a corporation, KEVIN S. SAKPRASIT,
RICHARDSON, individuals,
Case No. 23-CV-144-B
Plaintiff, the United States of America, by its undersigned counsel, having filed a Complaint
for Permanent Injunction against Irvington Seafood, Inc., an Alabama corporation, and Kevin S.
Sakprasit, Helene Nou, and Kammie C. Richardson, individuals (collectively, “Defendants”),
and Defendants having appeared and consented to entry of this Consent Decree of Permanent
Injunction (“Decree”) without contest and before any testimony has been taken, and the United
States of America having consented to this Decree;
1. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter and all parties to this action under
28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1345, 21 U.S.C. § 332, and its inherent equitable authority.
2. The Complaint states a cause of action against Defendants under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. §§ 301 et seq. (the “Act”).
3. The Complaint alleges that Defendants violate the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a), by causing
the introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of articles of food, within
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the meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 321(f), namely seafood and seafood products, that are adulterated
within the meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 342(a)(4), in that they have been prepared, packed, or held
under insanitary conditions whereby they may have become contaminated with filth or may have
been rendered injurious to health. The Complaint also alleges that Defendants violate the Act, 21
U.S.C. § 331(k), by causing articles of food within the meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 321(f), namely
seafood and seafood products, to become adulterated within the meaning of 21 U.S.C.
§ 342(a)(4), in that they have been prepared, packed, or held under insanitary conditions
whereby they may have become contaminated with filth or may have been rendered injurious to
health, while such articles are held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce.
4. Upon entry of this Decree, Defendants and each and all of their directors, officers,
agents, representatives, employees, attorneys, successors and assigns, and any and all persons or
entities in active concert or participation with any of them (including individuals, partnerships,
corporations, subsidiaries, affiliates, franchisees, and “doing business as” entities) (hereinafter,
collectively referred to as “Associated Persons”), who have received actual notice of this Decree
by personal service or otherwise, are hereby permanently restrained and enjoined under
21 U.S.C. § 332(a) and the inherent equitable authority of this Court, from directly or indirectly
receiving, preparing, processing, packing, labeling, holding, and/or distributing any article of
food at or from their facility located at 11125 Beverly Road, Irvington, Alabama, or any other
location(s) at which Defendants now or in the future directly or indirectly receive, prepare,
process, pack, label, hold, and/or distribute articles of food (referred to as “Defendants’ Facility”
or “the Facility”) unless and until:
A. Defendants retain, at their expense, an independent laboratory (the “Laboratory”)
having no personal or financial ties (other than the retention agreement) to Defendants or their
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families, and that is qualified to analyze product and environmental samples collected at the
facility for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes (“Listeria mono”), in a manner that is
acceptable to the United States Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”). Defendants shall notify
FDA in writing within three (3) business days of retaining the Laboratory and shall provide FDA
a copy of the service contract. Such service contract shall contain provisions, acceptable to FDA,
for environmental and finished product sample analyses; and
B. Defendants retain, at their expense, an independent expert or experts (the
“Expert(s)”) having no personal or financial ties (other than a retention agreement) to Defendants
or their families, and who, by reason of background, education, training, or experience, is
qualified to:
(1) Conduct hazard analyses to develop an adequate Hazard Analysis Critical
Control Point (“HACCP”) plan for Defendants’ seafood and seafood products—including
crabmeat, as required by 21 C.F.R. § 123.6;
(2) Verify and ensure the adequacy of Defendants’ HACCP plans in
accordance with paragraphs 4(C)(1-3) below ;
(3) Develop adequate written Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures
(“SSOPs”) in accordance with paragraph (C)(4) below;
(4) Develop a Listeria Monitoring Program in accordance with paragraph
(C)(5) below;
(5) Collect product and environmental samples from within the facility for
pathogen testing in accordance with paragraph (C) below;
(6) Evaluate Defendants’ compliance with the current good manufacturing
practice (“cGMP”) requirements as required by 21 C.F.R. Part 117;
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(7) Develop and conduct employee training programs (in English and any
other language necessary to effectively convey the substance of the training) on the Sanitation
Standard Operating Procedures (“SSOPs”), seafood HACCP and cGMP requirements, and
Listeria Monitoring Program; and
(8) Inspect the facility and determine whether the methods, facilities, and
controls are operated and administered in conformity with the Act, its implementing regulations,
and this Decree.
