to be made,
and have done with the subject; women make their own
clothes—both the
necessary and the
ornamental—and are
continually talking about them; and their thoughts follow
their hands. What weakens the mind is not the making of
necessaries but the
frippery of dress. When a woman in
the lower rank of life makes her husband’s and children’s
clothes, she is doing her duty: this is part of her business.
But when women sew only so that they can dress better
than they could otherwise afford, it is worse than sheer
loss of time. For the poor to become virtuous, they must
be employed, and
women in the middle rank of life could
employ them while
they managed their families, instructed
their children, and exercised their own minds. They could,
but they don’t, because they are aping the fashions of
the nobility without having the nobility’s means to have
those fashions easily. Gardening, experimental science and
literature would provide them with subjects to think and
talk about—subjects that would give some exercise to their
understandings. French women are not so rigidly nailed to
their chairs. . . .; their conversation is often superficial but
it’s not half as insipid as the conversation of those English
women who spend their time making caps, bonnets, and
the whole nonsense of trimmings, not to mention shopping,
bargain-hunting, etc. These practices are most degrading to
decent, prudent women, because the motive of the practices
is simply vanity. The wanton, who exercises her taste to
make her person alluring, has something more in view.
make sure that these two sentences are understood: Martha and Mary
are both making clothes for themselves. Martha is a prudent decent
woman, doing something whose only point is to satisfy vanity—a thin,
trivial project, unworthy of her. Mary is a promiscuous woman who
is doing something to make herself sexually more attractive—a more
contentful motive than mere vanity, and a better fit for Mary than vanity
is for Martha.]
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 4: The degradation of woman
[Admitting that she is repeating herself, MW says that
how a person thinks affects his or her character. Her present
topic has been one special case of this general truth, namely
the harm that women do to themselves by spending so
much time thinking about ‘their persons’, e.g. what sort
of effect they will have when they next appear in public.]
Women of quality
[MW’s phrase]
seldom do any of the actual
dress-making: all they exercise is their taste. And because
they think less about the finery, when the business of their
toilet is over they can
put it behind them and
be at ease in
a way that is usually not open to women who dress merely
for the sake of dressing. In fact, the observation that the
middle rank
of society
is the one in which talents thrive
best doesn’t apply to women.
[If MW means her own observation
on page 39, then she isn’t quite accurate. What she referred to back
there was the well-known fact that ‘the middle rank contains most virtue
and abilities’.]
Women of the superior class do at least pick
up a smattering of literature, and they converse more with
men on general topics, so they acquire more knowledge
than the women who ape their fashions and faults without
sharing their advantages. As for
(using the word in
a comprehensive sense): I have seen most virtue in low life.
Many poor women maintain their children by the sweat of
their brow, and keep together families that the vices of the
fathers would have scattered; but gentlewomen are too lazy
to be actively virtuous, and are softened rather than refined
by civilization. Indeed the good sense I have met with among
poor women who have had few advantages of education yet
have acted heroically has strongly confirmed my opinion that
trivial activities have made women trivial. . . .
In tracing the causes that I think have degraded woman,
I have confined myself to ones that universally act on the
morals and manners of the whole sex; and it seems clear
to me that they all arise from lack of understanding. Does
this weakness of the faculties arise from physical or from
accidental causes?
[That is: is it causally determined by the constitu-
tions of women as such, or is it caused by their circumstances?]
alone can tell. I shan’t lay any great stress on the example of
a few women
who were given a masculine education from
which they acquired courage and resolution; I only contend
who have been placed in similar situations have
acquired a similar character. . . .
Sappho, Héloise, Catherine Macaulay, Catherine the Great of Russia, Madame d’Eon, etc. These and many more can be counted as ‘exceptions’; and
aren’t all heroes and heroines exceptions to general rules? I want to see women neither as heroines nor as lower animals, but as reasonable creatures.
[Catherine Macaulay was a contemporary of MW’s, a much respected thinker and writer; Madame d’Eon was in fact a man who passed as a woman
through most of his life.]
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
Chapter 5:
Writers who have rendered women objects of pity, bordering on contempt
We now have to examine the opinions on the female character
and education that have been plausibly argued for in some
modern publications, and have given the tone to most of
the briefer and more casual things said about the sex
1: Rousseau
I shall begin with Rousseau, giving a sketch of the character
of women in his own words and interspersing comments and
reflections. My comments will all spring from a few simple
principles, and could be derived from what I have already
said; but his argument has been constructed with so much
ingenuity that I think I have to attack it in a more detailed
manner, and make the application
of my principles
·rather than leaving it to the reader·.
Sophie, says Rousseau, should be as perfect a woman as
Émile is a man, and to make her so he has to examine the
character that nature has given to the ·female· sex.
He then proceeds to argue that woman ought to be weak
and passive because she has less bodily strength than man;
from which he infers that she was formed to please him and
be subject to him, and that making herself
to her
master is the grand purpose of her existence. Still, to give a
little mock dignity to lust he insists that when a man goes
to a woman for pleasure he should not use his strength and
should depend on her will.
[In quotations from Rousseau’s Émile, three centered asterisks mean that
the next quotation comes from a few pages later than the preceding one.]
So we deduce a third conclusion from the different constitu-
tions of the sexes, namely: The stronger should be master
in appearance but should depend on the weaker
in fact. . . .
This is because of an invariable law of
nature, which goes
like this:
Nature gives woman a greater ability to arouse desires
in man
than it has given man to satisfy them; so
—makes the man dependent on the good
pleasure of the woman, and forces him to try to please
her in his turn,
in order to obtain her consent that he
should be stronger.
On these occasions, the most delightful circumstance that
a man finds in his victory is to be unsure whether she has
yielded to his superior strength or whether her inclinations
spoke in his favour. The females are usually artful enough to
leave this in doubt. Women’s understanding in this matter
corresponds exactly to their constitution: far from being
ashamed of their weakness, they glory in it; their tender
muscles make no resistance; they pretend to be unable to lift
the smallest burdens, and would blush to be thought robust
and strong. What is the purpose of all this? Not merely for
the sake of appearing delicate, but. . . .also to prepare the
way for being feeble whenever that suits their purposes.
. . . .If Rousseau is right about woman’s duty—if
pleasing man
is the iron bed of fate that her character should be made to fit,
stretching or contracting it regardless of moral and physical
What nonsense! [That is MW interrupting; and it was she who put that last clause in italics.]
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
distinctions—then it does indeed follow that woman ought to
sacrifice every other consideration to make herself agreeable
to man. . . . But I think it can be shown that practical rules
built upon this ignoble base would undermine the purposes
of even this life
as distinct from the after-life
; and that gives
me room to doubt whether woman
created for man.
This means, of course, that I don’t accept every sentence
of the Bible as literally true. But
if the cry of ‘irreligion’
or even ‘atheism’ is raised against me, I will simply declare
that if an angel from heaven told me that Moses’ beautiful,
poetical account of the beginning of the world cosmogony
and of the fall of man is literally true, I
couldn’t believe
what my reason told me was derogatory to the character of
the Supreme Being. And having no fear of the devil before
my eyes, I venture to call this a suggestion of reason, instead
of resting my weakness on the broad shoulders of the first
seducer of my frail sex.
Once it has been demonstrated that man and woman
aren’t and oughtn’t to be constituted alike in temperament
and character, it follows of course that they should not be
educated in the same manner. In pursuing the directions of
nature they ought indeed to act in concert
[= ‘their sexual
intercourse ought to be a collaborative joint enterprise’]
, but they
shouldn’t be engaged in the same employments: the final
goal of their activities should be the same, but the means
they take to accomplish them, and thus their tastes and
inclinations , should be different.
* * *
. . . .Men depend on women only because of their desires;
women depend on men because of their desires and also
because of their needs. We could survive without them
better than they could without us.
* * *
For this reason, the education of women should always be
relative to men. To
please us,
be useful to us,.
make us love and esteem them,
educate us when we are young,
take care of us when we are grown up,
advise us,
console us,
make our lives easy and agreeable—
those are the duties of women at all times, and what they
should be taught in their infancy. Whenever we lose touch
with this principle, we run wide of the mark and all the
precepts that are given to them contribute neither to their
happiness nor to ours.
* * *
Girls are from their earliest infancy fond of dress. Not
content with
being pretty, they want to
be thought to be
pretty. . . . They are to be governed by talking to them of what
‘people will think’ of their behaviour; this thought—
—works with them almost as early as they are
capable of understanding anything that is said to them. But
it. . . .doesn’t have the same effect with boys. They don’t care
much what people think of them, as long as they can pursue
their amusements without interference. Time and care are
necessary to get boys to be motivated by the thought of what
‘people will think’.
This first lesson, wherever girls get it from, is a very good
one. As the body is in a way born before the soul, our first
concern should be to care for the body; this order
first, then soul
—is the same for both sexes, but the object
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
of that care is different. In the male sex it is the development
of bodily powers; in the female sex, the development of
personal charms. I’m not saying that either strength or
beauty should be confined exclusively to one sex, but only
that the priorities for them should be reversed in the two
sexes. Women certainly need enough strength to be able to
move and act gracefully, and men need enough address
Glossary] to be able to act with ease.
* * *
[A paragraph about the kinds of play that children like: tops,
drums, and carts for one sex, mirrors, trinkets and dolls for
the other.]
* * *
Here then we see a basic propensity firmly established; all
as a parent
need to do is to go with it and regulate it.
The little girl will doubtless want to know how to dress up
her doll, to make its sleeve knots, its flounces, its head-dress,
etc. She needs a lot of help from members of the household;
so much help that it would be much more agreeable to her
to do all this for herself. That provides a good reason for the
first lessons that are usually taught to these young females:
in which we seem not to be setting them a task but doing
them a favour by instructing them in something immediately
useful to themselves. They nearly all learn
with reluctance
to read and write, but they
very readily
apply themselves to
the use of their needles. They imagine themselves already
grown up, and think with pleasure that such qualifications
will enable them to decorate themselves.
This is certainly an education only of the body; but Rousseau
isn’t the only man who has indirectly said that merely
the person
[see Glossary]
of a young woman—without any
mind. . . .—is very pleasing. To make it weak and what
some may call ‘beautiful’, the understanding is neglected
and girls are forced to sit still, play with dolls, and listen
to foolish conversations; the effect of
habit is insisted on
as an undoubted indication of
nature. I know it was
Rousseau’s opinion that the first years of youth should be
employed in forming the body, though in educating Émile
he deviates from this plan. But the body-strengthening on
which strength of mind largely depends is very different from
the body-strengthening that enables the person to move
Rousseau’s observations. . . .were made in a country
where the art of pleasing. . .
how MW went on:
. . . was refined only to extract the gross-
ness of vice. He did not go back to nature, or his ruling
appetite disturbed the operations of reason, else he would
not have drawn these crude inferences.
what she seems to have meant:
. . . was developed only so
as to make vice
[see Glossary]
more elegant. He wouldn’t
have drawn these crude conclusions if he had gone back
to nature and his thinking about it hadn’t been disturbed by
his dominating sex-drive.
In France boys and (especially) girls are educated only to
please, to manage their persons, and regulate their exterior
behaviour; and their minds are damaged at an early age
by the cautions—some worldly, some pious—that they are
given to guard them against immodesty. In past times, the
confessions that mere children were obliged to make, and
the questions asked by the confessors (I have good authority
for this), were enough to impress a sexual character
to reinforce the society’s idea of femininity in the girls,
and its idea of masculinity in the boys
. The education
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
of society was a school of flirting and art
[here = ‘the skillful
management of the other sex’]
. At the age of ten or eleven—even
sooner, indeed—girls began to flirt, and to talk (without being
reproved for it) of establishing themselves in the world by
In short, almost from their very birth they were treated
, and were given compliments instead of instruc-
tion. Compliments weaken the mind. When society treated
girls in this way, it was assuming that
Nature acted like a
-mother when
she formed this after-thought of creation.
Not allowing them understanding, however, it was only
consistent to subject them to authority independently of
reason; and to prepare them for this subjection Rousseau
gives the following advice:
As well as being active and diligent, girls should be early
subjected to restraint. This misfortune, if that’s what it is,
is inseparable from their sex; and if they
throw it off
they will suffer evils much crueller than that. They must
throughout their lives be subject to the most constant and
severe restraint, which is that of
; so they must
get used to it early, so that it won’t hit them too hard later
on. They should also get used to the suppression of their
caprices, so that they will be readier to submit to the will of
later on
; even if it is work that they are most fond of,
they should be sometimes compelled to lay it aside. If their
upbringing is too permissive, their basic propensities will
give rise to dissipation, levity, and inconstancy. To prevent
this abuse, we should teach them above all things to restrain
themselves properly. Our absurd institutions reduce the
life of a modest woman to a perpetual conflict with herself,
though it is fair that this sex should share in the sufferings
arising from the evils it has caused us.
is the life of a modest woman a perpetual conflict?
Because this very system of education makes it so. Modesty,
temperance, and self-denial are the sober offspring of reason;
but when sensibility is developed at the expense of the under-
standing, such weak beings must be restrained by arbitrary
[i.e. not by nature but by rules devised by humans]
, and so
be subjected to continual conflicts. If you give more scope
to their activity of mind, nobler passions and motives will
govern their appetites and sentiments;
and this government
will be less conflicting because it will come from within the
woman rather than from outside·. . . .
Women ought not to have much liberty. When something is
permitted to them, they are apt to indulge in it excessively.
Addicted in everything to extremes, they are even more
carried away in their diversions than boys.
Well, slaves and mobs have always gone to excesses in that
way once they have broken loose from authority. The bent
bow straightens with violence when the hand that is forcibly
holding it is suddenly relaxed; and sensibility, the plaything
of outward circumstances, must be subjected to authority or
moderated by reason. Rousseau continues:
This habitual restraint makes women tractable in a way
that they’ll need throughout their lives: they are constantly
under subjection either to the men
who are their partners
or husbands
or to the opinions of mankind, and they are
never permitted to set themselves above those opinions. The
most important qualification in a woman is good-nature
or sweetness of temperament. Formed to obey such an
imperfect being as man is—often full of vices and always full
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
of faults—she ought to learn even to suffer injustice and to
bear her husband’s insults without complaint. This is for
her sake, not his: if she becomes stubborn and hostile this
will make her husband worse. . . .
. . . .The being who patiently endures injustice and silently
puts up with insults will soon become unjust, i.e. unable
to tell right from wrong. Anyway, the factual premise is
wrong: this is
the true way to form or improve the
temperament; for in general men have better temperaments
than women because they are occupied in pursuits that
interest the head as well as the heart, and the head’s
steadiness gives a healthy temperature
[MW’s word]
to the
heart. People of sensibility seldom have good temperaments.
The formation of the temperament is the cool work of reason,
which brings helpful skill to bear on bringing together jarring
elements. I never knew a weak or ignorant person who
had a good temperament, though the constitutional good
humour and the docility that fear causes in the behaviour
if often
‘good temperament’. Note: ‘causes in the
’—because genuine meekness reaches the heart
or mind only as an effect of reflection. The simple restraint
arising from fear
produces a number of unpleasant moods
in domestic life, as many sensible men would agree after
finding some of these gentle irritable creatures to be very
troublesome companions. Rousseau goes on to argue:
Each sex should preserve its own special tone and manner: a
meek husband may make a wife behave badly, but mildness
of disposition on her part will always bring him back to
reason—at least if he isn’t absolutely a brute—and will
sooner or later triumph over him.
Perhaps the mildness of reason might sometimes have this
effect; but abject fear always inspires contempt, and tears
are eloquent only when they flow down fair cheeks.
A heart that can melt when insulted, and instead of
revolting at injustice can kiss the rod—what materials can
it be made of? If a woman can caress a man with true
feminine softness at the very moment when he treats her
tyrannically, isn’t it fair to infer that her virtue is built on
narrow views and selfishness? Nature has never dictated
any such insincerity. You may call prudence of this sort a
virtue; but morality becomes vague when any part of it is
supposed to rest on falsehood. These are mere expedients,
and expedients are only useful for the moment
whereas the
good in virtues is everlasting·.
Let the husband beware of trusting too completely in this
servile obedience; for if his wife can sweetly
caress him when
she is and ought to be angry. . . .she may
do the same after
parting with a lover. These are all preparations for adultery!
If fear of the world or of hell restrains her desire to please
other men when she can no longer please her husband, what
alternative is there for this being who was formed by nature
and art only to please man? What can compensate her for
this privation? Where is she to look for a fresh employment?
Where can she find sufficient strength of mind to decide to
begin the search, when her habits are fixed and her chaotic
mind has long been ruled by vanity?
But this biased moralist
makes a plausible
case, based on his own system, in favour of cunning.
Daughters should always be submissive, but their mothers
should not be inflexible. To make a young person tractable,
she shouldn’t be made unhappy; to make her modest, she
shouldn’t be made stupid. On the contrary, I wouldn’t be
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
displeased at her being permitted to use some skill not
to escape punishment if she has disobeyed but to exempt
herself from the necessity of obeying. . . . Subtlety is a talent
that is natural to the
sex; and in line with my
view that all our natural inclinations are right and good in
themselves, I hold that subtlety should be cultivated as well
as the others. All we need is to prevent it from being abused.
A little later he triumphantly proclaims: ‘Whatever is is right.’
Granted; but perhaps no aphorism ever contained a more
paradoxical assertion than this. It is a solemn truth with
respect to God. He. . . .sees the whole at once; but man,
who can inspect only the disconnected parts, finds many
things wrong; and it is. . . .right that he should try to alter
what appears to him to be wrong, even while bowing to his
Creator’s wisdom and respecting the darkness he is working
to disperse.
Given the principle that whatever is is right, Rousseau is
correct in what he infers from it.
The female sex’s superiority in
address is a very fair
pay-back for their inferiority in
strength: without this
woman would be man’s slave, not his com-
panion. Her superior skill and ingenuity lets her preserves
her equality, and governs man while she pretends to obey.
Woman has everything against her—our faults as well her
own timidity and weakness. She has nothing in her favour
except her subtlety and her beauty. Isn’t it very reasonable
that she should cultivate both?
Greatness of mind can never cohabit with cunning or address
[see Glossary]
. Those words really refer to
; but I shan’t go on about that, and merely point
out that if any class of mankind is so created that it has to
be educated by rules that aren’t strictly deducible from truth,
then virtue is an affair of convention. . . .
Men have superior strength of body; but if it weren’t for
mistaken notions of beauty, women would become strong
to be
able to earn enough to live on
, which is the
true definition of ‘independent’; and
to bear the bodily
inconveniences and exertions that are needed to strengthen
the mind. . . .
Beauty can’t be acquired by dress, and flirting is an art not
so early and speedily attained. But even when girls are young
they can work to have
agreeable gestures,
a pleasing tone of voice,
an easy way of walking and moving, and
skill in gracefully suiting their looks and attitudes to
time, place, and occasion.
. . . .I would like a young Englishwoman to cultivate her
agreeable talents in order to please her future husband with
as much care and persistence as a young Circassian woman
cultivates hers so that she will be ready to be in the harem
of an Eastern potentate.
The tongues of women are very voluble; they speak earlier,
more readily, and more agreeably than the men. They are
accused also of speaking much more; but so they should,
and I am willing to convert this reproach into a compliment.