Defendants shall notify the FDA in writing of the identity and qualifications of the
Expert(s) within three (3) business days of retaining such Laboratory or Expert(s);
C. After reviewing all FDA inspectional observations of deficiencies from January
2006 to the present, and after consultation with the Laboratory, Defendants’ Expert(s), in
conjunction with Defendants:
(1) Conducts hazard analyses and develops, to FDA’s satisfaction, an adequate
written HACCP plan, as required by 21 C.F.R. 123.6, for each type of seafood and/or seafood
product received, prepared, processed, packed, labeled, held, and/or distributed by Defendants,
that minimizes the risk of the introduction of Listeria mono into Defendants’ food, and to ensure
that the foods are not adulterated, within the meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 342(a). Such analyses,
plans, and controls shall include, but are not limited to, thoroughly cleaning, sanitizing,
renovating, and rendering Defendants’ facility and all equipment therein suitable for use in
receiving, processing, preparing, packing, holding, and distributing articles of food to prevent the
articles from becoming adulterated, and instituting such procedures inside the facility to ensure
that the facility and equipment therein are continuously maintained in a sanitary condition;
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(2) Develops, to FDA’s satisfaction, written corrective action plans as part of
Defendants’ HACCP plans to be taken whenever there is a deviation from a critical limit, as
described in 21 C.F.R. 123.7(b);
(3) Develops, to FDA’s satisfaction, written verification procedures as part of
Defendants’ HACCP plans, as described in 21 C.F.R. 123.8;
(4) Develops, to FDA’s satisfaction, written SSOPs with monitoring specific
to Defendants’ facility and operations and that shall conform with the procedures set forth at 21
C.F.R. § 123.11(a) through (d), and ensures, to FDA’s satisfaction, that Defendants’ operations
comply with the Act and 21 C.F.R. Part 117;
(5) Develops and implements, to FDA’s satisfaction, a written Listeria
Monitoring Program that shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(a) an effective written sanitation control program that establishes
adequate methods, facilities, and controls for receiving, preparing, processing, packing, labeling,
holding, and distributing articles of food to minimize the risk of introducing Listeria mono, other
pathogenic organisms, and filth into Defendants’ food, and to ensure that foods are not
adulterated within the meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 342(a). Such methods, processes, and controls
shall include, but shall not be limited to, thoroughly cleaning, sanitizing, renovating, and
rendering the facility and all equipment therein suitable for use in receiving, preparing,
processing, packing, holding, and/or distributing food to prevent it from becoming adulterated,
and ensuring that the facility and all equipment therein are continuously maintained in a sanitary
(b) an effective program for environmental monitoring and testing of
the facility to ensure that organisms such as Listeria species (Listeria spp.”) are systemically
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controlled, and harborage sites are identified and eliminated, so that pathogenic organisms such
as Listeria mono do not occur in finished products. Sampling should be conducted using
specified frequencies and methods (e.g. including how, where, and when to sample; the number
and frequency of samples to be collected; and the methods of analyses) that are acceptable to
FDA. Environmental monitoring shall include, but shall not be limited to, collecting samples
from food-contact surfaces, equipment, and other sites throughout the facility (where the raw
ingredients, and in-process and finished products are received, prepared, processed, packed, held,
and/or distributed, and common areas that could be reservoirs for cross-contamination), and
analyzing samples in a manner acceptable to FDA. Defendants shall ensure that the results of all
analyses conducted pursuant to this paragraph are sent to FDA within two (2) calendar days after
receipt by Defendants
(c) an adequate written plan for remedial action that Defendants shall
implement should Listeria spp. or any pathogenic organism, including Listeria mono, be
detected. The remedial action shall include, at a minimum, product disposition, intensified
sanitation, intensified sampling measures, a comprehensive investigation, and a contamination
source determination (i.e., root cause analysis), all of which are acceptable to FDA.
(6) Develops and conducts, to FDA’s satisfaction, employee training programs
(in English and any other language necessary to effectively convey the substance of the training)
on the seafood HACCP and cGMP regulations, an FDA-approved HACCP plan, SSOPs with
sanitation monitoring records (as required by 21 C.F.R. § 123.11(b)), a Listeria Monitoring
Program, and any other control strategies specific to Defendants’ seafood and seafood products,
and documents that Defendants and each of their officers, employees, and any other person(s)
who perform duties at Defendants’ facility for Defendants have received such training; and
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(7) Submits to FDA the written HACCP plans and all associated records
(including monitoring records), validation studies, SSOPs with sanitation monitoring records, the
Listeria Monitoring Program, written verification procedures, and training programs developed
pursuant to paragraphs (C)(1)-(6) above; and documentation demonstrating that the Expert(s)
have trained Defendants and each of their officers, employees, and any other persons who
perform duties at Defendants’ facility as described in paragraph (C)(6) above;
D. FDA has approved, in writing, the seafood HACCP plans, validation studies,
SSOPs, Listeria Monitoring Program, written verification procedures, and employee training
programs and documentation developed by the Expert(s) as specified in paragraphs (C)(1)-(6)
E. Defendants take the following additional actions:
(1) Assign continuing responsibility for implementing and monitoring the
FDA-approved SSOPs and Listeria Monitoring Program to a person (or persons) who, by reason
of background, education, training, or experience, is qualified to maintain Defendants’ facility in
a sanitary condition, coordinate with the Laboratory, and implement any necessary corrective
action(s), and Defendants provide such person with the authority to achieve any necessary
corrective action;
(2) Ensure that the FDA-approved HACCP plan, Listeria Monitoring
Program, and SSOPs are available and accessible (in English and any other language necessary
to effectively convey the substance of such documents) to their officers, employees, and any
other persons who perform duties for Defendants;
(3) Successfully administer an FDA-approved employee training program; and
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(4) At their expense, have the Expert(s) supervise and document intensified
cleaning and sanitizing of their facility and equipment followed by environmental sampling as
verification of effectiveness therein and make improvements, thereby rendering their facility and
equipment suitable for receiving, preparing, processing, packing, holding, labeling, and
distributing articles of food in accordance with this Decree, the Act, and all applicable
regulations, remedying inspectional observations from January 2006 to the present, and
Defendants ensure that their facility and equipment therein will be continuously maintained in a
sanitary condition.
F. The Expert(s) conducts a comprehensive inspection of Defendants’ facility and the
methods and controls used to receive, prepare, process, pack, label, hold, and distribute food to
determine whether Defendants are operating in compliance with this Decree, the Act, and all
applicable regulations. The Expert(s) shall verify, with supporting documentation, that (i)
Defendants have corrected all of the seafood HACCP and cGMP deficiencies observed by FDA
since January 2006, specifying each FDA observation and Defendants’ corrections thereof; (ii)
the monitoring equipment used to implement Defendants’ HACCP plans is suitable and
performing adequately; and (iii) Defendants’ facility and the methods and controls used to
receive, prepare, process, pack, label, hold, and distribute articles of food are, in the Expert’s
opinion, in compliance with this Decree, the Act, and its implementing regulations. The
comprehensive inspection shall also include, but shall not be limited to, taking environmental
samples from Defendants’ facility, and testing such samples in accordance with paragraph
4(C)(6)(b), identifying and eliminating harborage sites, and conducting a root cause analysis.
The Expert(s) shall submit, in writing, all findings and supporting documentation to Defendants
and FDA concurrently, within fifteen (15) business days after completion of the inspection;
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G. Defendants report to FDA in writing the actions they have taken to bring their
operations into compliance with this Decree, the Act, and its implementing regulations,
including, producing documentation that Defendants have cleaned and sanitized the facility and
equipment therein and made improvements, thereby rendering the facility and equipment suitable
for receiving, manufacturing, preparing, processing, holding, labeling, packing, and distributing
articles of food; and identifying specific measures that Defendants have taken to address each of
the violations documented by FDA since January 2006;
H. Defendants destroy, under FDA’s supervision, and according to a destruction plan
submitted in writing by Defendants and approved in writing by FDA prior to implementation, all
raw ingredients and all in-processed and finished articles of food currently in their custody,
control, or possession at the time this Decree is signed by the parties;
I. Defendants recall, to the retail level, and destroy all fish and fishery products
distributed to date.