Their lips and eyes have the same activity
as men’s
, and for
the same reason. A man speaks of what he knows, a woman
of what pleases her; the man’s speech requires knowledge,
the woman’s requires taste; a man’s discourse should aim
mainly at being useful, a woman’s at being agreeable. Their
different conversations should have nothing in common but
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
We should restrain the prattle of boys with the severe
question ‘What is the purpose of what you are saying?’, but
for girls’ prattle we need a different though equally difficult
question, ‘How will what you are saying be received?’ In
infancy, when they can’t yet tell good from evil, girls ought
to observe it as a law never to say anything that the listener
will find disagreeable. Not an easy law to obey, and made all
the harder by having always to be subordinate to the former
law against ever telling an untruth.
[She has introduced Rousseau’s ‘The tongues of women’
passage with the words: ‘To make women completely insignif-
icant, he adds. . . ’.]
To govern the tongue in this manner must require great
address indeed; and it is too much practised both by men
and women. How few people speak out of the abundance of
the heart! So few that I, who love simplicity, would gladly
give up
politeness for a quarter of the virtue that has been
sacrificed to
it. Politeness is an equivocal quality which at
most should only be the polish of virtue.
But to complete the sketch:
It’s easy to see that if male children can’t form any true
notions of religion, those ideas must be thoroughly out of
the reach of female children. For that very reason, I would
begin talking to them about religion earlier; if we waited
until they were able to discuss such profound questions in
a disciplined way we would risk never speaking to them on
this subject. Reason in women is
reason: it enables
them to use skill in finding the means of achieving a known
end, but could never enable them to discover that end itself.
The social relations between the sexes are truly admirable:
what results from their union is a moral person, of which
woman could be called ‘the eyes’ and man ‘the hand’—from
the man the woman learns what she is to see, and from
the woman the man learns what he ought to do. If woman
could get back to the first principles of things as well as man,
and if man could go into details as well as woman, neither
would depend on the other for anything; they would live in
perpetual discord, and their union could not survive. But
in the harmony that in fact naturally exists between them,
their different abilities tend to one common end, and it’s
hard to say which of them contributes more: each follows
the impulse of the other; each is obedient and both are
Just because a woman’s conduct is subservient to public
opinion, her faith in matters of religion should be subject to
authority. Every daughter ought to be of the same religion as
her mother, and every wife to be of the same religion as her
husband. Even if the religion she acquires is false, God does
not see her acceptance of it as wrong behaviour, because of
the docility that induces the mother and daughter to submit
to the order of nature.
As they can’t judge for themselves,
they ought to abide by the decision of their fathers and
husbands as confidently as by that of the church.
. . . .There’s no great need to explain to women the rea-
sons for their
belief, but there is a need to state
precisely the tenets they are to believe: a creed that presents
only obscure ideas to the mind will lead to fanaticism; and a
creed that presents absurdities will lead to loss of faith.
MW interjects: What if the mother’s and husband’s religions happen to be different? An ignorant person cannot be
reasoned out of an error, and
if she is merely
persuaded to give up one prejudice for another her mind will be unsettled. And what if the husband doesn’t have any religion to
teach her? In that case she ·won’t have any religion, and therefore· will lack something she need to support her virtue independently of worldly
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
[MW comments briefly on this, in a manner you could now
predict from what she has said up to here. What follows—at
a length that would occupy about four pages of the present
version—is a series of shorter quotations from Rousseau
interspersed by MW’s comments. Their over-all theme is the
conflict between
Rousseau’s wish to make women physi-
cally attractive and obedient and
MW’s wish that women
should above all be thoughtful and self-controlled. She
fiercely attacks his emphasis on the need for a woman to
be physically attractive so that she can be her husband’s
[see Glossary]
, especially in the light of his thesis
relationship won’t last for long in the marriage. She
speaks of this whole emphasis in Rousseau as ‘the reveries
of fancy and refined licentiousness’, meaning roughly that he
is supplying himself with soft pornography. She continues:]
The man who can be contented to live with a pretty and
useful companion who has no mind has lost in voluptuous
[see Glossary]
gratifications a taste for more refined pleasures;
he has never felt the calm and refreshing satisfaction. . . .of
being loved by someone who could understand him. In
the society of his wife he is still alone, except when the
man is sunk in the brute
[here ‘brute’ = ‘lower animal’; she means
‘except when the man uses her for sexual satisfaction’]
. ‘The charm
of life’, says a grave philosophical reasoner
[Adam Smith]
, is
‘sympathy; nothing pleases us more than to observe in other
men a fellow-feeling with all the emotions of our own breast.’
But, according to the line of thought by which women are
kept from the tree of knowledge,
the important years of youth,
the usefulness of age, and
the rational hopes of a future life
are all to be sacrificed to making woman an object of desire
for a short time. Besides, how could Rousseau expect them
to be virtuous and constant when they aren’t allowed to base
their virtue on reason or direct their inquiries towards truth?
Rousseau’s errors in reasoning all arose from sensibility
[see Glossary]
, and women are very ready to forgive sensibility
to their charms! When he should have reasoned he became
impassioned, and his thoughts inflamed his imagination
instead of enlightening his understanding. Even his virtues
led him astray: born with a warm constitution and lively
imagination, he was naturally drawn toward the other sex
with such eager fondness that he soon became lascivious.
If he had given way to these desires, the fire would have
extinguished itself in a natural manner; but virtue and a
romantic kind of delicacy made him practise self-denial; but
when he was restrained
in his behaviour
—by fear, delicacy,
or virtue—he let his imagination run riot, and the glowing
images that it came up with sank deep into his soul.
. . . .And so warmly has he painted what he forcibly felt
that readers’ hearts have been drawn in and their imagina-
tions inflamed; the stronger the readers’ imaginations are,
the more sure they are that they have been convinced of
something intellectually, when really they have only shared
the feelings of a poetic writer who skilfully exhibits the
objects of sense, voluptuously shadowed or gracefully veiled;
and by thus making us
feel when we think we are
he leaves a deposit of error in the mind.
Why was Rousseau’s life divided between
ecstasy and
misery? It has to be because the effervescence of his imagi-
nation produced
both. If he had allowed his imagination to
cool, he might have acquired more strength of mind.. . . .
But peace to his spirit! I am at war not with his ashes
but with his opinions. I am fighting only the sensibility
that led him to degrade woman by making her the slave
of love. Let us, my dear contemporaries, rise above such
narrow prejudices! If wisdom is desirable on its own account,
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
if virtue properly so-called must be based on knowledge,
then let us try to strengthen our minds by reflection, until
our heads become a balance for our hearts; let us not
confine all our thoughts to everyday trivial occurrences,
or our knowledge to an acquaintance with our lovers’ or
husbands’ hearts; rather, let the carrying-out of every duty
be subordinate to the grand duty of improving our minds
and preparing our affections for a more exalted state!. . . .
If we really were created only to flutter our hour out
and then die, then let us give full play to sensibility and
laugh at the severity of reason! But even then
this wouldn’t
be satisfactory, because
we wouldn’t have strong bodies
or minds, and life would be lost in feverish pleasures or
wearisome idleness.
But the system of education that I earnestly want to see
exploded seems to presuppose something that ought never
to be taken for granted.
The presupposition has two parts.
A woman who is well
brought up by the standards of the system I am attacking
will be protected from any mishaps; Fortune, the blindfolded
goddess, will take off her blindfold and smile on this woman,
bringing her an admirable male partner.
A woman who
is devoted to virtue (and thus isn’t well brought up by those
standards) will get benefits only to her own frame of mind;
she is likely to have to cope with serious worldly difficulties,
and to put up with the vices and moods of people she can
never regard as friends.
. . . .namely, that virtue shields us from the casualties of life;
and that fortune, slipping off her bandage, will smile on a
well-educated female, and bring in her hand an Émile or
a Telemachus. Whilst, on the contrary, the reward which
virtue promises to her votaries is confined, it seems clear,
to their own bosoms; and often must they contend with
the most vexatious worldly cares, and bear with the vices
and humours of relations for whom they can never feel a
[The next paragraph continues the statement of the ‘presupposition’
that MW has been attacking, by saying more about the misfortunes of
(2) the woman who devotes herself to virtue.]
Many women, instead of being supported by the reason
and virtue of their fathers and brothers, have strengthened
their own minds by struggling with their vices and follies; but
they have never met with a hero in the shape of a husband.
If they did have a husband, he might. . . .manage to bring
their reason back to its natural dependent state, and restore
the privilege of rising above opinion—the privilege
that had been usurped ·by the woman·.
The second woman isn’t rewarded much by virtue, although she is
devoted to it. The upshot for the first woman is better, and we understand
its being brought by fortune, luck; but it’s not clear why in the verbatim
passage it is also said to be worked by virtue.
In the second paragraph
MW says that a husband might ‘pay the debt that mankind owed’ to the
woman. . . etc. But Rousseau & co. don’t think that mankind owes the
second woman anything. Perhaps MW meant ‘. . . paying the debt that
the woman thinks mankind owes her’.]
2: Fordyce
[James Fordyce, a Scottish Presbyterian minister and poet,
had written two enormously popular books about the up-
bringing of young women. MW makes no secret of her
contempt for these works—both for their overlap with
Rousseau’s views and for their style. He isn’t worth dis-
cussing, she says; but he has to be attended to because he
is so influential. This section would run to about five pages,
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
but it won’t be presented here. A sense of why Fordyce
isn’t worth quoting, and of what MW thought of him, can be
gathered from a few of her expressions regarding him:
—a most sentimental rant
—I have heard rational men use the word ‘indecent’ when
they mention Fordyce’s writings
—a display of cold artificial feelings. . . .the mark of a little
vain mind
—lover-like phrases of pumped-up passion
—The lover has a poetic licence. . . .but why should a
grave preacher interlard his discourses with such
3: Gregory
[Dr John Gregory, a Scottish physician, wrote A Father’s Legacy to his
Daughters, for the benefit of his motherless daughters; it was published
posthumously two decades before the present work.]
Dr Gregory’s legacy to his daughters is full of such pa-
ternal care that I embark on the task of criticism with
affectionate respect. But just because this little volume
has many attractions to recommend it to the notice of the
most respect-worthy part of my sex, I can’t silently let pass
some arguments in it that make a plausible case for opinions
that I think have had the most harmful effect on the morals
and manners of the female world.
His easy familiar style is particularly suited to the over-all
line of his advice, and the melancholy tenderness which his
respect for the memory of a beloved wife diffuses through
the whole work brings us onto its side; but our sympathy
is disturbed by the trim elegance of many passages in the
book—passages where, expecting to meet the
father, we are
suddenly confronted by the
Another drawback is that he has two purposes and
doesn’t often stay steadily with either of them. He wants
to make his daughters lovable; but he doesn’t want to give
them sentiments that might make them unhappy by drawing
them out of the track of common life without enabling them
to act with appropriate independence and dignity. So he
checks the natural flow of his thoughts, and advises neither
one thing nor the other.
In the preface he tells them a sad truth: ‘At least once
in your lives you will hear the genuine sentiments of a man
who has nothing to gain from deceiving you.’
[Presumably the
‘once’ is the occasion of reading their father’s book; what is sad is the
implication that this may be the only occasion.]
Hapless woman! what can be expected from you when
the beings on whom you are said naturally to depend for
reason and support all have something to gain from deceiving
you! This is the root of the evil that has shed a corroding
mildew on all your virtues. Blighting in the bud your opening
faculties, it has made you the weak thing that you are! This
divergence of interests—
this difference between what brings
gain to a male and what brings gain to a female
—is an
insidious state of warfare that undermines morality and
divides mankind!
If love has made some women wretched, how many more
have been made vain and useless by the cold unmeaning
interplay of ‘gallantry’! Yet this heartless attention to the
sex is regarded as so manly, so polished, that I’m
afraid this vestige of gothic manners won’t be replaced by
a more reasonable and affectionate mode of conduct until
society is very differently organized. Also, to strip
of its imaginary dignity, I should point out that in the most
civilized European states
this lip-service is most prevalent
where morals are extremely dissolute. I’m thinking of Portu-
gal, where gallantry takes the place of the most serious moral
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
obligations—for in that country it seldom happens that a
man is assassinated when he is in the company of a woman!
The savage hand of murder is unnerved by this chivalrous
spirit; and if the stroke of vengeance can’t be delayed, the
killer asks the lady to pardon the rudeness and to leave in
peace, perhaps spattered with her husband’s or brother’s
I shall pass over what Dr Gregory says about religion,
because I mean to give religion a chapter to itself.
[In the
upshot, she didn’t. Perhaps the chapter was to have been in a projected
second volume, which didn’t get written.]
Although many of the remarks about behaviour are very
[see Glossary]
, I entirely disapprove of them all, be-
cause they strike me as starting at the wrong end, so to
speak. A cultivated understanding and an affectionate heart
won’t have any need for starched rules of decorum; without
such rules they will lead to something more substantial than
[= ‘conventional properness of behaviour’]
. And on the
other hand, obedience to such rules without understanding
would be outright pretence.
In Gregory’s scheme of things
decorum is the one thing that is needed! Decorum is to
supplant nature, and banish all simplicity and variety of
character out of the female world. But what good can
come of this superficial advice? It is easier
to list modes of
that are required or forbidden
to set reason
to work; but once the mind has been stored with useful
knowledge and strengthened by being
, the regulation
of the behaviour may safely be left to its guidance
the aid of formal rules·.
Consider for example this caution that Gregory gives to
his daughters:
Be cautious even in displaying your good sense.
you don’t
, you’ll be seen as regarding yourself as
superior to the rest of the company. And if you
happen to have any learning, keep it a profound
secret—especially from men, who generally look with
a jealous and malignant eye on any woman who has
knowledge, skill and a cultivated understanding.
Why should that warning be given, when artfulness of every
kind must contaminate the mind; and why entangle the
grand motives of action—motives supported by reason and
religion equally—with pitiful worldly devices and sleight-of-
hand tricks to gain the applause of gaping tasteless fools?. . .
If it were always proper to adopt the tone of the company
one is in, there would be no end to rules for behaviour. With
the key changing all the time
in tune with the company
it would often happen that a
was taken to be a
[The adjectives are meant in their musical sense—e.g. mistaking
a b[ for a b\.]
Surely it would have been wiser to advise women to
improve themselves until they rose above the fumes of vanity;
and then let the public opinion come around
to seeing them
for what they are. If they have to adjust themselves to the
company they are in
, where are rules of accommodation to
stop? The narrow path of truth and virtue doesn’t veer to
the right or the left: it is a straightforward business, and
those who are earnestly travelling this road can leap across
many. . . .prejudices without leaving modesty behind. Make
the heart clean, and give the head work to do, and I predict
that there will be nothing offensive in the behaviour.
The air of fashion that many young people are so eager to
achieve always strikes me as being like the studied attitudes
[MW’s phrase]
of some modern prints, copied slavishly and
tastelessly from ancient works of art: the soul is left out,
and none of the parts are tied together by
so-called. This varnish of fashion. . . .may dazzle the weak;
but leave nature to itself,
, and it will seldom
disgust the wise. Besides, when a woman has enough sense
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
not to pretend to anything that she doesn’t understand in
some degree, she has no need to hide her talents; let things
take their natural course, and all will be well.
It is this system of pretence all through Dr Gregory’s book
that I despise. Women are always to
to be this and
that; but virtue might speak in Hamlet’s words: ‘Seems! I
know not seems!—Have that within that passeth show!’
In another place, after indiscriminately recommending
delicacy, he adds:
The men will complain of your reserve. They will
assure you that a franker behaviour would make
you more lovable. But, trust me, they aren’t sincere
when they tell you that. I acknowledge that on some
occasions it
[= a more open and forthright manner]
make you more agreeable as companions, but it would
make you less lovable as women. And that is an
important distinction, which many of your sex are not
aware of.
This desire of always being women is the very frame of
mind that degrades the
sex. Except with a lover,
it would (I repeat) be well if they were
agreeable or
rational companions. But in this respect Gregory’s advice is
inconsistent with something else he says, which I now quote
with strong approval:
The view that a woman may allow all innocent free-
doms provided her virtue is secure is both grossly
indelicate and dangerous, and has proved fatal to
many of your sex.
I agree with this. A man or woman of any feeling must
always wish to convince a beloved object that what he or she
is getting and returning with pleasure are caresses of the
individual, not of the sex; and that the heart is moved rather
than the senses. Without this natural delicacy, love becomes
a selfish personal gratification that degrades the character.
I take this view further. When love is out of the ques-
tion, affection authorises many personal endearments that
flow naturally from an innocent heart and give life to the
behaviour; but the personal interplay of appetite, gallantry,
or vanity, is despicable. Suppose a man is helping a pretty
woman into a carriage—a woman he doesn’t know—and he
squeezes her hand: if she has any true delicacy she will
regard this impertinent freedom as something like an insult,
rather than being flattered by this meaningless homage to
beauty. . . .
Wanting to feed the affections with what is now the food
of vanity, I would like to persuade my sex to act from simpler
principles. Let them merit love, and they will obtain it,
though they may never be told that.
I like Dr Gregory’s
: ‘The power of a fine woman over the hearts of very
able men is beyond what she conceives.’
I have already remarked on the narrow cautions Gregory
offers relating to deceit, female softness, delicacy of constitu-
tion; for these are the themes that he keeps endlessly coming
back to. He handles them in a more decorous manner than
Rousseau does; but basically he agrees with Rousseau on
these matters, and if you take the trouble to analyse these
of Gregory’s
you’ll find that the first principles are
not quite so delicate as the superstructure!
You’ll see in due course that my views about friendship,
love, and marriage are non-trivially different from Gregory’s.
I don’t want to get ahead of myself and talk about that
now, important as it is. I want here merely to remark on
the over-all spirit of Gregory’s treatment of them, on his
cautious family prudence, on his limited views of partial
unenlightened affection. These views exclude pleasure and
improvement by vainly wanting to fend off sorrow and error
and by thus guarding the heart and mind, destroy all their
energy. It is far better to be often deceived than never to
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
trust; to be disappointed in love, than never to love; to lose a
husband’s fondness, than forfeit his esteem.
It would be a good thing for the world—and for individuals,
of course—if all this useless care to attain a limited and
limiting worldly happiness were turned into an anxious
desire to improve the understanding.
—Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom;
and with all thy gettings get understanding. (
—How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity and
hate knowledge? (Proverbs 1:22)
That is Wisdom speaking to the daughters of men!
4: Some women
I shan’t mention all the writers who have written on the
subject of female manners—it would in fact be only beating
over the old ground, for they have in general said the same
things; but I’m on the attack against man’s. . . .
iron sceptre of
tyranny, and I declare against all power built on prejudices,
however ancient.
If women’s submission is to be based on justice, that is
the highest court of appeal, for God is justice itself. So let
us as children of the same parent. . . .reason together and
learn to submit to the authority of
reason when
her voice
is distinctly heard. And if it is proved that this throne of
prerogative rests on nothing but a chaotic mass of prejudices
that aren’t kept together by
any inherent principle of order, or
any elephant or tortoise or even
the mighty shoulders of a son of the earth,
anyone who escapes from it—braving the consequences—will
not be guilty of a breach of duty, will not be sinning against
the order of things. . . .
[The middle one of those three refers to an
old Indian theory about what holds the world up, and the third refers to
Greek myths about Atlas.]
The being who can govern him- or herself
[see Glossary]
nothing to fear in life; but if anything is dearer to someone
than his or her own respect, the price
for that
must be paid
to the last farthing. Virtue, like everything valuable, must
be loved for herself alone or she won’t come to live with us.
She won’t impart the peace ‘which passeth understanding’
[Philippians 47]
if she is
used merely as the stilts of reputation
respected with pharisaical exactness because ‘honesty
is the best policy’.