J. FDA, as it deems necessary to evaluate Defendants’ compliance with the terms of
this Decree, the Act, and its implementing regulations, conducts inspections of Defendants’
facility, including the buildings, sanitation-related systems, equipment, utensils, labeling, and all
articles of food and relevant records contained therein;
K. Defendants have paid all costs of inspection, analysis, review, investigation,
examination, and supervision for FDA’s oversight with respect to paragraph 6(A) though (J), at
the rates set forth in paragraph 15; and
L. FDA has notified Defendants in writing that Defendants appear to be in
compliance with the requirements set forth in paragraphs 4(A)-(I) of this Decree, the Act, and
its implementing regulations. FDA shall endeavor to complete its review of Defendants’
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compliance with such requirements and provide such written notification, as appropriate, in a
timely manner. In no circumstance shall FDA’s silence be construed as a substitution for written
5. After receiving notice from FDA pursuant to paragraph 4(L), Defendants shall not
receive, prepare, process, pack, hold, label, or distribute any seafood or seafood product not
identified in a written HACCP plan approved by FDA pursuant to paragraph 4(D) until
Defendants submit for FDA’s review a written HACCP plan for such seafood or seafood product
and receive FDA’s written approval for such plan. FDA shall endeavor to complete its review of
Defendants’ written HACCP plan and provide such written notification, as appropriate, in a
timely manner. In no circumstance shall FDA’s silence be construed as a substitution for written
6. Immediately upon resuming operations after completing the requirements of
paragraph 4, Defendants shall, in consultation with the Expert(s), continuously implement the
written seafood HACCP plans, SSOPs with sanitation monitoring, Listeria Monitoring Program,
written verification procedures, and employee training programs approved by FDA pursuant to
paragraph 4(D). Defendants further shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Defendants shall have tested for L. mono in the following manner:
(1) A statistically relevant number of finished product samples based on the
size of the lot, to be randomly collected, consisting of a representative sample from every lot of
seafood or seafood product that they process for the first five (5) consecutive production days;
(2) After the completion of testing under paragraph 6(A)(1), Defendants shall
have tested a statistically relevant number of finished product samples based on the size of the
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lot, to be randomly collected, consisting of a representative sample from one lot of each type of
finished seafood or seafood products that they process each week for the next three (3) months;
(3) After the completion of testing under paragraph 6(A)(2), Defendants shall
have tested a statistically relevant number of finished product samples based on the size of the
lot, to be randomly collected, consisting of representative sample from at least one lot of each
type of finished seafood or seafood products that they process each month for the next twelve
(12) months; and
(4) After completion of testing under paragraph 6(A)(3), Defendants shall
have tested a randomly collected, representative sample from at least one lot of each type of
finished seafood or seafood products that they process every three (3) months thereafter.
B. Defendants shall send copies of the results of all testing conducted pursuant to
paragraph 6(A) to FDA within two (2) calendar days after receipt by Defendants. If any
laboratory test completed pursuant to paragraph 6(A) shows the presence of Listeria mono in any
article of food, then Defendants must immediately cease production and notify FDA that
production has ceased. Defendants shall also destroy, at Defendants’ expense, under FDA’s
supervision, and according to a destruction plan submitted to and approved by FDA in writing
prior to implementation, all food products manufactured from the time the laboratory sample(s)
testing positive for Listeria mono was collected. Defendants may resume production only when
they have determined and corrected the cause of the contamination and only after FDA notifies
Defendants in writing that Defendants appear to be in compliance with the requirements of this
Decree, the Act, and its implementing regulations. FDA shall endeavor to complete its review of
Defendants’ compliance with such requirements and provide such written notification, as
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appropriate, in a timely manner. After correcting the cause of the contamination, Defendants
shall reinstate the complete sequence of testing under paragraph 6(A) anew;
C. Conduct environmental monitoring and testing as set forth in paragraph 4(C)(5) to
ensure that the SSOPs effectively control the Listeria mono hazard and that the SSOPs with
monitoring are consistently implemented. Environmental testing shall be performed by the
laboratory in accordance with timetables and methods that Defendants submit in writing to FDA
for prior written approval by FDA. Defendants shall ensure that the results of all testing
conducted pursuant to this paragraph are forwarded to FDA within two (2) business days after
receipt by Defendants;
D. Defendants’ environmental testing shall include, at a minimum, all of the
(1) If a food or non-food-contact surface tests positive for Listeria spp. during
routine testing, intensified sampling must be initiated immediately, in conjunction with
intensified cleaning and sanitizing. Intensified sampling requires that at least three (3)
surrounding areas are sampled during production and analyzed; and
(2) Any Listeria spp. isolate from a food-contact surface must initiate a root
cause analysis with corrective actions to prevent recurrence, and the isolate must be tested
further to determine whether it is Listeria mono. In addition, all food products that come in
contact with a site that tests positive for Listeria spp. since the last cleaning and sanitizing of the
affected area occurred must be held pending laboratory test results of those food products and
further testing of the Listeria spp. isolate from the food-contact surface. Defendants shall submit
their sampling plan for product testing to FDA, which must be acceptable to FDA prior to
testing. FDA shall endeavor to complete its review of Defendants’ written sampling plan and
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provide such written notification, as appropriate, in a timely manner. The food products can be
released only if laboratory test results for the food products are negative for Listeria spp. and the
food-contact surface isolate is not Listeria mono. If the laboratory test results for the food
products or the food-contact surface are positive for Listeria mono, Defendants must destroy—at
their own expense and under FDA’s supervision, and according to a written destruction plan
submitted by Defendants and approved in writing by FDA prior to implementation—all food
products manufactured from the time of the last cleaning and sanitizing of the affected area
occurred, the Defendants shall bear the costs of FDA’s supervision of such destruction at the
rates specified in Paragraph 15; and
E. In the event that Defendants or their Expert(s) determine that the Listeria
Monitoring Program that FDA approved pursuant to paragraph 4(C) needs to be revised,
Defendants shall provide proposed changes to FDA in writing at least twenty (20) calendar days
prior to their implementation and shall not implement their proposed changes until FDA
approves those changes in writing. Any such changes shall consist of methods and controls that
are shown to FDA’s satisfaction to systematically control Listeria spp. and ensure that Listeria
mono does not occur in finished products.
7. If, after notifying FDA of the name of the laboratory retained to conduct sample
collection and analyses pursuant to paragraph 6(D), Defendants terminate or in any way alter
their service contract with the laboratory, Defendants shall notify FDA within seven (7) calendar
days. If Defendants terminate their service contract, Defendants shall provide a copy of the
service contract with the new laboratory to FDA within five (5) business days after contract
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8. Within thirty (30) calendar days after Defendants resume their operations after
completing the requirements of paragraph 4 and receiving the notice set forth in paragraph 4(L),
the Expert(s) shall conduct a comprehensive inspection of the facility, and any other location(s)
at or from which Defendants receive, prepare, process, pack, hold, or distribute articles of food,
and the methods and controls used to receive, prepare, process, pack, hold and distribute foods to
determine whether Defendants are operating in compliance with this Decree, the Act, and all
applicable regulations. The Expert(s) shall submit a report documenting all findings to
Defendants and FDA concurrently, within ten (10) calendar days after completing the inspection.
Thereafter, the Expert(s) shall conduct one inspection every three (3) months for one year, and
one inspection every six (6) months for the next two (2) years. Beginning in the fourth year after
Defendants resume their operations after completing the requirements of paragraph 4, the
Expert(s) shall conduct inspections annually unless FDA informs Defendants in writing that
more frequent expert inspections and reporting are required. During each inspection conducted
by the Expert(s), the Expert(s) shall verify that the facility and the methods and controls
Defendants use to receive, prepare, process, pack, hold, and distribute articles of food are in
compliance with the requirements of this Decree, the Act, and all applicable regulations, and
shall certify compliance in the Expert’s report. If the Expert’s report contains any observations
indicating that Defendants are not in compliance with this Decree, the Act, or its implementing
regulations, Defendants shall make all necessary corrections within ten (10) business days after
receipt of the Expert’s report, unless FDA notifies Defendants in writing that a shorter time
period is necessary.
9. Defendants and each and all of their directors, officers, agents, representatives,
employees, attorneys, successors and assigns, and any and all persons or entities in active concert
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or participation with any of them (including individuals, partnerships, corporations, subsidiaries,
affiliates, franchisees, and “doing business as” entities), who receive actual notice of this Decree
are permanently restrained and enjoined under the provisions of 21 U.S.C. § 332(a) from directly
or indirectly doing or causing any act that:
A. Violates the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(k), by causing any article of food within the
meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 321(f) to become adulterated within the meaning of 21 U.S.C.