It can’t be denied—and it never
denied—that the plan
of life that enables us to carry some knowledge and virtue
into the after-life is the plan with the best chance to ensure
contentment in this life; yet few people act according to this
principle. This sober conviction is swept aside by present
pleasure or present power. . . . How few—how very few!—have
enough foresight or resolution to endure a small evil at the
moment so as to avoid a greater evil hereafter.
Woman in particular, whose virtue is built on changeable
prejudices, seldom attains to this greatness of mind; so
that she becomes the slave of her own feelings and is thus
easily subjugated by the feelings of others. When it is thus
degraded, her reason—her misty reason!—is employed in
polishing her chains rather than breaking them. I have
indignantly heard women argue along the same lines as men,
and adopt the sentiments that treat them as animals, doing
this with all the stubborn persistence of ignorance. I shall
illustrate this assertion with a few examples.
[MW then briefly discusses things that had been said
about women by three women: these discussions add noth-
ing to what she has already said, and they are mostly omitted
here. The women in question are
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
Hester Piozzi
, who before her second marriage was the Mrs
Thrale who is still remembered for her long, close friendship
with Samuel Johnson.
Baroness de Staël
, who has been described as ‘the first
woman of Europe’; prominent for literary and political ac-
tivities, and for her personal life—one of her lovers was
Talleyrand. As a young woman she had written a tribute to
Rousseau, and that is what MW fastens on here.
Stéphanie Félicité de Genlis
, wife of an aristocrat who was
beheaded during the Terror; author of, among other things,
books for children. MW’s main complaint concerns Madame
Genlis’s ‘absurd manner of making parental authority sup-
plant reason’; and she also throws in this: ‘I shall pass
over her vehement argument in favour of the eternity of
future punishments, because I blush to think that a human
being should ever argue vehemently in such a cause. She
concludes this section with a tribute to:]
Catherine Macaulay
, who is certainly the woman of the
greatest abilities that this country has ever produced. Yet
she has been allowed to die without sufficient respect being
paid to her memory. But posterity will be more just, and
will remember that Catharine Macaulay was an example of
intellectual acquirements supposed to be incompatible with
the weakness of her sex. No sex appears in her style of
writing, for it is like the sense it conveys, strong and clear.
I won’t say that she has a ‘masculine’ understanding,
because I don’t accept that there is anything masculine
about reason; but I contend that her understanding was
sound and that her judgment—the mature fruit of profound
thinking—was a proof that a woman can acquire
in the full extent of that word. . . . She writes with sober
energy and tightness of argument; yet her sympathy and
benevolence draw us to her side, and the vital heat of her
arguments that forces the reader to weigh them.
When I first thought of writing the present work, I antic-
ipated Mrs Macaulay’s approval with a little of the hopeful
eagerness that it has been the business of my life to suppress;
then I heard that she had died—hearing this with the sickly
spasm of disappointed hope and the steady seriousness of
5: Chesterfield
. . . .Lord Chesterfield’s
Letters to his Son
must not be silently
passed over. Not that I mean to analyse his unmanly,
immoral system, or even to select any of the useful shrewd
remarks that occur in his letters. No, all I intend to offer are a
few thoughts about the purpose that the author says the let-
ters have, namely
the art of acquiring an early knowledge
of the world
. This is an art that
preys secretly, like the
worm in the bud, on the
young person’s
expanding powers,
turns to poison the abundant juices that should mount
with vigour in the youthful frame, inspiring warm affections
and great resolves.
[There is no further mention of Chesterfield, by
name or description, in this work.]
‘For everything there is a season’, says the wise man
siastes 3:1]
; and who would look for the fruits of autumn
during the genial months of spring? But this is mere
on my part
, and I mean to
with those
worldly-wise instructors who, instead of cultivating the
young person’s
judgment, instil prejudices and
harden the
heart that gradual experience would only have
cooled. An
early confrontation with human infirmities—what is called
‘knowledge of the world’—is in my view the surest way to
shrink the heart and dampen the natural youthful ardour
which produces not only great talents but great virtues. The
vain attempt to bring forth the fruit of experience before the
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
sapling has come into leaf only exhausts its strength and
prevents it from taking on a natural form. . . . Tell me, you
who have studied the human mind, isn’t it a strange way to
fix principles by showing young people that principles are
seldom stable? And how can they be strengthened by habits
when they are shown examples in which the habits work
out badly? Why is the ardour of youth thus to be damped,
and the luxuriance of imagination cut right back? It’s true
that this dry caution
about how badly people sometimes
· may
guard a character from worldly mischances, but
certainly will
rule out excellence in virtue and in knowledge.
The stumbling-block thrown across every path by suspicion
will prevent any vigorous exertions of genius
[see Glossary]
benevolence, and life will be stripped of its most alluring
charm long before its calm evening when man should retire
to contemplation for comfort and support.
A young man who has grown up in a family who are his
friends, and has stored his mind with as much theoretical
knowledge as can be acquired by reading and the natural
reflections that youthful outbursts of animal spirits and
instinctive feelings inspire, will enter the world with warm
and erroneous
expectations. But this seems to be the course
of nature; and in morals as well as in works of taste we
should obey nature’s sacred pointers, and not presume to
lead when we ought humbly to follow.
Few people act from principle; the grand springs of action
are present feelings and early habits; but the feelings would
be deadened, and the habits turned into rusting fetters, if
young people were shown the world just as it is. What will
make them uncensorious and forgiving is the knowledge of
mankind and of their own hearts that can be slowly obtained
through experience. If they have that, they will see their
fellow creatures as frail beings, like themselves, condemned
to struggle with human infirmities; sometimes displaying the
light side of their character and sometimes the dark, giving
rise to alternate feelings of love and disgust. But the
system guards them against their fellow creatures,
as against beasts of prey, until every enlarged social feeling
is eradicated, i.e. until their humanity was eradicated.
In life, on the other hand, as we gradually discover the
imperfections of our own nature we also discover virtues; and
various circumstances attach us to our fellow creatures when
we mix with them and view the same objects—circumstances
that are never thought of in acquiring a hasty unnatural
knowledge of the world
such as Lord Chesterfield’s in-
. We see a folly swell into a vice by almost
imperceptible degrees, and we pity the person while we
also blame him or her; but, if the hideous monster
—burst suddenly on our sight, our fear and disgust
would make us more severe than man ought to be, and might
lead us in our blind zeal to put ourselves in God’s place and
pronounce damnation on our fellow mortals, forgetting that
we can’t read
their hearts and that we have seeds of the
same vices lurking in
our own.
We expect more from instruction (I repeat) than mere
instruction can produce. Instead of preparing young people
to confront life’s evils with dignity, and to acquire wisdom
and virtue through the use of their own faculties, precepts
are heaped on precepts and blind obedience to them is
required, when conviction should arise from the use of
Suppose, for instance, that a young person in the first
ardour of friendship
the beloved object
[i.e. regards
him or her as a god]
—what harm can arise from this mistaken
enthusiastic attachment?
It may indeed be better than
merely harmless, because
it may be necessary for virtue to
appear first in a
human form to impress youthful hearts;
ideal model, which a more mature and elevated mind
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
looks up to and shapes for itself, would elude their sight. ‘He
who loves not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he
love God?’ asked the wisest of men [1 John 4:20].. . . .
Our trees are now allowed to spread with wild luxuriance,
and we don’t expect by force to combine the majestic marks
of time with youthful graces; rather, we wait patiently until
the trees have driven their roots down deep and braved many
a storm. Well, then, is the mind. . . .to be treated with less
respect? To argue from analogy: everything around us is
in a progressive state; and when an unwelcome knowledge
of life gives us a sense of having had almost enough of
life, and we discover by the natural course of things that
everything that happens under the sun is vanity
, we are drawing near to the awe-inspiring close of the
drama. The days of activity and hope are over, and as for
the opportunities that our early years gave us for advancing
in the scale of intelligence—we have nearly reached their
bottom line. A knowledge of the futility of life is very useful
at this late stage of our lives—or earlier, if it is obtained
through experience. Useful because it is natural; but when
a frail
young, inexperienced
being is shown the follies and
vices of man so as to teach him to
guard prudently against
the common casualties of life by
sacrificing his heart—that’s
the wisdom of this world, contrasted with the nobler fruit of
piety and experience.
I will venture a paradox. . . .: if men were born only to form
a circle of life and death, it would be wise to take every
possible step to make life happy. Moderation in every pursuit
would then be supreme wisdom; and the prudent voluptuary
[= ‘the sexually energetic person who takes care of his own interests]
might enjoy a degree of contentment although he didn’t
cultivate his understanding or keep his heart pure. If we were
mortal, prudence would be true wisdom; or, to put the point
more explicitly, prudence would yield the greatest portion
of happiness, considering the whole of life; but knowledge
about anything other than the conveniences of life would be
a curse,
or at any rate the pursuit of it would be a curse, as
I now proceed to explain·.
Why should we injure our health by close study? The
exalted pleasure that intellectual pursuits provide would
hardly compensate for the hours of exhaustion that follow,
especially if we take into account the doubts and disap-
pointments that cloud our researches. Every inquiry ends
with empty hands and annoyance, because the cause that
we particularly wanted to discover recedes before us as we
advance, like the horizon. . . . Yet, disappointed as we are in
our researches, the mind is strengthened through exercise,
perhaps becoming strong enough to comprehend the answers
which, at another stage of existence, it may receive to the
anxious questions it asked
back in its earthly life
the understanding with feeble wing was fluttering round the
visible effects ·and hoping· to dive into the hidden cause.
The passions also, the winds of life, would be useless or
even harmful if the substance that composes our thinking
being died with our bodies. The appetites would meet all
our earthly needs and would produce more moderate and
permanent happiness
than our passions do
. But the
powers of the soul
that are of little use in this life, and probably disturb
our animal pleasures even while conscious dignity
makes us glory in having them,
prove that
life is merely an education, a state of
infancy, to which the only hopes worth cherishing should
not be sacrificed. The conclusion I draw from this is that
we ought to have a precise idea of what we want to attain
by education.
The immortality of the soul is contradicted
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
by the
activities of many people who firmly
announce that they believe in
If what you primarily want
for your child
is ease and
prosperity on earth, leaving the after-life to provide for itself,
then you are acting prudently in giving your child an early
insight into the weaknesses of human nature. You may not
turn him into a vicious scoundrel, but don’t think that he
will stick to more than the letter of the law after taking in at
a very early age a view of human nature as very low-down;
nor will he think he needs to rise much above the common
standard. He may avoid gross vices, because ‘honesty is the
best policy’, but he will never aim at attaining great virtues.
The example of writers and artists will illustrate this remark.
‘It is always wise to regulate one’s passions’—this has
been thought to be an axiom in morals, but I think it is
a dogmatic assertion made by men who have coolly seen
mankind through the medium of books. And I don’t believe
it: I say in direct contradiction to it that the regulation of the
passions is
always wisdom. On the contrary, one reason
why men have better judgment and more endurance than
women is that they give a freer scope to the grand passions,
and by more frequently going astray they enlarge their minds.
If then their use of their own reason leads them to settle
on some stable principle, they have probably to thank the
force of their passions
nourished by
views of life and
permitted to jump across the boundary that guarantees
contentment. If at the start of life we could soberly survey
the scenes before us as. . . .and see everything in its true
colours, how could the passions get enough strength to
unfold the faculties?
Let me now, as from a mountain-top, survey the world
stripped of its false delusive charms. The clear atmosphere
lets me to see each object in its true point of view, and I have
no passions. I am as calm as the prospect on a morning
when the mists are slowly dispersing and silently unveiling
the beauties of nature, refreshed by rest.
What will the world look like now? I rub my eyes and
think perhaps that I am just awaking from a lively dream.
I see the sons and daughters of men pursuing shadows,
and anxiously squandering their powers to feed passions
that have no adequate object. . . .
[In case you are interested, that last ellipsis replaces the words:
—if the very excess of these blind impulses pampered by that
lying, yet constantly-trusted guide, the imagination, did not, by
preparing them for some other state, render short sighted mor-
tals wiser without their own concurrence; or, what comes to the
same thing, when they were pursuing some imaginary present
The two pages on the view from the mountain-top have a lot of that sort
of obscurity, and are omitted from this version except for the striking
half-sentence with which they end:]
. . . the governing passion
implanted in us by the Author of all good, to call forth and
strengthen the faculties of each individual, and enable it to
attain all the experience that an infant can obtain, who does
certain things, it cannot tell why.
I descend from my mountain-top, and mixing with my
fellow creatures I feel myself being hurried along the common
stream; ambition, love, hope, and fear exert their usual
power, although we are convinced by reason that their
present and most attractive promises are only lying dreams.
But if the cold hand of circumspection
[= ‘cautiously looking
had damped each warm feeling before it had left any
permanent mark or fixed some habit, what could be expected
other than selfish prudence and reason barely rising above
instinct? Anyone who has read with a philosophical eye
Dean Swift’s disgusting description of the Yahoos, and his
insipid account of the Houyhnhnms, must see the futility
of degrading the passions or making man settle for being
merely contented.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 5: Pity bordering on contempt
The youth should
. If he had the experience of a grey
head, he would be fitter for death than life; his virtues,
residing in his head rather than his heart, could produce
nothing great; and his understanding, prepared for
world, wouldn’t embark on noble flights showing that it had
a right to
a better ·world·.
Besides, you can’t give a young person a just view of life;
he must have struggled with his own passions before he
can estimate the force of the temptation that betrayed his
brother into vice. Those who are entering life see the world
from such a different point of view from that of those who
are departing that they can seldom think alike, unless the
unfledged reason of the former never attempted a solitary
When we hear of some daring crime, it comes full upon
us in the deepest shade of wickedness and raises our in-
dignation; but the eye that saw the darkness gradually
i.e. saw the psychological process that led to
the commission of the crime’
—must observe it with more
compassionate forbearance. The world can’t be seen by
an unmoved spectator: we must mix in the throng, and
feel as men feel, before we can judge of their feelings. In
short, if we mean to live in the world in order to grow
wiser and better, and not merely to enjoy the good things
of life, we must acquire a knowledge of others at the same
time that we become acquainted with ourselves—knowledge
acquired any other way only hardens the heart and puzzles
the understanding.
I may be told that knowledge acquired in this way is
sometimes purchased at too high a price. I can only answer
that I very much doubt whether any knowledge can be
acquired without labour and sorrow; and those who wish
to spare their children both shouldn’t complain if they are
neither wise nor virtuous. All the parents aimed at was to
make their children prudent; and prudence, early in life,
is simply the cautious craft of ignorant self-love. I have
observed that young people to whose education particular
attention has been paid have usually been very superficial
and conceited, and far from pleasing in any respect; that is
because they had neither the unsuspecting warmth of youth
nor the cool depth of age. I can’t help thinking that the main
cause of this unnatural condition is the hasty premature
instruction that leads them to repeat, confidently, all the
crude notions they have taken on trust, so that the careful
education they have been given makes them life-long slaves
of prejudices. . . .
[MW now offers a couple of pages on prejudices, which
she takes to be beliefs of long-standing that are held by
people who have no reasons for them. This is aimed at
theorists—she mentions Burke—who defend certain princi-
ples on the grounds that they are of great antiquity. She
closes the chapter with a brief restatement of her basic view
about education, followed by some remarks on religion:]
The senses and the imagination give a form to the char-
acter during childhood and youth; and in later years the
understanding gives firmness to the first fair purposes of
sensibility—until virtue, arising from the clear conviction
of reason rather than the impulse of the heart,
creates a
morality that stands on a rock against which the storms of
passion beat in vain.
I hope I shan’t be misunderstood when I say that reli-
gion won’t have this condensing energy—
giving firmness,
establishing a rock
—unless it is based on reason. If it is
merely the refuge of weakness or wild fanaticism, and not a
governing principle of conduct drawn from self-knowledge
and a rational belief about the attributes of God, what can
it be expected to produce? The ‘religion’ that consists in
warming the affections and exalting the imagination is only
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 6: Effects of the early association of ideas
the poetical part
of religion
; it may give pleasure to the
individual, but it won’t make him or her a more moral being.
It may be a substitute for worldly pursuits, but
it is no
good because
it narrows the heart instead of enlarging it.
Virtue must be loved as something inherently sublime and
excellent, and not for the advantages it brings or the evils
it averts, if any great degree of excellence be expected. Men
will not become moral when they only build airy castles in
a future world to compensate for the disappointments that
they meet with in this
—turning their thoughts from
relative duties to religious daydreams.
Most prospects in life are harmed by the shuffling worldly
wisdom of men who try to blend contradictory things, forget-
ting that they can’t serve God and mammon. If you want to
make your son rich, pursue one course; if all you care about
is making him virtuous, you must take another; but don’t
imagine that you can jump across from one road to the other
without losing your way.
Chapter 6:
The effect that an early association of ideas has on the character
Educated in the enervating style recommended by the writers
I have been criticising, and being deprived by their subor-
dinate social status from recovering their lost ground, is it
surprising that women everywhere appear to be a defect in
nature? When we consider what a definite effect an early
association of ideas has on the character, is it surprising
that women neglect their understandings and turn all their
attention to their persons? [see Glossary]
Storing the mind with knowledge naturally brings great
advantages, as is obvious from the following considerations.
The association of our ideas is either habitual or instan-
taneous; and instantaneous association seems to depend
on the mind’s original temperature
[MW’s word]
rather than
on the will. When the ideas and matters of fact are once
taken in, they are stored for
use, until some
chance happening makes the information dart into the mind
with illustrative force—this being information that has been
received at very different periods of our lives. Many recollec-
tions are like lightning: one idea assimilates and explains
another, with astonishing rapidity. I am not now talking
about the quick perception of truth which is so intuitive
that it baffles research, and leaves us at a loss to discover
whether what has opened the dark cloud is
reminiscence or
thinking which we don’t detect because of its speed. Over
instantaneous associations we have little power: when
the mind is enriched in some way, the raw materials will
to some extent
arrange themselves
. The understanding, it
is true, may keep us from going out of drawing when we
group our thoughts, or transcribe from the imagination the
warm sketches of fancy; but the
animal spirits
[see Glossary]
the individual character, give the colouring. We have little
power over this
superfine electric fluid, and our reason has
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 6: Effects of the early association of ideas
little control over that power! These fine intractable spirits
appear to be the essence of genius, and shining in its eagle
eye they produce in the highest degree the happy energy
of associating thoughts that surprise, delight, and instruct.
These are the glowing minds that concentrate pictures for
their fellow-creatures, forcing them to take an interest in
objects reflected from the impassioned imagination—objects
that they hadn’t attended to in nature.
Let me explain. Most people cannot see or feel
they lack imagination, so they fly from solitude in search of
objects they can sense; but when an author lends them his
eyes, they can see as he saw, and be entertained by images
that they couldn’t select
for themselves
, although they were
lying before them.
Education thus only supplies the man of genius with
knowledge to give variety and contrast to his associations;
but there is an habitual association of ideas that develops
along with us, and has a great effect on the moral charac-
ter of mankind. Such associations give the mind a slant
that commonly remains throughout life. So ductile is the
understanding, and yet so stubborn, that the associations
that depend on chance happenings before the body arrives
at maturity can seldom be disentangled by reason. One idea
calls up another, its old associate, and memory—faithful to
the first impressions, especially when the intellectual powers
are not employed to cool our sensations—retraces them with
mechanical exactness.
This habitual slavery to first impressions has a more
harmful effect on the female character than on the male,
because business and other dry employments of the under-
standing tend to deaden the feelings and break associations
that do violence to reason. But females—who are
into women when they are mere children, and
back to childhood when they ought to leave the go-cart
forever—haven’t enough strength of mind to erase the overlay
of art that has smothered nature.
Everything they see or hear serves to fix impressions, call
up emotions, and link ideas, giving the mind its feminine
character. . . . And the first idea-associations that are forced
on them by every surrounding object are allowed to run
wild instead of being examined.
Given how females are
, how could they attain the vigour that is needed to
be able to throw off their factitious character
[= ’free themselves
from the character-traits that have been constructed for them’]
? Where
could they find the strength to resort to reason and rise
above a system of oppression that blasts the fair promises
of spring? This cruel association of ideas, which everything
conspires to twist into all their habits of thinking (or, more
accurately, of feeling) receives new force when they begin to
act a little for themselves; for that’s when they see that their
only route to pleasure and power is through their skill in
arousing emotions in men. Besides, the first impressions on
their minds come from
books that offer to instruct them,
they all teach the same lessons. It is unreasonable as
well as cruel to scold women for faults that they—educated
as they are in worse-than-Egyptian bondage—can hardly
avoid, unless there are some who have a degree of native
vigour that very few among mankind are blessed with.
idea is that native vigour would be built into the person’s constitution,
making it safe from being undermined by education.]
For instance, the severest sarcasms have been levelled
against the
sex, ridiculing them for repeating ‘a
set of phrases learnt by rote’
when nothing could be
more natural, considering
the education they receive, and
the widespread opinion
that their ‘highest praise is to
obey, unargued’
the will of man. If they aren’t allowed
to have enough reason to govern their own conduct then
of course everything they learn must be learned by rote!
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 6: Effects of the early association of ideas
And when they are led to spend all their ingenuity on their
clothes, ‘a passion for a scarlet coat’
is so natural that
it never surprises me; and supposing that Pope’s summary of
their character is just, namely ‘that every woman is at heart
a rake’, why should they be bitterly censured for seeking
a congenial companion and preferring a rake to a man of
[A rake is a person—usually a man—whose way of living is
stylish and fashionable but also morally lax and dissolute.]
Rakes know how to work on women’s feelings, while the
modest merit of reasonable men has less effect on their
feelings and can’t reach their heart via the understanding,
because they—
men and women
—have few sentiments in
It seems a little absurd to deny women the uncontrolled
use of their reason while still expecting them to be more
reasonable than men in their
. When do men
fall in
with sense? When do they, with their superior powers
and advantages, turn from the person to the mind? And how
can they then expect women, who are only taught to observe
behaviour and to acquire manners rather than morals, to
despise what they have spent their lives struggling to ac-
quire? Where are they suddenly to find judgment enough
to weigh patiently the sense of an awkward virtuous man,
when. . . .his conversation is cold and dull because it doesn’t
consist of pretty repartees or well-turned compliments? In
order to admire or esteem anything for long, we must at least
have our curiosity aroused by knowing something about it;
we can’t estimate the value of qualities and virtues that are
above our comprehension. When such a respect is felt, it
may be very sublime; and the admirer’s confused feeling of
humility may have some tendency to draw people to her;
but human love must also have cruder ingredients, and
person very naturally will come in for its
share—and what a big share it usually is!
Love is to a large extent an arbitrary passion, and—like
some other stalking mischiefs—it will reign by its own author-
ity, without bringing in reason; and it’s easy to distinguish
love from esteem—the foundation of friendship—because
love is often aroused by fleeting beauties and graces; though
love won’t have much energy unless something more solid
deepens the impression made by those beauties and graces,
setting the imagination to work to make the loveliest the
Common passions are aroused by common qualities. Men
look for beauty and the simper of good-humoured docility;
women are captivated by easy manners—a gentlemanly man
seldom fails to please them, and their thirsty ears eagerly
drink in the suggestive nothings of politeness, while they
turn away from the unintelligible sounds of the
charmer—reason—however wisely he produces his charm.
When it comes to superficial
accomplishments, the rake
certainly has the advantage; and females can form an opinion
these because this is their own ground. Rendered
gay and giddy by the whole tenor of their lives, the very look
of wisdom or of the severe graces of virtue must strike them
as gloomy, and produce a kind of restraint from which they
and the playful child
naturally revolt. Without taste. . . .,
which is the offspring of judgment, how can they discover
that true beauty and grace must arise from the play of the
mind? and how can they be expected to enjoy in a lover
something that they so very imperfectly possess themselves?
The sympathy that unites hearts and invites to confidence
is so very faint in them that it can’t catch fire and thus rise
to the level of passion. No, I repeat it, the love cherished by
such minds must have cruder fuel!
The conclusion is obvious: until women are led to exercise
their understandings, they shouldn’t be satirised for their
attachment to rakes; nor even for being rakes at heart them-
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 6: Effects of the early association of ideas
selves, when that seems to be the inevitable consequence
of their education. Those who live to please must find their
enjoyments, their happiness, in pleasure! We never do
anything well unless we love it for its own sake—a trite
remark, but a true one.
Pretend for a moment that at some future time women
will become what I sincerely wish them to be. Then love will
acquire a more serious dignity, and be purified in its own
fires; and because virtue will give true delicacy to women’s
affections they will turn with disgust from a rake. When
that time comes they will
reason as well as
feeling is all they can do at present—so that it will be easy for
them to guard against surface graces, and learn to despise
the sensibility that had been aroused in the ways of women
and then grown stale there, the sensibility whose trade is
vice; and
allurement’s wanton airs. They will recollect that
the flame. . . .they wanted to light up has been exhausted by
lust, and that the sated appetite, losing all taste for pure
and simple pleasures, can be aroused only by licentious
arts of variety. What satisfaction could a woman of delicacy
promise herself in a union with such a man, when the very
[here = ‘sincerity’]
of her affection might appear
insipid?. . . . One grand truth women haven’t yet learned,
though it would do them a lot of good if they acted on it,
namely: In the choice of a husband they should not be led
astray by the qualities of a lover—because a husband, even
a wise and virtuous one, can’t remain a lover for long.
If women were more rationally educated and could take a
more comprehensive view of things, they would be content
to love only once in their lives; and after marriage calmly let
passion subside into friendship—into that tender intimacy
which is the best refuge from care. Friendship is built on
such pure, calm affections that idle jealousies aren’t allowed
disturb the performance of the sober duties of life or
take up thoughts that ought to be otherwise employed. This
is a state in which many men live, but
few women.
It is easy to explain this difference without recurring to a
sexual character
[i.e. without supposing that there are basic, natural
psychological differences between the sexes]
. [MW devotes the final
two pages of this chapter to the explanation in question.
It doesn’t add any content to things she has said already,
except for this sad footnote about the fate of those ‘who have
not sufficient mind to be amused by innocent pleasure’ and
who, for one reason or another, have withdrawn from the
scene of uninnocent pleasure:]
I have frequently seen this exemplified in women whose
beauty could no longer be repaired. They have retired from
the noisy scenes of dissipation; but, unless they became
Methodists, the solitude of the select society of their family
connections or acquaintance has presented only a fearful
void; consequently nervous complaints and all the vapourish
train of idleness rendered them quite as useless as, and far
more unhappy than, they were when they joined the giddy
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 7: Modesty comprehensively considered
Chapter 7:
Modesty comprehensively considered and not as a sexual virtue
Modesty! Sacred offspring of sensibility and reason!—true
delicacy of mind! I hope you won’t blame me if I investigate
your nature and track to its lair the mild charm, the mellow-
ing of each harsh feature of a character, that makes
something that would otherwise only inspire cold admiration.
You who smooth wisdom’s wrinkles and soften the tone of
the more elevated virtues until they all melt into humanity!
You who spread the ethereal cloud that encircles love and
heightens every beauty that it half-shades. . . . Modulate for
me the language of persuasive reason until I rouse my sex
from the flowery bed on which they supinely sleep life away!
[MW is here asking modesty to be with her, so that the reasoning she is
going to present to the female sex will be found acceptable.]
. . . .In defining modesty we should distinguish these two:
(1) The purity of mind that is an effect of chastity;
a simplicity of character that leads us to form a just
opinion of ourselves, equally distant from vanity or
presumption, but compatible with a lofty awareness
of our own dignity.
Modesty in sense
is the soberness of mind that teaches
a man not to think more highly of himself than he ought
to think. It should be distinguished from humility, because
humility is a kind of self-abasement. A modest man often
conceives a great plan, and tenaciously sticks to it, conscious
of his own strength, until it is crowned with success. Milton
was not arrogant when he let slip a judgment that proved
to be a prophesy; nor was General Washington arrogant
when he accepted of the command of the American forces.
[When Milton was 17 years old, someone told him he would some day
be famous, and Milton agreed. When Washington was called to lead
the revolutionary army in the American war of independence, he firmly
declared that he was not good enough for the job.]
Washington has
always been described as a modest man; but if he had been
he would probably have shrunk back, afraid
of trusting to himself the direction of an enterprise on which
so much depended.
A modest man is steady, a humble man is timid, and a
vain one is presumptuous—or so my observation of many
characters has led me to believe. Jesus Christ was modest,
Moses was humble, and ·the apostle· Peter was vain.
Modesty is different not only from humility but also
from bashfulness. Bashfulness is so distinct from modesty,
indeed, that the most bashful lass or raw country lout
often becomes the most impudent; for their bashfulness
is merely the instinctive timidity of ignorance, and custom
soon changes it into assurance.
Such is the country-maiden’s fright,
When first a red-coat is in sight;
Behind the door she hides her face,
Next time at distance eyes the lace:
She now can all his terrors stand,
Nor from his squeeze withdraws her hand,
She plays familiar in his arms,
And every soldier hath his charms;
From tent to tent she spreads her flame;
For custom conquers fear and shame.
(John Gay, ‘The Tame Stag’)
The shameless behaviour of the prostitutes who infest the
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 7: Modesty comprehensively considered
streets of London, causing alternate emotions of pity and
disgust, illustrate this remark. They trample on virgin
bashfulness with a sort of bravado, and glorying in their
shame they become more audaciously lewd than men. . . .ever
appear to be. But these poor ignorant wretches never had
any modesty to lose when they consigned themselves to
infamy; for modesty is a virtue, not a quality. No, they were
only bashful, shame-faced innocents; and when they lost
their innocence their shame-facedness was roughly brushed
off; whereas a
, if sacrificed to passion, would have left
some traces in the mind to make us respect the grand ruin.
Purity of mind—i.e. the genuine delicacy that is the only
virtuous support of chastity—is near kin to the refinement
of humanity that resides only in cultivated minds. It is
something nobler than innocence; it is the delicacy of reflec-
tion, and not the coyness of ignorance. The reservedness
of reason—which like habitual cleanliness is seldom seen
in any great degree unless the soul is active—can easily be
distinguished from rustic shyness or wanton skittishness;
and far from being incompatible with knowledge, it is its
fairest fruit. Someone who wrote this had a gross idea of
The lady who asked ‘Can women be instructed in the
modern system of botany, consistently with female
delicacy?’ was accused of ridiculous prudery; but if
she had asked me I would certainly have answered
‘No, they cannot’.
Thus is the fair book of knowledge to be shut with an ever-
lasting seal! On reading things like that I have reverentially
lifted up my eyes and heart to God and said, ‘O my Father,
have you by the very constitution of my nature forbidden me
to seek you in the fair forms of truth?’. . . .
A woman who has dedicated much of her time to purely
intellectual pursuits, and whose affections have been exer-
cised by humane plans of usefulness, must as a natural
consequence have more purity of mind than the ignorant
beings whose time and thoughts have been occupied by gay
pleasures or schemes to conquer hearts.
The regulation of
one’s behaviour is not modesty, though those who carefully
obey rules of decorum are generally described as ‘modest
women’. Make the heart clean, let it expand and feel for
everything human instead of being narrowed by selfish pas-
sions; and let the mind frequently contemplate subjects that
exercise the understanding without heating the imagination;
and artless modesty will give the finishing touches to the
Anyone who sees herself as immortal
[see Glossary]
respect, as a sacred temple, the body that enshrines such
an improvable soul. True love also spreads this kind of
mysterious sanctity around the beloved object, making the
lover most modest when in her presence. . . .
As a sex, women are more chaste than men, and as
modesty is the effect of chastity they may deserve to have
this virtue—
—ascribed to them. . . ., but I must be
allowed to add a hesitating if, ·revising the above statement
to ‘
modesty is the effect of chastity
. . . ’; because I am not
sure whether chastity
modesty, though it may
propriety of conduct, when it is merely a respect
I have conversed with medical men on anatomical subjects, conversing as man with man; and I have discussed the proportions of the human body
with ·male· artists; but I met with such modesty that I was never reminded by word or look of
my sex or of
the absurd rules that make modesty a
pharisaical cloak for weakness. And I am convinced that in the pursuit of knowledge women would never be insulted by sensible men—and rarely by
men of any description—if they didn’t by mock modesty remind them that they were women. . . . Men are not always men in the company of women;
and women wouldn’t always remember that they are women if they were allowed to acquire more understanding.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 7: Modesty comprehensively considered
for the opinion of the world. (The immodest behaviour of
many married women who are nevertheless faithful to their
husbands’ beds will illustrate this remark.). . . . Indeed, my
experience and my reason lead me to expect to find more
modesty among men than among women, simply because
men exercise their understandings more than women do.
But when it comes to propriety of behaviour, women
obviously have the advantage (except for one class of females).
What can be more disgusting than that impudent dross of
‘gallantry’, thought to be so manly, which makes many men
stare insultingly at every female they meet? Is this respect
for the
sex? No. This loose behaviour shows such
habitual depravity, such weakness of mind, that we can’t
expect to see much public or private virtue until both men
and women grow more modest. . . .and treat each other with
respect—I mean the modest respect of humanity and
fellow-feeling, not the libidinous mockery of gallantry or the
insolent condescension of protectorship.
The sexual distinction respecting modesty is carried still
further, and woman—weak woman!—whose education has
made her the slave of sensibility, is required on the most
difficult occasions to resist that sensibility. ‘Can anything’,
says Knox, ‘be more absurd than keeping women in a state
of ignorance, and yet vehemently insisting that they resist
temptation?’ Thus, when virtue or honour make it proper to
check a passion, the burden is thrown on the weaker shoul-
ders, contrary to reason and true modesty which should at
least make the self-denial mutual. . . .
When men boast of their victories over women, what
are they boasting of? Truly the creature of sensibility was
surprised by her sensibility into folly—into vice; and the
dreadful reckoning falls heavily on her own weak head, when
reason wakes. Where will you find comfort, forlorn and
disconsolate one? The man who ought to have directed your
reason and supported your weakness has betrayed you! In a
dream of passion you consented to wander through flowery
lawns and, carelessly stepping over the precipice to which
your ‘guide’ lured you, you awake from your dream and
find yourself faced by a sneering, frowning world. You are
alone in a wasteland, for the man who triumphed in your
weakness is now pursuing new conquests; but for you there
is no redemption on this side the grave!. . . .
But if the sexes are really to live in a state of warfare—if
that’s what nature has indicated—then let men act nobly,
or let pride whisper to them that when they merely conquer
sensibility that is a tawdry victory. The real conquest is that
over affection not taken by surprise—when like Héloise a
woman deliberately gives up all the world for love. I am not
discussing the wisdom or virtue of such a sacrifice; I merely
contend that it was a sacrifice to affection and not merely
to sensibility, though she had her share of that. I call her a
modest woman. . . .
Now for another view of the subject, this time purely
about women.
Mistaken notions of modesty lead people to tell children
ridiculous falsehoods
that tend very early to inflame their
Children very early see cats with their kittens, birds with their young, etc. Then why shouldn’t they be told that their mothers carry and nourish
them in the same way? As there would then be no appearance of mystery, they wouldn’t give any more thought to the subject. Truth can always
be told to children if it is told gravely; but it is the immodesty of affected modesty that does all the harm—it is a smoke that vainly tries to obscure
certain objects but only succeeds in heating the imagination. If indeed children could be kept entirely from improper company, we need never talk
to them about such subjects; but as this is impossible, it is best to tell them the truth, especially as such information won’t impress itself on their
imaginations because they won’t be much interested in it.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 7: Modesty comprehensively considered
imaginations and set their little minds to work on topics
that nature never intended them to think about until their
bodies arrived at
some degree of maturity. At
that stage,
the passions naturally begin to take place of the senses as
instruments to unfold the understanding and form the moral
Girls are first spoiled in nurseries and boarding schools,
especially the latter. A number of girls sleep in the same
room, and wash together. I wouldn’t want to contaminate
an innocent creature’s mind by instilling false delicacy, or
the indecent prudish notions that naturally arise from early
cautions regarding the other sex; but I would be very anxious
to prevent their acquiring indelicate or immodest habits;
and as many girls have learned very indelicate tricks from
ignorant servants, it is very improper to mix the girls in this
indiscriminate way.
The fact is that women are in general too familiar with
each other, which leads to that gross degree of familiarity
that so frequently renders the marriage state unhappy. Why
are sisters, female intimates, or ladies and their waiting
women so grossly familiar as to forget the respect that one
human creature owes to another? The squeamish delicacy
that shrinks from the most disgusting offices—
helping with
urination and defecation
—when affection or humanity lead
us to care for a sick person is despicable. But why are
healthy women more familiar with each other than men are,
when they (the women) boast of their greater ‘delicacy’? I
have never been able to answer this.
In order to preserve health and beauty I earnestly recom-
mend frequent ablutions (I’m putting this in words that won’t
offend the fastidious ear); and girls ought to be taught to
wash and dress alone; and if they need some little assistance,
they shouldn’t ask for it until they have finished that part
of the business that ought never to be done before a fellow-
creature because it is an insult to the majesty of human
nature. Not because of modesty, but because of
. . . .
[This is followed by about two pages on the subject of
women’s tendency to be too ‘familiar’ with one another,
lacking in ‘reserve’ in a way that leads to talk and actions
that are ‘disgusting’. MW continues:] You may think that
I am laying too great a stress on personal reserve; but it is
always the hand-maid of modesty. If I were asked ‘What are
the graces that ought to adorn beauty?’ I would immediately
neatness, and
personal reserve. I
hope it is obvious that the reserve I am talking about is
equally necessary in both sexes. . . .
[This modulates into a couple of pages on the importance
of being clean, neatly dressed, brisk in manner. Among other
things, MW reports that she has ‘often felt hurt, not to say
disgusted’ when a friend she has arranged to meet in the
morning shows up in a state showing that she had stayed
in bed until the last possible moment. Eventually she works
her way back to the announced topic of this chapter:]
I need hardly add that I consider as
all those
airs of grown women. . . .to which truth is sacrificed, to secure
the heart of a husband or rather to force him to be still a
lover when nature (if left alone) would have replaced love
by friendship. The tenderness that a man will feel for the
mother of his children is an excellent substitute for the
ardour of unsatisfied passion; but it is indelicate, not to say
immodest, for a woman to prolong that ardour by feigning
an unnatural coldness of constitution.
[This is one of several
places where MW implies that a man’s wish for sexual relations with
his partner can be intensified by her pretending not to be interested.]
Women as well as men ought to have the common appetites
and passions of their nature; they are animal-like only when
not controlled by reason; but the obligation to control them
is the duty of mankind, not of one sex rather than the
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 7: Modesty comprehensively considered
other. In these respects, nature can safely be left to itself; let
women acquire knowledge and humanity, and love will teach
them modesty. There is no need for disgusting and futile
falsehoods, because calculated rules of behaviour impose
only on shallow observers; a man of sense soon sees through
such an affectation and despises it. . . .