§ 342(a)(4) while such article is held for sale after shipment of one or more components in
interstate commerce;
B. Violates the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(a), by introducing or delivering for
introduction, or causing to be introduced or delivered for introduction, into interstate commerce,
any article of food within the meaning of 21 U.S.C. § 342(a)(4); and/or
C. Results in the failure to implement and continuously maintain the requirements of
this Decree.
10. Defendants shall notify FDA in writing at least fifteen (15) calendar days before any
change in ownership, name or character of their business, including reorganization, relocation,
dissolution, assignment, or lease or sale of the business or any assets of the business, such as
buildings, equipment, or inventory, that may affect compliance with the obligations arising from
this Decree. Defendants shall provide any prospective successor or assign with a copy of this
Decree at least ten (10) calendar days before the assignment or change in business, and shall
provide FDA with an affidavit of compliance with this paragraph within ten (10) calendar days
after providing a copy of this Decree to a prospective successor or assign.
11. FDA shall be permitted, without prior notice and as and when FDA deems necessary,
to inspect Defendants’ facility, and any other location(s) at or from which Defendants receive,
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prepare, process, pack, hold, or distribute articles of food and, without prior notice, to take any
other measures necessary to monitor and ensure continuing compliance with the terms of this
Decree, the Act, and its implementing regulations. During such inspections, FDA shall be
permitted to: (i) have immediate access to buildings and the contents therein, including
equipment, raw ingredients, in-process and finished articles of food, containers and packaging
material; (ii) take photographs and make video recordings; (iii) take samples of Defendants’ raw
ingredients, in-process and finished articles of food, containers, and packaging material; and (iv)
examine and copy all records relating to receiving, preparing, processing, packing, holding, and
distributing any and all articles of food and their components. The inspections shall be permitted
upon presentation of a copy of this Decree and appropriate credentials. The inspection authority
granted by this Decree is apart from, and in addition to, the authority to make inspections under
the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 374.
12. If, at any time after entry of this Decree, FDA determines, based on the results of an
inspection, sample analysis, report or data prepared or submitted by Defendants, or the Expert(s),
or any other information, that Defendants have failed to comply with any provision of this
Decree, have violated the Act or its implementing regulations, or that additional corrective
actions are necessary to achieve compliance with this Decree, the Act, or its implementing
regulations, FDA may, as and when it deems necessary, notify Defendants in writing of the
noncompliance and order Defendants to take appropriate corrective action, including, but not
limited to, ordering Defendants to immediately take one or more of the following actions:
A. Cease receiving, preparing, processing, packing, holding, and distributing any
articles of food;
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B. Recall, at Defendants’ expense, all articles of food that have been distributed
and/or are under the custody and control of Defendants’ agents, distributors, customers, or
C. Revise, modify, expand, or continue to submit any reports, plans, procedures, or
other records prepared pursuant to this Decree;
D. Submit additional reports or information to FDA as requested;
E. Submit additional samples to a qualified laboratory for analysis;
F. Institute or re-implement any of the requirements set forth in this Decree;
G. Issue a safety alert; and/or
H. Take any other corrective actions as FDA, in its discretion, deems necessary to
protect the public health or bring Defendants into compliance with this Decree, the Act, or its
implementing regulations.
The provisions of this paragraph shall be separate and apart from, and in addition to, any
other remedy available to FDA.
13. The following process and procedures apply when FDA issues an order under
paragraph 12 except as provided under subparagraph D below:
A. Unless a different timeframe is specified by FDA in its order, within five (5)
business days after receiving an order under paragraph 12, Defendants shall notify FDA in
writing either that: (i) Defendants are undertaking or have undertaken corrective action, in which
event Defendants shall also describe the specific actions taken or to be taken and the proposed
schedule for completing the actions; or (ii) Defendants do not agree with FDA’s order. If
Defendants notify FDA that they do not agree with FDA’s order, Defendants shall explain in
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detail and in writing the basis for their disagreement; in doing so Defendants also may propose
specific alternative actions and specific timeframes for achieving FDA’s objectives.