My sisters. if you really want to possess modesty, you
must remember that the possession of
virtue is incom-
patible with ignorance and vanity! You must acquire the
soberness of mind that can only come from the performance
of duties and the pursuit of knowledge; without it, you will
remain in a doubtful dependent situation, and you will be
loved only while you are beautiful! The downcast eye, the
rosy blush, the retiring grace, are all proper in their season;
but modesty is the child of reason, and can’t co-exist for
long with the sensibility that is not tempered by reflection.
Besides, if you devote your lives to love, even innocent
love, your hearts will be too soft to provide for modesty the
tranquil retreat where she delights to dwell in close union
with humanity.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 8: Sexual notions about reputation
Chapter 8:
Morality undermined by sexual notions of the importance of a good reputation
I realized long ago
that advice about behaviour and about
all the various ways of preserving a good reputation—advice
that has been so strenuously forced on the female world—is a
glittering poison that forms a crust around morality and eats
away its substance. And
that this measuring of shadows
produces a false calculation, because the length of a shadow
depends so much on the height of the sun and other external
The easy false behaviour of a courtier—where does it come
from? From the fact that the courtier needs dependents, so
that he has to learn the arts of
denying without giving
offence, and of
evasively feeding hope with the chameleon’s
[The chameleon’s tongue moves faster than the eye can see; so
it used to be said that the chameleon feeds on air.]
That is how
politeness plays with truth and—eating away the sincerity
and humanity natural to man— produces the fine gentleman.
Women in the same way acquire, from a supposed neces-
sity, an equally artificial way of behaving. But you can’t
with impunity play with truth, because the experienced
dissembler eventually becomes the dupe of his own arts, and
can no longer quickly perceive common truths, which means
that he loses his common sense. Those are truths that are
constantly accepted as true by the unsophisticated mind,
though it might not have had enough energy to discover them
itself when local prejudices got in the way. Most people take
their opinions on trust, to avoid the trouble of using their
own minds, and these lazy beings naturally adhere to the
letter of the law rather its spirit, whether the law be divine
or human. Some author (I forget who) wrote: ‘Women don’t
care about things that only heaven sees.’ Why indeed should
they? It is the eye of man that they have been taught to
dread—and if they can lull their Argus to sleep, they seldom
think of heaven or themselves, because their reputation is
safe; and it is not
chastity but
reputation that they are
working to keep free from spot, not as a virtue but to preserve
their status in the world.
[Argus in Greek mythology was a guardian
god with a hundred eyes.]
To prove the truth of this remark, I need only mention
the intrigues of married women, particularly in the upper
social ranks and in countries where women are suitably
married according to their respective ranks by their parents.
If an innocent girl become a prey to love [i.e. if she has a sexual
affair before marriage]
, she is degraded forever, even if her mind
wasn’t polluted by the arts that married women practise
under the convenient cloak of
; and she hasn’t
violated any duty except her duty to respect herself. In
contrast with that, if a married woman is a false and faithless
wife, she breaks a most sacred contract and becomes a
cruel mother. If her husband still has an affection for her,
the tricks she must use to deceive him will make her the
most contemptible of human beings; and the contrivances
necessary to preserve appearances will keep her mind in that
childish or vicious tumult that destroys all its energy. . . .
I have known a number of women who, if they did not
love their husbands, loved nobody else,
devoting themselves entirely to vanity and dissipation,
neglecting every domestic duty, even squandering the
money that should have been saved for their helpless
younger children,
and priding themselves on their spotless reputation, as if
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 8: Sexual notions about reputation
the whole extent of their duty as wives and mothers was to
preserve that. . . .
It would have been better if superficial moralists had said
less about behaviour and outward observances,
and more
about the underlying frame of mind
; for unless virtue of
any kind is built on knowledge, it will produce only a kind
of insipid decency. Yet respect for the opinion of the world
has been explicitly claimed to be woman’s principal duty, for
Rousseau declares:
Reputation is as indispensable as chastity. A man,
secure in his own good conduct, depends only on
himself, and can brave public opinion; but a woman
in behaving well performs only half her duty; the other
half is to be well thought of, because
what is thought
of her is as important to her as
what she really is.
So the system of a woman’s education should in this
respect be directly contrary to that of men’s education.
Opinion is virtue’s grave among the men but its throne
among women.
It is strictly logical to infer from this that virtue depending on
opinion is merely worldly, and that it is the virtue of a being
to whom reason has been denied. But even with respect
to the opinion of the world I am convinced that this class
of reasoners—
ones who think as Rousseau did about the
matter·—are mistaken.
This regard for reputation, independent of its being one of
the natural rewards of virtue, arose from a cause that I have
already deplored as the grand source of female depravity,
namely the impossibility of regaining respectability by a
return to virtue, although men preserve theirs
indulgence of vice. This made it natural for women to try to
preserve something that when lost can never be regained,
namely reputation for chastity; this became the one thing
needed by the female sex, and the concern for it swallowed up
every other concern. But. . . .neither religion nor virtue, when
they reside in the heart, require such a childish attention to
mere ceremonies, because the behaviour must on the whole
be proper when the motive is pure.
To support my opinion I can produce very respectable
authority; and the authority of a cool reasoner ought to have
weight—not to establish an opinion but to make one take it
into consideration. Dr Smith observes:
By some very extraordinary and unlucky circum-
stance, a good man may come to be suspected of
a crime of which he was altogether incapable, and on
that account be most unjustly exposed for the rest of
his life to the horror and aversion of mankind. By an
accident of this kind he may be said to ‘lose his all’
despite his integrity and justice, in the same way that
a cautious man may be ruined by an earthquake or a
flood, despite all the care he has taken. Accidents of
the first kind are rarer—more contrary to the common
course of things—than accidents of the second kind;
and it still remains true that the practice of truth,
justice and humanity is a certain and almost infallible
method of acquiring what those virtues chiefly aim at,
the confidence and love of those we live with. A person
may be easily misrepresented with regard to a partic-
ular action; but it is hardly possible that he should be
misrepresented with regard to the general tenor of his
conduct. An innocent man may be believed to have
done wrong; but this won’t often happen. On the other
hand, the established opinion that his behaviour is
innocent will often lead us to absolve him in cases
where he has really been at fault. . . .
[Adam Smith, The
Theory of Moral Sentiments]
I entirely agree with this writer, for I believe that few people of
either sex were ever despised for certain vices without deserv-
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 8: Sexual notions about reputation
ing to be despised. I’m not talking about the short-term libel
that hangs over someone’s character, like a dense November
morning fog over London, until it gradually subsides before
the common light of day; my point is just that the daily
conduct of the majority of people stamps their character with
the hallmark of truth. The clear light, shining day after day,
quietly refutes the ignorant suspicion or malicious tale that
has thrown dirt on a pure character. . . .
Many people. . . .obtain a better reputation than, strictly
speaking, they deserve, for if you work hard enough you
will reach your goal in almost any race. Those who strive
only for this paltry prize—like the Pharisees who prayed at
street-corners so as to be seen by men—do indeed get the
reward they seek, for the heart of man cannot be read by
man! But the fair fame that is naturally reflected by good
actions, when the man is trying only to do the right thing,
regardless of the lookers-on, is in general not only more true
but more sure.
It’s true that there are trials when the good man must
appeal to God from the injustice of man, and to the accom-
paniment of the. . . .hissing of envy, erect a shelter in his own
mind to retire into until the rumour has passed; and indeed
the darts of undeserved blame may pierce an innocent tender
bosom with many sorrows; but these are all exceptions to
general rules. And it is according to these common laws that
human behaviour ought to be regulated. . . .
So I venture to assert that after a man has reached
maturity, the general outline of his character in the world
is just, allowing for the before mentioned exceptions to the
rule. I don’t deny that a prudent, worldly-wise man with
only negative virtues and qualities may sometimes obtain a
smoother reputation than a wiser or a better man. . . . But the
hills and dales, clouds and sunshine, that are conspicuous
in the virtues of great men set each other off; and though
they afford envious weakness a better target to shoot at, the
real character will still work its way into the light even if it is
bespattered by weak affection or ingenious malice.
. . . .Morality is very insidiously undermined in the female
world by the attention being given to the
show instead of to
substance. This turns a simple thing into something
strangely complicated; indeed, sometimes virtue and its
shadow are set at variance. We might never have heard of
Lucretia if she had she died to preserve her chastity instead
of her reputation.
[A heroine of early Rome who, according to legend,
killed herself after being raped.]
If we really deserve to think well of
ourselves we shall commonly be respected in the world; but if
we pant after higher improvement and higher attainments, it
is not sufficient to view ourselves as we suppose that
view us, though this has been ingeniously argued—by Adam
Smith—to be the foundation of our moral sentiments. Why
not? Because each bystander may have his own prejudices
in addition to those of his age or country. We should rather
try to view ourselves as we suppose that
God views us. . . .
[We are then given two pages of flowery prose on the
theme of an honest person examining himself in the presence
of God, seeing that he is far from perfect, and being led
by this discovery to a less harshly blaming attitude to his
fellow-mortals. Here is a one-sentence sample of the style of
this passage: ‘Virtues, unobserved by men, drop their balmy
fragrance at this cool hour, and the thirsty land, refreshed
by the pure streams of comfort that suddenly gush out, is
crowned with smiling verdure; this is the living green on
which that eye may look with complacency that is too pure
to behold iniquity!’ Eventually MW comes to the end of this
I have in mind various biographical writings, particularly Boswell’s Life of Johnson.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 8: Sexual notions about reputation
‘reverie’, as she calls it, and gets back to her proper topic:]
The leading principles that run through all my discus-
sions would make it unnecessary to go on about this subject
if it weren’t for the fact that a constant attention to keep
of the character fresh and in good condition is
often taught as the sum total of female duty; the fact that
moral obligations are often pushed into second place by
rules to regulate behaviour and preserve reputation. But
with regard to reputation the attention is confined to a single
virtue—chastity. If a woman’s ‘honour’—as it is absurdly
called—is safe, she may neglect every social duty; even ruin
her family by gambling and extravagance; yet still present a
shame-free front—for truly she is an honourable woman!
Mrs. Macaulay has rightly remarked that ‘there is only
one fault that a woman of honour can’t commit without being
punished’. She then justly and humanely adds:
This has given rise to the foolish observation that
the first fault against chastity in woman has a rad-
ical power to deprave the character. But no such
frail beings come out of the hands of nature. The
human mind is built of nobler materials than to be
so easily corrupted; and with all their disadvantages
of situation and education, women seldom become
entirely abandoned until they are thrown into a state
of desperation by the venomous rancour of their own
But in proportion as this regard for the reputation of
chastity is prized by women, it is despised by men: and the
two extremes are equally destructive to morality.
[Two paragraphs on ‘beastly’ over-eating by the rich, and
their lack of shame about it. Then from talking about this
‘appetite’ she moves to another:]
The depravity of the appetite that brings the sexes to-
gether has had a still more fatal effect. Nature must always
be the standard of taste, the gauge of appetite—yet nature is
grossly insulted by the voluptuary.
I’ll discuss this
, leaving
the refinements of love out of the question. Nature makes
the gratification of this appetite. . . .a natural and imperious
law to preserve the species; and by so doing, it exalts the
appetite and mixes a little
mind and affection into
the sensual appetite. The
feelings of a parent mingling
a merely animal instinct give the latter dignity; and
because the man and the woman often interact on account
of the child, a mutual interest and affection is aroused by
the exercise of a shared sympathy. So mothers, having
necessarily some duty to fulfil more noble than to adorn
their persons, would not contentedly be the slaves of casual
appetite. Yet many women are just that: they are, literally
speaking, standing dishes to which every
can have access.
I may be told that bad as this sexual promiscuity is,
it affects only one cursed part of the sex—cursed for the
salvation of the rest. Well, it’s easy to prove that it is never
right to allow a small evil in order to produce a greater good;
but that’s not the end of the matter. The moral character
and peace of mind of the more chaste part of the sex is
undermined by the conduct of the very women to whom
they allow no refuge from guilt. These are women whom the
chaste women inexorably consign to the practice of skills
and tricks that lure their husbands from them and debauch
their sons. And they also force the modest women (who may
be surprised to read this!) to become to some extent like
themselves. For I will venture to assert that all the causes of
female weakness or depravity that I have already discussed
branch out from one grand cause—the lack of chastity in
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 8: Sexual notions about reputation
[A paragraph introducing the extremely voluptuous man,
‘the lustful prowler’, and his ways of satisfying his sexual
appetite. Then:]
To satisfy this type of man, women are made systemat-
ically voluptuous, and though they may not all take their
libertinism as far as the man does, still this heartless in-
teraction with males that they allow themselves depraves
both sexes: the taste of men is vitiated, and women of
all classes naturally adapt their behaviour to gratify the
taste by which they obtain pleasure and power. In this way
women become weaker in mind and body than they ought
to be. . . .and don’t have enough strength to discharge the
first duty of a mother; so they sacrifice to lasciviousness the
parental affection that ennobles instinct, and either destroy
the embryo in the womb or throw it out when it has been
[MW also builds into that sentence the thesis that ‘bearing and
nursing children is one of the grand ends of women’s existence’.]
demands respect in everything, and those who violate her
laws seldom violate them with impunity. The weak enervated
women who particularly catch the attention of libertines are
unfit to be mothers, though they may conceive; so that the
rich sensualist who has rioted among women, spreading
depravity and misery, when he wants to perpetuate his name
receives from his wife only a half-formed being that inherits
both its father’s and mother’s weakness.
[That sentence is
verbatim MW.]
. . . .I have already remarked that men ought to maintain
the women whom they have seduced; this would be one
means of reforming female manners and
by giving disgraced
women an alternative to prostitution
stopping an abuse
that has an equally fatal effect on population and morals.
means of reforming female manners
—an equally
obvious one—would be to turn the attention of woman to the
real virtue of chastity. A woman’s reputation may be white
as the driven snow, but she hasn’t much claim to respect for
her modesty if she smiles on the libertine while spurning the
victims of his lawless appetites and their own folly.
Besides, she has a taint of the same folly when she
studiously adorns her person
[see Glossary]
only to be seen by
men, to excite respectful sighs and all the idle homage of
what is called ‘innocent gallantry’. Women who really respect
virtue for its own sake won’t look for compensation in
coin of
vanity for the self-denial they have to practise to
preserve their reputation, nor will they associate with men
who set reputation at defiance.
The two sexes corrupt each other and improve each other.
I believe this to be an indisputable truth, and I extend
it to every virtue. Chastity, modesty, public spirit, and
all the noble train of virtues on which social virtue and
happiness are built, should be understood and cultivated
by all mankind—otherwise they will be cultivated to little
effect. And instead of providing vicious or idle people with
a pretext for violating some sacred duty by saying that it is
a duty for only one of the sexes, it would be wiser to show
that nature has not drawn any line here, for the unchaste
man doubly defeats the purpose of nature by rendering
women barren and destroying his own constitution, though
he avoids the shame that pursues the crime in the other
[MW is implying here that the unchaste man defeats the purpose
of nature by getting syphilis and by spreading it.]. . . .
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 9: Unnatural distinctions
Chapter 9:
The pernicious effects of the unnatural distinctions established in society
Most of the evils and vices that make this world such a
dreary scene to the contemplative mind flow—as from a
poisoned fountain—from the respect paid to
. For
it is in the most polished society that stinking reptiles and
venomous serpents lurk under the nasty foliage; and there is
voluptuousness pampered by the still sultry air, slackening
every good disposition before it has time to ripen into virtue.
One class presses on another; for they are all aiming to
get respect on account of their property; and once they have
it will bring them the respect that is really due only
to talents and virtue. Men neglect their human duties, yet
are treated like demi-gods; religion is also separated from
morality by a ceremonial veil; yet men are surprised that
the world is, almost literally speaking, a den of cheats or
There’s a shrewd truth in the homely proverb that who-
ever the devil finds idle he will employ. And what can hered-
itary wealth and titles produce except habitual idleness?
Man is so constituted that he can attain a proper use of his
faculties only by using them, and he won’t use them unless
the wheels are first set in motion by some kind of necessity.
Virtue also can be acquired only by the performance of one’s
duties to others; but the importance of these sacred duties
will hardly be felt by someone who is cajoled out of his
humanity by the flattery of sycophants. There must be more
equality established in society, or morality will never gain
ground; and this virtuous equality will not rest firmly even
when founded on a rock, if one half of mankind are chained
to its bottom by fate, for they will be continually undermining
it through ignorance or pride. [That sentence is verbatim MW.]
You can’t expect virtue from women until they are to
some extent independent of men; indeed, you can’t expect
the strength of natural affection that would make them good
wives and good mothers. While they absolutely depend on
their husbands, they will be cunning, mean, and selfish,
and the men who can be gratified by the fawning fondness
of spaniel-like affection don’t have much delicacy—because
love is not to be bought. . . .; its silken wings are instantly
shrivelled up when anything is sought other than a return
in kind. But while wealth enervates men, and women live
(so to speak) by their personal charms, how can we expect
them to perform the ennobling duties that equally require
exertion and self-denial? Hereditary property perverts the
mind, and the unfortunate victims of hereditary property (if I
may call them ‘victims’), swathed from their birth, seldom get
either body or mind moving; so they view everything through
one medium, and that a false one; so they can’t tell what
true merit and happiness consist in. False, indeed, must be
the light when the drapery of situation hides the man, and
makes him stalk in masquerade, dragging from one scene
of dissipation to another the nerveless limbs that hang with
stupid listlessness, and rolling round the vacant eye that
plainly tells us that there is no mind at home.
[That splendid
sentence is verbatim MW.]
My point is that a society isn’t properly organized if it
men and women to perform their respective
duties, by making that their only route to being viewed by
their fellow creatures in the way that every human being
wants. So the respect that is paid to wealth and mere per-
sonal charms is a true north-easterly blast that blights the
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 9: Unnatural distinctions
tender blossoms of affection and virtue. Nature has wisely
affections to
duties, to make the work sweeter
and to give to the exertions of reason the vigour that only the
heart can give. But when someone who doesn’t perform the
duties that go with a certain affection nevertheless
puts on
the affection merely because it is the trade-mark of a certain
kind of
character, this is one of the empty compliments
that vice and folly are obliged to pay to virtue and the real
nature of things.
For example: when a woman is admired for her beauty,
and allows herself to be so intoxicated by the admiration she
receives that she neglects to discharge the indispensable duty
of a mother, she sins against herself by neglecting to develop
an affection that would
tend to make her useful and
happy. True happiness—I mean all the contentment and
virtuous satisfaction that can be snatched in this imperfect
state—must arise from well regulated affections; and an
affection includes a duty. Men aren’t aware of the misery
they cause, and the vicious weakness they encourage, by
only inciting women to make themselves pleasing; they
don’t consider that they are making natural and artificial
duties clash by sacrificing the comfort and respectability of a
woman’s life to voluptuous notions of beauty, when in nature
they all harmonize.
It would be a cold-hearted husband, or one made unnat-
ural by early debauchery, who didn’t feel more delight at
seeing his child breast-fed by its mother than the most artful
wanton tricks could ever raise; yet wealth leads women to
spurn this natural way of cementing the matrimonial tie and
weaving esteem in with fonder recollections. . . . The maternal
care of a reasonable affectionate woman puts us on her side;
and the chastened dignity with which a mother returns the
caresses that she and her child receive from a father who
has been fulfilling the serious duties of his position is not
only worthy of respect but is a beautiful sight. . . . I have
viewed with pleasure a woman nursing her children, and
performing the duties of her position with, perhaps, merely
a servant maid to take off her hands the servile part of the
household business. I have seen her prepare herself and
children, with only the luxury of cleanliness, to receive her
husband who, returning home weary in the evening, found
smiling babes and a clean hearth. . . .
While my benevolence has been gratified by contemplat-
ing this artless picture, I have thought that a couple of
this description. . . .possessed all that life could give. Raised
above abject poverty enough not to be obliged to think about
every farthing they spend, and having enough to save them
from having to manage a frigid system of economy that
narrows both heart and mind. In my plain thoughts I don’t
know what else is needed to make this the happiest as well
as the most respect-worthy situation in the world—except
a taste for literature, to throw a little variety and interest
into conversation, and
some surplus money to give to the
needy and to buy books. . . .
Riches and inherited honours are destructive to the
human character, and are even worse for women than for
men, because men can still to some extent unfold their
faculties by becoming soldiers and statesmen.
[MW goes on to say that soldiering has lost its glory
and been reduced to mere fine-tuning of the balances of
power on the European continent. Statesmen can do a little
better, moving from gambling to government, and using the
same skills for each. Then:] The whole system of British
politics—calling it a ‘system’ is mere politeness—consists in
multiplying dependents and contriving taxes that grind the
poor to pamper the rich; thus a war or any wild-goose-chase
is a bit of good luck for the minister, whose chief merit is the
art of keeping himself in place.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 9: Unnatural distinctions
[Then a scornful paragraph about how a minister can ply
his trade, pretending to care about the poor and unfortunate
but doing nothing for them. MW continues:] Let me return to
the more specious slavery that chains the very soul of woman,
keeping her for ever under the bondage of ignorance.
The preposterous distinctions of rank that make civi-
lization a curse by dividing the world between
tyrants and
cunning envious dependents corrupt every class
of people almost equally; because the respect a person gets
depends only on his rank, and not to his performance of
his duties to others; and when the duties are neglected the
affections can’t gain enough strength to fortify the virtue of
which they are the natural reward. There are some loop-holes
out of which a man may creep, and dare to think and act for
himself; but for a woman it is a Herculean task because the
female sex faces difficulties of its own that require almost
superhuman powers to overcome.
A truly benevolent legislator always tries to make it in
the interests of each individual to be virtuous; this makes
private virtue become the cement of public happiness, so that
an orderly whole is consolidated by the tendency of all the
parts towards a common centre. But the private or public
virtue of women is very problematic because many male
writers, including Rousseau, insist that a woman should
throughout her life be subjected to the severe restraint of
. Why subject her to propriety—blind propriety—if
she is capable of acting from a nobler spring, i.e. if she has
inherited immortality [see Glossary]?. . . .
[MW returns to her old theme of women being given the
wrong kind of attention by men etc. One item in this is new:
‘The laws respecting woman, which I mean to discuss in a
future part, make an absurd unit of a man and his wife;
and then by the easy transition of considering only him as
responsible she is reduced to a mere cipher, ·a nothing·.
[Then a great deal more of the old theme. In the course
of dealing with Rousseau’s statement that women’s lower
status is shown by the fact that they can’t fight in wars, MW
remarks in passing that ‘defensive war’ is ‘the only justifiable
war’. And she works her way around to a brief consideration
of the poor:] What can be a more melancholy sight to a
thinking mind than to look into the numerous carriages
that drive helter-skelter about London in a morning, full of
pale-faced creatures who are flying from themselves. I have
often wished, with Dr Johnson, to place some of them in
a little shop with half a dozen children looking up to their
languid countenances for support. If that happened, I think
that some latent vigour would soon give health and spirit to
their eyes; and some lines drawn by the use of reason on the
blank cheeks. . . .might restore lost dignity to the character,
or rather enable it to attain the true dignity of its nature.. . . .
Besides, when poverty is more disgraceful even than vice,
isn’t morality cut to the quick? Still to avoid misconstruction,
though I consider that women in the common walks of
life are called by religion and reason to fulfil the duties
of wives and mothers, I can’t help lamenting that women
higher up the social scale don’t have a road along which
they can pursue more extensive plans of usefulness and
independence. . . . I really think (don’t laugh!) that women
ought to have
representatives, instead of
being arbitrarily governed without being allowed any direct
share in the deliberations of government. This is just a hint;
I mean to pursue it at some future time.
But the whole system of ‘representation’ in this country is
at present only a convenient label for despotism; so women
needn’t complain, because they are as well represented as
a numerous class of hard-working mechanics who pay for
the support of royalty when they can scarcely put bread in
their children’s mouths. Men whose very sweat
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 9: Unnatural distinctions
the splendid horses of the heir apparent to the throne, or
varnishes the chariot of some female favourite
of the king’s
who looks down on shame—how are they
? Taxes
on the very necessities of life enable an endless tribe of idle
princes and princesses to pass with stupid pomp before a
gaping crowd, who almost worship the very parade that
costs them so dear. This is mere barbarous grandeur,
something like the useless parade of sentinels on horseback
at Whitehall, which I could never see without a mixture of
contempt and indignation.
How strangely must the mind be sophisticated when this
sort of state impresses it! But until these monuments of folly
are levelled by virtue, similar follies will leaven the whole
mass. For the same character, in some degree, will prevail
in the aggregate of society: and the refinements of luxury, or
the vicious repinings of envious poverty, will equally banish
virtue from society, considered as the characteristic of that
society, or only allow it to appear as one of the stripes of the
harlequin coat worn by the ‘civilized’ man.
In the upper ranks of society every duty is performed
by deputies (as though duties could be transferred!), and
the pointless pleasures that the resulting idleness forces
the rich to pursue appear so enticing to the next rank that
the numerous scramblers for wealth sacrifice everything to
tread on
their heels. . . . Women, in particular, all want to be
ladies. Which is simply to have nothing to do except listlessly
to go they hardly care where, for they cannot tell what.
‘But what have women to do in society’ I may be asked
‘but to loiter with easy grace? Surely you wouldn’t condemn
them all to breast-feed fools and keep household accounts!’
No. Women might certainly study the art of healing, and be
well paid
physicians as well as
very poorly paid
And there is also midwifery.
They might also study politics, and settle their benev-
olence on the broadest basis; for the reading of history
will hardly be more useful than the reading of romances
if the history is read as mere biography and the character
of the times, the political improvements, arts, etc. are not
observed. The profitable approach to history regards it as
the history of
, and not of
particular men
who filled a
niche in the temple of fame and then dropped into the black
rolling stream of time that silently sweeps all before it. . . .
Women might also pursue business of various kinds if
they were educated in a more orderly manner, and that might
save many from common or legal prostitution
[i.e. from actual
prostitution or marrying in order to have economic security]. . . .
[MW remarks that an unmarried woman may have had
honourable reasons for choosing not to marry, and others
may have been unable to marry. She continues:] So it’s
a very defective government—one that entirely neglects the
happiness of one half of its public—that doesn’t provide
for honest, independent women by encouraging them to
occupy respectable positions in society. But to make their
private virtue a public benefit, they must—whether married
or single—have a civil existence in the state. . . .
The most respect-worthy women are the most oppressed;
this is a melancholy truth about the blessed effects of
civilization! Treating them like contemptible beings will make
them become contemptible, unless they have understandings
much above the average for humanity (both sexes). Many
women waste life away, the prey of discontent, when they
might have practised as physicians, run a farm, or managed
a shop, and stood upright supported by their own industry,
instead of hanging their heads. . . .
The woman who earns her own bread by fulfilling some
duty deserves much more respect than the most accom-
plished beauty!. . . . I sigh to think how few women try to
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 10: Parental Affection
attain this respect-worthiness by withdrawing from the giddy
whirl of pleasure, or the lazy calm that stupefies the good
sort of women it sucks in.
Proud of their weakness, however, they must always be
protected (
they think
), guarded from care and all the rough
toils that dignify the mind. If this is what fate ordains—if they
choose to make themselves insignificant and contemptible,
sweetly wasting life away, let them not expect to be valued
when their beauty fades, for the fairest flowers are pulled to
pieces by the careless hand that plucked them. . . .
The most useful writers, in my opinion, are the ones who
make man feel for man, independent of his social position
and of the drapery of false sentiments. So I would like to
convince reasonable men of the importance of some of my
remarks, and prevail on them to weigh dispassionately the
over-all position that I have been defending. I appeal to
their understandings; and as a fellow-creature I claim, in
the name of my sex, some interest in their hearts. I entreat
them to assist to emancipate their companion to make her a
helpmate for them!
If only men would generously break our chains and be
content with rational fellowship instead of slavish obedience,
they would find us more observant daughters, more affection-
ate sisters, more faithful wives, more reasonable mothers—in
a word, better citizens. We would then love them with true
affection, because we would learn to respect ourselves; and
a worthy man’s peace of mind wouldn’t be interrupted by
the idle vanity of his wife, and his babes wouldn’t be sent to
nestle in a strange bosom because they never found a home
in their mother’s.
Chapter 10:
Parental Affection
Parental affection is perhaps, the blindest kind of perverse
self-love. Parents often love their children in the most brutal
[see Glossary]
manner, and sacrifice every duty to anyone else
in order to promote their children’s advancement in the
world. The aim to promote the future welfare of the very
beings whose present existence they embitter by the most
despotic stretch of power—that’s a sign of how perverse an
unprincipled prejudice can be.
In fact, every kind of power. . . .wants to reign without
control or inquiry. Its throne is built across a dark abyss that
no eye must dare to explore, for fear that the baseless fabric
might totter under investigation. Obedience, unconditional
obedience, is the catch-word of tyrants of every description,
and to make ‘assurance doubly sure,’ one kind of despotism
supports another. Tyrants would have cause to tremble if
reason were to become the rule of duty in any of the relations
of life, for the light might spread until perfect day appeared.
And when it did appear, men would smile at the sight of
the bugbears that had made them jump during the night of
ignorance or the twilight of timid inquiry. . . .
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 10: Parental Affection
If man’s great privilege is
the power of reflecting on the past, and
peering speculatively into the future,
it must be granted that some people enjoy this privilege in a
very limited degree. Everything new appears to them wrong;
and not able to distinguish what could happen from what
couldn’t, they fear where there should be no place for fear,
running from the light of reason as if it were a firebrand. . . .
Woman, however, being in every situation a slave to
prejudice, seldom exerts enlightened maternal affection; for
she either
neglects her children or
spoils them by undue
permissiveness. Also, the affection of many women for their
children is (I repeat) very brutish, because it eradicates every
spark of humanity. Justice, truth,
is sacrificed
by these Rebekahs, and for the sake of their own children
they violate the most sacred duties, forgetting the common
relationship that binds the whole family on earth together.
[MW is echoing the story in Genesis 27, where Rebekah schemes with
her favourite son Jacob to cheat his brother Esau.]
Yet reason seems
to say that someone who allows
one duty or affection to
swallow up the rest doesn’t have enough heart or mind to
that one conscientiously. . . .
As the care of children in their infancy is one of the grand
duties that naturally fall to the female character, this duty—if
it were properly considered—would provide many forcible
arguments for strengthening the female understanding.
The formation of the mind must be begun very early, and
the temperament (in particular) requires the most judicious
attention; and that attention
be paid by women who
love their children only because they are their children,
and don’t try to base their duty on anything deeper than
the feelings of the moment. It is this lack of reason in
their affections that makes so many women be the most
foolishly attentive mothers or—at the other extreme—the
most careless and unnatural ones.
To be a good mother a woman must have
sense and also
the independence of mind that is possessed by few women
who are taught to depend entirely on their husbands. Meek
wives are usually foolish mothers, wanting their children to
love them best, and to side with them in a secret conspiracy
against the father, who is held up as a scarecrow—the one
who must punish them if they have offended the mother,
the one who must be the judge in all disputes: but I’ll
discuss this subject more fully when I deal with private
education. At present I want only to insist that unless
woman’s understanding is enlarged and her character made
more firm through her being allowed to govern her own
conduct, she will never have enough sense or command of
temperament to manage her children properly. A woman
who doesn’t breast-feed her children hardly counts as
parental affection, because the performance of this duty
contributes equally to maternal and filial affection; and it is
the indispensable duty of men and women to fulfil the duties
that give rise to affections that are the surest preservatives
against vice. So-called
natural affection
is a very weak tie, I
think; affections
that strongly bond people together
grow out of the habitual exercise of a mutual sympathy; and
a mother who sends her babe to a nurse, and only takes it
from a nurse to send it to a school—what sympathy does
In the exercise of their natural feelings, God has provided
women with a natural substitute for love: when the lover
becomes only a friend, and mutual confidence replaces over-
strained admiration, a child then gently twists the relaxing
thereby tightening it up again
, and a shared care
produces a new mutual sympathy. But a child. . . .won’t
enliven the parents’ affections if they are content to transfer
the charge to hirelings; those who ‘do their duty’ by having
someone do it for them shouldn’t complain if they miss the
reward of duty, namely the child’s dutifulness towards them.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 11: Duty to Parents
Chapter 11:
Duty to Parents
Man seems to have a lazy tendency to make prescription
always take the place of reason. . . . The rights of
kings are deduced in a direct line from the King of kings;
and that of parents from our first parent.
Why do we thus go back for principles that should always
rest on the same base and have the same weight to-day
that they had a thousand years ago—and not a jot more? If
parents do their duty, they have a strong hold and sacred
claim on the gratitude of their children; but few parents are
willing to receive the respectful affection of their offspring
on those terms. They demand
obedience, because
they don’t deserve a reasonable service
that their children
might willingly provide with their eyes open
; and to make
these demands of weakness and ignorance more binding,
a mysterious
is spread around the most arbitrary
principle. ‘Arbitrary’? Well, what other name can be given
to the blind duty of obeying vicious or weak beings merely
because they obeyed a powerful instinct?
[MW is referring to the
parents’ sexual ‘instinct’: their ‘obedience’ to that led to the coupling that
caused the children to come into existence.]
The simple definition
of the two-way duty that naturally holds between parent and
child can be stated in a few words:
The parent who pays proper attention to helpless
infancy has a right to require the same attention when
the feebleness of age comes upon him.
But to subjugate a rational being to the mere will of another
when he is old enough to answer to society for his own
conduct is cruel and improper; and it may be as harmful to
morality as are the religious systems that make God’s will
the sole source of the line between right and wrong.
I never knew a parent who had paid more than common
attention to his children who was then disregarded by the
children; on the contrary, the early habit of relying almost
unquestioningly on the opinion of a respected parent is not
easy to shake off, even when mature reason convinces the
child that his father is not the wisest man in the world.
This is an attractive weakness, but it
a weakness, and a
reasonable man should steel himself against it, because the
all-too-common belief that one is obliged to obey a parent just
because he is one’s parent shackles the mind and prepares
it for a slavish submission to any power but reason.
I distinguish the natural duty to parents from the acci-
dental duty to parents.
The parent who carefully tries to form the heart and
enlarge the understanding of his child has given to the per-
formance of a duty that is common to the whole animal world
a dignity that only reason can give. This is the
parental af-
fection of humanity, and leaves
instinctive natural affection
far behind. Such a parent acquires all the rights of the most
sacred friendship, and his advice—even when his child is
fully adult—demands serious consideration.
With respect to marriage: after 21 years a parent seems
to have no right to withhold his consent for any reason, but
twenty years of parental care deserve something in return,
and the son ought at least to promise not to marry for two or
three years if the woman of his choice doesn’t entirely meet
with the approval of his first friend.
But respect for parents is generally speaking a much
lower cause of action, namely a selfish respect for property.
The father who is blindly obeyed is obeyed from sheer weak-
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 11: Duty to Parents
ness or from motives that degrade the human character.
Much of the misery that wanders in hideous forms around
the world is allowed to rise from the negligence of parents;
and yet these are the people who cling most tightly to what
they call a ‘natural right’, though it undermines man’s
birthright, the right to act as his own reason directs.
I have already often pointed out that vicious or idle people
are always eager to profit from the enforcement of arbitrary
privileges, usually in proportion to their neglect of the duties
that might make the privileges reasonable. This is basically
a dictate of common sense—i.e. the instinct of self-defence—
that is typical of ignorant weakness, resembling the instinct
that makes a fish muddy the water it swims in to escape its
enemy, instead of boldly facing it in the clear stream.
The supporters of any kind of prescription do indeed fly
from the clear stream of argument. Taking refuge in the dark-
ness that. . . .has been supposed to surround God’s throne,
they dare to demand the immediate and total respect that is
due only to his unsearchable ways. (Don’t misunderstand
me: the darkness that hides our God from us only concerns
speculative truths—it never obscures moral ones, which
shine clearly. . . .)
Females in all countries are too much under the dominion
of their parents; and few parents think of addressing their
children like this:
It is your interest to obey me until you can judge
for yourself; and
, the Almighty Father of all,
has implanted in me an affection to serve as your
guardian while your reason is unfolding; but when
your mind arrives at maturity, you must obey me—or
rather respect my opinions—only to the extent that
they coincide with the light that is breaking in on your
own mind.
A slavish bondage to parents cramps every faculty of the
mind. Locke was right when he said that ‘if the mind is
curbed and humbled too much in children—if their spirits
are abased and broken by too strict a hand over them—they
lose all their vigour and industry’. This strict hand may to
some extent explain the weakness of women; because girls
are for various reasons more kept
by their parents,
in every sense of the word ‘down’, than boys are. The duty
expected from them is, like all the duties arbitrarily imposed
on women, based less on reason than on a sense of propriety,
on respect for decorum; and by being taught slavishly to
submit to their parents girls are prepared for the slavery of
marriage. [MW concedes that some married women are not
slaves, but they, she says, become tyrants. She also says
that not all boys and girls are slaves to their parents, but
continues her campaign on behalf of those who are. She
emphatically contrasts parents who ‘have allowed a natural
parental affection to take root in their hearts’ with those who
are motivated by ‘selfish pride’. The former, she says, will be
rewarded by ‘filial reverence’.]
Why should the minds of children be warped when they
are just beginning to expand, only to favour the laziness of
parents who insist on a privilege without being willing to pay
the price for it fixed by nature?. . . . A right always includes
a duty; and I think we can fairly infer from this that those
who don’t perform the duty don’t retain the right.
. . . .I believe that in general the affection we inspire
always resembles the affection that we cultivate
in ourselves
; so that natural affections—which have been
supposed to be almost distinct from reason—are more nearly
connected with judgment than is commonly allowed. Indeed,
the affections that merely reside in the heart
with no input
from the head
seem to have a kind of animal capriciousness;
I offer that as another proof of the necessity of cultivating
the female understanding.
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 12: National education
It is the irregular exercise of parental authority that
first injures the mind, and girls are more subject to these
irregularities than boys are. The will of those who never
allow their will to be disputed except when they happen to
be in a good mood is almost always unreasonable. [MW
describes and deplores the tricks that little girls practice in
order to cope with this kind of parental authority. Then:]
I have been led into a melancholy train of reflection about
females, concluding that when their first affection must
them astray or
make their duties clash until they rest on
mere whims and customs, little can be expected from them
as they grow older. How indeed can an instructor remedy
this evil? for to teach children virtue on any solid principle
is to teach them to despise their parents. Children ought
not to be taught to make allowance for their parents’ faults,
because every such allowance weakens the force of reason
in their minds, and makes them still more indulgent to their
own faults. It is a sublime virtue of maturity that leads
us to be hard on ourselves and forbearing towards others;
but children should be taught only the simple virtues, for if
they begin too early to make allowance for human passions
and manners, they’ll wear off the fine edge of the criterion by
which they should regulate their own. . . .