B. If Defendants notify FDA that they do not agree with FDA’s order, FDA will
review Defendants’ notification and thereafter, in writing, affirm, modify, or withdraw its order,
as FDA deems appropriate. If FDA affirms or modifies its order, it will explain the basis for its
decision in writing. FDA shall endeavor to review Defendants’ notification and provide a written
notification, as appropriate, in a timely manner. This written notification shall constitute final
agency action.
C. If FDA affirms or modifies its order, Defendants shall, upon receipt of FDA’s
order, immediately implement the order (as modified, if applicable) and, if they so choose, bring
the matter before this Court on an expedited basis. While seeking Court review, Defendants shall
continue to diligently implement FDA’s order unless and until the Court stays, reverses, vacates,
or modifies FDA’s order. Any review of FDA’s decision under this paragraph shall be made in
accordance with the terms set forth in paragraph 23.
D. The process and procedures set forth in paragraphs A-C shall not apply to any
order issued under paragraph 12 if such order states that, in FDA’s judgment, the matter raises
significant public health concerns. In such case, Defendants shall immediately and fully comply
with the terms of that order. Should Defendants seek to challenge any such order, they may
petition this Court for relief. Any cessation of operations under this paragraph 13(D) shall
continue until Defendants receive written notice from FDA that Defendants appear to be in
compliance with the Act, its implementing regulations, and this Decree.
14. Any action described in paragraph 12 shall continue until Defendants receive written
notification from FDA that Defendants appear to be in compliance with this Decree, the Act, and
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its implementing regulations, and that Defendants may resume operations. After a cessation of
operations, and while determining whether Defendants appear to be in compliance with the
Decree, the Act, and its implementing regulations, FDA may require Defendants to re-institute or
re-implement any of the requirements of this Decree. Defendants shall pay all costs of recalls and
other corrective actions, including the costs of FDA’s supervision, inspections, investigations,
supervision, analyses, examinations, sampling, testing, reviews, document preparation, travel,
and subsistence expenses to implement and monitor the remedies set forth in paragraph 12, at the
rates specified in paragraph 15.
15. Defendants shall pay all costs of FDA’s inspections, investigations, supervision,
analyses, examinations, sampling, testing, and reviews that FDA deems necessary to evaluate
Defendants’ compliance with any part of this Decree at the standard rates prevailing at the time
the costs are incurred. Defendants shall make payment in full to FDA within twenty (20)
business days of receiving written notification from FDA of the costs. As of the date that this
Decree is signed by the parties, these rates are: $110.59 per hour or fraction thereof per
representative for inspection and investigative work; $132.56 per hour or fraction thereof per
representative for analytical or review work; $0.65 per mile for travel expenses by automobile;
government rate or the equivalent for travel by air or other means; and the published government
per diem rate for subsistence expenses where necessary. In the event that the standard rates
applicable to FDA supervision of court-ordered compliance are modified, these rates shall be
increased or decreased without further order of the Court.
16. Defendants shall promptly provide any information or records to FDA upon request
regarding the receiving, preparing, processing, packing, labeling, holding, and/or distributing of
Defendants’ products. Defendants shall maintain copies of their HACCP plans, along with copies
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of all records required by such plans, 21 C.F.R. Part 123, or this Decree, at Defendants’ facility,
and any other location(s) at or from which Defendants receive, prepare, process, pack, hold,
and/or distribute articles of food, in a location where such records are readily available for
reference and inspection by FDA. Defendants shall retain all records referred to in this paragraph
for at least three (3) years after the date the records are prepared.
17. Within five (5) calendar days after entry of this Decree, Defendants shall
prominently post a copy of this Decree (in English and any other language necessary to
effectively convey the substance of the Decree) in a conspicuous location in an employee
common area at Defendants’ facility and shall ensure that the Decree remains posted for as long
as the Decree remains in effect. Within ten (10) business days after entry of this Decree,
Defendants shall provide to FDA an affidavit, from a person with personal knowledge of the
facts stated therein, stating the fact and manner of compliance with this paragraph.
18. Within ten (10) calendar days after entry of this Decree, Defendants shall hold a
general meeting or series of smaller meetings for all Associated Persons, at which they shall
describe the terms and obligations of this Decree (in English and any other language necessary to
effectively convey the substance of the Decree). Within fifteen (15) business days after entry of
this Decree, Defendants shall provide to FDA an affidavit, from a person with personal
knowledge of the facts stated therein, stating the fact and manner of compliance with this
paragraph and a copy of the agenda, list of attendees, and meeting minutes from the meeting(s)
held pursuant to this paragraph.