[A few years before this
was written, Mary Wollstonecraft had been governess to the children of
Lord and Lady Kingsborough. Many facts could help to explain why her
relationship with Lady Kingsborough went sour, so that eventually she
was dismissed; the content of this paragraph may be part of the story!
There is another side-light on it on page 98.]
The affections of children and weak people are always
selfish: they love their relatives because they are loved by
them, not because of their virtues. But until esteem and
love are blended together in the
first affection, and reason
is made the basis for the
first duty, morality will stumble at
the threshold. . . .
Chapter 12:
National education
The good effects of private education will always be very
limited; the parent who really puts his own hand to the
plough will always be somewhat disappointed until education
becomes a grand national concern. A man can’t retire into
a desert with his child; and if he did, he couldn’t bring
himself back to childhood and become the proper friend and
playmate of an infant or youth. When children are confined
to the society of men and women, they soon acquire a kind of
premature manhood that stops the growth of every vigorous
power of mind or body. In order to develop their faculties
they should be stimulated to think for themselves; and this
can be done only by mixing a number of children together
and making them jointly pursue the same objects.
[MW continues with this theme.
If children are to be
openly inquiring they need time with their peers rather than
with parents who stand—however wisely—in authority over
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 12: National education
There are affections amongst children that are unlike
the affection a child may have for his parents, and a child
needs practice in the former, because ‘in youth the seeds
of every affection should be sown’.
A frank openness of
speech and feeling is possible between child and child but
not between child and parent; and this matters because
it ‘first opens the heart to friendship and confidence’ and
leads on to ‘more expansive benevolence’.
A little further
down she levels a further charge against home-schooling:
it leads to the children’s acquiring ‘too high an opinion of
their own importance’, to their ‘being allowed to tyrannize
over servants’, and to their becoming ‘vain and effeminate’
because they are treated like men when they are still boys’.
[Considerations like these, MW says, have affected her
former preference for private education; and yet she still has
that preference, because:] I still think that schools as they
are now regulated are hot-beds of vice and folly, and that the
only knowledge of human nature that could be learned from
them is merely cunning selfishness.
[She now holds forth strenuously against the schools:
at them ‘boys become gluttons and slovens’, and rush into
the libertinism that ‘hardens the heart as it weakens the
understanding’. Children at boarding-schools spend at least
‘half of the time’ longing for vacations, and when these come
‘they are spent in total dissipation and beastly indulgence’.
A little further on she refers to ‘the system of tyranny and
abject slavery that is established among the boys’.]
The only way to avoid two extremes that are equally harm-
ful to morality would be to contrive some way of combining
a public and private education. Thus to make men citizens,
two natural steps might be taken that seem to lead directly
to the desired point: cultivating the domestic affections that
first open the heart to the various modifications of humanity,
while also allowing the children to spend great part of their
time on terms of equality with other children. [MW follows
this up with a lyrical reminiscence of ‘a country day school’,
whose pupils had the desirable daily mixture of childhood
friends and family influence. She contrasts this fiercely with
the evils of ‘close confinement in an academy near London’,
ending with ‘. . . to say nothing of the slavery to forms that
makes religion worse than a farce’. This launches her on
an attack first on religious services in schools and then
cutting with a wider swathe through religious practices more
What good can be expected from the youth who receives
the sacrament of the Lord’s supper so as to avoid paying
a fine? Half the employment of the youths is to elude the
necessity of attending public worship; and well they may, for
such a constant repetition of the same thing must be a very
irksome restraint on their natural vivacity. These ceremonies
have the most fatal effect on their morals,
are a ritual performed by the lips when the heart and
mind are far away, and
are no longer stored up by our
as a bank to draw on for the fees of the poor souls in
so why shouldn’t they be abolished?
[This next paragraph is addressed to the situation of any school or college
which was founded by someone who provided a financial endowment and
laid down rules for how the institution was to be run. There were and
still are many of these.]
But in this country there is a fear of
innovation. This
hidden fear is really the apprehensive timidity of idle slugs
who guard the snug place that they view as an hereditary
estate—eating, drinking and enjoying themselves instead of
fulfilling the duties (except a few empty forms) for which the
‘estate’ was endowed. How do they guard it? By sliming
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 12: National education
it over! These are the people who most strenuously insist
on conforming to the will of the founder, crying out against
every reform as if it were a violation of justice. [MW is
especially indignant, she explains, about institutions that
are now Protestant but were founded by Roman Catholics
and still hold onto ‘the relics of popery’ that remain from
their foundation. She continues:] These Romish customs
have the most baneful effect on the morals of our clergy;
for the idle vermin who two or three times a day sloppily
perform a service that they think is useless, but call their
‘duty’, soon lose their sense of duty. Having been forced at
college to attend or evade public worship, they acquire an
habitual contempt for the very service the performance of
which will enable them to live in idleness. . . .
Nothing can be more irreverent than the cathedral service
as it is now performed in this country, and England doesn’t
contain a set of weaker men than those who are the slaves
of this childish routine. A disgusting skeleton of the former
state is still exhibited; but all the solemnity—which engaged
the imagination even if it didn’t purify the heart—is stripped
off. The performance of
Roman Catholic
high mass on
continent must impress anyone who has
a spark of imagination with that solemn melancholy, that
sublime tenderness, which is so near a kin to devotion. I
don’t say that these devotional feelings do more moral good
than any other emotion of taste; but I do say that the
Roman Catholic
theatrical pomp that gratifies our senses
is preferable to the
English Protestant
cold parade that
insults the understanding without reaching the heart.
These remarks can’t be misplaced in a discussion of
national education, especially given that the supporters of
these puerile establishments pretend to be the champions of
religion. Religion, pure source of comfort in this vale of tears!
how has your clear stream been muddied by the dabblers
who have presumptuously tried to confine in one narrow
channel the living waters that always flow toward God—the
sublime ocean of existence! What would life be without the
peace that can’t be had except through the love of God, built
on humanity?. . . .
[There are several more paragraphs expressing scorn and
disgust for boarding schools and what they do to the morals
of their pupils. Then:]
I have heard several masters of schools maintain that
their role was connected not with boys’ morals but only with
their learning Latin and Greek; and that they had done their
duty by sending some good scholars to college.
A few good scholars, I grant, may have been formed in
this way; but to bring forward these clever boys, the health
and morals of a number of others have been sacrificed. . . . It
is not for the benefit of society that a few brilliant men should
be brought forward at the expense of the multitude. It is
true that great men seem to start up. . . .at proper intervals,
to restore order and blow away the clouds that thicken over
the face of truth; but if more reason and virtue prevailed
in society, these strong winds wouldn’t be necessary. [MW
now returns to the main theme of this chapter, taking it to
the declaration that ‘children ought to be educated at home’.
She adds some warnings about the danger of this, and then:]
This train of reasoning brings me back to a subject that I
want to discuss at length, the need for proper day-schools.
But these should be
establishments; schoolmas-
ters in private schools depend on the whims of parents,
and as long as that is so they can’t be expected to exert
themselves any more than is necessary to please ignorant
people. A schoolmaster has to give the parents some sample
of the boy’s abilities, which during the vacation is shown
to every visitor to his home; and this does more harm than
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 12: National education
would at first be supposed. For these purposes the master
winds the poor machine up to some extraordinary exertion
that injures the wheels and stops the progress of gradual
improvement, or alternatively the master does much of the
work himself, thus going along with falsehoods. . . .
[MW goes on with her indictment of most private schools;
e.g. they have too many children in each class, because that
is the only way the school can stay solvent. This eventually
brings her to the first mention of girls in this chapter:]
With what disgust have I heard sensible women. . . .speak
of the wearisome confinement they endured at school. . . .
Obliged to walk with steady deportment stupidly backwards
and forwards, holding up their heads, turning out their toes,
with shoulders braced back, instead of moving vigorously
and naturally in the ways that are so conducive to health. . . .
[She adds a little about the harm that separate schooling
does to the characters of girls and (a different harm) the
characters of boys, and draws from these facts a conclusion]
that I have had in view throughout—namely that
to improve
both sexes they ought to be educated together
, not only
in private families but also in public schools. . . . If boys and
girls were permitted to pursue the same studies together,
they might early learn the graceful decencies that produce
modesty. . . . Lessons of politeness and decorum (that rule-
book that treads on the heels of falsehood!) would be made
useless by habitual propriety of behaviour. . . .
[In case you are wondering about the frequency of ellipses in this chapter,
it should be explained that they replace material that
essentially repeats
things already said earlier in the work, or
provides details that we can
supply for ourselves, given our knowledge of MW, or
is like this: ‘Until
more understanding preponderate in society, there will always be a want
of heart and taste, and the harlot’s rouge will supply the place of that
celestial suffusion that only virtuous affections can give to the face.’
Enough already!]
[Much more about the harm done to girls by their
upbringing—notably harm to their grasp of what real virtue
is and their ability to respond appropriately to the fine arts;
MW thinks that these two are connected. As an example
of the latter, she reports being made almost breathless by
the beauty of music she was listening to, and ‘a lady asked
me where I bought my gown’. She then moves back into
her theme of women being deprived of power and therefore
developing cunning; plus remarks about the harms that
have been done by women partly manipulating the men who
had power.]
When I call women ‘slaves’, I mean this in a political and
civil sense; for
they obtain
too much
power, and
their efforts to get this illicit power debase them.
So let an enlightened nation run an experiment to dis-
cover how far
would bring women back to nature and
their duty; let them share the advantages of education and
government with man, and see whether they become
as they grow
wiser and become
free. They can’t be injured
by the experiment, because it’s not in the power of man to
make them more insignificant than they are at present.
To make this practicable, day schools for particular ages
should be established by government, in which boys and
girls might be educated together. The school for the younger
children, from five to nine years of age, ought to be absolutely
free and open to all classes.
A sufficient number of masters
should be chosen by a select committee in each parish, to
whom complaints of negligence etc. could be made if signed
by six of the children’s parents. . . .
Treating this part of the subject, I have borrowed some hints from a very sensible pamphlet on Public Education, written by M. Talleyrand. [see
page 1]
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 12: National education
I am advocating the creation of elementary day-schools
where boys and girls, rich and poor, would meet together.
To prevent any of the distinctions of vanity, they should be
dressed alike, and all obliged to submit to the same discipline.
The school-room ought to be surrounded by a large piece of
ground in which the children could have exercise, because
at this age they shouldn’t be confined to any sedentary task
for more than an hour at a time. But these relaxations could
all be made a part of elementary education, for many things
improve and occupy the senses when introduced as a kind
of show—things that children would turn a deaf ear to if
their principles were dryly laid down. For instance, botany,
mechanics, and astronomy
could all be taught in practical
ways, out-of-doors
. Reading, writing, arithmetic, natural
history, and some simple experiments in natural philosophy
could fill up the rest of the day; but these pursuits should
never encroach on gymnastic play in the open air. The
elements of religion, history, the history of man, and politics
could be taught by conversations in the Socratic form.
After the age of nine, girls and boys who are intended
for domestic employment or mechanical trades should be
transferred to other schools and be given instruction that is
to some degree adapted to the destination of each individual
pupil; the two sexes should still be together in the morning,
but in the afternoon the girls should attend a school where
simple sewing, dressmaking, millinery, etc. would be their
Young people of superior abilities, or fortune, might now
be taught—in another school—the dead and living languages,
the elements of science, and more on history and politics,
on a more extensive scale that wouldn’t exclude literature.
‘Girls and boys still together?’ I hear some readers ask. Yes!
And I wouldn’t fear any consequence except that there might
be some early girl-boy attachment that didn’t perfectly agree
with the views of the parents though it had an excellent effect
on the moral character of the young people. I’m afraid that
we are a long way from having a world that is so enlightened
that parents, anxious only to make their children virtuous,
will let them choose companions for life themselves.
Besides, this would be a sure way to promote early mar-
riages, and from early marriages the most salutary physical
and moral effects naturally flow. [Then a long page of praise
for the advantages, very much in the spirit of things said in
earlier chapters. A notable episode in this is MW’s treatment
of the ‘coming out’ of debutantes in the fashionable world.
[That was where and when girls of 17+ from wealthy families were for
the first time taken to adult balls and parties and so on.]
MW writes:
‘What can be more indelicate than a girl’s coming out in
the fashionable world? That is the process of bringing to
market a marriageable miss whose person
[see Glossary]
taken from one public place to another.’
[ She comes close to
describing a debutante ball as a slave auction where the merchandise is
ogled by potential buyers. ‘Indelicate’ indeed!]]
What I am offering here is only an outline of the plan
I have in mind, not the fully detailed plan. But I must
include one detail that I highly approve of in the regulations
presented in M. Talleyrand’s pamphlet, mentioned earlier. It
is the proposal to make the children and youths independent
of the masters respecting punishments. They should be tried
by their peers, which would be an admirable method of fixing
sound principles of justice in the mind, and might have an
excellent effect on a child’s temperament, which is very early
soured or irritated by tyranny until it becomes peevishly
cunning or ferociously overbearing. . . .
I know it will be said that woman would be ‘unsexed’ by
acquiring strength of body and mind, and that beauty—soft
bewitching beauty!—would no longer adorn the daughters
of men. I think, on the contrary, that we would then see
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 12: National education
dignified beauty and
true grace, arising from many power-
ful physical and moral causes. It wouldn’t be
relaxed beauty
the graces of helplessness; but rather the beauty and
grace that appears to make us respect the human body as a
majestic structure that is fit to receive a noble inhabitant, in
the relics of antiquity.
[MW moves now into a discussion of ancient Greek sculp-
ture, why and how we admire it and why and how it was
made. She takes this opportunity to re-work her themes
of virtue, intelligence, and so on. The last sentence of this
passage is a pivot note on which she modulates into a new
topic:] Judgment can be acquired only by reflection, affection
only by the discharge of duties, and humanity only by the
exercise of compassion to every living creature.
Humanity to animals should be particularly taught as
a part of national education, for it is not at present one
of our national virtues. Gentleness towards their domestic
animals, among the lower class, is more often found in
savage states than in civilized ones. For civilization
the dealings with animals that create affection in the crude
hut or mud cabin, and
leads uncultivated minds—who are
only depraved by the refinements of a society where they are
trodden down by the rich—to domineer over their animals
to revenge the insults they have to bear from their
This habitual cruelty is first caught—
like catching a
—at school, where the boys have great sport torment-
ing the miserable animals that they come across. As they
grow up they easily shift from barbarity towards animals to
domestic tyranny over wives, children, and servants. Justice
won’t be a powerful spring of action unless it extends to
the whole creation, nor will benevolence. Indeed, I believe it
can be accepted as an axiom that
those who can
see pain
without being moved will soon learn to
inflict it.
[MW attacks not only people who treat animals cruelly
but also ones who let sentimental affection for domestic pets
supplant the feelings they should have for human beings, e.g.
their children. She includes in this a portrait of her former
employer, Lady Kingsborough
[see note on page 93]
, lisping coy
nothings to her lap-dogs and neglecting her children. She
I don’t like to make a distinction without a difference, and
I have to say that I have been as much disgusted by
the fine
lady who took her lap-dog to her bosom instead of her child
as by
the ferocity of a man who beat his horse and declared
that the horse knew when he did wrong just as a Christian
[Then more about the troubles that would not occur if
boys and girls were educated, in the right way, together.
Followed by a three-page sweep through the theme of the
moral harm done to women by the way they are treated by
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
Chapter 13:
Examples of the harm done by women’s ignorance
There are many follies that are to some extent
follies—sins against reason, of commission as well as of
omission—but all flowing from ignorance or prejudice. I
shall point out only five of them that appear to be harmful
to the woman’s moral character. In criticizing them I want
especially to show that the weakness of mind and body that
men have tried to perpetuate in
women prevents
from discharging the special duty of their sex; for when
weakness of body won’t let them breast-feed their children,
and weakness of mind makes them spoil their tempers—is
woman in a natural state?
1: Charlatans
One glaring instance of the weakness that comes from
ignorance calls for severe reproof.
In this city a number of lurking leeches wickedly make
their living by exploiting women’s credulity, claiming to ‘cast
nativities’, to use the technical phrase
[= ‘to draw up horoscopes,
making predictions on the basis of astrology’]
; and many females
who are proud of their rank and fortune, and look down
on the vulgar
[see Glossary]
with sovereign contempt, show by
their credulity that the distinction
between themselves and
the vulgar
is arbitrary, and that they have not sufficiently
cultivated their minds to rise above vulgar prejudices. Be-
cause women haven’t been led
to regard the knowledge of
their duty as the one thing necessary to know, or
to live in
the present moment by doing their duty, they are anxious
to peep into the future, to learn what they have to expect to
make life interesting, and to break the vacuum of ignorance.
If any of these ladies who are not ashamed to drive in their
own carriages to the door of the cunning man should read
this work, I beg them to answer the following questions,
remembering that they are in the presence of God.
Do you believe that there is only one God, and that he
is powerful, wise, and good?
Do you believe that all things were created by him,
and that all beings depend on him?
Do you rely on his wisdom (which is so conspicuous
in his works, including your own body)? and are you
convinced, that he has ordered all the things that
don’t come within the range of your senses in the
same perfect harmony to fulfil his designs?
Do you acknowledge that the power of looking into
the future, and seeing things that are
as if they
, is an attribute of the Creator? And if he
ever want to impart to his creatures a knowledge of
some event that hasn’t yet happened, to whom would
he reveal the secret by immediate inspiration?
The opinion of the ages will answer that last question: he
will reveal it to reverend old men, to people distinguished for
eminent piety.
[MW says that the priests of the ancient Greek and Roman
religions were ‘impostors’ who were used by politicians to
keep the populace quiet and malleable, and in that context
there was some excuse for people who tried to learn about
the future from oracles.] But can a Christian suppose that
God’s favourites—the ones he chose
to reveal some of his
future plans
—would lurk in disguise, and practise the most
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
dishonest tricks to cheat silly women out of the money that
the poor cry for in vain?
[She rails against the ‘foolish women’ who resort to as-
trologers, saying that this conduct is inconsistent with ‘your
religion, such as it is’, adding that these women are so foolish
that they probably wouldn’t understand her if she tried to
show that astrology is ‘absolutely inconsistent with the grand
purpose of life’. She then tries a different tack, from which
she moves on to a different kind of charlatan:]
Perhaps, however, you devoutly believe in the devil, and
imagine that he may assist those who are devoted to him?
But if you really respect the power of such a being, who is an
enemy to goodness and to God, can you go to church after
having been under such an obligation to him?
There is a natural transition from these delusions to the
still more fashionable deceptions practised by the whole tribe
of magnetisers.
[These people used so-called ‘animal magnetism’—i.e.
hypnotism—as a supposed means to curing various ills. The process was
also called ‘mesmerism’, after the Austrian Dr Mesmer, who popularised
With respect to them, also, it is proper to ask women a
few questions.
Do you know anything about the construction of the
human body? If not, you should be told something that
every child ought to know, namely that when the body’s
admirable system has been disturbed by intemperance or
inactivity—I’m talking not about violent disorders, but about
chronic diseases—it must be returned to a healthy state by
slow degrees. If the functions of life haven’t been materially
so that recovery is impossible
, the only ways that
have yet been discovered for recovering that inestimable
blessing, health—or anyway the only ones that will bear
investigation—are through a
of temperance, air,
exercise, and a few medicines prescribed by persons who
have studied the human body.
Do you believe that these magnetisers, who by hocus-
pocus tricks pretend to work a miracle, are
by God, or
assisted by the solver of all these kinds of
difficulties—the devil?
When the magnetisers put to flight (so they claim) dis-
orders that have baffled the powers of medicine, are they
working in conformity to the light of reason? Or do they
bring about these wonderful cures by supernatural aid?
A magnetiser may answer ‘We do it by communicating
with the world of spirits’. A noble privilege, we must ad-
mit!. . . . These men are very fortunate in becoming ac-
quainted with such obliging spirits; but we can’t give the
spirits much credit for wisdom or goodness in choosing
these ignoble instruments as means to show themselves the
benevolent friends of man.
It is, however, little short of blasphemy to claim to have
such power.
From the over-all way that God runs the world, it seems
evident to sober reason that certain vices produce certain
effects. Can anyone so grossly insult God’s wisdom as to
suppose that a
miracle will be allowed to
disturb his general laws, restoring intemperate and vicious
people to health merely to enable them to go back to their
old ways with impunity? ‘Be whole, and sin no more’, said
[John 5:14]
. Are greater miracles to be performed by
those who do not follow in the footsteps of him who healed
the body in order to reach the mind?
The mention of the name of Christ after such vile impos-
tors may displease you—I respect your warmth, but don’t
forget that the followers of these
bear his name, and profess to be the disciples of him who
said ‘By their fruits ye shall know them’
[Matthew 7:16]
, i.e.
know who are the children of God and who are the servants
of sin. It’s certainly easier to
touch the body of a saint or
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
be magnetised than it is to
to restrain our appetites
or govern our passions; but health of body or mind can
only be recovered by those restraints. If there is another
through ‘magnetising’
—then the Supreme Judge is
partial and revengeful.
[‘partial’ in the sense of showing favoritism;
‘revengeful’—MW’s premature choice of that word is explained in the next
two paragraphs.]
Is God a
, that he should change, or punish out of
resentment? Reason tells us that God—our common father
wounds only in order to heal; our irregularities produce
certain consequences, and that forcibly shows us the nature
of vice. In that way we learn from experience to know good
from evil, so that we will love one and hate the other in
proportion to our degree of wisdom. The poison contains
the antidote; and we either
reform our evil habits and stop
sinning against our own bodies, to use the forcible language
of scripture
[1 Corinthians 6:18]
, or a premature death—the
punishment of sin—snaps the thread of life.
This raises a question that is frightening to discuss, but
why should I conceal my views? Considering God’s attributes,
I believe that whatever punishment may follow will tend, like
the anguish of disease, to show the malignity of vice, the
purpose of all this being
. Positive punishment—
i.e. punishment whose rationale lies wholly within itself
rather than in its relation to its consequences
to be contrary to the nature of God that we can discover
from his works and in our own reason;
contrary that
I would find it easier to believe that
the Deity paid no
attention to men’s conduct than that
he punished without
the benevolent design of reforming. . . .
I know that many devout people boast of submitting
blindly to God’s will, as to an arbitrary sceptre or rod. . . .
In other words, like people in the common concerns of life
they do homage to power, and cringe under the foot that
can crush them. Rational religion, on the other hand, is a
submission to the will of a being who is so perfectly wise that
all he wills must be directed by the proper motive—must be
And if we respect God in this way, can we believe the
mysterious insinuations that insult his laws? Can we
believe—even if it stares us in the face—that God would
work a miracle to authorise confusion by sanctioning an
error? Yet we must either allow these impious conclusions,
or treat with contempt every promise to
restore health to
a diseased body by supernatural means, or to
foretell the
incidents that only God can foresee.
2: Novel-reading
Another instance of feminine weakness of character that is
often produced by a confined education is a romantic twist
of the mind that has been very properly called ‘sentimental’.
Women, subjected by ignorance to their sensations, and
taught to look for happiness only in love, refine on sensual
feelings and adopt metaphysical notions about love that lead
them to neglect shamefully the duties of life, and frequently
in the midst of these lofty refinements they plunge into actual
These are the women who pass their time with the day-
dreams of the stupid novelists who, knowing little of human
nature, work up stale tales and describe tarted-up scenes,
all retailed in a sentimental jargon that corrupts the reader’s
taste and draws the
heart away from its daily duties. I
don’t mention the
understanding, because it has never been
exercised, so that its slumbering energies rest inactive. . . .
Because females are denied all political privileges, and
as married women. . . .are denied even a civil existence, their
attention is naturally drawn from the interests of the whole
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
community to the interests of the tiny parts. . . . The mighty
business of female life is
to please
, and for them—blocked
by political and civil oppression from entering into more
important concerns—
When they reflect on these feelings they intensify them;
whereas reflection
ought to erase them, and
would do so if
the understanding were allowed to take a wider range.
Confined to trivial activities, women naturally imbibe
the opinions expressed in the only kind of reading that
can interest an innocent frivolous mind. Unable to grasp
anything great, they naturally find the reading of history a
very dry task, and find anything that is addressed to the
understanding to be intolerably tedious and almost unintelli-
gible. So they have to depend on the novelist for amusement
[see Glossary]
. When I criticize novels, I’m attacking them as
contrasted with works that exercise the understanding and
regulate the imagination;
I’m not saying that the reading
of novels is absolutely bad
. I regard
kind of reading
as better than leaving a blank still a blank, because the
mind must be a little enlarged and a little strengthened by
the slight exertion of its thinking powers
that novel-reading
may bring
. And even novels that are addressed only to the
and provide nothing to think about
raise the
reader a little above the gross gratification of appetites that
haven’t been even slightly refined by the mind.
. . . .I knew a woman—as good a woman as her narrow
mind would allow her to be—who took care that her three
daughters should never see a novel. She was a woman of
fortune and fashion, so they had various masters to attend
them, and a sort of menial governess to watch their footsteps.
From their masters they learned how tables, chairs, etc. are
called in French and Italian; but they acquired neither ideas
nor sentiments, because the few books thrown in their way
were either
far above their capacities or
devotional. When
they weren’t being compelled to repeat
they spent
their time in dressing, quarrelling with each other, or secretly
conversing with their maids—until at last they were brought
into company as marriageable.
Their mother, a widow, was busy in the meantime keeping
up her ‘connections’, as she called her acquaintances, so as
to ensure her girls a proper introduction into the great world.
And these young ladies, with spoiled temperaments and
minds that were
in every sense of the word, entered
life puffed up with notions of their own importance and
contempt for anyone who couldn’t compete with them in
dress and parade.
As for
: nature or their nurses had taken care to
teach them the physical meaning of the word; and as they
had few topics of conversation and even fewer refinements
of sentiment, they expressed their gross wishes in not very
delicate phrases when they had free conversations about
marriage. . . .
This is only one instance; but I recollect many other
women who, not having been
led gradually to proper studies
permitted to choose for themselves, have indeed been
overgrown children. They may have obtained, by mixing in
the world, a little of what is called ‘common sense’, which is
a distinct manner of seeing common events as they stand
i.e. seeing each event in isolation
. What they
didn’t have was anything deserving the name ‘intellect’, the
power of gaining general or abstract ideas. . . . Their minds
were quiescent, and when they were not roused by sensible
objects and employments of that kind they were low-spirited,
tearful, or sleepy.
So when I advise my sex not to read such flimsy works
as novels
, it is to induce them to read something better. . . .
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
3: Dressing up
Ignorance, and the mistaken cunning that nature sharpens
in weak heads as a means of self-preservation, make women
very fond of dress, and produce the vanity that such a
fondness naturally generates, to the exclusion of spirited
attempts to grow and improve.
I agree with Rousseau that the physical part of the art
of pleasing consists in ornaments; and for just that reason
I want to guard girls against the contagious fondness for
dress that is so common to weak women, so that they don’t
remain stuck in the
part. Women who think they
can long please without the aid of the mind—i.e. without the
art of pleasing—must be weak indeed. The moral art
is never accompanied by ignorance; it is essentially different
from and superior to the sportiveness of innocence that is so
pleasing to refined libertines of both sexes. (It may indeed be
profanation to use the word ‘art’ in connection with the grace
that is
an effect of virtue and not
the motive of action.)
[MW writes that a liking for fine clothes and ornamen-
tation is ‘natural to mankind’—common to both sexes and
all social levels. (In the most barbarous states only men are
allowed to act on this; that our society allows women to take
part in this too is ‘at least one step in civilisation’.) When the
mind is not sufficiently opened to take pleasure in reflection,
the body will be adorned with great care, and ambition will
appear in tattooing or painting it.
[MW discusses reasons why vanity about dress is in our
society more of a feminine than a masculine trait. The main
reason is just that men are allowed to have other interests
and pursuits, whereas women aren’t. Also, a man can avoid
clashing with most other men, whereas women]. . . are all
rivals. Before marriage it is their business to please men;
and after marriage most of them follow the same scent, with
all the persistence of instinct. Even virtuous women never
forget their sex in company, for they are always trying to be
. A female beauty and a male wit seem to be equally
anxious to draw the attention of the company to themselves;
and the animosity of contemporary wits is proverbial.
So it’s not surprising that the sole ambition of woman
centres on beauty. . . and that there are perpetual rivalships.
They are all running the same race; they rise above the virtue
of mortals if they didn’t view each other with a suspicious
and even envious eye. . . .
4: Sensibility
Women are supposed to have more sensibility
[see Glossary]
than men and even more humanity, and their strong at-
tachments and instantaneous emotions of compassion are
cited as proofs of this. But the clinging affection of ignorance
seldom has anything noble in it; like the affections of children
and the lower animals it is mostly a form of selfishness. I
have known many weak women whose sensibility was en-
tirely taken up by their husbands; and as for their humanity,
it was very faint indeed, or rather it was only a transient
emotion of compassion, ‘Humanity does not consist in a
squeamish ear’, says an eminent orator
[Charles James Fox]
. ‘It
belongs to the mind as well as the nerves.’
This exclusive kind of affection, though it degrades the
individual, shouldn’t be offered as evidence of the inferiority
of the
sex, because it is the natural consequence of
confined views. Even women of superior sense, when their
attention is focussed on little employments and private plans,
rarely rise to heroism. . . . I therefore agree with the moralist
[Adam Smith]
who says that women seldom have as much
generosity as men, and that their narrow affections—often
put ahead of justice and humanity—make the sex apparently
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
inferior. . . ., but I contend that the heart would expand as
the understanding gained strength if women were not held
down from their cradles.
I know that a little sensibility and great weakness will
produce a strong sexual attachment
[= ‘a strong attachment to
members of one’s own sex’]
, and that friendship is made stronger
by reason; so more friendship is to be found in the male than
the female world, and men have a higher sense of justice.
The narrowly focussed affections of women seem to resemble
Cato’s most unjust love for his country. He wished to crush
Carthage, not to save Rome but to promote its vainglory. . . .
Besides, how can women be just or generous when they
are the slaves of injustice?
5: Ignorance about child-care
As the rearing of children—i.e. the laying a foundation of
sound health both of body and mind in the rising generation—
has justly been insisted on as the task especially assigned
to women, their ignorance about it must be contrary to the
order of things. If they are to become sensible mothers, I
contend, their minds will have to take in much more than
they now do, and they
do so. Many men attend to the
breeding of horses, and supervise the management of the
stable, and yet would. . . .think themselves degraded by pay-
ing any attention to the
nursery; yet ever so many children
are absolutely murdered
[MW’s phrase]
by the ignorance of
women! And of those who escape that, and are not destroyed
by unnatural negligence or blind fondness, very few are
managed properly with respect to the infant mind. A child’s
spirit is allowed to become vicious at home, so the child
is sent to school to have his or her spirit broken; and the
methods the school uses—and must use to keep a number
of children in order—scatter the seeds of almost every vice
in the soil that has been forcibly torn up.
[MW compares this treatment of children with the forceful
‘breaking’ of a horse. Perhaps the latter is not permanently
injurious to the horse, she says, but:] I am certain that
a child should never be thus forcibly tamed after it has
unwisely been allowed to run wild; for every violation of
justice and reason in the treatment of children weakens
their reason. They catch a character
[MW’s phrase]
so early—
experience leads me to infer—that the base of the moral
character is fixed before their seventh year, the period during
which women are allowed the sole management of children.
Afterwards it too often happens that half the business of
education is to try to correct the faults, that the children
would never have acquired if their mothers had had more
One striking instance of the folly of women must be men-
tioned, namely their treatment of servants in the presence
of children, allowing the children to think that the servants
ought to wait on them and to put up with their moods.
A child should always be made to receive assistance from
a man or woman as a
; and as the first lesson of
independence they should learn from their mother’s example
not to require personal attendance that it is an insult to
humanity to require (unless one is ill). . . . I have often heard
servants imperiously called to put children to bed, and sent
away again and again because master or miss hung about
mamma so as to stay up a little longer. . . .
[MW concludes this subsection with reflections on how a
woman could be a good mother while also engaging in other
pursuits that would improve her intellect and her morals.]
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
Section 6: Concluding thoughts
[This subsection is presented exactly as Mary Wollstonecraft wrote it
(second edition of the work). You can probably think of reasons there
might be for doing this.]
It is not necessary to inform the sagacious reader, now I enter
on my concluding reflections, that the discussion of this
subject merely consists in opening a few simple principles,
and clearing away the rubbish that obscured them. But, as
all readers are not sagacious, I must be allowed to add some
explanatory remarks to bring the subject home to reason—to
that sluggish reason, which supinely takes opinions on trust,
and obstinately supports them to spare itself the labour of
Moralists have unanimously agreed, that unless virtue
be nursed by liberty, it will never attain due strength—and
what they say of man I extend to mankind, insisting, that in
all cases morals must be fixed on immutable principles; and
that the being cannot be termed rational or virtuous, who
obeys any authority but that of reason.
To render women truly useful members of society, I argue,
that they should be led, by having their understandings
cultivated on a large scale, to acquire a rational affection for
their country, founded on knowledge, because it is obvious,
that we are little interested about what we do not understand.
And to make this general knowledge of due importance, I
have endeavoured to show that private duties are never
properly fulfilled, unless the understanding enlarges the
heart; and that public virtue is only an aggregate of private.
But, the distinctions established in society undermine both,
by beating out the solid gold of virtue, until it becomes
only the tinsel-covering of vice; for, while wealth makes a
man more respectable than virtue, wealth will be sought
before virtue; and, while women’s persons are caressed,
when a childish simper shows an absence of mind—the mind
will lie fallow. Yet, true voluptuousness must proceed from
the mind—for what can equal the sensations produced by
mutual affection, supported by mutual respect? What are the
cold or feverish caresses of appetite, but sin embracing death,
compared with the modest overflowings of a pure heart and
exalted imagination? Yes, let me tell the libertine of fancy
when he despises understanding in woman—that the mind,
which he disregards, gives life to the enthusiastic affection
from which rapture, short-lived as it is, alone can flow! And,
that, without virtue, a sexual attachment must expire, like a
tallow candle in the socket, creating intolerable disgust. To
prove this, I need only observe, that men who have wasted
great part of their lives with women, and with whom they
have sought for pleasure with eager thirst, entertain the
meanest opinion of the sex. Virtue, true refiner of joy! if
foolish men were to fright thee from earth, in order to give
loose to all their appetites without a check—some sensual
wight of taste would scale the heavens to invite thee back, to
give a zest to pleasure!
That women at present are by ignorance made foolish
or vicious, is, I think, not to be disputed; and, that the
most salutary effects tending to improve mankind, might be
expected from a
in female manners, appears at
least, with a face of probability, to rise out of the observa-
tion. For as marriage has been termed the parent of those
endearing charities, which draw man from the brutal herd,
the corrupting intercourse that wealth, idleness, and folly
produce between the sexes, is more universally injurious
to morality, than all the other vices of mankind collectively
considered. To adulterous lust the most sacred duties are
sacrificed, because, before marriage, men, by a promiscuous
intimacy with women, learned to consider love as a selfish
gratification—learned to separate it not only from esteem,
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
but from the affection merely built on habit, which mixes
a little humanity with it. Justice and friendship are also
set at defiance, and that purity of taste is vitiated, which
would naturally lead a man to relish an artless display of
affection, rather than affected airs. But that noble simplicity
of affection, which dares to appear unadorned, has few
attractions for the libertine, though it be the charm, which,
by cementing the matrimonial tie, secures to the pledges
of a warmer passion the necessary parental attention; for
children will never be properly educated until friendship
subsists between parents. Virtue flies from a house divided
against itself—and a whole legion of devils take up their
residence there.
The affection of husbands and wives cannot be pure when
they have so few sentiments in common, and when so little
confidence is established at home, as must be the case when
their pursuits are so different. That intimacy from which
tenderness should flow, will not, cannot subsist between the
Contending, therefore, that the sexual distinction, which
men have so warmly insisted on, is arbitrary, I have dwelt
on an observation, that several sensible men, with whom I
have conversed on the subject, allowed to be well founded;
and it is simply this, that the little chastity to be found
among men, and consequent disregard of modesty, tend to
degrade both sexes; and further, that the modesty of women,
characterized as such, will often be only the artful veil of
wantonness, instead of being the natural reflection of purity,
until modesty be universally respected.
From the tyranny of man, I firmly believe, the greater
number of female follies proceed; and the cunning, which
I allow, makes at present a part of their character, I like-
wise have repeatedly endeavoured to prove, is produced by
Were not dissenters, for instance, a class of people, with
strict truth characterized as cunning? And may I not lay
some stress on this fact to prove, that when any power
but reason curbs the free spirit of man, dissimulation is
practised, and the various shifts of art are naturally called
forth? Great attention to decorum, which was carried to
a degree of scrupulosity, and all that puerile bustle about
trifles and consequential solemnity, which Butler’s caricature
of a dissenter brings before the imagination, shaped their
persons as well as their minds in the mould of prim littleness.
I speak collectively, for I know how many ornaments to
human nature have been enrolled among sectaries; yet, I
assert, that the same narrow prejudice for their sect, which
women have for their families, prevailed in the dissenting
part of the community, however worthy in other respects;
and also that the same timid prudence, or headstrong efforts,
often disgraced the exertions of both. Oppression thus
formed many of the features of their character perfectly
to coincide with that of the oppressed half of mankind; for
is it not notorious, that dissenters were like women, fond
of deliberating together, and asking advice of each other,
until by a complication of little contrivances, some little end
was brought about? A similar attention to preserve their
reputation was conspicuous in the dissenting and female
world, and was produced by a similar cause.
Asserting the rights that women in common with men
ought to contend for, I have not attempted to extenuate their
faults; but to prove them to be the natural consequence of
their education and station in society. If so, it is reasonable
to suppose, that they will change their character, and correct
their vices and follies, when they are allowed to be free in a
physical, moral, and civil sense.
Let woman share the rights, and she will emulate the
virtues of man; for she must grow more perfect when emanci-
The Rights of Woman Mary Wollstonecraft 13: Harm done by women’s ignorance
pated, or justify the authority that chains such a weak being
to her duty. If the latter, it will be expedient to open a fresh
trade with Russia for whips; a present that a father should
always make to his son-in-law on his wedding day, that a
husband may keep his whole family in order by the same
means; and without any violation of justice reign, wielding
this sceptre, sole master of his house, because he is the only
being in it who has reason; the divine, indefeasible, earthly
sovereignty breathed into man by the Master of the universe.
Allowing this position, women have not any inherent rights
to claim; and, by the same rule their duties vanish, for rights
and duties are inseparable.
Be just then, O ye men of understanding! and mark
not more severely what women do amiss, than the vicious
tricks of the horse or the ass for whom ye provide provender,
and allow her the privileges of ignorance, to whom ye deny
the rights of reason, or ye will be worse than Egyptian
task-masters, expecting virtue where nature has not given