19. Within ten (10) calendar days after entry of this Decree, Defendants shall provide a
copy of the Decree by personal service or certified mail (return receipt requested) to each and all
of their Associated Persons and any and all persons in active concert or participation with any of
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them (including individuals, directors, corporations, subsidiaries, affiliates, and partnerships).
Within thirty (30) calendar days after entry of this Decree, Defendants shall provide to FDA an
affidavit, from a person with personal knowledge of the facts stated therein, stating the fact and
manner of compliance with this paragraph, identifying the names, addresses, and positions of all
persons so notified, and attaching a copy of the executed certified mail return receipts.
20. In the event that any of the Defendants becomes associated with any additional
Associated Person(s), or any additional persons in active concert or participation with any of
them (including individuals, directors, corporations, subsidiaries, affiliates, and partnerships) at
any time after entry of this Decree, Defendants shall immediately provide a copy of this Decree,
by personal service or certified mail (return receipt requested) to such persons. Within ten (10)
calendar days after each instance that any Defendant becomes associated with any such person,
Defendants shall provide to FDA an affidavit, from a person with personal knowledge of the
facts stated therein, stating the fact and manner of compliance with this paragraph, identifying
the names, addresses, and positions of all persons who received a copy of this Decree pursuant to
this paragraph, and attaching a copy of the executed certified mail return receipts.
21. If any Defendant fails to comply with any provision of this Decree, the Act, or its
implementing regulations, including any time frame imposed by this Decree, then Defendants
shall pay to the United States of America liquidated damages in the sum of one thousand dollars
($1,000) for each day such violation continues; an additional sum of five hundred dollars ($500)
in liquidated damages per day for each violation of this Decree, the Act, or its implementing
regulations; and an additional sum equal to twice the retail value of each shipment of adulterated
seafood or seafood product. Defendants understand and agree that the liquidated damages
specified in this paragraph are not punitive in nature and their imposition does not in any way
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limit the ability of the United States to seek, and the Court to impose, additional civil or criminal
penalties based on conduct that may also be the basis for payment of liquidated damages
pursuant to this paragraph.
22. Should the United States bring and prevail in a contempt action to enforce the terms
of this Decree, Defendants shall, in addition to other remedies, reimburse the United States for its
attorneys’ fees (including overhead), expert witness fees, travel expenses incurred by attorneys
and witnesses, investigational and analytical expenses, administrative and court costs, and any
other costs or fees relating to such contempt proceedings.
23. All decisions specified in this Decree shall be vested in the discretion of FDA.
Defendants shall abide by the decisions of FDA, and FDA’s decisions shall be final and, to the
extent that these decisions are subject to review, shall be reviewed by the Court under the
arbitrary and capricious standard set forth in 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A). Review by the Court of any
FDA decision rendered pursuant to this Decree shall be based exclusively on the written record
before FDA at the time of the decision. No discovery shall be taken by either party.
24. Defendants shall address all communications required under this Decree to Stephen
Rabe, a Compliance Officer with the FDA Office of Human and Animal Foods. Any and all
communication shall be sent via electronic mail to [email protected] with
the email subject “Consent Decree Correspondence Irvington Seafood – [Topic],” where the
topic is a succinct title describing the correspondence. The body of such communications to FDA
required by the terms of this Decree shall reference this civil action by case name and civil action
25. Except as provided in the foregoing provisions of this Decree, the parties shall bear
their own costs and attorneys’ fees in this action.
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26. If Defendants have continuously complied with the terms of this Decree, the Act, and
all applicable laws and regulations for a period of five (5) years after entry of this Decree,
Defendants may petition this Court for relief from this Decree. If, at the time of the petition, in
FDA’s judgment Defendants have met the foregoing criteria, Plaintiff will not oppose such
27. This Court retains jurisdiction over this action and the parties thereto for the purpose
of enforcing and modifying this Decree and for the purpose of granting such additional relief to
any party as may be necessary or appropriate.
SO ORDERED, this ___ day of _____________, 2023.
s/ Kristi K. DuBose
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